AMWBUP :: Volume #4

#370: Picked Ama

With submitting to punishment of Zhan Liang, the entire war potential ended, the Crown Prince Qiao Xiao direct commission sand City Lord control flower capital city, reorganized the post-war matters concerned. 随着展凉的伏法,整个战势全部结束,太子乔潇直接任命沙城主接管花都城,重新整理战后事宜。 The sand City Lord first matter is counts the population of Demon Realm people in the flowered capital city fortunately surviving, the registration compiles a register. 城主第一件事是统计花都城内幸存的魔界子民的人数,登记造册。 The second matter was invites the Crown Prince Consort arrange/cloth ultra-large array, closed/pass the Monster Realm person in this great array method completely, in the entire flowered capital city was finally clean. 第二件事是请太子妃布了一个超大的阵法,将妖界的人全部都关在了这个大阵法之中,整个花都城内终于干净了。 However sand City Lord has not given up vigilantly, he is worried also to hide the Monster Realm person in city, therefore he registers when each Demon Realm people compiles a register, requesting them mutually to indicate and confirm the relations, is checked by him completely personally, if some people leave behind, that is the suspicious person. 但是沙城主并没有放弃警惕,他担心还有隐藏在城内的妖界之人,于是他在每一位魔界子民登记造册之时,要求他们相互指认连带的关系,全部由他亲自把关,如果有个别人落单的,那就是可疑之人。 But the person who finally leaves behind counts also over a thousand people, at this time he asked Crown Prince Qiao Xiao to help analyze that is the person or Monster Realm person of Demon Realm. 而最后落单的人统计下来也有上千人,这时他就请太子乔潇来帮忙判断到底是魔界之人还是妖界之人。 Qiao Xiao induces with demon qi directly, finally discovers a matter of very fishy, has few people's within the body demon qi is quite scarce. 乔潇直接用魔气进行感应,结果发现一件很蹊跷的事情,有一部分人的体内魔气较为稀少。 Knew after the careful inquiry, originally these people of later generation who are Monster Realm and Demon Realm gives birth to together. 经过仔细询问才得知,原来这些人是妖界魔界共同生下的后人。 These people are to let them choose according to the meaning of Qiao Xiao and Yan Ran/sweet are willing to return to Monster Realm to be willing to keep Demon Realm again, but if the choice keeps Demon Realm, that must observe Demon Realm various rules and regulations, as key monitoring object. If discovered that they make the misdemeanor, immediately is deported. 这些人按乔潇嫣然的意思就是让他们自行选择是愿意回到妖界还是愿意再留在魔界,但如果选择留在魔界,那必须要遵守魔界的各项规章制度,是作为重点监控对象。如果一旦发现他们做出坏事,立刻被遣送出境。 In this half of people are willing to remain, half of people grow up in Monster Realm, is where environment the familiar, chooses survives there, therefore these half of people also return to Monster Realm. 这里面有一半人愿意留下来,还有一半人是在妖界长大,还是熟悉哪边的环境,选择在那里生存,于是这一半人也送回妖界 But some unpardonably wicked people, were indicated and confirmed by the Demon Realm people, these Monster Realm people want to go back also not possibly to execute certainly. 而还有其中一些十恶不赦的人,被魔界的子民指认出来,这些妖界的人想回去也绝无可能就地处死。 The meaning of Qiao Xiao and Yan Ran/sweet is to invite sand City Lord reburns one time, therefore in a sunny daytime, these had broken harmed the Monster Realm people of Demon Realm people completely strongly above a central square, all around frame filled the fuel. 乔潇嫣然的意思是请沙城主再烧一次,于是在一个晴朗的白天,这些曾经破害过魔界子民的妖界人士全部被集中在一个中心广场之上,四周架满了柴火。 