AC :: Volume #4

#361: I forgive you

The face of one group of abyss feudal lord and on supreme control shows the greedy look, is staring at the shouting devil sovereign in Suppressing Prison, drools with envy. 一群深渊领主和至尊主宰的脸上露出贪婪的神色,盯着镇狱之中的呼魔鬼皇,垂涎欲滴。 Hears that to wear the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons to send out the invitation, suddenly actually no one dares to move. 听到那头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅发出邀请,一时间却没有人敢动。 After all the Lord hearsay they also has listened much about Suppressing Prison, understands being subject to changing moods of opposite party. 毕竟关于镇狱之主的传闻他们也都听过不少,明白对方的喜怒无常。 The opposite party really invited them to enter in Suppressing Prison wholeheartedly, enjoyed this old god feast? 对方真的是真心实意邀请他们进入镇狱之中,享用这旧神大餐的吗? The abyss lifeform on the scene at this time altogether seven, overwhelming majority are the abyss feudal lords, only then that erectness goat, before is, had come the lord of supreme control silver desire. 在场的深渊生物此时总共有七名,绝大部分都是深渊领主,只有那直立山羊,是之前曾经来过的至尊主宰银欲之主。 One group of abyss feudal lords and only supreme control look at each other in blank dismay, suddenly somewhat cannot make up mind. 一群深渊领主和唯一的至尊主宰面面相觑,一时间有些拿不定主意。 In abyss, many powerful and ancient supreme control, even the abyss feudal lord, followed the lord of Suppressing Prison to fight. 深渊之中,有很多强大而古老的至尊主宰,甚至深渊领主,都曾经追随过镇狱之主进行战斗。 Some, followed the lord of Suppressing Prison to go to Extreme Abyss, but has not followed the prison Lord return. 更有一些,跟随镇狱之主前往了极渊,不过并没有跟随狱主回归。 These abyss feudal lords and supreme control on the scene, had not actually contacted with the lord of Suppressing Prison before. 在场的这些深渊领主和至尊主宰,之前却并没有和镇狱之主接触过。 They or were very initially small and weak, or is born after the lord of Suppressing Prison goes to Extreme Abyss. 他们或是当初还很弱小,或是诞生于镇狱之主前往极渊之后。 Therefore although has heard about Suppressing Prison the Lord legend, knows that some bloody terrorists and cruel stories, actually also to some oneself also confidence, think simultaneously, even if the lord of Suppressing Prison, must care about the prestige in abyss. 因此虽然听到过很多关于镇狱之主的传说,知道一些血腥恐怖而又残忍的故事,却也对自己还有一些信心,同时认为哪怕是镇狱之主,也要顾及在深渊之中的声望。 Ponders the moment, takes the lead by the lord of that only supreme control silver desire, in the pale ghosts and demons toward Suppressing Prison opens the mouth to ask: 思考片刻,由那唯一的至尊主宰银欲之主带头,朝镇狱之中的苍白鬼魅开口问道: Under great crown, can our these base and low existences, really enjoy this old god sacrificial offering?” “伟大的冕下,我们这些卑微的存在,真的可以享用这旧神祭品吗?” They arrive at Suppressing Prison, mainly wants to confirm, words that before the lord of Suppressing Prison spoke real, the old god whether really start regained consciousness, and has a huge plot to the abyss. 他们来到镇狱,主要就是想来验证一下,之前镇狱之主所说的话到底是不是真的,旧神是否真的开始苏醒,并且对深渊有着一个巨大的阴谋。 If can share the flesh of old god, the feeling sweet delicacy of feeling evolution, that was too good. 如果能够分享到旧神的血肉,感受进化者的感甜美味,那就太好了。 