AMWBUP :: Volume #4

#368: Being saved

The hand that the middle-aged couple extends had not taken back, looks at the Qiao Yun whole body the grace and talent, that tone demeanor, hit in the eyes of passer-by, the surrounding person thinks so , who was this? Which young master’s such grace and talent is excessive? 中年夫妇伸出的手一直没有收回,看着乔云满身的风华,那一身的气韵风度,撞进了路人的眼中,周围的人就这么看着,愣愣地,这是谁?哪家的公子如此的风华无度? Until Qiao Yun moves toward the shouting propaganda several soldiers, sees several soldiers to go forward to catch him immediately, has not thought that loudly shouted by Qiao Yun: I will walk.” 直到乔云走向正在喊话的几位士兵,才看见几位士兵立即上前想要抓他,没想到被乔云大喝一声:“我自己会走。” Several soldiers were drunk by him, have a scare, look at a righteous qi of this little young master face, cannot help but followed in behind. 几位士兵被他一喝,吓了一跳,看着这位小公子一脸的正气,都不由自主地跟在了后面。 The middle-aged couple has cried at this time the tears person, knelt on the ground weak. 中年夫妇此时已经哭成了泪人,无力地跪在了地上。 After Qiao Yun was brought the square, only listens to scene weeping sound one piece, the innumerable children were detained are kneeling on the ground, but builds a platform in the corner of square temporarily, Zhan Liang sat well on a chair, vision gloomy and cold, the corners of the mouth sip very tightly, the air pressure of whole body dropped to directly below ice. 乔云被带到了广场之后,只听现场哭声一片,无数的孩子被押着跪在了地上,而在广场的一角临时搭了个台子,展凉就这么端坐在一张椅子上,目光阴冷,嘴角抿得很紧,周身的气压直接降至在了冰度以下。 But in his front five meters places, dropped down several corpses, fresh blood stream place. Qiao Yun was brought arrives at the scene the time, seen is this scene, the child was being carried to come, this child and Qiao Yun age is similar, at this time is struggling in the soldier hand/subordinate desperately, in the mouth is weeping and wailing: Help, help!” 而在他的前面五米之处,倒下了好几具尸体,鲜血流了一地。乔云被带到现场的时候,看到的就是这副场景,有一个小孩正被拎上前来,这个孩子和乔云年龄相仿,此时正在士兵手下拼命地挣扎,口中哭喊着:“救命,救命!” At this time came up two people to be occupied by this child fixedly, only listened to nearby some people to shout loudly one: Time!” 这时又上来两人将这个小孩固定住,只听旁边有人高喊一声:“时间到!” In the hand takes the soldier of blade to hold up the blade high, must strike off to child's head. 手上拿刀的士兵将刀高高举起,就要向孩子的头上砍去。 The child looks up the broadsword that this will soon drop, the dazzling reflection such as the ice mortal form ordinary frozen person, he was punctured closed the eye, body slowdown cannot help but, but nearby two people press him stubbornly, the arc that the blade edge draws made other children be afraid closed the eye. 孩子抬头看着这即将落下的大刀,耀眼的反光如冰魄一般冻人,他被刺得闭上了眼,身体不由自主的下滑,可是旁边的两人死死摁住他,刀锋划出的弧线让其他的孩子都害怕地闭上了眼。 Was seeing with own eyes child's head body will soon separate, at this time only listens to a light sound, the chopper in soldier hand let go by one suddenly vigorously, then sees the blade to go in the Zhan Liang direction. 眼见着孩子的头身即将分离,此时只听一声轻响,士兵手中的砍刀突然被一股大力脱手,然后就见刀向着展凉的方向而去。 Although the blade, is the strength is unexpectedly insufficient, Zhan Liang waves gently, wields this blade to one side, his corners of the mouth rippled the happy expression: Iron egg, my young Your Highness Crown Prince, should call you Qiao Yun, finally appeared.” 