Almost entire city's Demon Realm people come to surround, sand City Lord read out of their crimes one after another, each one was unpardonably wicked, will be under least will have a blood of Demon Realm people, particularly Zhan Liang has done misdemeanor, the number were countless, was only manufactures the people of narcotic sale to nearby several cities to harm countless people. 几乎全城的魔界子民都前来围观,沙城主一条一条宣读他们的罪行,个个都是十恶不赦,手下最少都会有一条魔界子民的鲜血,尤其是展凉做过的坏事,数都数不尽,光是制作毒品销售给附近几个城市的人就已经害了无数的人。 These injured parties noticed that these people acknowledged guilt to submit to punishment, will soon be shall be sentenced to the capital punishment, simply was exciting, after waiting to announce completely, has approached afternoon. 那些被害者看到这些人认罪伏法,即将被处以极刑,简直是大快人心,等全部宣布完之后,已经临近下午。 Then the sand dust lord orders, the surrounding soldiers select to be on fire, the flaming large flame wreaks havoc to go toward this group of biggest wicked Monster Realm people extremely. Yan Ran/sweet already arrange/cloth good array, outside person can see their burnt pitiful conditions, but after burning completely, evil spirit corpse anything everywhere has, are most by the mouse. 接着沙尘主一声令下,周围的士兵们点起了火,熊熊的火舌向着这群最大恶极的妖界人肆虐而去。嫣然早已布好了阵法,外面的人可以看到他们被烧死的惨状,而全部烧死之后,满地的妖物尸体什么都有,其中以老鼠最多。 But Zhan Liang as the unpardonably wicked representative, tied up on the highest rack, at this time his whole body bone has broken, hanging how to lie softly above. 展凉作为其中十恶不赦的代表,被绑在最高的架子上,此时他全身骨头已断,就怎么软趴趴的挂在上面。 Yan Ran/sweet has abandoned the meridians of his whole body, but at this time everyone can clear saw that he has a gigantic snake tail to flutter in the midair, unexpectedly is the head/number of people snake body. When hot snake volume his snake tail, sees only the snake tail crazily is swaying from side to side. 嫣然早已经废了他全身的经脉,而此时大家才能清晰的看到他有一条硕大的蛇尾飘荡在半空之中,居然是人头蛇身。火蛇卷上他的蛇尾之时,只见蛇尾在疯狂的扭动着。 Qiao Xiao quietly said in the ear of Yan Ran/sweet: If the paternal aunt knows with him what spends together the evening is a snake, does not know that she can not be close to the man.” 乔潇悄悄的在嫣然的耳边说道:“如果姑姑知道和他共度良宵的是一条蛇,不知她会不会再也不接近男人了。” Yan Ran/sweet then cast a sidelong glance his eyes: You may not tell him, the paternal aunt experiences countless people, changes a taste also to have nothing, so long as his time good on line.” 嫣然回头睨了他一眼:“你可千万别告诉他,姑姑阅人无数,换个口味也没什么,只要他功夫好就行。” Qiao Xiao one a waist that embraces tightly Yan Ran/sweet, in the tone has the warning: You may not study her.” 乔潇一把搂紧嫣然的腰,口气中带着警告:“你可千万别学她。” The Yan Ran/sweet body is instantaneously stiff: You solid.” Then her face slightly red, said in a low voice: I deal with your one person somewhat unable to endure.” 嫣然身体瞬间僵硬:“你老实点。”接着她脸孔微红,低声说道:“我应付你一个人都有些吃不消。” These words spoke in the Qiao Xiao mind, he well satisfied, pinched the hand of Yan Ran/sweet complacently, is his Yan Ran/sweet is best. 这句话可是说到了乔潇的心坎儿里,他心满意足,得意洋洋地捏了捏嫣然的手,还是他的嫣然最好。 Qiao Yun does not look askance said: Parents your limelight influence, the following person visit you.” 