AC :: Volume #4

#366: Prison Lord in next big chess

Li Fan stands in the shoulder of chaotic giant, looks up to that in sky is similar to black hole Extreme Abyss, the state of mind is disorderly. 李凡站在混乱巨人的肩头,抬头看向天空中的那如同黑洞般的极渊,心绪杂乱。 Strangeness in abyss, but also is a little, although the backdrop and Extreme Abyss this galaxy criterion existence of heavenly body is unable to explain with the physical principle thoroughly, the end star that he is at still had the attraction. 深渊之中的诡异,还有一点在于,虽然天幕和极渊这种恒星系尺度的天体的存在都彻底无法用物理法则去解释,他所在的这颗末日星球却仍然拥有引力。 Also therefore, he at this time situated in this star under hemisphere, looks up, seen is abyss below Extreme Abyss. 也正因此,他此时处于这颗星球的“下半球”,抬头望去,看到的就是深渊下部的极渊 In front of Extreme Abyss, even these powerful abyss feudal lords and supreme control, at this time seem tiny. 极渊面前,就算是这些强大的深渊领主和至尊主宰,此时都显得渺小。 On the face of dream demon, appears a disturbed look. 梦魔的脸上,也现出一丝忐忑的神色。 As for life three giant and class/flow of Eight Heads Dharma king, not to mention. 至于生命三巨人和八首法王之流,就更不用说了。 Whenever they stare at Extreme Abyss time, even has an intense joining in impulsion. 每当他们凝视极渊的时候,甚至都有一种强烈的投身其中的冲动。 Is good because, at this time the lord of great Suppressing Prison side them, that once walked into Extreme Abyss, great existence that returned. 好在,此时伟大的镇狱之主就在他们身边,那可是曾经走入极渊,又重新归来的伟大存在。 Even if they are not really able to resist the summon of Extreme Abyss, is involved, or had other what dreadful matter, under the prison Lord crown can also help them level conveniently. 哪怕他们真的无法抵御极渊的召唤,投身其中,或者是发生了什么其他的可怕事情,狱主冕下也不过随手就能帮他们摆平。 They believe in firmly to this point. 他们对这一点深信不疑。 In several Suppressing Prison convict hearts even raised was good because of already joined in Suppressing Prison rejoicing. 几名镇狱囚徒心中甚至升起了“好在已经投身镇狱”的庆幸。 Meanwhile, Li Fan stands in conducting the back of chaotic giant, is staring at that endless Extreme Abyss, felt indistinctly this seems an infinitely great eye, an ultra giant heavenly body, as if represented the will of abyss, is spying on his innermost feelings. 与此同时,李凡立在混乱巨人的背上,盯着那无尽的极渊,隐约感觉这仿佛是一只无限大的眼睛,一个超巨型天体,仿佛代表了深渊的意志,正在窥探他的内心。 Let his heart jump crazily. 让他的心狂跳不已。 Was good subdued two supreme control because of oneself, in addition several powerful abyss feudal lords, facing this terrifying Extreme Abyss, there is a sufficient strength to deal. 好在自己收服了两个至尊主宰,外加几个强大的深渊领主,面对这恐怖的极渊,也有了足够的力量应对。 mo song stubble yu adze shen ying ma die cun sui inch ke xia xia deserted nail meat lian cen beats xuan to reach ren song zan rou pian huang adze shen jian fine jade marriage shi cuan to insert pan- ren to soak the sui duo pan gauge yong hong embarrassed chi mo umbrella 銆愯茬湡锛屾渶杩戜竴鐩寸敤鍜鍜闃呰荤湅涔拷鏇达紝鎹簮鍒囨崲锛屾湕璇婚煶鑹插氾紝瀹夊崜鑻规灉鍧囧彲銆傘 In the heart rejoiced secretly. 心中暗自庆幸。 Before he has thought Extreme Abyss is a gulf cavern above that broken star and so on thing, now looks like, actually his imagination was fettered, wants to result at the scene to be somewhat small. 之前他一直都以为极渊是那个残破星球之上的一个深坑洞窟之类的东西,现在看来,倒是他的想象力被束缚了,想得场面有些小了。 Must emancipate the mind. 还是得解放思想啊。 