刀虽然出其不意,可是力道不足,展凉轻轻一挥手,将此刀挥至一边,紧接着他的嘴角漾出了笑意:“铁蛋,我的小太子殿下,是不是应该叫你乔云,终于出现了。” Zhan Liang, I had come, you put them.” Qiao Yun said seriously. 展凉,我已经来了,你放了他们。”乔云严肃地说道。 Thinks that I did put them? What's wrong? Loved dearly your people, it seems like you also very good? However, do you currently have with the chip that I negotiated?” “想我放了他们?怎么?心疼你的子民了,看来你还挺善良的吗?不过,你现在还有和我谈判的筹码吗?” Why can you disrupt the normal order of flowered capital city? Your goal catches me, was the goal achieved, what advantage kills them to you? You is a businessman, why to make into itself a tyrant, if you stimulate to here all Demon Realm people, they rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably, this flower capital city also had no necessity of existence.” “你何必要扰乱花都城的正常秩序?你的目的只是抓我,目的达到,杀了他们对你有什么好处?你是个生意人,何必把自己弄成一个暴君,如果你刺激到这里所有的魔界子民,他们宁为玉碎,不为瓦全的话,这个花都城也没什么存在的必要了。” Actually also some truth, but, Qiao Yun, I discovered that after you birthmark on face removes, is really the posture of Celestial, before I had said that must deliver to the small herdsman hall you, it seems like reasonable.” “倒是也有些道理,不过,乔云,我发现你把脸上的胎记去掉之后,真是天人之姿呀,以前我说过要把你送到小倌馆里,看来还是有道理的。” Snort! I am Demon Realm small Crown Prince, the nature well compared with the average person, but you deliver to me the small herdsman hall, doesn't fear entire Demon Realm and you for the enemy? I now am very curious, Zhan Liang, can you tell me, are you demon are the monster?” Qiao Yun asked leisurely. “哼!我是魔界太子,自然比一般人长得好,不过你把我送到小倌馆里,不怕整个魔界与你为敌吗?我现在很好奇,展凉,你能不能告诉我,你到底是魔是妖?”乔云慢条斯理地问道。 Qiao Yun as if punctured the Zhan Liang sore spot, his cold snort/hum: No matter I am the demon am the monster, person who I can control your life now.” 乔云仿佛刺到了展凉的痛处,他冷哼一声:“不管我是魔是妖,我现在都是能主宰你性命的人。” Zhan Liang then also no longer said, the big hand wields: Carries off!” 展凉接着也不再多说,大手一挥:“带走!” Then, stands from the chair, stepped onto a carriage, then spreads a few words from the carriage: Ties up with the string our honored young Your Highness Crown Prince behind the carriage, with.” 说完,从椅子上站走,走上了一辆马车,接着从马车内传出一句话:“把我们尊贵的小太子殿下用绳子绑在马车后面,跟着走吧。” Then, immediately some people bundle Qiao Yun, with one ties up with the guy wires behind the carriage, the carriage starts slowly, just started Qiao Yun also to be able to follow, slowly the speed speeds up, Qiao Yun falls down all of a sudden, was then towed on the ground, but the person of avenue thinks so, the people eyes spit fire of all Demon Realm, some people want to rush, but before the broadsword by body was blocked. 说完,立刻有人将乔云捆了,用一跟长绳绑在马车后面,马车缓缓启动,刚开始乔云还能跟得上,慢慢地速度加快,乔云一下子摔倒在地,接着就被拖在了地上,而满大街的人就这么看着,所有魔界的子民们都双眼喷火,有些人都想冲上去,可都被身前的大刀拦住。 Qiao Yun can only raised the head at this time furiously, but the body rubs on the ground, only a while saw the blood line to omit together after behind. 乔云此时只能奋力地抬起头,而身体就在地上摩擦,只一会儿就见一道血线遗漏在了身后。 