乔云目不斜视地说道:“爸爸妈妈你们注意点影响,下面的人都看着你们了。” Qiao Xiao selected a son's head, finally no longer spoke. 乔潇点了一下儿子的头,终于不再说话。 The flame is casting light upon the face of Demon Realm people, glowing red, one's blood bubbles up to the brim, has tears streaming down the face. Then does not know that is who begins, before rushing to the brothel and small herdsman hall directly, a fire also burnt a cleanness the places of these evils completely, the soldier also wants to stop, but sand City Lord gave them a hand signal, does not need to manage, they constrained were so long, give them a venting space. 火光照映着魔界子民的脸,红彤彤的,热血沸腾的,也是泪流满面的。接着不知是谁起了个头,直接冲到了青楼和小倌馆前,一把火将这些罪恶的地方也全部都烧了个干净,原本士兵还想阻拦,可是沙城主给了他们一个手势,不用管,他们压抑了这么久,给他们一个发泄的空间。 Two fire will spend the capital city sky photo the insight, in flaming is still burning to the night. 两片大火将花都城上空照的通透,一直到夜晚还在熊熊燃烧着。 In the City Lord mansion Cai Kuo has also disappeared, follows the Monster Realm two imperial prince first batch to withdraw Monster Realm. 城主府里蔡阔也早已不见踪影,跟随着妖界二皇子第一批就撤回了妖界 Qiao Xiao and Yan Ran/sweet and sand dust main need to repatriate the Monster Realm person to arrive at the border that batch, sees only between this Monster Realm and Demon Realm a natural gully, spontaneously formed thick fog, two isolated automatically. 乔潇嫣然以及沙尘主把那一批需要遣返妖界的人到了边境,只见这妖界魔界之间一道天然的沟壑,自发形成了一层浓雾,将两界自动隔离了开来。 The Monster Realm person jumps toward the thick fog , after waiting all jumps, one seal in Yan Ran/sweet use cotton rose spectrum directly the boundary thorough seal, without her unsealing, the Monster Realm person can never again come. 妖界的人一个一个往浓雾里跳,等全部跳完之后,嫣然利用芙蓉谱中的一种封印直接将边界处彻底封印了起来,没有她的解封,妖界的人永远都不能再过来。 Hence all things of flower capital city, Qiao Xiao and Yan Ran/sweet process completely, they brought Qiao Yun first to return to the sand capital city, Qiao Yun wound to need to process promptly, but flower capital city here, now already very busy, they did not follow to add to the chaos. 至此花都城的所有的事情,乔潇嫣然全部处理完毕,他们带着乔云先回到了沙都城,乔云身上的伤需要及时的处理,而在花都城这里,现在已经十分的繁忙,他们就不跟着添乱了。 When they are going to the sand capital city quickly, picked one on the road already has gone bad the carriage, but on the vehicle had a little miss and a servant, at this time had fainted hungrily. 没想到,他们在快行驶到沙都城之时,在路上还捡到了一辆已经坏了的马车,而车上有一个小姑娘和一个仆人,此时都已经饿晕了过去。 After they lift up oneself carriage the little miss and servant, Qiao Yun looks, surprised: „Isn't this Ama?” 等他们把小姑娘和仆人抬上自己的马车之后,乔云一看,惊讶不已:“这不是阿满吗?” A appearance of this time Ama young boy, the round small face has become somewhat sharp, now is the dirt, the clothing is also dirty, the ruddy cheeks become somewhat emaciated. 此时的阿满一副小男孩的打扮,原本圆圆的小脸已经变得有些尖了,现在全是污垢,衣物也是脏乱不堪,原本红润的脸颊变得有些面黄肌瘦。 Yan Ran/sweet surprised saying: Ama this must receive the big crime, turns into this.” 嫣然惊讶的说道:“阿满这得受了多大的罪,才变成这样。” Then she saw a son, quietly was saying to Qiao Xiao: You said why Ama will appear here? Too is big with your same charm?” 接着她看了一眼儿子,悄悄的对着乔潇说道:“你说阿满为什么会出现在这里?是不是和你一样魅力太大?” Qiao Xiao is well aware, but has not divulged. He blinks, quietly and Yan Ran/sweet returns said: In the evening makes them chat well, we had two people of the world finally.” 