Did the lord of that once Suppressing Prison, really have one crowd of apex supreme control to enter in Extreme Abyss? 那个曾经的镇狱之主,真的是带着一群顶尖至尊主宰进入极渊之中了吗? Does not know that what in, what they experienced, whether is also living? 不知道那里面到底有什么,他们又经历了什么,是否还活着? Thinks of here, Li Fan turns the head to look to the one side the incarnation is dream demon of one hundred-meter black shadows. 想到这里,李凡转头看向一旁已经化身为一片高达百米的黑色阴影的梦魔。 How does this delivery bottom is come back from inside? 这货到底是怎么从里面回来的? At this time feels Suppressing Prison the Lord vision, the dream demon quickly grasps the meaning of something fiercely. 此时感受到镇狱之主的目光,梦魔猛地一个激灵。 Was under the crown remembered passing? 难道是冕下想起了过往? Until now, he wants to know, under the prison Lord crown experienced anything in Extreme Abyss, how is also to return from Extreme Abyss. 一直以来,他都想知道,狱主冕下在极渊之中到底经历了什么,又是如何从极渊归来的。 However actually never may I ask the exit|to speak. 不过却从不敢问出口。 At this time in Suppressing Prison under Lord vision, the dream demon reveals one to ridicule hastily, explained: 此时在镇狱之主的目光之下,梦魔连忙露出一丝讪笑,解释道: Under crown, did you...... you remember initially? At that time I...... I really am extremely small and weak, is unable to catch up with your footsteps, therefore...... must therefore spell to go all-out to return ahead of time, but also looked under the crown to forgive initially my spiritless......” “冕下,您……您是否想起了当初?当时我……我实在是太过弱小,无法追上您的脚步,所以……所以只得拼尽全力提前归来,还望冕下原谅我当初的懦弱……” Initially he escaped ahead of time, does not know that the lord of Suppressing Prison can bring up old scores now. 当初他提前逃了回来,不知道镇狱之主现在会不会翻旧账。 Hears the dream demon the words, an abyss powerhouse on the scene all hit at heart suddenly, does not know the lord of Suppressing Prison this is subject to changing moods, can, because before certain not happy memory fly into a rage, brings disaster to innocently. 听到梦魔的话,在场的一众深渊强者全都心里打了个突,不知道这喜怒无常的镇狱之主,会不会因为以前的某些不愉快的记忆而勃然大怒,殃及无辜。 That wore the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons calmly to look at the dream demon moment, has not said anything, returned Extreme Abyss the vision again, looked that was similar to giant funnel the peripheral zone of Extreme Abyss to that. 那头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅静静地看了梦魔片刻,并没有说什么,再次将目光转回极渊,看向那如同巨大漏斗的极渊的边缘地带。 In there, the jet black nihility as if becomes the congealing reality, like having a land is ordinary. 在那里,漆黑的虚无似乎变得凝实,如同有一圈陆地一般。 However does not look clearly. 不过看不真切。 The one side just joined Suppressing Prison lord of hastily silver desire an appearance that licks the dog, said: 一旁刚刚加入镇狱的银欲之主连忙一副舔狗的模样,说道: „The lord of great Suppressing Prison, do we want to go to cold Yuan? Cold original above crazy, will certainly welcome your arrival.” “伟大的镇狱之主,请问我们是否要前往冷原?冷原之上的疯狂者们,一定会欢迎您的到来。” The vision of that pale ghosts and demons has not moved slightly, in the mouth said: 那苍白鬼魅的目光都没有动上丝毫,口中说道: Boisterous.” “聒噪。” Finishes speaking, nearby lives wickedly shouts sternly: 话音刚落,一旁的恶生厉声喝道: „Does your smelly goat, dare to take responsibility for the crown under unexpectedly? I thought that you were tired of living! You want to direct the lord of great Suppressing Prison!?” “你这臭山羊,竟然敢替冕下做主了?