AS :: Volume #124

#12384: Asura clansman

Un? 嗯? The person emperor heard Luo's words, on the face also showed the angry facial expression greatly: You dare to play me!!” 人帝听到大罗的话,脸上也露出了愤怒的神情:“你敢耍我!!” Relax, this imperial throne I cannot have a liking, sooner or later I will give back to you, but is not now!!!” Big Luo beckons with the hand. “放心吧,这个帝位我还是看不上的,早晚我都会还给你,但并不是现在!!!”大罗摆了摆手。 You felt, my also meeting does believe you?” The person emperor asked. “你觉得,我还会信你吗?”人帝问道。 You can choose do not believe me, but I truly cannot have a liking for this imperial throne, I said that will give back to you, will certainly give back to you, but now, I must hold him!!!” Big Luo aimed at Xia Tian with the hand. “你可以选择不相信我,但我确实是看不上这个帝位,我说了会还给你,就一定会还给你,不过现在,我要抓住他!!!”大罗用手指向了夏天 Un? 嗯? What do you mean?” Person emperor puzzled asking. “什么意思?”人帝不解的问道。 He is the person of Asura Clan!!!” Luo said. “他就是修罗族的人!!!”大罗说道。 Asura Clan? Isn't that the antique period exterminated the clan race?” The person emperor stares. “修罗族?那不是太古时期就被灭族的种族吗?”人帝一愣。 This race he has heard. 这个种族他是听说过的。 Most starts. 最开始的时候。 Asura Clan is a very special race, but that age, is witch monster age vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Asura Clan is not very dazzling in that age, because of them cannot cultivation, the descendant but who Asura Clan was called the god, swallows them it is said that can gain the powerful advantage, can obtain the ability of this Asura clansman. 修罗族是一個非常特殊的种族,不过那个年代,是巫妖纵横的年代,修罗族在那个年代并不是很耀眼,因为他们不能修炼,但修罗族被称之为神的后裔,据说吞噬他们,就能获得强大的好处,可以获得这个修罗族人的能力。 „It is not right, according to I have seen record, the people of Asura Clan cannot cultivation, but he currently has such strength!!!” The person emperor shakes the head. “不对,根据我看到过的记载,修罗族的人是不能修炼的,可他现在却有了这样的实力!!!”人帝摇了摇头。 I do not need to explain to you, Xia Tian turns over to me, other all turn over to you, the god position also gives back to you!!!” Big Luo does not give back to the person emperor the god position, two reasons, existence that is on the god position connects ; Second is he wants to place in own hand the initiative. “我没必要跟你解释,夏天归我,其他的一切都归你,神位也还给你!!!”大罗之所以不将神位还给人帝,是有两个原因,一个是神位上面连接的存在;第二个就是他想要将主动权放在自己的手里。 Why do I believe you?” The person emperor asked. “我凭什么信你?”人帝问道。 Still remembers why in the past you did choose Blue Star?” Luo asked. “还记得当年你为什么选择去蓝星吗?”大罗问道。 Why did I tell you?” The person emperor asked. “我为什么告诉你?”人帝问道。 You three so-called kings go to Blue Star, actually because of the antique miracle, your three, one is to direct you looks for the eye of life ; Directs you to go to the eye of courting death perishing ; Direction you look for Asura cloak, by your skills, normal can find, but that side the insect emperor had some accidents/surprises, no one has thought, clones named Heavenly Dragon appears on Blue Star, saved the only Asura Clan later generation, and hid Asura cloak, otherwise, Asura cloak definitely was the insect emperor attains!!!” Luo answered. “你们三位所谓的帝王去蓝星,其实就是因为太古神迹,你们三个,一个是指引你们去找生命之眼;一个指引你们去找死亡之眼;一个指引伱们去找修罗披风,以你们的本事,正常都是可以找到的,不过虫帝那边出现了一些意外,谁也没想到,一个叫天龙的克隆人出现在蓝星上,救下了唯一的修罗族后人,并且将修罗披风藏了起来,不然的话,修罗披风就肯定是虫帝拿到的!!!”