TME :: Volume #18

#1773: Acting willfully

Pangu mainland, as long as the tribal group has the mountain spirit water monster of empty shade brand mark in Pu Ban this big cauldron, even if they are distanced the Pu Ban trillion li (0.5km), even if they have not seen this big cauldron, does not know matter that here has, they thought all a heart intermittent heavy inexplicable pressure raids, in the world seemed invisible shackles, making them not gasp for breath. 盘古姆大陆,但凡自家族群有虚影烙印在蒲阪这口大鼎上的山精水怪,哪怕他们相距蒲阪亿万里,哪怕他们没有见到这口大鼎,不知道这里发生的事情,他们无不觉得心头一阵阵沉甸甸的莫名压力袭来,天地之间好似多了一层无形的枷锁,让他们喘不过气。 This feeling, probably sits on the crater, seemed like in the tranquil crater contained the fearful strength, so long as had line of bad missteps slightly, will have the immeasurable flame from the place, will burn vanishes in puff of smoke. 这种感觉,就好像坐在火山口上,看似平静的火山口内蕴藏了可怕的力量,只要稍有行差踏错,就会有无量火焰从地而起,将自己烧得灰飞烟灭。 Mountain spirit water monsters gingerly peaceful day, Pu Ban peripheral Human Race actually does not light up with pleasure, liking inspiration that warm-blooded rushes. 山精水怪们战战兢兢不可宁日,蒲阪周边的人族却是喜笑颜开,一个个热血澎湃的欢喜鼓舞。 Since emperor Shun Zhudong abdicates, after letting a bewildered emperor comes to power grand, entire Human Race is a cloud of gloom is dreary, black smoke Miasma. The emperor grand perverse actions, running amuck of his one group of Gongsun degenerates, making Pu hillside the Human Race heart cover thick haze, all people thought that the Human Race future is not bright. 自从帝舜主动退位,让一个莫名其妙的帝勖上台后,整个人族就是一片愁云惨淡、乌烟瘴气。帝勖的倒行逆施,他身边一群公孙氏败类的胡作非为,让蒲阪的人族心头笼罩着一层厚厚的阴霾,所有人都觉得人族前途无亮。 Because the heart had the haze, therefore handles any matter unable to raise the spirit, handles any matter to be overcautious and indecisive and shrink, therefore the whole body vigor cannot help but deteriorates to decline, Pu Ban Human Race subjects, even if these young and vigorous youth, becomes overcautiously just likes * ten -year-old person. 因为心头有了阴霾,所以做什么事情都提不起精神,做什么事情都瞻前顾后、畏畏缩缩,所以浑身精气神都不由得衰败衰退,蒲阪的人族子民,哪怕是那些年轻力壮的青年,也都变得谨小慎微犹如*十岁的老人。 Emperor Shun reigns, Pu Ban Human Race such as the sun is newborn, imposing manner vigorous direct impact horizon \; The emperor grand superior, the Pu Ban Human Race imposing manner flowing and entire tribal group becomes the lethargic and dead air/Qi is dense, solemn deterioration shape on the wane. 帝舜在位,蒲阪人族如朝日初生、气势雄浑直冲天际\;帝勖上位,蒲阪人族气势一泻千里、整个族群变得暮气沉沉、死气森森,俨然一副衰败凋零之状。 After this big cauldron bases Pu Ban, the innumerable Pu Ban subjects also had the Human Race subjects of Pu Ban peripheral numerous clan and tribe to see this big cauldron, saw the engraved inscription in big cauldron, saw the big cauldron surface from the Pangu sage epoch-making outset, the Human Race ancestor has risen to challenges the past events that and has done pioneering work despite great hardships, the ice-cold heart suddenly had already ignited the flaming fire. 偏偏这口大鼎立足蒲阪之后,无数蒲阪子民还有蒲阪周边众多部族的人族子民看到了这口大鼎,看到了大鼎中的铭文,看到了大鼎表面从盘古圣人开天辟地起始,人族先祖披荆斩棘、筚路蓝缕的往事,早已冰冷的心脏突然燃起了熊熊大火。 