AC :: Volume #4

#347: Haven't I died?

Heard Song Lian the words, Li Fan felt in instantaneously own heart surged a warm current, an eye socket slightly heat, almost must cry at the scene. 听到宋濂的话,李凡瞬间感觉自己的心中涌起一股暖流,眼眶都微微一热,几乎要当场落泪。 This little Song, was really intimate, absolutely was a talent...... 这个小宋,实在是太贴心了,绝对是个人才啊…… If does early, oneself also do use such big fee/spent to be flustered, does such troublesome? 如果早这么干,自己还用这么大费周章,搞得这么麻烦? This what is old god and so on mess, he does not want to manage. 这什么旧神之类的烂摊子,他本来就不怎么想管。 Blames me. 怪我。 In the Li Fan heart rebukes oneself guilty. 李凡心中内疚自责。 Blames me not to have ahead of time and little Songgou is on good terms...... 都怪我没有提前和小宋沟通好啊…… If reached an agreement with him early, everyone accords to his need, that what shouted the devil sovereign and so on, wants to awake awakes, resting was so long, hasn't made one open the eyes to open eyes? 要是早跟他说好了,大家各取所需,那什么呼魔鬼皇之类的,想醒就醒呗,睡了这么久了,还不让人睁睁眼了? Also was hit initially. 再说当初也是自己打的。 In this flash, in the Li Fan mind passing over gently and swiftly many ideas, making him feel that oneself want to understand a lot instantaneously. 在这一瞬间,李凡脑海中掠过很多想法,让他感觉自己瞬间想明白了很多事情。 Under basically is the waste, counted on that their going removed from office the demotion by oneself is not possible, does not add to the chaos the counter- milk to be good to him. 手下基本都是废物,指望他们去让自己撤职降职是不可能了,不给他添乱反奶就不错。 Until now, he thought mistakenly. 一直以来,他都想错了。 Regarding own these, making them understand the logic that oneself do not want to be promoted is very difficult, moreover is easy to leak out to make the abyss lifeform in Suppressing Prison have these to hide begins to have suspicions in the abyss powerhouse in secret. 对于自己的这些手下来说,让他们明白自己不想升职的逻辑是很难的,而且容易泄露出去让镇狱之中的深渊生物还有那些隐藏在暗中的深渊强者起疑。 Oneself should do did not count on that these make mistakes, but changes a group of people to achieve the goal! 自己应该做的并不是指望这些手下犯错,而是换一批人去达成目标! For example, found these to hide in enemy in secret directly, reaches the agreement with them, even guides them to make is shouldered the responsibility by oneself the matter. 比如,直接找到那些隐藏在暗中的仇家,和他们达成协议,甚至引导他们做出一些让自己承担责任的事情。 Like this opposite party gained the advantage, oneself also received the punishment of higher-up leader, a good matter? 这样对方获得了好处,自己这边也受到了上级领导的处分,多好的一件事? Proper win-win! 妥妥的双赢啊! Li Fan looked to face demented smile Song Lian, the feeling somewhat was regrettable. 李凡看向一脸癫狂笑容的宋濂,不由感觉有些遗憾。 little Song, blamed me, our deep understanding, were too late...... 小宋,怪我,咱们互相之间的深入了解,还是太晚了啊…… When hates not to meet by chance has not seen. 恨不相逢未见时。 Although your time does well, but later was useless. 虽然你这次做得很不错,不过以后就没什么用了。 What a pity. 可惜。 At that moment wields the hand, has taken down Song Lian the head, holds the hair to carry in the hand, somewhat looks at each other with him regrettably. 当下将手一挥,已经取下了宋濂的头颅,抓住头发拎在手中,有些遗憾地和他对视。 Relax, you cannot die, then refine to you, puts to the Suppressing Prison bookshelf on, was a reward. 放心,你死不了,回头给你炼了,搁到镇狱的书架上,也算是一种奖励了。 On Song Lian the face still has that extremely arrogant smile, in the look somewhat was stunned, as without thinking of Li Fan so will be unexpectedly neat, conveniently his head cutting. 宋濂的脸上仍然带着那狂妄的笑容,眼神之中还有些错愕,似乎没想到李凡竟然会这么干脆利落,随手就把他的脑袋给砍了下来。 Li Fan looked at the side later float Prasong and other head of numerous Spirit Descent Master, said: 李凡随后看了看身边悬浮着的巴颂等一众降灵师的头颅,说道: Built up, but also began with me personally?” “炼了吧,还用我亲自动手?” Arrives after an abyss powerhouse, Prasong and other Spirit Descent Master the heads have watched in one side silently, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, wishes one could to hide. 