AS :: Volume #113

#11298: Two pairs one

The Ancient Fire Phoenix's huge attack, was blocked completely. 上古火凤凰的巨大的攻击,完全被挡住。 A wee bit impulse have not hit. 一丁点的冲击力都没有打过来。 The complexion of West Tyrant is somewhat ugly, although he does not like such scene, but if were just not Xia Tian appears, he perhaps also very: My old age, sufficed disgraced!!!” 西霸天的脸色有些难看,虽然他不喜欢这样的场面,但刚刚如果不是夏天出现的话,他恐怕也好不了:“我这一把年纪了,也够丢人了!!!” At the home game of opposite party, you can make into this, is not very easy!!” The Xia Tian comfort said. “在对方的主场,你能打成这样,已经很不容易了!!”夏天安慰道。 He also looked that West Tyrant wanted the self-respect very much. 他也看出来西霸天很要自尊心了。 Although he helped West Tyrant. 虽然他帮了西霸天。 But he is because approves West Tyrant this person, rather than wants in West Tyrant front acting cool. 但他是因为认可西霸天这个人,而不是想要在西霸天面前装逼 This big fellow, but also is really troublesome Ah!!!” West Tyrant says with emotion. “这个大家伙,还真是麻烦啊!!!”西霸天感慨道。 He is the flame, you are the wooden department, he to your restraint is very normal, you use the fire to be he fight, suffers a loss very much, but, if your Kinomoto source adds on the source of my earth, the might was different!!” The Xia Tian reminder said. “他是火焰,你是木系,他对你的克制是很正常的,你用火系和他战斗,也很吃亏,不过,要是你的木之本源加上我的土之本源,威力就不一样了!!”夏天提醒道。 é! 额! West Tyrant stares. 西霸天一愣。 When their four tyrant balances is each one lofty and unyielding character. 他们四霸天平时都是个个傲骨。 Will not collaborate. 可不会联手。 Not to mention uses the combination technique. 更不用说是使用组合技了。 But is now different. 但现在不一样。 He in front of Xia Tian, no lofty and unyielding character. 他在夏天面前,也没什么傲骨了。 That had the work!!” He also understands, now is not the polite time. “那就有劳了!!”他也明白,现在不是客气的时候。 Mulong! 木龙! Part of great bear wood!! 天罡木!! The attack of West Tyrant hit directly. 西霸天的攻击直接打了出去。 Useless, your attack will be disintegrated by me directly!!!” Ancient Fire Phoenix roared loudly. “没用的,你的攻击会被我直接瓦解!!!”上古火凤凰大声咆哮道。 Ka ka! 咔咔! At this moment. 就在这时。 Mulong put on a glittering armor. 木龙的身上穿上了一身金光闪闪的铠甲。 „The armor of earth!!!” Xia Tian put on one set of armor with the source of earth to Mulong directly. “土之铠甲!!!”夏天直接用土之本源给木龙穿上了一套铠甲。 This big increased the defensive power of Mulong. 这就大大的增加了木龙的防御力。 Actually. 其实。 Attack very formidable of Mulong, but Mulong, when resists Ancient Fire Phoenix, was suppressed by Fire Phoenix's flame strength, but also without attacked Ancient Fire Phoenix, the might was burnt down more than 50%. 木龙的攻击还是非常强悍的,只不过木龙在对抗上古火凤凰的时候,被火凤凰的火焰力量压制,还没等攻击到上古火凤凰,威力就被焚烧一半以上了。 But at this time. 但此时。 After putting on the armor of source of earth . 穿上了土之本源的铠甲之后。 These flame cannot fire arrive at the main body of Mulong. 那些火焰根本就不能灼烧到木龙的本体了。 This can play Mulong maximum attack might. 这样就可以发挥出木龙最大的攻击威力。 Bang! 轰! Mulong and flame hit in together, starts the attack of breakthrough flame gradually, even has started to repel the flame, but on Mulong armor also little splitting. 木龙和火焰撞击在一起的时候,开始渐渐的突破火焰的攻击,甚至已经开始要击退火焰,不过木龙身上的铠甲也正在一点点的裂开。 Finally. 最后。 