Qiao Yun has no fear at this time, he instead smiled, because these children were saved by him finally, he looks face that the street two sides Demon Realm people wept and wailed loudly, although some were long grotesque, but in eye good simple cannot deceive people, these were his lovable people, if he certainly wants the means to make them get out of misery. 乔云此时没有任何的害怕,他反而笑了,因为那些孩子们终于被他救了,他看着街两边的魔界子民们大声哭喊的脸,虽然有的长得奇形怪状,但眼中的善良纯朴是骗不了人的,这些都是他可爱的子民们,他一定要想办法让他们脱离苦海。 You dare!” Suddenly from in the air hears one to break the crane, the sound such as the clear thunderclap, shakes faintly each those present eardrum trembles, the people raise the head, see only to fly a female from nearby top, the one who follows her to get down is a flying sand and rocks rushing spirit strength heads on. “尔敢!”突然从空中传来一声断鹤,声音如清亮的炸雷,将每个在场的人耳膜都震得隐隐发颤,众人抬起头来,只见从旁边一座墙头飞下来一名女子,跟随她下来的是一阵飞沙走石般的澎湃灵力扑面而至。 The people cannot help but cover the face with the sleeve, for fear that confused the eye by the sandstorm. But this 1 st in the women's match matter linking in the rope on Qiao Yun and carriage cuts off, since one fishes Qiao Yun from the ground, then a rushing strength overturns the front carriage directly. 众人都不由自主的用袖子遮挡住脸面,生怕被风沙迷了眼。而这名女子第一件事就是将连在乔云和马车上的绳索割断,一把从地上捞起乔云,接着一股澎湃的力量将前面的马车直接掀翻。 Zhan Liang in carriage unexpected drops from the car(riage) on the ground. 马车里的展凉猝不及防从车内跌落在地上。 But at this time the soldiers also responded, tens of thousands of people rushed to this female and Qiao Yun. 而这时士兵们也反应过来,成千上万的人涌向了这名女子和乔云 This female both hands unceasing dancing in the air, keep off the soldiers outside the body layer by layer, was the person were too many, she wanted also one and holds Zhan Liang, but the opportunity has missed at this time, she no longer prolonged contact, the Qiao Yun back on her body, soared directly, footsteps even/including chose/point, in the heart meditated the mnemonics, impediment great array got up in the arrange/cloth together behind, blocks the soldier who must pursue unceasingly, bringing Qiao Yun to fly to the city gate. 这名女子双手不断的飞舞,将士兵们一层一层地挡在身外,可是人实在太多了,她原本想要去将展凉也一并抓住,可此时机会已经错过,她不再恋战,将乔云背在她的身上,直接腾空而起,脚步连点,心中默念口诀,一道阻隔大阵在身后布起,拦住了不断要追上来的士兵,带着乔云向城门飞去。 Defended in soldier also rapid coming in swarms of city gate, Yan Ran/sweet brings Qiao Yun, before is, has the wolf, latter has the tiger, two people were clamped in the middle directly make dumplings. 原本守在城门的士兵也迅速的蜂拥而来,嫣然带着乔云,是前有狼,后有虎,两人直接被夹在中间包了饺子。 Yan Ran/sweet does not fear, in hand spirit strength everywhere one visit, is one big one big piece is overthrown, others who the scene came to watch the fun run away in abundance, many people in the desperation reveals one's true colors, the mouse that sees only full street, the flea running away of keeping. 嫣然毫不惧怕,手中灵力所到之处,都是一大片一大片被打倒,现场原本前来看热闹的其他的人纷纷逃窜,在情急之中很多人都露出了原形,只见满街的老鼠,跳蚤等在不停的逃窜。 Mom, you put me to get down, I can fight with you.” Qiao Yun lies in conducting the back of Yan Ran/sweet, said in a low voice. “妈妈,你放我下来,我可以和你一起战斗。”乔云趴在嫣然的背上,低声地说道。 