从一众深渊强者登场之后,巴颂等降灵师的头颅就一直在一旁默默观看,大气都不敢喘,恨不能将自己隐藏起来。 Thinks own these heads a little are important, saw after these control and abyss feudal lord, supremely discovered, they are anything. 原本以为自己这些脑袋还有点重要,看到那些至尊主宰和深渊领主之后才发现,他们算个啥啊。 Radically being able to stand in line number in these lackeys of master. 在主人的那些狗腿子里面根本都排不上号的。 At this time hears master's order, immediately is overjoyed, feels own existence to be valuable instantaneously, more than ten heads start to read aloud the incantation hastily, refine to melt Song Lian the head. 此时听到主人的命令,立刻大喜过望,瞬间感受到自己的存在还有价值,十几个头颅连忙开始念诵咒语,炼化宋濂的头颅。 Although they regarding controlling the skull technique are not understood, but regarding holding the corpse together is actually gradually for a long time, understands that this is mostly the same except for minor differences. 虽然他们对于控颅术并不是十分了解,但是对于操尸一道却都是浸淫许久的,明白这不过是大同小异。 Building up is in a preserved head the energetic body is actually insufficient to dissipate the too quick process, to put it bluntly conducts the transformation in mental power structure the head, manufactures the wall barrier of preserved brain energetic body the flesh of head. 炼化其实是一个保存头颅之内精神体不至于消散太快的过程,说白了就是将头颅进行精神力构造方面的改造,将头颅的血肉制作成保存大脑精神体的壁障。 Final controlling skull technique, must look at master own ability. 最终的控颅术,还是得看主人自己的能力。 Song Lian the head a tremor, like thrown into the smoked meat room to fumigate immediately later, starting the rapid dehydration was withered. 宋濂的头颅立刻一阵颤动,随后如同被丢进熏腊房里面熏制一样,开始迅速脱水干瘪下来。 15 Advent Group Grandmasters also catch up, the mental power wall of head bonds the transformation simply should not be too easy, merely is a half minute, Song Lian the head had been built up thoroughly. 十五个降临会的大师同时发力,头颅的精神力壁障改造简直不要太容易,仅仅是半分钟的时间,宋濂的头颅已经彻底被炼化完毕。 Li Fan releases mental power immediately, connected with Song Lian's head, completed the work in mental power connection. 李凡立刻释放出精神力,和宋濂的头颅相连接,做好了精神力接驳方面的工作。 Song Lian the withered head trembled fiercely, later the dry eyelid shivered gently, finally opened the eye slowly. 宋濂的干瘪头颅猛地一颤,随后干巴巴的眼皮轻轻颤抖,最终缓缓睁开眼睛。 Heaves in sight, is the Li Fan unemotional face, surrounding these heads as well as Clean Association five people of group facetious vision. 映入眼帘的,是李凡面无表情的脸,还有周围那些头颅以及清洁协会五人组戏谑的目光。 When sees the surrounding scene, Song Lian gawked, flutters saying: 当看到周围的景象,宋濂不由一愣,颤声说道: „Haven't I...... I died?” “我……我不是已经死了吗?” Li Fan does not have the slight sentiment saying: 李凡不带丝毫感情地说道: Death was not your home to return, considering your actions, you had obtained Lord the reward from Suppressing Prison, will never die.” “死亡不是你的归宿,鉴于你的所作所为,你已经获得了来自镇狱之主的奖励,永远不会死亡。” The surrounding people shiver together with these heads instantaneously. 周围的众人连同那些头颅不由瞬间打了个冷颤。 The Sir said, obviously does not know must suffer to Song Lian many. 大人这么说,显然是不知道要给宋濂多少折磨了。 Thinks that Song Lian could not seek livehood sought unable the appearance, everyone set firm resolve secretly, cannot enrage at present this man absolutely. 想到宋濂求生不得求死不能的模样,所有人都暗暗下定决心,绝对不能触怒了眼前这个男人。 Song Lian saw not far away to pour in that headless corpse of ground at this time. 宋濂此时才看到不远处倒在地上的那具无头尸体。 His own corpse. 他自己的尸体。 Afterward a biting cold ice made him want to understand anything coldly suddenly. 随后一股彻骨的冰寒让他猛然想明白了什么。 He goes all out to want toward oneself head under to look, actually discovered oneself simply did not have the neck. 他拼命想要往自己的脑袋下面看去,却发现自己根本没有脖子了。 Did not have the body. 也没有了身体。 What you...... you made to me!? Your this devil...... your devil! Killed me, killed me!!!” “你……你对我做了什么!?你这个魔鬼……你这个魔鬼!杀了我,杀了我!!!” Song Lian shouted desperately crazily, actually can only , whatever carried to sink to carry in the midair to float. 宋濂绝望地疯狂大喊,却只能任由自己在半空中载沉载浮。 