The flame was shattered the armor of earth, inside Mulong cannot shoulder the ignition of flame. 火焰将土之铠甲破碎,里面的木龙也没能扛住火焰的灼烧。 Finally hit on Ancient Fire Phoenix, might already not remaining anything. 最后撞击在上古火凤凰身上的时候,威力已经没剩下什么了。 This?” Ancient Fire Phoenix disdains looks at front Xia Tian and West Tyrant. “就这?”上古火凤凰非常不屑的看着面前的夏天和西霸天。 It seems like, we were looked down upon Ah!!” West Tyrant looked at Xia Tian. “看来,我们被瞧不起了啊!!”西霸天看了一眼夏天 You lord the attack, no matter cares about the defense of wooden department, defends to give me.” The Xia Tian reminder said. “你主攻击就可以,不管在乎木系的防御,防御交给我。”夏天提醒道。 Just West Tyrant to increase the second defense. 刚刚西霸天为了增加第二层防御。 Gave up 40% attacks. 放弃了40%的攻击。 Used to defend. 用来防御。 Therefore the might weakened several points. 所以威力减弱了几分。 Good!!” Although West Tyrant does not know how Xia Tian must solve the problem of defense, since Xia Tian lets his all-out attack, he also on no longer considers to defend the issue that but received / and transported own strongest attack. “好!!”西霸天虽然不知道夏天要如何解决防御的问题,不过既然夏天让他全力攻击,那他也就不再去考虑防御的问题,而是直接运起了自己的最强攻击。 The day kills the wood, Mulong! 天杀木,木龙! ! 嗷! Giant Mulong flew directly to front Ancient Fire Phoenix. 巨大的木龙直接飞向了面前的上古火凤凰。 Useless, you are impossible to defeat my!!!” Ancient Fire Phoenix shouts loudly. “没用的,你们是不可能战胜我的!!!”上古火凤凰大声喊道。 Ka ka! 咔咔! Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The source of fast spread earth approached above Mulong. 土之本源快速的蔓延向了木龙之上。 Kinomoto source. 木之本源。 The principle of moon/month!! 月之法则!! Black Tortoise armor!! 玄武铠甲!! On armor that these presents time, the glittering, golden ray was brighter than before. 这一次出现的铠甲上面,金光闪闪,金色的光芒比之前更亮。 This time. 这一次。 Overall armor power and prestige. 整体铠甲更加的威风。 Let Mulong seem like, the war-god that as if drops from the clouds is ordinary. 让木龙看上去,仿佛从天而降的战神一般。 Very powerful armor!!!” The seductive women look surprisedly Xia Tian armor that puts on to Mulong. “好强的铠甲!!!”妖姬惊讶的看着夏天给木龙穿上的铠甲。 Although she is experienced. 虽然她见多识广。 But she has not thought, Xia Tian unexpectedly can also release such formidable armor. 可她也没想到,夏天居然还能释放出这么强悍的铠甲来。 Does attractively!!” West Tyrant also very excited. “干得漂亮!!”西霸天也是非常的兴奋。 Bang! 轰! The flame and Mulong hit in together. 火焰和木龙撞击在一起的时候。 Mulong pushes directly into. 木龙长驱直入。 Fired into the Ancient Fire Phoenix's main body directly, Fire Phoenix's flame might is also more and more big, giant flame, as if can swallow all. 直接冲向了上古火凤凰的本体,火凤凰的火焰威力也是越来越大,巨大的火焰,仿佛可以吞噬一切。 By an enemy two. 以一敌二。 A Ancient Fire Phoenix point does not have the weak trend. 上古火凤凰一点也没有弱势。 bo! 啵! The flame starts to explode above the armor of Mulong, unceasing consumption Black Tortoise armor. 火焰开始一圈圈的在木龙的铠甲之上爆炸,不断的消耗玄武铠甲。 Bang! 轰! The defensive power of Black Tortoise armor did not know many compared with before. 玄武铠甲的防御力比之前不知道强了多少。 But presented the fissure. 但还是出现了裂痕。 Un? 恩? A Xia Tian brow wrinkle: This Ancient Fire Phoenix regarding flame some control counter Heavens!, has achieved this detail!!” 夏天的眉头一皱:“这头上古火凤凰对于火焰的控制有些逆天啊,已经达到这种细节了!!” He sees. 他看到。 