Warm-blooded Ben Yong in the blood vessel, the enthusiasm seethes with excitement in the chest, Pu Ban innumerable Human Race subjects swept few days ago haze, smiling of whole face red light, was extolling the Human Race worthy people of former times and Saint emperor loudly, was extolling own ancestor loudly. 热血在血管中奔涌,热情在胸膛中沸腾,蒲阪无数人族子民一扫前些日子的阴霾,一个个满脸红光的笑着,大声的赞颂着人族的先贤、圣皇,大声的赞颂着自家的先祖。 If there are has built the discernment can stand in the upper air greatly looks to Pu Ban, before the big cauldron falls, Pu Ban above dark clouds fill the air, at this moment actually together the red light shoots up to the sky, the red light shining sidereal revolution that is insufferably arrogant magnificently blazingly, reflects everywhere to be red. 若有修成了法眼的大能站在高空望向蒲阪,在大鼎落下之前,蒲阪上空一片乌云弥漫,此刻却是一道红光冲天而起,辉煌炽烈不可一世的红光照耀周天,映得漫天通红。 Formidable and precise Human Race read the strength to rush void, changed into naked eye faintly visible time to pour into the big cauldron unceasingly. 一道道强大、凝炼的人族念力冲上虚空,化为一道道肉眼依稀可见的流光不断注入大鼎。 Humming sound bellow transmits from the big cauldron unceasingly, the big cauldron obtains trillion Human Race subjects faith in addition to hold, gradually has the broad light to gush out together, the strength of big cauldron suppression to the alien race becomes even more great, the area range of suppression are even more general. Meanwhile, the big cauldrons and trillion Human Race subjects intentions are interlinked, as long as sees the Human Race subjects of this big cauldron, thought that this big cauldron stands erect in own heart, becomes by own mood the incomparable stability and firm, the external force is difficult to vacillate the iota. ‘嗡嗡’轰鸣声不断从大鼎中传来,大鼎得到亿万人族子民信念加持,逐渐有一道恢弘之光喷薄而出,大鼎对异族的镇压之力变得越发宏大、镇压的疆域范围越发广大。与此同时,大鼎和亿万人族子民心念相通,但凡见到这座大鼎的人族子民,都觉得这口大鼎就矗立在自己的心头,让自己的心境变得无比的稳定、坚固,外力再难动摇分毫。 Human Race, has the infinite creativity, to have Human Race of enormous group base number, so long as the belief of Human Race does not vacillate, Human Race is the Pangu world most formidable and most fearful, has the strongest potential tribal group! 人族,拥有无穷创造力、拥有庞大群体基数的人族,只要人族的信仰不动摇,人族就是盘古世界最强大、最可怕、拥有最强潜力的族群! Ji Hao stands on the cauldron ear of big cauldron, he feels inexhaustible Human Race to read the strength to howl to gather in the river, the river gathers the sea, the Tsunami rough sea waves general reading strength emerges the big cauldron unceasingly. At this moment his internal combustion engine and big cauldron are connected, this huge reading strength changed into the heat flow that rushed to seethe with excitement together to submerge his doing several things at the same time, Ji Hao kept the heaven main body also to feel this formidable inconceivable thermal energy. 姬昊站在大鼎的一支鼎耳上,他感受到无穷无尽的人族念力呼啸着汇聚成河,大河汇聚成海,海啸巨浪一般的念力不断涌入大鼎。此刻他的气机和大鼎相连,这股庞大的念力化为一道澎湃沸腾的热流淹没了他的分身,姬昊留在天庭的本尊也感受到了这股强大不可思议的热力。 Purely, sincere, simple and temperate, the reading strength of Human Race subjects just likes sincere mountains, the be continuous trillion li (0.5km), have not made a great show of one's talents, firmly is actually not able to destroy. 纯粹、厚重、朴实、温和,人族子民的念力犹如一座座厚重的大山,绵延亿万里,没有锋芒毕露,却坚固无法摧毁。 