我看你是活腻了!难道你想指挥伟大的镇狱之主!?” After scolding, lived with wickedly chaotic as well as exchanged a look decayed, in the vision full was self-satisfied. 骂完之后,恶生和混乱以及腐朽交换了一个眼神,目光中满是得意。 He actually reproved a supreme control! 他竟然训斥了一名至尊主宰! Even if the lord of silver desire in the supreme control is quite weak, that is also a supreme control, usually their three brothers saw that the lord of silver desire may probably grovel to act servilely to flee to the wilderness. 哪怕银欲之主在至尊主宰里面算是比较弱的,那也是个至尊主宰,平时他们三兄弟见到银欲之主可都是要点头哈腰卑躬屈膝落荒而逃的。 Now can actually reprove the opposite party directly, the opposite party has not dared to have is slightly discontented. 现在却能直接训斥对方,偏偏对方还不敢有丝毫不满。 Main was imprisoned in the prison hand/subordinate is Tete is really crisp. 在狱主手下坐牢实在是太特么爽了。 Really, the lord of silver desire was reproven chaotic has a big shock, denied hastily: 果然,银欲之主被混乱训斥得大惊失色,连忙否认道: „The lord of great Suppressing Prison, please forgive, I absolutely do not have that meaning! I want to inquire your view, if you need the silver to make anything, I do not certainly refuse under any circumstances.” “伟大的镇狱之主,请您原谅,我绝对没有那个意思!我只是想要询问您的看法,如果您需要银欲做什么,我一定在所不辞。” During the speeches, thought a moment ago that frigid in Suppressing Prison, the lord of cold sweat silver desire again and again. 说话间,想到刚才在镇狱之中发生的那惨烈的一幕,银欲之主不由冷汗连连。 Nearby Eight Heads Dharma king and others watched critically, in the look full is smiling that disdains. 一旁的八首法王等冷眼旁观,眼神中满是不屑的笑。 Li Fan has not paid attention to bickering between these people, but continues to look at that ring-like mainland in Extreme Abyss edge, understands that this is so-called cold Yuan. 李凡并没有理会这几人之间的斗嘴,而是继续看着极渊边缘的那片环形大陆,明白这就是所谓的冷原。 The broken star that is at from him now looked at the past, looked like one thin sliver of horizon coldly. 从他现在所在的残破星球看过去,冷原就像是天边的一圈儿细长条。 At this time understands entire Extreme Abyss criterion, Li Fan also deep understanding, cold Yuan the area is quite huge, absolutely surroundings float these broken stars add to be bigger. 只是此时明白了整个极渊的尺度,李凡也深深的明白,冷原的面积极为巨大,绝对比周围悬浮着的那些残破星球加起来都要大。 Does not know coldly original above, has anything...... 不知道冷原之上,到底有什么东西…… Now wants to come, these broken stars in abyss, each possibility is not quite same. 现在想来,深渊之中的这些残破星球,每一个可能都不太一样。 The broken star that he is at now corresponded Blue Star, does not know that remaining these stars, correspondence which world is? 他现在所在的这颗残破星球对应了蓝星,不知道剩下的那些星球,对应的又是哪个世界? Li Fan also thinks, oneself rebirth later world, but was once the parallel world of the world, now looks like, can say completely differently, radically is the world that two have nothing to do with! 原本李凡还以为,自己重生之后的世界,不过是曾经世界的平行世界,现在看来,可以说完全不同,根本就是两个毫不相干的世界! Even this universe, was not his once universe. 甚至这宇宙,都不是他曾经的宇宙。 