Ancient Fire Phoenix when controls large quantities of flame attacks, in the flame the tiny explosion is the hi huge energy impact time and time again, this impact is fearful, as if can all destroy to be the same all, moreover specifically attacks the Black Tortoise armor strongest place. 上古火凤凰在控制大批火焰攻击的时候,火焰之中细小的爆炸都是hi一次又一次的巨大能量冲击,这种冲击非常可怕,仿佛是可以将一切全都毁灭一样,而且专门攻击玄武铠甲最强的地方。 Rather than seeks for the weak point. 而不是去寻找薄弱点。 In this case. 这样的话。 Can weaken the Black Tortoise armor strong attack significantly. 就可以大幅度的削弱玄武铠甲强硬的攻击。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Mulong almost can attack the Ancient Fire Phoenix's main body, but was failed finally. 木龙差一点就可以冲击到上古火凤凰的本体,但在最后还是失败了。 Is good to be a pity, is so little on the difference!!!” West Tyrant sighs with emotion: Or I continue to use the diamond wood, the defensive power is also very strong, can insist!!!” “好可惜,就差那么一点点!!!”西霸天感慨道:“要不我继续使用金刚木吧,防御力也很强,可以多坚持一下!!!” Useless, he with the full power, has not consumed us with this way intentionally, once you used the diamond wood, although the defensive power was enhanced, but the striking power wants on weakly many, even if hit his main body, the effect cannot achieve our estimates.” Xia Tian has seen through the Ancient Fire Phoenix's thoughts. “没用的,他没有用全力,故意用这种方式消耗我们,而且一旦你使用了金刚木,虽然防御力增强了,但攻击力就要弱上很多,就算是击中了他的本体,效果也达不到我们的预想。”夏天已经看穿了上古火凤凰的心思。 This has not used the full power!!” West Tyrant understands why finally front Ancient Fire Phoenix has that big tone. “这还没有用全力!!”西霸天终于明白面前的上古火凤凰为什么有那么大的口气。 Dares to make their three same places get up. 敢让他们三个一起上了。 Originally is boldness because of one's skill. 原来是艺高人胆大啊。 Good astute fellow, right, I am consuming you, may know this point even, is useful? Can you my what?” Saying that Ancient Fire Phoenix disdains. “好精明的家伙,没错,我就是在消耗你们,可就算是知道了这一点,又有什么用?你们能奈我何?”上古火凤凰非常不屑的说道。 In average person eyes. 在普通人眼中。 Has the person of strength of source, the strength is almost invincible. 拥有本源之力的人,实力几乎就是无敌的。 But in Ancient Fire Phoenix's front. 但在上古火凤凰的面前。 Probably was bad. 却好像差了很多。 Comes again one time!!” Xia Tian said. “再来一次!!”夏天说道。 Good!! 好!! West Tyrant rubbish. 西霸天也没有废话。 The day kills the wood! 天杀木! Mulong. 木龙。 He rubbish, although also just knew shortly after with Xia Tian, but he trusts Xia Tian, at this time he also started directly oneself to strong attack. 他也没有废话,虽然和夏天也是刚认识不久,但他还是非常信任夏天的,此时他也是直接发动了自己的至强的攻击。 Mulong fast flying approached front Ancient Fire Phoenix. 木龙快速的飞向了面前的上古火凤凰。 The source of earth. 土之本源。 The principle of water!! 水之法则!! Black Tortoise armor! 玄武铠甲! Useless, the principle of this water, insufficiently gives me the stops up gap between teeth!!!” Saying that Ancient Fire Phoenix disdains. “没用的,这点水之法则,都不够给我塞牙缝的!!!”上古火凤凰非常不屑的说道。 He thinks. 他认为。 Xia Tian is to depend on the principle of water to delay the time. 夏天是想要靠着水之法则来拖延时间。 Right?” On the face of Xia Tian showed a smile of faint trace: „Have you heard the cement?” “是吗?”夏天的脸上露出了一丝丝的笑容:“你听说过水泥吗?”
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