TME :: Volume #19

#1824: Strips the main road

Ji Hao stared in a big way the eye, was having a shock and one panic-stricken, as well as the inexhaustible despair looks at the full cavern the sword shade. 姬昊瞪大了眼睛,带着一丝震惊、一丝惊骇、以及无穷无尽的绝望看着满洞窟的剑影。 Yes, desperate. 是的,绝望。 Extremely wicked Yu swords to the feeling of person are the inexhaustible despairs, does not pity, is certainly hopeless that the murderous intention fills the air, kills intent to soar to the heavens. His Swordsmanship, to destroy to live purely, sees the person of his sword, in the heart only has the despair. 极恶禹馀的剑给人的感觉就是无穷无尽的绝望,毫无怜悯,绝无希望,杀机弥漫,杀意冲天。他的剑道,是纯粹为了毁灭而生,见到他的剑的人,心中唯有绝望。 The Ji Hao whole body is trembling, arranges the spirit forcefully, cautiously looks that black sword shades flash through. The sword shade has left behind dense sword marks in his heart, in his behind main road grinding pan, a faint trace cold air dense black sword intends to the fermentation, is preparing to gush out. 姬昊浑身战栗着,强行打点起精神,小心翼翼的看着一道道黑色剑影闪过。剑影在他心头留下了一条条森森的剑痕,他身后的大道磨盘中,一丝丝寒气森森的黑色剑意在酝酿,正准备喷薄而出。 Destroys the Swordsmanship, is destroys main road to grow, but a big branch, extremely wicked Yu is outspoken uses the sword in front of Ji Hao fully, this makes the Ji Hao destruction main road go forward a stride, to complement a big truncation sufficiently. 毁灭剑道,也是毁灭大道衍生而出的一个大分支,极恶禹馀毫无保留的在姬昊面前全力出剑,这足以让姬昊的毁灭大道前进一大步、补全一大截。 The destruction and good fortune mutual promotion of the five elements become, the Ji Hao destruction main road promotes rapidly, in the main road grinding pan his [say / way] of good fortune increases quietly. 毁灭、造化相生相成,姬昊的毁灭大道快速提升,也大道磨盘中他的造化之道悄然增加。 Inflow Ji Hao Dao Embryo of merit Golden Light faint trace, helping him be quicker and be better, more comprehensive comprehension extremely wicked Yu destruction kendoists. Each sword shade he looks clearly, each sword light he looks clearly, in each sword air/Qi contains is mysterious he to engrave on mind completely. 功德金光一丝丝的流入姬昊道胎,帮助他更快、更好、更全面的领悟极恶禹馀的毁灭剑道。每一道剑影他都看得清清楚楚,每一道剑光他都看得明明白白,每一道剑气中蕴藏的玄妙他都能全部铭记在心。 The dense sword air/Qi that in Ji Hao top of the head Kingyun drops gradually gradually changed the luster, gradually has taken black dim light, the puncture effort of sword glow is more fearful, is getting deeper and deeper in the sword mark that in the cavern ground leaves behind. 渐渐地,姬昊头顶庆云中滴落的森森剑气逐渐变了色泽,逐渐带上了一层黑色幽光,剑芒的穿刺力度更加可怕,在洞窟地面上留下的剑痕越来越深。 Extremely wicked Yu intends to help Ji Hao, he slowed down the speed of sword intentionally, earnest soars to the heavens and exterminates all kendoists malignant influences completely displays. In the innumerable black sword light, Tong Jiong Daoist just likes freezes the stiff big fish, float cannot move in the midair, can only look that black sword light just liked the sea-monster passed over gently and swiftly in his side equally. 极恶禹馀有意成全姬昊,他故意放慢了出剑的速度,认认真真的将一门煞气冲天、灭绝一切的剑道完整的施展出来。在无数黑色剑光中,仝炅道人犹如一具冻得僵硬的大鱼,悬浮在半空中丝毫动弹不得,只能看着一道道黑色剑光犹如游鱼一样在他身边掠过。 Each sword only left behind flesh and blood in clear sword mark sword mark not to be truncated on him, but was the sword path of rays crossed time these flesh and blood directly to disappear. 每一道剑光都在他身上留下了一道清晰的剑痕剑痕中的血肉不是被削下来,而是剑光路过的时候这些血肉就直接泯灭了。 Not is only Tong Jiong Daoist flesh and blood, void of sword light place visited, void all principles cut off and are cut by the black sword light broken, stir the pulpy and thorough annihilation. Although is only simple sword light, extremely wicked Yu sword light actually just like the Ji Hao main road grinding pans, has to annihilate all terrorist forces. 