In Suppressing Prison, wears the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons to appear the friendly smile, said slowly: 镇狱之中,头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅现出和气的笑容,缓缓说道: Naturally, extremely arrogant old god's hostility to the abyss is grave, does not die continuous, the people of each abyss have the blood of qualifications suck dry old god, chews their meat.” “当然,狂妄的旧神对深渊的敌意深重,不死不休,每一个深渊的子民都有资格吸干旧神的血,嚼碎他们的肉。” The lord of Suppressing Prison stands up, arrives to shout the front of devil sovereign, the swinging finger, these come from the thick thorn tentacle of Suppressing Prison to tear down to shout the flesh of devil sovereign gently instantaneously. 镇狱之主站起身来,走到呼魔鬼皇的面前,轻轻摆动手指,那些来自镇狱的粗大荆棘触手已经瞬间撕下呼魔鬼皇的一片血肉。 The instance of this flesh exsomatize, is torn into shreds by the strong winds that in Suppressing Prison moves, decomposes from the atomic level directly, becomes one group of pure energies, falls to Suppressing Prison the Lord palm. 这血肉离体的瞬间,就已经被镇狱之中吹动的狂风撕碎,直接从原子层面分解,成为一团精纯的能量,落到镇狱之主的掌心。 This pale ghosts and demons swing gently four slender fingers of knuckles, feeds in this group of pure energies the mouth. 紧接着,这苍白鬼魅轻轻摆动四个指节的修长手指,将这一团精纯能量送进自己口中。 This flesh energy from old god changes to one group of warm currents instantaneously, swamps into the throat of Li Fan, later was absorbed rapidly. 这来自旧神的血肉能量瞬间化作一团暖流,涌入李凡的喉咙,随后被迅速吸收。 Suppressing Prison on Lord face, appears a being infatuated facial expression, looks at inside and outside Suppressing Prison these abyss powerhouses to drool with envy. 镇狱之主的脸上,现出一丝陶醉的神情,看得镇狱内外的那些深渊强者们垂涎欲滴。 Afterward, the lord of Suppressing Prison opens the eye to look toward the Suppressing Prison these abyss powerhouses, said with a smile: 随后,镇狱之主睁开眼睛朝着镇狱门外那些深渊强者看去,笑着说道: „Do you to not confirm the matter of old god come? Also comes Suppressing Prison, why not joyful banquet?” “你们不就是为验证旧神之事而来吗?既来镇狱,何不欢宴?” Hears this saying, sees the lord of temperate smile of Suppressing Prison, out Suppressing Prison these abyss powerhouses were finally excited! 听到这话,看到镇狱之主温和的笑容,镇狱门外的那些深渊强者们终于心动了! Looks at each other one mutually, that is growing the centipede head exists to take the lead strangely the starting to walk footsteps, steps into the Suppressing Prison hall, the trend shouted the body of devil sovereign. 相互对视一眼,那长着蜈蚣头的怪异存在率先迈开脚步,踏入镇狱的大厅之中,走向呼魔鬼皇的身躯。 He was nearly several hundred years just existence that was born from the abyss, although has heard Suppressing Prison the Lord legend, even has seen Suppressing Prison through the energetic body information transmission the Lord appearance, at this time actually felt that the lord of Suppressing Prison did not seem like in the legend like that savage. 他是近几百年刚刚从深渊之中诞生的存在,虽然听到过镇狱之主的传说,甚至通过精神体信息传输看到过镇狱之主的模样,此时却感觉镇狱之主根本不像是传说中那般凶残。 Even if the lord of Suppressing Prison, is a reasonable control, is not fearful. 哪怕是镇狱之主,也还是个讲道理的主宰,并没有那么可怕嘛。 To come, the lord of Suppressing Prison returns from Extreme Abyss, needs enough manpower , helping him resist the attack of old god. 想来,镇狱之主从极渊归来,也需要足够的人手,来帮他抵御旧神的侵袭。 This time offers a sacrifice to the god activity, reveals the sincerity to everyone. 这次祭神活动,就是向大家表露诚意。 