Son, you were injured, well resting, your father had been mobilizing soldiers, we only need to open the front door to greet now to complete the task him even.” “儿子,你受伤了,好好歇着,你爸爸已经去调兵了,我们现在只需要打开大门把他迎接进来就算是完成任务了。” Good, Mom, in this all Demon Realm people were persecuted by Monster Realm, they really crossed are too painful, we must save them.” Qiao Yun said firmly. “太好了,妈妈,这里面所有的魔界的子民都受到妖界的迫害,他们过得实在是太痛苦了,我们一定要把他们救出来。”乔云坚定地说道。 For these days Qiao Yun had not eaten meal, in addition was towed one on the ground a moment ago, he was a little weak, but saw the family member finally, this time Qiao Yun was full of the fighting spirit. 这几天乔云一直没怎么吃饭,再加上刚才被在地上拖了一阵,他有点虚弱,但是终于看见亲人了,此时的乔云充满了斗志。 He from Yan Ran/sweet conducts the back, before the body, is the tattered clothing with seeping out the blood, Qiao Yun does not care at all, he also transports/fortunes at this time begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket the strength, around the sword on soldier hand him attracted completely, throws again outward, these soldiers feel damn are the same, how can the broadsword cut to own head? 他从嫣然的背上下来,身前都是破烂的衣衫和渗出的鲜血,乔云毫不在意,他此时也运起灵力,将他周围士兵手上的刀剑全部都吸了过来,再向外投掷出去,这些士兵感觉见了鬼一样,怎么会大刀向自己的头上砍来? At this time only listened to have people to call out on the city wall: Builds up the soldier, some people attack a city.” 这时只听在城墙上面有人大叫道:“集结士兵,有人攻城。” Yan Ran/sweet and Qiao Yun looked at each other one, Qiao Xiao come! 嫣然乔云对视一眼,乔潇来了! Yan Ran/sweet is riding the surrounding soldier toward the city gate building up past neutral gear, brings Qiao Yun directly, several standing on tiptoes steps, got up the tower over a city gate, Yan Ran/sweet pushed several soldiers on top conveniently directly , from afar toward the city outside, seeing only Qiao Xiao such as the war-god was ordinary, is brandishing the broadsword, leading tens of thousands of troops to dash. 嫣然乘着周围的士兵向着城门集结过去的空档,直接带着乔云,几个踮步,就这么上了城楼,嫣然随手将城头上的几个士兵直接推了下去,远远向着城外看去,只见乔潇如战神一般,挥舞着大刀,带领着成千上万的人马飞奔而来。 This time Qiao Xiao wears fights armor, has changed own true body, in the crowd is most conspicuous one, that such as the god only appearance, the whole body was full of the strength, broadsword that brandishes all light centralized on his body, but body and aesthetic sense in moving unmanned are analogous, Yan Ran/sweet felt that own heart must jump crazily, the hormone bursting, her man was too graceful! 此时的乔潇身披战甲,已变出自己的真身,在人群之中是最显眼的一个,那如神祇般的容颜,周身充满了力量,挥舞的大刀将所有的光都集中在了他的身上,而跑动之中的身型和美感无人可比拟,嫣然感觉自己的心脏都要狂跳了出来,荷尔蒙爆棚,她的男人太帅了! Qiao Yun waves toward the city, yelled excitedly: Father, I and mother here.” 乔云向着城下挥了挥手,兴奋地大叫道:“爸爸,我和妈妈在这里。” But at this time Yan Ran/sweet considered only to say one: Son, pays attention to your image, looked that your father is graceful.” Then carries Qiao Yun, threw to the city wall directly. 而此时嫣然只顾上说一句:“儿子,注意你的形象,看你爸爸多帅。”接着就把乔云拎起,直接向城墙下扔了出去。 Qiao Xiao sees, rapid several jump, from in the air received his precious son directly. So many days worries put down finally, Qiao Yun truly was steadfast in own bosom. 