Discovered that Li Fan is looking float black a broken star at this time to the distant place sky, lives wickedly said hastily: 发现李凡此时正看向远处天空中悬浮的一个黑色的残破星球,恶生连忙说道: Under crown, the wicked moon/month is occupied by several supreme control now, has become their paradise, it is said that they have infiltrated the wicked moon/month the reality, turned into a hell there.” “冕下,恶月现在被几名至尊主宰占据,已经成了他们的乐园,据说他们已经渗透进恶月的现实,将那里变成了一片地狱。” Is that star called the wicked moon/month? 那颗星球叫做恶月? Wears the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons vision to congeal, the nod said: 头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅目光一凝,点头说道: Very good.” “很好。” Lives these words that spoke wickedly, inside also contained the huge information content, lets in his heart imposing. 恶生说的这句话,里面又包含了巨大的信息量,让他心中凛然。 In the abyss these broken stars correspond, is stars in reality? 难道深渊之中这些残破的星球所对应的,都是现实中的一个个星球? Said, in reality, other centuries? 这么说,现实中,还有其他的人类世界? In the Li Fan heart had raised the difficult situation instantaneously. 李凡心中已经瞬间掀起了惊涛骇浪。 This mother world outlook development was also too quick! 这尼玛世界观拓展的也太快了! A little intense! 有点激烈啊! Meanwhile, obtained the praise under prison Lord crown, on the wicked fresh face appears the self-satisfied look, simultaneously looks toward lord of nearby silver the desire and other Suppressing Prison convicts, some vision slightly provocation. 与此同时,得到了狱主冕下的赞扬,恶生的脸上现出得意的神色,同时朝一旁的银欲之主等镇狱囚徒看去,目光略微有些挑衅。 Saw? This is the correct pattern that and under the prison Lord crown exchanges. 看到了没?这才是和狱主冕下交流的正确模式。 What under the crown needs to make you tell him to make? 冕下需要让你告诉他应该做什么吗? Under the crown just wants to listen to a news, listens to the Eight Trigrams (gossip). 冕下只不过是想听个新闻,听点八卦罢了。 You told him the Eight Trigrams (gossip), how then to do, under the crown naturally had his own resolution. 你把八卦告诉他,接下来怎么做,冕下自然就有他自己的决断。 Is studying. 都学着点。 Li Fan in the heart was shocked at this time thoroughly, is guessing the innumerable possibilities about abyss. 李凡此时心中被彻底震惊,猜测着关于深渊的无数可能。 Meanwhile, in hung upside down sky, in that boundless Extreme Abyss, composed the Extreme Abyss nihility black fog still to vibrate. 与此同时,倒悬的天空中,那无垠的极渊里,组成极渊的虚无黑雾仍然在震动着。 Suddenly, clear ting resounds! 突然间,一阵清脆的铃声响起! Li Fan turns the head to look, sees in the wicked fresh hand, in that bag from Suppressing Prison, that screen blows spent the obsolete cell phone, at this time is resounding the ting! 李凡转头看去,就见恶生的手中,那个来自镇狱的袋子里,那个屏幕都刮花了的老旧手机,此时正在响起铃声! An numerous Suppressing Prison convict before on the scene, saw under the prison Lord crown that strange cell phone one that takes, originally is very puzzled, at this time saw that cell phone ring tone resounds, understands instantaneously prison Lord every action and every movement, have the profound meaning. 在场的一众镇狱囚徒之前也都看到了狱主冕下将那怪异的手机带上的一幕,本来都十分不解,此时见到那手机铃声响起,瞬间才明白狱主的一举一动,都有深意。 Lives wickedly on finds out a granulation same tentacle to take out the cell phone from referring to hastily, gives chaotic shoulder the lord of Suppressing Prison respectfully. 恶生连忙从指间上探出一条肉芽一样的触手将手机取出,恭敬地递给混乱肩头的镇狱之主。 Li Fan received the black nameless cell phone, sees the phone screen to shine, above only presented an answering key and one hangs the broken bond. 李凡接过黑色无名手机,就见手机屏幕已经亮起,上面只出现了一个接听键和一个挂断键。 