AS :: Volume #113

#11293: The first person

The day cold sword appears in the hand of Xia Tian. 天寒剑出现在夏天的手中。 bo! 啵! On the same day the cold sword inserted that moment in ground. 当天寒剑插在地面上的那一刻。 All green rays solidify instantaneously. 所有绿色的光芒瞬间凝固。 Completely frozen. 全部被冰封。 „The principle of day, the flame has also taken shape, really to has very big restraint poisonously!!!” Kunming Mingdong lords said. “日之法则,火焰也已经成型,确实对毒有很大的克制!!!”昆明洞主称赞道。 He to Xia Tian is really very satisfied. 他对夏天真的是非常满意。 He thinks. 他认为。 Xia Tian real value price. 夏天真的值这个价格。 Although he had looked at High Priest before to his information, may look at these information, cannot represent anything. 虽然之前他就已经看了大祭司给他的情报,可看那些情报,并不能代表什么。 He can call it divine land top Expert. 他能被称之为神州顶尖高手 That naturally has his truth. 那自然是有他的道理。 It can be said. 可以说。 Each top Expert of divine land, representative is the different abilities. 神州的每一个顶尖高手,代表的都是不同的能力。 Everyone. 每个人。 Has the unique ability. 都有自己独一无二的能力。 You are also good, making me very careful!!!” The Xia Tian response said. “你也不错,让我变得很小心!!!”夏天回应道。 He truly does not dare to attack temporarily rashly, because he does not know, some Kunming Mingdong main actually also many hidden methods. 他暂时确实是不敢贸然攻击,因为他不知道,昆明洞主的身上究竟还有多少隐藏手段。 The people of their rank. 他们这个级别的人。 Every so often victory and defeat possibly in flash. 很多时候胜负可能就在一瞬间。 Once in oneself move of opposite party. 一旦自己中了对方的招。 Really possibly beyond redemption. 真的可能万劫不复。 Before he can get rid of so many Expert, especially the priest of day clan, to put it bluntly, was because, the opposite party was too negligent, always thinks oneself in this Realm, has not died, therefore he had the opportunity to cut to kill the opposite party. 之前他能干掉那么多的高手,特别是天族的祭司,说白了,就是要因为,对方太大意了,总认为自己在这个境界中,已经是不死的了,所以他才有机会斩杀对方。 If from most starts. 如果从最开始。 The opposite party are careful. 对方就小心一点。 Release long-distance attack that so many Expert keep. 那么多高手不停的释放远程攻击。 That even summer trace/strand is ten levels of emperor thousand beasts. 那就算夏丝是十级帝品千丝兽。 Even has the no word addition. 就算是有无音的加成。 Xia Tian cannot shoulder. 夏天也扛不住啊。 Also is really careful Ah!!” The Kunming Mingdong main body starts to condense, this time, he appears in the Xia Tian front directly. “还真是小心啊!!”昆明洞主的身体开始重新凝聚,这一次,他直接出现在夏天的面前。 Leading walking stick above day cold sword. 龙头拐杖点在了天寒剑之上。 Buzz! 嗡! The green venom spread to approach the day cold sword directly. 绿色的毒液直接蔓延向了天寒剑。 The day cold sword strength on principle corrodes directly, the entire day cold sword as if must be swallowed to be the same by the green venom. 天寒剑上的法则之力直接腐蚀,整个天寒剑都仿佛是要被绿色的毒液吞噬一样。 You also really seize every opportunity Ah!!” Xia Tian says with emotion. “你还真是无孔不入啊!!”夏天感慨道。 Kunming Mingdong main also approached the body of Xia Tian following the day cold sword direct winding: Works as the opponent with me, in tiny bit careless metropolis/can move, moreover my venom, the entire divine land, besides me, no one can decode.” 昆明洞主也是顺着天寒剑直接缠绕向了夏天的身体:“和我当对手,一丝一毫的马虎都会中招,而且我的毒液,整个神州,除了我以外,没有任何一个人可以破解。” His life. 他的一生。 Almost in research venom. 几乎都是在研究毒液。 Therefore. 所以。 His poison. 他的毒。 Very terrifying. 都是非常恐怖的。 