乔潇一见,迅速几个纵身,直接从空中接下了他的宝贝儿子。这么多天的担心终于放下了,乔云在自己的怀里才真正地踏实了。 But Qiao Yun is digging up the shoulder of Qiao Xiao, the eyes were sparkling, were full of the worship: Father, is this your original body? Really must seem like the war-god, the mothers died by your fan.” 乔云扒着乔潇的肩膀,双眼亮晶晶,充满了崇拜:“爸爸,这是你的原身吗?真得好象战神呀,妈妈都被你迷死了。” Qiao Xiao pats son's buttocks, kissed the mouth ruthlessly: Clever son, is really your mother confuses?” Qiao Yun put out a hand to scratch own face, nods seriously: Really, mother's eyes looked straight.” 乔潇一拍儿子的屁股,狠狠地亲了口:“乖儿子,你妈妈真是这么迷吗?”乔云伸手擦了擦自己的脸,严肃地点点头:“真的,妈妈的眼睛都看直了。” Qiao Xiao is proud immediately: Son, you looks, looked the parents revenge to you, takes the flower capital city.” 乔潇立即豪情万丈:“儿子,你看着,看爸爸妈妈给你报仇,把花都城拿下。” The time that they spoke, Yan Ran/sweet has engaged in self-examination to return to under the city wall, at this time did not have the fetter of Qiao Yun, she began also to stop at nothing again, in a flash, the innumerable soldier bodies have piled the mountain. 他们俩说话的功夫,嫣然早已反身回到了城墙之下,此时没有了乔云的束缚,她动起手来再也无所顾忌,转瞬之间,无数的士兵尸体已经堆成了山。 This is a deicide!” The soldier in flower capital city does not dare to attack Yan Ran/sweet at this time again, only dares to gather round by far, looks that Yan Ran/sweet will flush soldier gently one group of not fearing death, 100 meters distance, arrived with ease. “这是一尊杀神!”花都城内的士兵此时已不敢再攻击嫣然,只敢远远地围着,看着嫣然就这么将冲过来不怕死的士兵轻轻一拨,100米的距离,轻松地就走到了。 Then looked at Yan Ran/sweet to arrive in the city gate, put aside the door bolt, then easily opened the city gate. 接着就看嫣然走到了城门内,将门栓移开,接着就这么轻易地将城门打开了。 The isolation transmits in the Zhan Liang breathless voice of distant place very much: Your these soldiers eat the excrement? How the city gate can easily be opened, gives on me quickly, gives on me!” 隔离在很远处的展凉气急败坏的声音传来:“你们这些士兵是吃屎的吗?城门怎么能这么轻易被打开,快给我上,给我上!” But Yan Ran/sweet opened the door, such a person stands among, looks to wait in the entrance army, is smiling to forefront Qiao Xiao Yan Ran/sweet: Husband, comes in!” 嫣然打开了门,就这么一个人站在正中间,看着等候在门口的大军,对着最前面的乔潇嫣然一笑:“老公,进来吧!” Qiao Xiao looks at such Yan Ran/sweet, two people married for ten years, but Yan Ran/sweet every smiled one time to him is bewitching, his heart was smiled trembles, the corners of the mouth earth-shaking transformation cannot help but curved, the broadsword has lifted the top of the head: Brothers, to!” The entire human race must break up our latest chapter address: 乔潇看着这样的嫣然,两人结婚十年了,可是嫣然每一次笑对他都是一种勾魂,他的心脏被笑得一颤,嘴角不由自主地变弯,大刀举过头顶:“兄弟们,冲啊!”全人类都要拆散我们最新章节地址: The entire human race must break up our full text reading address: 全人类都要拆散我们全文阅读地址: The entire human race must break up our txt downloading address: 全人类都要拆散我们txt下载地址: The entire human race must break up our cell phone to read: 全人类都要拆散我们手机阅读: In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 368 is saved) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第368章得救)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到!
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