大罗解释道。 Hears here. 听到这里。 The people stare. 众人都是一愣。 Because of these secrets, no one knows, only then they know. 因为这些秘密,没有人知道,只有他们自己知道。 How do you know?” Person emperor more and more heart startled. “你怎么会知道?”人帝越来越心惊了。 These three things, are the sacred objects of Asura Clan, but directs you to go to Blue Star, is not others, is the above destiny big abacus!!!” Luo answered. “这三件东西,都是修罗族的圣物,而指引你们去蓝星的,不是别人,就是上面的命运大算盘!!!”大罗解释道。 The people looked up to the sky. 众人抬头看向了天空。 Really. 果然。 The destiny big abacus appeared. 命运大算盘出现了。 You said, we were used?” The person emperor asked. “你是说,我们被利用了?”人帝问道。 Does not calculate that in your hearts is thinking breaks out of the above fetter, exceeds god position above existence, so long as you bring the thing, the destiny big abacus will be to your opportunities, will break through the emperor level, only pitifully, will be nothing distinguishes to the final result, you same must be urged by the destiny big abacus!!!!” The big Luo's corners of the mouth raise slightly. “也不算吧,你们自己心中都想着摆脱上面的束缚,超越神位上面的存在,而只要你们带回来东西,命运大算盘是会给你们那个机会的,突破帝级,只可惜,到最后的结果是没有什么区别的,你们一样要被命运大算盘所驱使!!!!”大罗的嘴角微微一扬。 In other words, so long as I swallowed Xia Tian, obtains these three Asura treasures, I can shake off the control of destiny big abacus is right!!!” The complexion of person emperor one cold. “也就是说,只要我吞噬了夏天,获得这三件修罗宝物,我就能摆脱命运大算盘的控制对吧!!!”人帝的面色一冷。 These three treasures are used to open Asura treasure storehouse, a past Asura clan, had reconnaissance world treasure storehouse and sensation all abilities, therefore they antique period almost all top treasures, collected completely, used their unique Divine Soul black holes, hid it, this was also one of reasons they exterminated the clan.” Luo answered. “这三件宝物是用来打开修罗宝藏的,当年的修罗一族,有勘察天地宝藏和感知一切的能力,所以他们将太古时期几乎所有的顶级宝物,全部收集了起来,利用他们独特的神魂黑洞,将其隐藏起来,这也是他们灭族的原因之一。”大罗解释道。 Asura Clan. 修罗族。 Own influence is not strong, but can actually search for the treasure, moreover there is a oneself unique ability, this will definitely cause others' greedy. 自身势力不强,但却可以搜寻宝物,而且还有自己独特的能力,这肯定是会引起别人的贪婪。 Outside Expert knows this matter, can think the person who swallows a Asura clan, obtains an ability of Asura clan, and found treasure storehouse of Asura clan. 外面的高手知道了这种事情,一定会想着吞噬修罗一族的人,获得修罗一族的能力,并且找到修罗一族的宝藏 treasure storehouse!!!” The person emperor stares. 宝藏!!!”人帝一愣。 So-called seven military, in front of treasure storehouse of Asura clan, do not calculate the sediment, miracle that you see, in Asura treasure storehouse, same can only places the trash in corner, therefore, I can promise you, so long as you help me, when the time comes I not only give back to your god position, but can also lead you to go to Asura treasure storehouse together, when the time comes has a liking for anything, yourself select!!!” Luo said. “所谓的七武,在修罗一族的宝藏面前,连渣滓都不算,你们所见到的神迹,在修罗宝藏里面,也一样只能算是摆放在角落里面的垃圾罢了,所以,我可以答应你,只要你帮我,到时候我不但还给你神位,还会带你一起去修罗宝藏,到时候看上什么,你自己挑!!!”大罗说道。 I cannot believe you!!!” Person emperor already by greatly Luo Pian a time. “我还是不能信你!!!”人帝已经被大罗骗了一次了。 