The flesh of old god, really one strange fragrance, making one want to stop but cannot, are hard from already...... 旧神的血肉,实在是有一种奇异的香气,让人欲罢不能,难以自已啊…… At the same time thinking, centipede was speeding up the footsteps, in an instant arrived shouted the devil sovereign front is not far. 一边想着,蜈蚣头加快了脚步,转眼来到了呼魔鬼皇前方不远。 Sees the movement of centipede head, the remaining abyss feudal lords somewhat could not sit still finally. 看到蜈蚣头的动作,剩下的深渊领主们终于有些坐不住了。 That strange armor, the live corpse symbiont, wait/etc, several abyss feudal lords take a step to enter the Suppressing Prison front door impatiently, toward shouting the body of devil sovereign goes. 那古怪的盔甲,还有活尸共生体,等等,几名深渊领主迫不及待地迈步走进镇狱的大门,朝着呼魔鬼皇的身躯而去。 That is the flesh of evolution body, has the powerful energy, to them, that is the thing of absolute big making up. 那可是进化体的血肉,拥有强大的能量,对于他们来说,那是绝对的大补之物。 In the abyss, does not know that needs many years to meet such a opportunity. 在深渊之中,不知道要多少年才能够遇到这么一次机会。 In an instant, these abyss feudal lords had arrived front that shouted the devil sovereign, first toward the lord of Suppressing Prison good a ritual, later is studying pale ghosts and demons with a smile, similarly lifted the hand to shout body of devil sovereign to cut the next flesh, transformed as the pure energy body, the opens the mouth swallows. 转眼间,这些深渊领主已经来到了呼魔鬼皇的面前,先向着镇狱之主行了一礼,随后学着笑吟吟的苍白鬼魅,同样抬手在呼魔鬼皇的身上切下一片血肉,转化为精纯的能量体,张口吞下。 Is feeling the time of this delicacy. 感受着这美味的时刻。 At this time only supreme control, the lord of young silver desire, cannot endure patiently finally, looks to struggle chromatic number second, saw that this looks very safe, perhaps the lord of Suppressing Prison does not have in the legend is so cruel for no reason, returns the later personality from Extreme Abyss also becomes temperate. 此时唯一的至尊主宰,年轻的银欲之主,也终于忍耐不住,面露挣扎之色数秒钟,眼看这一幕看起来十分安全,镇狱之主并没有传说中那么残暴无端,或许是从极渊归来之后性情也变得温和。 The lord of silver desire deeply inspires, similarly took a step to enter in the Suppressing Prison hall. 银欲之主深吸一口气,同样迈步走进了镇狱的大厅之中。 He after all is a supreme control, facing the present seduction, is also confident at this time, even if the lord of Suppressing Prison reneges suddenly, he as a powerful supreme control, can flee Suppressing Prison. 他毕竟是一名至尊主宰,面对眼前的诱惑,此时同样有信心,哪怕是镇狱之主突然变卦,他作为一名强大的至尊主宰,也能够逃离镇狱 Naturally, thinks that the cruel name of opposite party, the lord of silver desire made fully the stance, just entered in the Suppressing Prison hall, toward that pale ghosts and demons deep good a ritual, in mouth humble saying: 当然,想到对方的残暴之名,银欲之主还是做足了姿态,刚刚进入镇狱的大厅之中,就朝着那苍白鬼魅深深行了一礼,口中谦卑的说道: „The lord of great Suppressing Prison, please forgive our offending, we did not question the matter of old god you said that is only we is extremely young, has not seen the old god in the abyss, all are only because ignorant......” “伟大的镇狱之主,请原谅我们的冒犯,我们并非质疑您所说的旧神之事,只是我们都太过年轻,在深渊之中不曾见到旧神,一切只是因为无知……” Saying, the lord of silver desire raised the head, before arriving shouted the body of devil sovereign, prepares to enjoy feast of old god. 说着,银欲之主抬起头来,走到呼魔鬼皇的身前,准备享用一场旧神的大餐。 