AS :: Volume #105

#10476: star king jade formidable

This is his principle release, usually will not use casually, because after the use, loses big to oneself, and has the side effect. 这是他的法则释放,平时是不会随随便便就使用的,因为使用后对自己损耗不小,而且还有副作用。 But now. 但现在。 He wants quick solution front person. 他想要快速解决面前的人。 This time Ghost King since also very panic-stricken, when receives this mission, he has believed, oneself can handle this mission with ease, what skill no matter star king jade has, possibly is not his opponent. 此时的鬼王自从也是非常的惊恐,在接到这个任务的时候,他一直认为,自己可以轻松的搞定这个任务,不管星王玉有什么样的本事,都不可能是他的对手。 Let alone his also space king Lieying treats as the helper. 更何况他还有一个空间王猎鹰当做帮手。 Their two cooperate, simply is existence that goes against heaven's will. 他们两个合作,简直就是逆天的存在。 Any people possibly are not their opponents. 什么人都不可能是他们的对手。 Hateful, he why so strong!” Ghost King since has believed, their several this people, are existence of this world's most peak, below revering, should be invincible existence. “可恶,为什么他那么强!”鬼王自从一直认为,他们几个这种人,已经是这个世界最顶端的存在,尊者以下,都应该是无敌的存在。 But when bumps into star king jade, he knows that anything is called the disparity. 可是在碰到星王玉的时候,他才知道什么叫做差距。 At the beginning. 刚开始的时候。 He has not felt anything. 他也没有感觉到什么。 Although the star king jade strength is good, but he thinks they can relaxed handling, is getting more and more intense along with the fight, he also saw star king jade fierce. 虽然星王玉的实力不错,但他还是认为他们可以轻松的搞定,可是伴随着战斗越来越激烈,他也是看到了星王玉的厉害。 star king jade in the fight, sets the trap to them frequently, when they think oneself can take star king jade, star king jade acts to them directly. 星王玉在战斗的时候,经常给他们设置陷阱,在他们认为自己可以拿下星王玉的时候,星王玉就直接对他们出手。 Let their repeatedly move. 让他们多次中招。 Moreover many times, when the life and death fights with all might. 而且很多次在生死拼杀的时候。 Finally star king jade profit. 最后星王玉都是占了便宜。 After simple fight . 简单的交手之后。 Their two dozens one, unexpectedly was occupied the advantage by star king jade. 他们两个二打一,居然被星王玉占据了优势。 Person who this makes them have the lofty and unyielding character was uncomfortable, they also put out the skill of going all out, retreating in defeat again and again that general king jade hits, but when they want thorough writing off star king jade. 这就让他们两个拥有傲骨的人非常不爽了,他们也是拿出了拼命的本事,将星王玉打的节节败退,可是就在他们想要彻底的抹杀星王玉的时候。 Had an accident. 出事了。 star king jade in the flash, cuts to kill the space king falcon. 星王玉在一瞬间,将空间王猎鹰斩杀。 Successfully overturns. 成功翻盘。 Although Ghost King since unusual is unwilling, but when the space king falcon was cut kills, he is also thorough panic-stricken, even felt the death. 虽然鬼王自从非常的不甘心,但在空间王猎鹰被斩杀的时候,他也是彻底的惊恐了起来,甚至感觉到了死亡。 Therefore. 所以。 He first chose escaping. 他第一时间选择了逃跑。 Why, we, not below revering strongest existence?” Ghost King since engages in introspection itself on the road unceasingly, he does not think clearly. “为什么,难道我们这些人,还不是尊者以下最强的存在吗?”鬼王自从在路上不断的反省自己,他怎么也想不明白。 This outcome what's the matter. 这究竟是怎么回事。 In fact. 实际上。 Ghost King since was wrong. 鬼王自从错了。 The gods protect choose them, is not because they are below revering are strongest, because of their potential. 神卫之所以选择他们,并不是因为他们是尊者以下最强的,而是因为他们的潜力。 