乔潇心知肚明,但并没有说破。他眨了眨眼,悄悄的和嫣然回道:“晚上让他们俩好好聊聊,咱俩终于有二人世界了。” The Yan Ran/sweet instantaneous face was also red. 嫣然瞬间脸又红了。 Yan Ran/sweet you said your blushing problem, how very? My anything had not said, you always are so excited. Oh, hurts. The problem that this pinches my waist must change. The waist of man is important, cannot be cunning.” 嫣然你说你这个脸红的毛病,怎么就好不了了?我啥也没说,你却总是这么激动。唉唉唉,疼疼疼。这个掐我腰的毛病也得改。男人的腰多重要,可不能掐坏了。” Yan Ran/sweet covers the mouth of Qiao Xiao directly, in the eye the character and style circulation: „In front of two children, what to talk nonsense?” 嫣然直接捂住乔潇的嘴,眼中风情流转:“当着两个孩子的面,瞎说什么呢?” Qiao Yun simply has not paid attention to two Sirs to say anything at whispering, he is busy giving Ama to feed the water, he is the first attendance person, one spoon of water fed to follow the corners of the mouth to slide, he must look for the arrange/cloth, being thrown into confusion is scratching. 乔云根本没有理会两个大人在唧唧咕咕的说什么,他在忙着给阿满喂水,他是第一次照顾人,一勺水喂下去全部顺着嘴角滑了出去,他又得找布,手忙脚乱的在擦着。 On such Ama lethargic sleep, to the sand capital city, asked the doctor to come, Ama wakes. 就这样阿满昏睡了一路,一直到了沙都城中,找了大夫前来,阿满才醒了过来。 At this time Qiao Yun has tidied up itself, dressed the wound, does that in Ama's room, took this book to look again. 此时乔云已经收拾好自己,把伤口都包扎了,就这么做在阿满的屋里,拿了本书再看。 „Am I have a dream? Is Elder Brother Crown Prince, you?” The low sound resounds, Ama partly opened the eye, looks the boy who at present reads peacefully, a pair of profound clear eye pupil, has three points of feel alienated, is flashing the broken star light, that as if illuminated the handsome face of entire room to make her awaken fiercely, sat up the body, jumped down the bed all of a sudden, actually one knelt because of the leg on the ground softly, she has not hurried to crawl, but crawled forward on one's knees the under foot of Qiao Yun, holds his knee, is resting the head on moe moe's big eyes, slanting 45 degrees corner/horn is looking up at Qiao Yun, then on the face revealed. Pleasantly surprised smile: Elder Brother Crown Prince, is really you, I finally found you.” Then buried the profile on the knee of Qiao Yun, but also without after a while, Qiao Yun thought that on own knee had wet intent. “我是做梦吗?太子哥哥,是你吗?”低低的声音响起,阿满半睁开了眼,看着眼前安静看书的男孩儿,一双深邃清亮的眼眸,带着三分疏离,闪着碎碎星光,那仿佛照亮了整间屋子的俊颜让她猛地惊醒了过来,坐起身子,一下子跳下了床,却因腿一软跪在了地上,她没有赶紧爬起来,而是就这么膝行到了乔云的脚下,扶着他的膝盖,枕着一双萌萌的大眼睛,斜45度角的仰视着乔云,接着脸上露出了惊喜之极的笑容:“太子哥哥,真的是你,我终于找到你了。”接着就将侧脸埋在了乔云的膝盖上,还没过了一会儿,乔云就觉得自己的膝盖上面有了一点湿意。 Qiao Yun was somewhat shocked: „Is this little miss emotion so why rich?” He puts out a hand to help up her: Ama's your body did not have, first returns to the bed to come up.” 乔云有些愣住了:“这个小姑娘情感为何如此丰富?”他伸手将她扶起:“阿满你的身体还没好,先回床上去吧。” Nod that Ama weeps, in the eye the big big tears are still falling downward. 阿满喜极而泣的点点头,眼里大颗大颗的泪水还在往下掉着。 Then Ama started verbosely: „Does Elder Brother Crown Prince you know? On that day after I injured, I could not find you everywhere, knows that originally you were seized by the unprincipled person, I may worry, they arrested me not to make me leave the palace, I dressed up an appearance of servant afterward, stole the token secretly, can leave results in the palace to look for you.” 