At this moment, only listens to that to wear the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons to show the cruel smile suddenly, said: 就在这时,只听那头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅突然露出残忍的笑容,说道: Does not forgive.” “不原谅。” The lord of silver desire at this time eyeful is the present old god, spoke thoughtlessly following saying: 银欲之主此时满眼都是眼前的旧神,随口顺着说道: Thank your benevolence, we...... what?” “感谢您的仁慈,我们……什么?” He awakens the words that suddenly the lord of Suppressing Prison spoke, immediately has a big shock looked that wears the black hot royal crown to that the pale ghosts and demons, turns around to flee. 他猛然醒悟到镇狱之主说的话,立刻大惊失色地看向那头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅,转身就要逃离。 Does not wait for him to turn around, the Suppressing Prison hall is the same like a living creature, internal space rapid expansion, the gate of Suppressing Prison as if had arrived in the horizon again in an instant! 只是根本不等他转身,镇狱的大厅就如同一个活物一样,内部的空间再次急速扩张,转眼间镇狱之门仿佛已经到了地平线上! Meanwhile, that two leaves of giant metal doors are closed loudly, seals up thoroughly entire Suppressing Prison. 与此同时,那两扇巨大的金属门轰然关闭,将整个镇狱彻底封闭起来。 The remaining these abyss feudal lords had not even responded with enough time, the discovery surrounding scene changes suddenly, they had arrived at a piece of lava and cold ice constitution purgatory! 剩下的那些深渊领主甚至都没来得及反应,就发现周围的场景猛然变化,他们已经来到了一片熔岩与寒冰构成的炼狱! The surroundings like the knife same strong winds, are swaying their body, an invisible strength as if from Suppressing Prison hangs a day of sword, making them feel that the endless pressure, must fall momentarily! 周围都是如同刀子一样的狂风,吹拂着他们的身躯,来自镇狱的无形力量仿佛一柄悬天之剑,让他们感觉到无尽的压力,随时都要落下! That wears the black hot royal crown the pale ghosts and demons to sit above big throne that in a lava and white bones composed, has the cold and gloomy and fierce expression, exclaimed with the hoarse and depressed sound crazily: 那头戴黑火冠冕的苍白鬼魅已经坐在了一座熔岩与白骨组成的高大王座之上,带着森冷而狰狞的表情,用嘶哑而又沉闷的声音狂吼道: You in the lord of question great Suppressing Prison!? Questioned the plot of old god!? Questioned my good intentions to the abyss!?” “你们在质疑伟大的镇狱之主!?质疑旧神的阴谋!?质疑我对深渊的善意!?” The silver wants it to advocate peace remaining abyss feudal lords at this time such as the falling icehouse, has not thought that the opposite party turning hostile ratio blinks also quickly, is completely quick their response. 银欲之主和剩下的一众深渊领主此时如坠冰窖,万万没想到对方变脸比眨眼还快,完全快过了他们的反应。 Shivers in abundance was saying: 纷纷颤抖着说道: „The lord of great Suppressing Prison, we do not dare to question your words, all because of our ignorance......” “伟大的镇狱之主,我们不敢质疑您的话,一切都是因为我们的无知……” Confessed to you! We never dare to you disrespect slightly, is only the little doubts, now all doubts have vanished......” “向您忏悔!我们从来不敢对您有丝毫不敬,只是一点点疑惑而已,现在所有的疑惑都已经消失……” Under prison Lord crown, imploring you...... to implore your to pity......” “狱主冕下,祈求您……祈求您的怜悯……” One group of abyss feudal lords and supreme control crawl in the place, toward that the pale ghosts and demons above lava and white bones throne is entreating. 