They were too young. 他们还是太年轻了。 So long as gives them 100,000 years. 但只要给他们十万年。 200,000 years. 二十万年。 500,000 years. 五十万年的时间。 Even if they cannot become revering, they can still become below revering invincible existence truly. 那他们就算是不能成为尊者,他们也可以真正的成为尊者以下无敌的存在了。 Because of that time, they, no matter from the method, is from experience, achieved true perfect. 因为那个时候,他们不管是从手段上,还是从经验上,都达到了真正的完美。 This is they and disparity between star king jade this people are also. 这也是他们和星王玉这种人之间的差距所在。 Luckily, I escape finally, he is impossible to catch up my.” Ghost King since to own speed also very self-confident, he thinks the star king jade skill, although is good, but star king jade definitely cannot catch up his. “不过幸好,我总算是逃过一劫,他是不可能追上我的。”鬼王自从对自己的速度也是非常的自信,他认为星王玉的本事虽然不错,但星王玉肯定是不能追上他的。 This gave his a lot of opportunity. 这就给了他很多的机会。 Em? 恩? At this moment. 就在这时。 He induced the crisis suddenly. 他突然感应到了危机。 This was the real crisis, the feeling of death. 这是真正的危机,死亡的感觉。 ! 唰! Ghost King since pondered without enough time, his body is also fast flushing away forward. 鬼王自从来不及思考,他的身体也是快速的向前冲去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The position that he was just at had the huge explosive force. 他刚刚所在的位置发生了巨大的爆炸力。 What's the matter?” Ghost King since was also the earliest possible time induces behind person. “怎么回事?”鬼王自从也是第一时间感应到了身后的人。 Star king jade. 正是星王玉。 He does not think clearly. 他怎么也想不明白。 How star king jade catches up his: How like this, why his speed will increase so many.” 星王玉是怎么追上他的:“怎么会这样,为什么他的速度会增加这么多。” ! 唰! star king jade fell on Ghost King directly since front: You really think, you can throw off me?” 星王玉直接落在了鬼王自从的前面:“你真的以为,你可以甩掉我吗?” Cold! 冷! star king jade vision now very cold. 星王玉的目光现在非常的冷。 In this moment. 在这一刻。 He really moved killed the heart. 他是真的动了杀心了。 Moreover before is not, desire of that fight, but is the desire of murder. 而且不是之前那种战斗的欲望,而是杀人的欲望。 Star king jade, you just catch up with me, you really think that you can strike to kill me?” Although Ghost King since somewhat recognizes at heart instigated, but he will not admit defeat in the morale. “星王玉,你只不过是追上我罢了,你真的以为你可以击杀我吗?”鬼王自从虽然心里有些认怂,但他在士气上可不会认输。 He thinks oneself strength is very formidable. 他自认为自己的实力还是非常强悍的。 Although space king Lieying died in the hand of opposite party before, but that is because they swallowed the bait, fell into a trap, if they fight steadily fights, they are impossible to lose. 虽然之前空间王猎鹰死在了对方的手中,但那是因为他们上钩了,中计了,如果他们稳扎稳打的去战斗的话,那他们就不可能输。 The space king falcon will not die. 空间王猎鹰也不会死。 Now. 现在。 He wants carefully, star king jade also has no means with him. 他只要小心一点,星王玉也是拿他没有任何的办法的。 Kill! 杀! star king jade killed Ghost King instantaneously since front. 星王玉瞬间杀到了鬼王自从的面前。 Innumerable fine laces, such thorn to Ghost King, since. 无数的细线,就这样刺向了鬼王自从。 Famous article! 名器! The weapon in his hand is also a famous article, but he and star king Tong broadsword with, his weapon is a fine lace, the innumerable fine laces, the speeds of these fine laces are fast, the striking power is also very fearful. 他手中的武器也是名器,只不过他和星王瞳的大刀同,他的武器是细线,无数的细线,这些细线的速度非常快,攻击力也是非常可怕。 