At this time he could not even achieve the suicide! 此时他甚至连自杀都做不到了! Nearby Prasong consoles saying: 一旁的巴颂劝慰道: Do not shout that which this, later is more miserable, when the time comes shouted again also with enough time.” “别喊了,这才到哪儿,以后还有更惨的,到时候再喊也来得及。” Song Lian the head complexion was pale, non-stop shivering, at this time felt truly fear that came from Collector. 宋濂的头颅面色惨白,不停颤抖,此时才真正感受到了来自于收藏家的恐惧。 He becomes the holding of opposite party! 他成为了对方的藏品! Meanwhile, saw that Li Fan refine to melt one of the Song Lian head conveniently, presented these to subordinate in Song Lian's Clean Association member, these Royal Exorcism Bureau subordinates, knelt down at this time in abundance, paid homage to beg for mercy toward Li Fan crazily, established the serious oath desire to give loyalty to at the scene. 与此同时,看到李凡随手炼化宋濂头颅的一幕,在场那些原本隶属于宋濂的清洁协会成员,还有那些伦威的皇家驱魔局下属,此时纷纷跪倒在地,朝着李凡疯狂膜拜求饶,当场立下毒誓乞求效忠。 Saw a moment ago that the top powerhouse fought, to shocked their already in the extreme. 刚才看到了顶尖强者战斗的一幕,对他们内心的震撼已经无以复加。 Indescribably after seeing these is hard to speak exists greatly, everyone is the san value falls crazily, had been laid down the crazy seed, and seed of innermost soul to Li Fan respect. 在看到那些不可名状难以言说的伟大存在之后,所有人都是san值狂掉,早就被埋下了疯狂的种子,以及灵魂深处对李凡崇敬的种子。 If not Li Fan deliberately controls the dream demon the strength, helping them maintain the final sober bottom line, now does not know that had many people to dig out own both eyes, or cut open own skull at the scene, dug out own brain. 如果不是李凡刻意控制梦魔的力量,帮他们保持了最后的清醒底线,现在不知道有多少人早就已经挖出了自己的双目,或者当场切开自己的颅骨,抠出了自己的脑子。 But now, this final reason, lets their nearly survival instinct made the choice, chooses to become insect in the Collector hand. 而现在,这最后的一丝理智,让他们近乎生存本能的做出了选择,选择成为一只收藏家手中的虫豸。 This inside has many are Awakener, at this time facing Li Fan time instead increases desperately. 这里面有不少人本身就是觉醒者,此时面对李凡的时候反而增加绝望。 Also only then understands anomaly, clearer Li Fan is terrifying. 也只有了解异常,才更明白李凡到底有多么恐怖。 Li Fan lacks at this time to these person of interests, looked toward the Clean Association five people of groups, five people immediately in front of the sensible arriving people, dignified announcement in various criteria that Sir Collector works hand/subordinate. 李凡此时对这些人兴趣缺缺,朝清洁协会五人组看了看,五人立刻懂事的来到众人面前,威严的宣布在收藏家大人手下做事的各项准则。 Meanwhile, above body of one group of dead Thai powerful officials, these were separated from ghost child Men of control, similarly arrives in front of Li Fan, reveals a pitiful appearance, seeks harbour to Li Fan. 与此同时,一群死去的暹罗权贵们的尸体之上,那些脱离了掌控的鬼童们,同样来到李凡面前,纷纷露出一副可怜巴巴的模样,向李凡寻求庇护。 After Song Lian Li Fan got rid of, they thoroughly were separated from the control, gained the freedom, had own mental. 宋濂被李凡干掉之后,他们彻底脱离了掌控,获得了自由,也拥有了自己的心智。 Looks that these moe lovable ghost child Men dull, Li Fan sigh. 看着这些呆萌可爱的鬼童们,李凡不由叹了口气。 He understands that these ghost children before death are also the pitiful children, is in itself some by the tool of use, does not have what mistake. 他明白这些鬼童生前也都是可怜的孩子,本身都是一些被人利用的工具,并不存在什么过错。 When above lower tail refers to witch character number shines slightly, Li Fan opens leaf of Baodeshan Temple ruins conveniently the gate, immediately has the gloomy ghost air/Qi gushes out. 当下尾指之上的“巫”字符号微微亮起,李凡随手打开一扇报德善寺废墟的门,立刻有阴森鬼气从中涌出。 That leads to the gateway of sorcerer mystical place. 那是通往巫神秘境的门户。 Numerous ghost child when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, lights up with pleasure immediately, lines up to enter in the sorcerer mystical place. 一众鬼童福至心灵,立刻喜笑颜开,排队进入了巫神秘境之中。 Has nourishing of sorcerer mystical place, they will also be insufficient the dissipation annihilation. 有巫神秘境的滋养,他们也不至于会消散湮灭了。 