一群深渊领主和至尊主宰匍匐在地,朝着那熔岩与白骨王座之上的苍白鬼魅哀求着。 Around them, under that throne, is the Eight Heads Dharma king, the life three giant and Sur, nightmare, misfortune and dream demon wait/etc, by the lord of tame loyal dog of Suppressing Prison. 在他们周围,那王座之下,则是八首法王、生命三巨人、克苏尔、噩梦、厄运以及梦魔等等,被镇狱之主驯服的忠犬。 Saw the powerhouses in lord of invitation these abyss Suppressing Prison come to share the body of old god, but dries in the sun them in the one side, follows Suppressing Prison except for the life three giant and Eight Heads Dharma king these earliest Lord existence, other abyss powerhouses somewhat refuse to accept. 原本看到镇狱之主邀请这些深渊之中的强者们前来分享旧神的身躯,而将他们晾在一旁,除了生命三巨人和八首法王这些最早追随镇狱之主的存在,其他的深渊强者们还是有些不服的。 But at this time, pleasant sensation of they endless distortion! 而此时,他们只有无尽的扭曲的快感! These crawl in the fellow of place, simply is one flock of pitiful insects. 那些匍匐在地的家伙,简直就是一群可悲的虫豸。 Made one detest and reject. 令人厌弃。 At this time they stand under the throne, had one type regarding the feeling that the entire abyss keeps aloof. 此时他们站在王座之下,却有了一种对于整个深渊都高高在上的感觉。 After the silver wants it to advocate peace an abyss feudal lord implored urgently, sees the pale ghosts and demons above lava and white bones throne shows a mischievous smile, said: 在银欲之主和一众深渊领主苦苦哀求之后,就见熔岩与白骨王座之上的苍白鬼魅露出一丝促狭的笑容,说道: Very good, I forgive your ignorance, after all you even the first time are saw the old god, had suspected, is normal, my natural disposition is benevolent, how to seize your faults not to put.” “很好,我原谅你们的无知,毕竟你们甚至是第一次见到旧神,有所猜疑,也是正常的,我本性仁慈,怎会揪住你们的这点错处不放。” The silver wants it to advocate peace an abyss feudal lord to relax at this time immediately. 银欲之主和一众深渊领主此时立刻松了一口气。 Above a surrounding giant stone, watches this human heads is also being in the heart imposing. 周围的一块巨石之上,观看着这一幕的人类头颅们也是心中凛然。 In their opinion the contours of these monsters are to let the person simply looked that must go crazy, but at this time these make the monster that people go crazy actually in long exhale, seems saved from death to be the same, is really strange and funny. 在他们看来那些怪物的外形简直是让人看一眼就要发疯,而此时那些让人发疯的怪物竟然都在长长呼气,仿佛死里逃生一样,实在是怪异而又滑稽。 Here monster each is existence of that myth rank, actually displays so base and low, these heads immediately also with having the glory, felt one Lord toy also become as Suppressing Prison noble. 这里的怪物每一个都是那种神话级别的存在,却表现得如此卑微,这些头颅立刻也与有荣焉,感觉自己作为镇狱之主的玩具也变得高贵起来。 At this moment, listens to the lord of Suppressing Prison to bring the temperate smile face to change, becomes savage, but violent anger, dense say/way: 就在这时,就听镇狱之主原本带着温和笑容的脸庞又是一变,变得凶残而暴怒,森然道: But you dare to covet my god meal! Dares to covet Suppressing Prison Lord food! This is the biggest provocation! This is disrespecting to entire Suppressing Prison! Death penalty! Death penalty!” “但是你们竟敢觊觎我的神餐!竟敢觊觎镇狱之主的食物!这是最大的挑衅!这是对整个镇狱的不敬!死刑!死刑!” Afterward the commanding general of hand Suppressing Prison wields, under numerous loyal dogs toward throne ordered: 随后镇狱之主将手一挥,朝着王座之下的一众忠犬下令: Killed them, you will enjoy their flesh!” “杀了他们,你们将享用他们的血肉!”
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