接着阿满就开始絮絮叨叨了:“太子哥哥你知道吗?那天我伤好了之后,我到处找不到你,才知道原来你被坏人抓走了,我可着急了,他们又拘着我不让我出宫,我后来还是打扮成一个下人的模样,偷偷的偷了令牌,才能出得了宫来找你呢。” Why do you want to look for me?” Qiao Yun strange asking, two people, although experienced a fearful palace together changed, but Qiao Yun did not think that he and Ama had familiar how. “你为何要来找我?”乔云奇怪的问道,两人虽然一起经历了一次可怕的宫变,可是乔云不觉得他和阿满有多么的熟悉。 Never expected that Ama was shocked, she who this issue asked has not considered carefully, why must look for Qiao Yun. 没想到阿满被这个问题问的愣住了,她也没有仔细考虑过,为什么就要来找乔云 Saying that she muttered: Why I do not know, thought that subconsciously you have the danger, can I be able to add on what busy, therefore I came out.” 她喃喃的说道:“我也不知道为什么,就是下意识的觉得你有危险,会不会我能帮上什么忙,所以我就出来了。” You were the adventure brave to become addicted, this came out dangerously.” The Qiao Yun being climbed face reproved. “你是冒险冒上瘾了,这出来多危险。”乔云扳起脸来训斥道。 Ama's voice is getting more and more low: I really without thinking, money that on the road I have do not know how would have no, I do not have the wasteful flower, I suspected that was stolen, such blurry to here, but,” on Ama's face had the smile immediately: Elder Brother Crown Prince no matter what, I finally found you.” The fresh flower that the smile resembles on face blooms is common, the emaciation, as if has vanished does not see. 阿满的声音越来越低:“我真的是没有想到,路上我带的钱不知怎么就没了,我也没有大手大脚的花,我怀疑是被人偷了,就这么迷迷糊糊的到了这里,不过,”阿满的脸上顿时绽开了笑容:“太子哥哥不管怎样,我终于找到你了。”脸上的笑容像绽放的鲜花一般灿烂,连带着的面黄肌瘦,仿佛都已消失不见。 Good.” Qiao Yun holds the volume, this Ama was the courage is too big. “好吧。”乔云扶着额,这个阿满实在是胆子太大了。 Outside was too dangerous, I am a boy possibly fortunately, if your girl what mistake, that this destroyed for a lifetime, next time will not allow to handle such matter absolutely again, knew?” The Qiao Yun expression is quite serious, the righteousness expression is teaching Ama. “外面太危险了,我是个男孩子可能还好,你这个女孩子如果出点什么差错,那这一辈子就毁了,下次绝对不允许再做这样的事情,知道了吗?”乔云的表情相当严肃,义正言辞地教训着阿满。 Ama suppresses the mouth, appearance that some want to cry. 阿满憋憋嘴,有些想哭的样子。 Qiao Yun lowered the sound gently, the tone some you tired rests today earlier, will have what words to say tomorrow again.” 乔云放低了声音,语气柔和了一些“你今天累了早点睡吧,有什么话明天再说。” Said that he went out of the door, has not thought opens the gate, his parents two people are crooked a body, stands in the entrance, looks at the day! The entire human race must break up our latest chapter address: 说完他就走出了房门,可没想到一拉开门,他的父母两人正歪着个身子,站在门口,望天!全人类都要拆散我们最新章节地址: The entire human race must break up our full text reading address: 全人类都要拆散我们全文阅读地址: The entire human race must break up our txt downloading address: 全人类都要拆散我们txt下载地址: The entire human race must break up our cell phone to read: 全人类都要拆散我们手机阅读: In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 370 picked Ama) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第370章捡了个阿满)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到!
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