He does not want to be deceived again the second time. 他不想再被骗第二次。 Doesn't matter, has you, I can handle them, but I also hope, we can be the friends, after all your prestige is very high, so long as you can swallow the God and insect emperor, you can get rid of the present imperial throne, becomes the sage in legend, with destiny big abacus same rank!!!” Luo answered. “没关系,有没有你,我都能搞定他们,只不过我也希望以后我们能是朋友,毕竟你的威望还是很高的,而且只要你可以吞噬天帝和虫帝,那你就能摆脱现在的帝位,成为传说中的圣人,和命运大算盘同一个级别!!!”大罗解释道。 Sage?” A person emperor brow wrinkle. “圣人?”人帝眉头一皱。 „After paradise appears, altogether has presented three sages, and they are: Destiny big abacus, the lord of advocating peace of witch clan monster clan, but witch monster fought in the past time, the lords of advocating peace of witch clan monster clan perish together finally, therefore was only left over the destiny big abacus finally, so long as you become the sage, you can get rid of the samsara and life span, with entire paradise same longevity, so long as the paradise does not destroy, your life span will be without limits forever!!!” Luo said. “仙界出现以后,一共出现过三位圣人,分别是:命运大算盘,妖族之主和巫族之主,只不过当年巫妖大战的时候,妖族之主和巫族之主最后同归于尽,所以最后只剩下了命运大算盘,只要你成为圣人,你就可以摆脱轮回与寿命,与整个仙界同寿,只要仙界不毁灭,你的寿命就是永无止境的!!!”大罗说道。 This time. 这一次。 Person emperor heart movement. 人帝心动了。 This is he wants does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 这才是他想要的不死不灭啊。 What special strength does sage have?” The person emperor asked again. “圣人有什么特殊的力量?”人帝再次问道。 He bumps into the person who can solve these secrets with great difficulty, how he possibly misses. 他好不容易碰到一个可以解开这些秘密的人,他又怎么可能错过呢。 Person certain cultivation arrives at the spirit, can use the strength of spirit, above the strength of spirit is the strength of time, again above is the strength of destruction, once becomes the sage, has the strength of elimination, can eliminate on you all, therefore in the antique period, has had such a few words: Under sages all ants, even if you are an emperor , is the same!!!” Luo said. “人一定修炼到灵,就能使用灵之力,灵之力之上就是时间之力,再之上就是毁灭之力,而一旦成为圣人,就拥有剥夺的力量,可以剥夺你身上的一切,所以在太古时期,有过这样的一句话:圣人之下皆蝼蚁,哪怕你已经是一帝,也一样!!!”大罗说道。 These words stimulated a person of emperor. 这句话更加的刺激了人帝。 I agree to cooperate!!!!” Person emperor firm saying. “我同意合作!!!!”人帝坚定的说道。 I know that you are a smart person, that following, our goal gets rid of these people!!!!” Big Luo waves. “我就知道你是个聪明人,那接下来,我们的目标就是干掉这些人了!!!!”大罗一挥手。 Endless machine armor Dajun appeared. 无尽的机甲大军出现了。 Most main time. 最主要的时候。 Behind gives these machine armor Dajun transportation strengths with the continuous insect clan. 后面与源源不断的虫族给这些机甲大军输送力量。 In other words. 也就是说。 To fight the battle of attrition, is not possible. 想要打消耗战,也是不可能的。 Xia Tian their group of people gathered at one, was anxious, although they have completed the consciousness of death, but in this moment, their hearts also mentioned the throat. 夏天他们这群人聚集在了一起,一个个非常紧张,虽然他们早就做好了死亡的觉悟,但在这一刻,他们的心也是提到嗓子眼的。 „A Asura clan!!!” On the face of Xia Tian showed the smile. “修罗一族!!!”夏天的脸上露出了笑容。 At this moment. 这一刻。 He knows who finally oneself were. 他终于知道自己是什么人了。
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