不仅仅是仝炅道人身上的血肉,剑光所过之处的虚空,还有虚空中的一切法则都被黑色剑光斩断、斩碎、搅得稀烂、彻底湮灭。虽然只是简简单单的一道剑光,极恶禹馀的剑光却犹如姬昊的大道磨盘,拥有湮灭一切的恐怖力量。 The Ji Hao whole body is trembling, each fine hair raises up, the pore opens, unceasing is spurting the cold air/Qi outward. 姬昊浑身都在哆嗦,他每一根汗毛都竖起,毛孔张开,不断的向外喷着冷气。 Is this Yu Daoist true methods? Takes the Ji Hao magical skill to cultivate for now, the prestige that he can the clear feeling, extremely wicked Yu each sword light, contain can compared with his main road grinding pan formidable hundred times! 这才是禹馀道人真正的手段么?以如今姬昊的道行修为,他能清晰的感受到,极恶禹馀的每一道剑光,蕴藏的威能都比他的大道磨盘强大百倍! Fearful, fearful, fearful, in the Ji Hao brain flashes through such thought unceasingly. This is the Yu Daoist proper strengths, black robe extremely wicked Yu deducts at this moment in front of Ji Hao, is the sage truly proper strength. But red robe Yu who the Ji Hao familiar that teacher, that natural uninhibited, nature drinks happily, he usually in demonstrated strength that is only the tip of the iceberg of his true strength? 可怕,可怕,可怕,姬昊脑子里不断闪过这样的念头。这才是禹馀道人应有的力量,黑袍极恶禹馀此刻在姬昊面前演绎出来的,才是圣人真正应有的力量。而姬昊熟悉的那位师尊,那位潇洒不羁、性喜喝酒的红袍禹馀,他平日里展示出的实力,只是他真正实力的冰山一角吧? The black robe and red robe, these two Yu, their individualities are really two extremes of oppositions. 黑袍和红袍,这两位禹馀,他们的个性实在是两个对立的极端。 The Tong Jiong Daoist sudden hissing screamed: „The Yu drug addicts, I was already void state of mind reposing, do you possibly kill me? You so humiliate in me, I no doubt am not your match, in the future actually do not blame me to start to your disciple disciple!” 仝炅道人突然嘶声尖叫起来:“禹馀道友,我已然将神魂寄托虚空,你怎可能杀我?你这般折辱于我,我固然不是你的对手,未来却不要怪我对你门人弟子下手!” „Aren't you started to Gui Ling? If not for this poor monk hurries to quickly, Gui Ling feared that has become pot old turtle soup!” Extremely wicked Yu cloudy and cold unusual sneering said: Main body heart is kind, but the human is delivering you to leave in this your seal today especially, cannot think that you are planning unexpectedly still this poor monk disciple, no wonder this poor monk is cruel and merciless!” “你不是已经对龟灵下手么?若不是贫道赶去得快,龟灵怕是已经成了一锅老龟汤了!”极恶禹馀阴冷异常的冷笑道:“本尊心慈,只是着人将你封印在此本来今日特来送你离开,想不到你居然还在算计贫道门徒,就怪不得贫道心狠手辣!” Jie Jie smiles one strangely, quite somewhat the makings of devil thumb, extremely wicked Yu fierce said: „Is state of mind reposing void? You are away from genuine that boundary, after all has also missed such a least bit!” ‘桀桀’怪笑一声,颇有几分魔头巨擘的气质,极恶禹馀厉声道:“神魂寄托虚空了不起么?你距离真正的那个境界,毕竟还差了这么一丝半点啊!” A long and loud cry, in extremely wicked Yu Yu Shuangmou spouts two black cold brightness, saw that in front of him void shakes, surrounding area number hundred zhang (333m) is wriggling together void fiercely, the broad [say / way] axle silent emergence of wonderful light extraordinary splendor before him. 一声长啸,极恶禹馀双眸中喷出两道黑色寒光,就看到他面前虚空一抖,方圆数百丈的一块儿虚空剧烈的蠕动着,一条条奇光异彩的恢弘道轨无声无息的出现在他面前。 Ji Hao to these luster rays respective different, the surface was densely covered the innumerable strange Symbol [say / way] axles to look at one, he understands immediately this was the Pangu world 3000 main roads and innumerable side door heretical ways by wicked extremely Yu big Magic Power is condensed, but main road this. 姬昊向这些色泽光芒各自不同,表面密布着无数奇异符文的道轨望了一眼,他立刻明白这就是盘古世界3000大道和无数旁门左道被极恶禹馀大法力凝聚而出的大道本相。 