He presses down the answering key unemotionally, places near the cell phone the ear. 他面无表情地按下接听键,将手机放在耳边。 Before one , the equally hoarse and depressed sound resounds: 紧接着,一个和之前一样嘶哑而又沉闷的声音响起: „...... Quick...... comes......” “……快……来……” Li Fan is unemotional, has started to be afraid at heart. 李凡面无表情,心里已经开始害怕了。 What gadget is this mother? 这尼玛到底是什么玩意儿? Who to the phone call that he does make? 谁给他打的电话? The lord of once Suppressing Prison? 曾经的镇狱之主? If so, why will call him? 如果是这样的话,为什么会给他打电话? Let him come quickly, is why makes him go? Surrendered to Extreme Abyss in? 让他快来,是让他干什么去?到极渊里面自首? Going to acknowledge are one prison Lord swindler? 进去承认自己是个狱主诈骗犯? Does inside have police station? 里面有个派出所? In Li Fan heart flustered, inflates to oneself diligently: 李凡心中慌张,努力给自己打气: Stands firm , stands firm, said anything, said anything quickly. 稳住,阿凡,稳住,说点什么,快说点什么。 At this time a periphery numerous Suppressing Prison convict has also heard the sound that in has broadcast, if he did not reply, seems very strange. 此时周围的一众镇狱囚徒也都已经听到了里面传来的声音,如果他不回答,就会显得十分怪异。 Must say anything, otherwise, might arouse suspicion. 必须要说点什么,否则的话,说不定又要引起怀疑。 At that moment, wears the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons to say unemotionally lightly: 当下,头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅面无表情地淡淡地说道: Does not go.” “不去。” Afterward hung up the telephone. 随后挂上了电话。 Hangs up the instance of telephone in him, above hung upside down backdrop, Extreme Abyss that is vibrating stopped the vibration suddenly. 就在他挂断电话的瞬间,倒悬的天幕之上,那正在震动的极渊猛然停止了震动。 In the ground, is similar to recited generally with one voice the person scope of call, closed the mouth instantaneously. 地面上,原本正如同吟诵一般齐声呐喊的人面,也瞬间闭上了嘴巴。 As if all have not happened. 仿佛一切都没有发生过。 Sees this, the Suppressing Prison convicts at this time to the great strength of lord of Suppressing Prison, had a more direct-viewing understanding again. 看到这一幕,镇狱囚徒们此时对镇狱之主的强大,再次有了一个更加直观的认识。 The Extreme Abyss terrifying vibrates, the prison Lord completely subsided with two characters merely. 极渊的恐怖震动,狱主仅仅用两个字就彻底平息了。 That as if orders, seems an instruction. 那仿佛是命令,仿佛是一种指令。 Is high-rank indifference to a low-rank. 是一种上位者对下位者的淡然。 The prison Lord...... has controlled Extreme Abyss!? 狱主……难道已经掌控了极渊!? The entire abyss regarding the prison lord, has strolled completely, like garden same place. 这么说,整个深渊对于狱主来说,已经完全就是闲庭信步,如同花园一样的地方了。 Obviously, some lot absolutely are they do not have the qualifications to know. 显然,有很多事情根本是他们没有资格知道的。 The prison lord, should have a great plan, in next big chess! 狱主,应该有一个宏大的计划,在下一盘大棋! Is choked up with emotions in numerous Suppressing Prison convicts, was devising all sorts of possibility times, stands said in the pale ghosts and demons of chaotic shoulder lightly: 就在一众镇狱囚徒们心潮澎湃,构想着种种可能性的时候,站在混乱肩头的苍白鬼魅淡淡地说道: Goes back.” “回去。” Hurries damn to go back, waited to frighten the urine again. 赶紧他妈的回去,再待下去要吓尿了。 ~ ~ ( Everyone good night ~ recently changed writing Gai the headache, asking monthly ticket to comfort ~) (大家晚安~最近改文改的头疼,求月票安慰~)
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