Even if others want to make the antidote not to have the opportunity. 别人就算是想要制造解药也没有机会的。 Because he made the speed of venom is too quick, others do not know that he used what material, even does not know that he made anything, when you knew, your life does not have. 因为他制造毒液的速度太快了,别人也不知道他都用了什么材料,甚至不知道他制造出了什么,等你知道的时候,你的命就已经没了。 Right?” Xia Tian never believes what first under Heaven. “是吗?”夏天从不相信什么天下第一 Also does not believe that in this world has the invincible ability. 也不相信这个世界上有无敌的能力。 Any ability. 任何能力。 Promotes and constrains mutually. 都是相生相克的。 bo! 啵! Went well!!” In Kunming Mingdong lords thinks that moment of own hand, the body of Xia Tian changed into a statue suddenly. “得手了!!”在昆明洞主认为自己的手的那一刻,夏天的身体突然化为了一座雕像。 Afterward crushes. 随后粉碎。 Un? 恩? When matter is this?” On the Kunming Mingdong main face showed the puzzled look. “这是什么时候的事?”昆明洞主的脸上露出了不解的神色。 He has been staring at Xia Tian. 他一直在盯着夏天 His ability also in unceasing attack Xia Tian, but when Xia Tian used this ability, unexpectedly used the substitute person directly. 他的能力也是在不断的攻击夏天,可夏天什么时候使用了这种能力,居然直接用了替身。 I have ability of source of earth, I had heard before, so long as my both feet also stands in the ground, I am the undefeated forever!!!” 1 of tip of the toe of Xia Tian in ground points. “我可是拥有土之本源的能力者,我以前就听说过,只要我的双脚还站在地面上,那我就是永远不败的!!!”夏天的脚尖在地面上一点。 Bang! 轰! The innumerable clay dragons jump from the ground, flew directly to Kunming Mingdong lord. 无数的土龙从地面之上跃起,直接飞向了昆明洞主。 Is articulating a point of attack. 一环接着一环的攻击。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Kunming Mingdong lords fall to the ground each time, will be hit by the new attack. 每次昆明洞主落地的时候,都会被新的攻击所击中。 It seems like. 就好像。 Xia Tian sentenced in advance his all sentences to be the same in advance. 夏天预判了他所有的预判一样。 What's the matter?” The seductive women stare immediately, she now also very surprised. “怎么回事?”妖姬顿时一愣,她现在也是非常的惊讶。 Young of Xia Tian, obtains the time of source of earth should not be long, but how Xia Tian achieves, was this degree to the controlling force of source of earth, although did not have the true development, but Xia Tian sentences with accurate in advance is simply fearful. 夏天的年龄不大,获得土之本源的时间应该也不长,可夏天是怎么做到的,对土之本源的控制力达到了这种程度,虽然还没有真正的开发,可夏天的预判和精准度简直就是可怕啊。 He saw through the Kunming Mingdong main all movements to be the same probably. 他就好像是看穿了昆明洞主的所有动作一样。 And. 而且。 Right attacks ahead of time. 没错都是提前攻击。 Incomparable accurate. 无比的精准。 Strength control is also exactly right. 力量控制的也是分毫不差。 It can be said. 可以说。 Although the Xia Tian earth source cannot compare the development of other four Tyrant heaven strength to source now, but his controlling force, does not compare other four tyrant day difference absolutely, moreover his power of observation and sentences in advance is other four Tyrant heaven cannot. 虽然现在夏天的土之本源比不上其他四霸天对本源之力的开发,但他的控制力,绝对不比其他四霸天差,而且他的观察力和预判也是其他四霸天所不能及的。 Un? 恩? Kunming Mingdong main is also a brow wrinkle: How will you know all my movements?” 昆明洞主也是眉头一皱:“你怎么会知道我所有的动作?” He also very strange. 他也是非常的怪异。 Since you stand since my front that moment, was doomed your failure, before me, all your methods, is only the jokes!!!” Xia Tian very aggressive saying. “从你站在我面前的那一刻起,就注定了你的失败,在我面前,你的所有手段,都只是玩笑而已!!!”