The gate of sorcerer mystical place is closed again, Li Fan looked at around one, the entire ghost sovereign mystical place at this time has tended to be tranquil. 巫神秘境的门再次关闭,李凡看了一眼周围,整个鬼皇秘境此时已经趋于平静。 As a result of the fight, had the ominous offense air/Qi in ghost sovereign mystical place, at this time also dissipated much. 由于刚才的战斗,原本存在于鬼皇秘境中的凶戾之气,此时也消散了不少。 The human skeleton everywhere, had turned into white bone pebbles broken stone same existence. 遍地的人类骸骨,都已经变成了白色的骨质卵石砾石一样的存在。 The people that in the Baodeshan Temple ruins, were led, by the Yin sign suck dry mental power, had been turned into corpse everywhere. 报德善寺的废墟之中,绝大部分被带过来的民众,早就已经被阴牌吸干了精神力,变成了满地的尸体。 Few parts are also living, fell into the stupor. 少部分还活着的,也都陷入了昏迷之中。 Song Lian, had Sha and Ma, originally was the Royal Siamese Exorcism Bureau high level, did not think of own people, instead the treating as dry cell battery equally with it is the abandoned tool, was really makes the person indignation and sigh. 宋濂、伦威还有沙马三人,本是暹罗皇家驱魔局的高层,不为自己的民众着想,反而将之当做干电池一样用之即弃的工具,实在是令人愤慨而又感叹。 Was the time goes back. 是时候回去了。 Was good gave to itself because of Song Lian finally a gift, the powerful official on the scene had it all, will report Xia State Abnormal Bureau on no one, gave itself what commendatory letter and so on. 好在宋濂最终还是送给了自己一份礼物,在场的权贵被一锅端,也就没有人会上报夏国异常局,给自己什么表扬信之类的了。 As for Clean Association that side, although solid oneself Collector status, but wants to come to the Clean Association headquarters also to dread to him, quick will bump into is promoted the ceiling. 至于清洁协会那边,虽然坐实了自己收藏家的身份,不过想来清洁协会总部也会对他更加忌惮,很快就会碰到升职天花板。 Such a wants is also good. 这么一想也还不错。 Thinks of here, Li Fan looked down the palm. 想到这里,李凡低头看了看掌心。 A pure black eyeball, at this time in his palm. 一颗纯黑色的眼珠,此时正在他的掌心之中。 This was a moment ago from shouting the devil sovereign forehead takes down, named sovereign eyes. 这是刚才从呼魔鬼皇额头上取下来的,名为皇眼。 Attains this sovereign eyes, can control the ghost sovereign mystical place thoroughly. 拿到这颗皇眼,也就能彻底掌控鬼皇秘境。 At that moment Li Fan mobilizes the strength from dream demon, refining up this sovereign eyes instantaneously, turns into a small eyeball design, appears, in his right ring finger refers to above the back, later vanishes. 当下李凡发动来自梦魔的力量,瞬间将这皇眼炼化,变成一个小小的眼珠图案,出现在他的右手无名指指背之上,随后消失。 He feels oneself control to the entire ghost sovereign mystical place immediately, is not completely weak in the control to the sorcerer mystical place. 他立刻感受到自己对整个鬼皇秘境的掌控,完全不弱于对巫神秘境的控制。 Li Fan nods satisfied, must mobilize the strength of ghost sovereign mystical place, returns to the reality. 李凡满意地点点头,就要发动鬼皇秘境的力量,回归现实之中。 At this moment, thunder thundering the edge from ghost sovereign mystical place transmits suddenly: 就在这时,一声雷霆般的轰鸣突然从鬼皇秘境的边缘传来: Bang!” “轰隆!” Even the ground in entire ghost sovereign mystical place shivers slightly, as if has anything to pound that mystical place wall barrier crazily! 甚至连整个鬼皇秘境的地面都微微颤动,仿佛有什么东西正在狂砸那秘境壁障! A Li Fan brow bunch, turns the head to look in the direction that the sound conveys. 李凡眉头一簇,转头朝着声音传来的方向看去。 A moment ago he with the direction that shouting the devil sovereign fought! 正是刚才他与呼魔鬼皇战斗的方向! That bellow vanishes, illusory strange music actually transmits indistinctly. 紧接着,那轰鸣声消失,一段虚无缥缈的古怪乐声却隐约传来。 This music, seemed like played some type of musical instrument, from the music style, was somewhat similar to the style of Japan. 这乐声,似乎是吹奏了某种乐器,从音乐风格来说,和东瀛的风格有些类似。 Just thinking, a withered flower petal is falling gently from the midair. 正想着,一片枯萎的花瓣从半空中飘落。 Li Fan spreads out the palm, that flower petal falls to his palm immediately. 李凡摊开手掌,那花瓣立刻落到他的掌心。 This is a piece of oriental cherry! 这是一片樱花!
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