Said that this invisible, does not have mark, silent and colorless, evasive. Extremely wicked Yu actually by his greatest Magic Power magical powers, stiffly made the Pangu world the main road concentrate Ji Hao before him to be able one shortly the clear [say / way] axle shape. 道,本无形、无迹、无声、无色,不可捉摸。极恶禹馀却以他莫大的法力神通,硬生生的让盘古世界的大道在他面前凝出了姬昊都能一眼看得清楚的道轨形态。 Broad huge, obstruct the day to shade the place the [say / way] axle to flow in front of Ji Hao slowly, extremely wicked Yu smiles one suddenly strangely, a hand finger, seven color flowing and interior had innumerable Symbol turn over rapidly to soar just like the [say / way] axle of thin rice gruel jumped baseless. Other axles dissipate in abundance, only has this axle float in extremely wicked Yu front. 一条条恢弘巨大、遮天蔽地的道轨在姬昊面前缓缓流淌,极恶禹馀突然怪笑一声,手一指,一条七彩流动、内部有无数符文急速的翻转飞腾犹如稀粥的道轨凭空跳了出来。其他道轨纷纷消散,唯有这条道轨悬浮在极恶禹馀面前。 Yuan magnetic main road? Uh-huh?” Extremely wicked Yu has sneered to ghastly pale look Tong Jiong Daoist: Without any progress? In the past before your seal came, you are this grade of magical skill \; Now you as before, past cultivation was. That kind compassion of main body, has fed the dog simply!” “元磁大道?嗯哼?”极恶禹馀向面无人色的仝炅道人冷笑了一声:“没有任何长进么?当年将你封印进来之前,你是这等道行\;现在你依旧,还是当年的修为。本尊的那点仁慈心,简直是喂了狗!” Teaches you clever, but the state of mind integrates the main road, is actually not able to control the main road truly, was in one this with the main road seems drop of oil has thrown into the sea, whatever you hid again well, in me at present, the oil is the oil, the water is the water, even if you were away from by the body have only missed one about the [say / way], this decided the life and death!” Extremely wicked Yu grins fiendishly, the black sword light submerged the Yuan magnetic main road together rapidly. “教你一个乖,只是神魂融入大道,却无法真正掌控大道,和大道合为一体这就好似将一滴油丢进了大海之中,任凭你藏得再好,在我眼前,油就是油,水就是水,你哪怕距离以身合道只差了一丝,这一丝就决定生死!”极恶禹馀狞笑一声,一道黑色剑光迅速没入了元磁大道。 Seven color television light howl, with the Tong Jiong Daoist panic-stricken peerless squeal, he kneels down suddenly in void, disorderly kowtows to extremely wicked Yu like the garlic, loud wept and wailed entreats him to show mercy. 一道道七彩电光呼啸而起,伴随着仝炅道人惊恐绝伦的尖叫声,他突然跪倒在虚空中,颠三倒四的向极恶禹馀磕头如蒜,大声的哭喊哀求他手下留情。 Extremely wicked Yu Yu Dai having murder written all over one's face, Ha Ha was laughing was transferring that black sword light around the Yuan magnetism main road. ‚’ Sound is lingering on faintly on hearing, passed a time of double-hour probably, a colorful person's shadow was flaked from the Yuan magnetism main road by extremely wicked Yu stiffly. 极恶禹馀带着满脸杀气,‘哈哈’大笑着将那道黑色剑光绕着元磁大道转了一圈。就听得‘嗤嗤’声不绝于耳,大概过了一个时辰的功夫,一条五彩斑斓的人影硬生生被极恶禹馀从元磁大道中剥落而出。 Tong Jiong Daoist with a thorough desperate and boundless hatred vision stubbornly is staring at extremely wicked Yu: Drug addict destroys my Michimori, this hates continuously 仝炅道人用一种彻底绝望、无边怨毒的目光死死的盯着极恶禹馀:“道友毁我道基,此恨绵绵” Extremely wicked Yu has drunk one toward Tong Jiong Daoist fiercely greatly: This hates continuously, can you how? Today fruit, because on the same day, Tong Jiong, you courts death, whom blaming to come?” 极恶禹馀猛地朝仝炅道人大喝了一声:“此恨绵绵,你能奈何?今日果,当日因,仝炅,你自己找死,怪得谁来?” Black sword light pierced the colorful person's shadow forehead together maliciously. 一道黑色剑光狠狠洞穿了五彩斑斓人影的眉心。 Listens to one miserably howling, body of Tong Jiong Daoist suddenly one stiff, in his body faint trace seven color only smoke unceasingly spout, the body resembles the borneol under sunlight same to start to melt, disintegration. 就听一声惨嚎,仝炅道人的身体骤然一僵,他的身体内一丝丝七彩光烟不断喷出,身体就好像阳光下的冰片一样开始融化、崩解。
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