夏天非常霸气的说道。 Snort! 哼! courting death!!” Kunming Mingdong main, but divine land true peak Expert, unexpectedly is looked down upon by new Xia Tian now. 找死!!”昆明洞主可是神州真正的顶峰高手,现在居然被一个新出现的夏天瞧不起了。 He was naturally uncomfortable. 他自然是非常的不爽了。 Poisonous king!!!” The dragon's head walking stick in Kunming Mingdong main hand flies instantaneously. “毒王!!!”昆明洞主手中的龙头拐杖瞬间飞起。 The release that the endless venom blots out the sky comes, pounded directly to Xia Tian. 无尽的毒液铺天盖地的释放而来,直接砸向了夏天 Xia Tian is the 1 of tip of the toe in the ground points. 夏天则是脚尖在地面上一点。 The endless earth element changes into the giant round shield, wrapped him in the middle. 无尽的土元素化为巨大的圆盾,将他包裹在了中间。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The poisonous king attacks time and time again. 毒王一次一次的攻击。 Although the defense of earth element in shatter, but is unable to defeat similarly thoroughly . Moreover the shatter earth element changed into the flying stone, unceasing is stroking the Kunming Mingdong main body. 土元素的防御虽然在破碎,可也同样无法彻底击破,而且破碎的土元素化为了飞石,不断的击打着昆明洞主的身体。 Although this type injures to Kunming Mingdong lords is not anything. 虽然这种伤害对昆明洞主来说并不算什么。 But this is also a consumption. 但这也是一种消耗。 Here. 在这里。 The strength of the world is thin. 天地之力非常稀薄。 To restore to be very difficult. 想要恢复很难。 This is the issue in detail. 这就是细节上的问题。 It seems like, I really underestimated, before is also thinking can the relaxed point solution you, now looks like, without was so easy, such being the case, I can only use this move!!!” The Kunming Mingdong main left hand wields. “看来,我真的是小看了,之前还想着可以轻松一点的解决掉你,现在看来,没那么容易了,既然如此,我只能用这一招了!!!”昆明洞主的左手一挥。 A seven colors poisonous insect appears in his hands. 一只七色毒虫出现在他的手中。 Poisonous insect only then palm of the hand size. 毒虫只有巴掌大小。 But seems like, actually endless constriction. 但看上去,却给人无尽的压迫感。 Solely has a liking for one. 单单是看上一眼。 As if has been poisoned. 就仿佛是已经中毒了。 That moment when he presents, in the air the toxic gas frames completely, probably left it to control was the same. 而且当他出现的那一刻,空气之中毒气全部定格,好像别它控制了一样。 Finally appeared.” The seductive women looked at a that seven colors poisonous insect to sigh with emotion: He can call it divine land peak Expert, solely is not because he is the divine land is strongest in the poisonous this aspect, because also he is divine land only one insect refining up the person, it can be said that refining up the first person of insect.” “终于出现了。”妖姬看了一眼那个七色毒虫感慨道:“他之所以能被称之为神州顶峰高手,不单单是因为他在毒这方面是神州最强的,还因为他是神州唯一一个将虫炼化的人,可以说是炼化虫的第一人。” Refining up the insect?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “炼化虫?”夏天眉头一皱。 Right, reveres the cultivation way of beast, used on the insect, he was only one successful, moreover high-grade insect clan.” The seductive women look at the insect clan in Kunming Mingdong main hand: Runs, you could not win, this insect, can eat all, even if were the strength of source, it can also eat, can penetrate, can extinguish kills , to continue to stay here, you will die!!!” “没错,尊兽的修炼方式,用在了虫身上,他是唯一一个成功的,而且还是高等级虫族。”妖姬看着昆明洞主手中的虫族:“跑吧,你是赢不了的,这只虫,可以吃掉一切,哪怕是本源之力,它也可以吃掉,可以穿透,可以灭杀,继续留在这里,你会死的!!!”
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