You damn, killed my astrologer so many people, now Altair and Vega king Tong plant in your hands, I must kill off you.” star king jade angry shouting. “你们这些人都该死,杀了我星家那么多人,现在连星王瞳都栽在你们手中,我要杀光你们。”星王玉愤怒的喊道。 Kill! 杀! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Ghost King since also discovered before star king jade attack, became different. 鬼王自从也发现星王玉的攻击和之前变得不一样了。 Before the star king jade attack was conservative, but now star king jade attack very swift and violent. 之前星王玉的攻击非常保守,但现在星王玉的攻击非常的迅猛。 Even he. 就算是他。 Also does not dare to contend directly. 也不敢正面抗衡。 What damn is you, unexpectedly dares to kill our people, you should have such fate, star king Tong died is only a start, was you dies.” Ghost King since heard star king Tong dead , very depressed. “该死的是你们,居然敢杀我们的人,你们就应该有这样的下场,星王瞳死了只是一个开始,接下来就是你死了。”鬼王自从听到星王瞳死掉的时候,也是非常的郁闷。 They meet mission is the people of their rank. 他们接任务的都是他们这个级别的人。 Meets mission similarly is two people. 任务的同样是两个人。 Finally now others that side completes mission, their here died, has not completed mission. 结果现在人家那边都完成任务了,他们这边死了一个,还没有完成任务 However. 不过。 Now hears these words, he also strengthened many beliefs. 现在听到这句话,他也增加了不少的信心。 He believes that since that two people can achieve, he definitely can also achieve. 他认为,既然那两个人可以做到,那他肯定也可以做到的。 Kill! 杀! Ghost King since also launched own attack instantaneously! 鬼王自从也是瞬间发动了自己的攻击! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Attack several times. 几次攻击下来。 Ghost King since the discovery is not right: Hateful, you used certainly what mystique, temporarily increased own speed and strength, or increased the overall strength, my unexpectedly also silly meets the tough head-on with toughness to and you!” 鬼王自从就发现不对了:“可恶,你一定是使用了什么秘法,暂时增加了自己的速度和力量,或者说是增加了自己整体的实力,我居然还傻到和你硬碰硬!” retreat! 后退 Ghost King was to also start retreat at this time. 鬼王此时也是开始后退了。 The present star king jade strength is terrifying, the complete force is also unusual going against heaven's will, if continues to hit, suffering a loss can only be he. 现在的星王玉实力非常恐怖,整体战斗力也是非常的逆天,如果继续这么打下去的话,吃亏的只能是他。 Therefore. 所以。 He must very pass this star king jade the addition time. 他要将这个星王玉的这个加成时间挺过去。 So long as will very pass this time, that star king jade overall strength will drop. 只要将这个时间挺过去,那星王玉的整体实力就会下降。 Even is the weary time. 甚至是疲劳期。 You weakened, is my overturn period, when the time comes, I will certainly kill you.” Ghost King since innermost feelings secretly thought. “等你变弱的时候,就是我的翻盘时期,到时候,我一定会杀了你的。”鬼王自从内心之中暗道 He also clenches the teeth now. 他现在也是咬紧了牙关。 Insisting! 坚持! Does not meet the tough head-on with toughness with the opposite party! 不与对方硬碰硬! !! 唰!唰! Two people attacks are getting more and more fierce. 两人的攻击越来越猛。 Ghost King since also retreats in defeat again and again. 鬼王自从也是节节败退。 Suddenly. 突然。 The attack speed that star king jade body, hits later obviously was much slow. 星王玉的身体一顿,随后打出来的攻击速度明显慢了不少。 Is now!” Sees here time, Ghost King since is also at present one bright, later his fast killing approached star king jade. “就是现在!”看到这里的的时候,鬼王自从也是眼前一亮,随后他快速的杀向了星王玉。
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