Ji Hao sat cross-legged the main body when god palace to smile, the thermal energy that this vast soup came from out of the blue poured into his Spiritual Space, the slaughter Venerable the host to keep in his Spiritual Space puzzled him to be many state of mind storm to subside spirit suddenly, the massive state of mind fragments exuded the incisive wail sound, was breaking up by hundred times and thousand times of speeds under the washout of this thermal energy rapidly. 姬昊盘坐在神宫中的本尊笑了,这股浩浩汤汤破空而来的热力注入了他的神魂空间,屠灵尊主留在他神魂空间中困扰他多时的神魂风暴突然平息,大量的神魂碎片发出尖锐的哀鸣声,在这股热力的冲刷下以百倍、千倍的速度在急速崩解。 Ji Hao has the Pangu clock, sage Magic Power of quantity disaster, has the immeasurable world merit, has the main road grinding pan unsurpassed magic arts 姬昊盘古钟,有一量劫的圣人法力,有无量天地功德,有大道磨盘无上道法 All these strengths unite in together, to these scarlet state of mind storms also can only obliteration and destroying slowly slowly. Immeasurable Human Race read the strength to gather the sea, a thermal energy washout that naturally stimulated, beat savagely these hard to deal with scarlet state of mind winds is utterly routed. 这一切的力量联合在一起,对这些血色的神魂风暴也只能慢慢的磨灭、慢慢的摧毁。偏偏无量人族念力汇聚成海,自然激发的热力一次冲刷,就将这些难缠的血色神魂风暴打得溃不成军。 Wonderful, great, is really inconceivable! 妙哉,伟哉,委实不可思议! The innumerable small and weak Human Race subjects, their faith strengths so are unexpectedly wonderful, formidable, worthily is the host of Pangu world destiny! 无数弱小的人族子民,他们的信念力量居然如此神妙、强大,不愧是盘古世界气运之主! Feels in Spiritual Space the scarlet state of mind storm of collapse, the Ji Hao main body cannot help but loudly is laughing rapidly, the disintegration of these state of mind fragments, making his Dao Embryo more and more formidable, his sensibility to the main road is even more profound, his magical skill and Magic Power also when production costs rise , prices rise too! 感受着神魂空间中急速崩溃的血色神魂风暴,姬昊本尊不由得放声大笑,这些神魂碎片的崩解,让他的道胎变得越来越强大,他对大道的感悟越发精深,他的道行、法力也在水涨船高! Stands Ji Hao on big cauldron cauldron ear does several things at the same time also loudly to laugh, the thump that he makes an effort the cauldron ear, the big cauldron sends out resounding thundering, one * the vigorous and blazing strength sweeps across the world, with trillion Human Race cheers remote corresponding, shakes in the world the multi-colored sunlight ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) and all evil spirits to be swept across to be spatial. 站在大鼎一支鼎耳上的姬昊分身也放声大笑起来,他用力的捶动鼎耳,大鼎发出高亢的轰鸣,一*雄浑、炽烈的力量席卷天地,和亿万人族的欢呼声遥相应和,震得天地间霞光万丈、一切邪祟都被席卷而空。 The dragon clan that Ao Hao and others went to battle with the rescue also sent out resounding Long to recite the sound, evil toxin that their Tu Long secret technique brought in disintegration rapidly, injury in fast cicatrization. They feel in the tread that just like the Tsunami general Human Race cheers, Long who they send out recited the sound not because of pleasantly surprised, because panic-stricken! 敖昊等出战救援的龙族也发出了高亢的龙吟声,他们身上屠龙秘术带来的邪毒在急速的崩解,伤势在快速的愈合。他们感受着地面上那犹如海啸一般的人族欢呼声,他们发出的龙吟声不是因为惊喜,而是因为惊骇! Tiny Human Race, can have such momentum unexpectedly! 渺小的人族,居然能有如此声势! The bonus is everybody is the Pangu progenies, Ao Hao and other dragon clan Warrior also cannot help but is the fearful strength peak that Human Race erupts suddenly however changes countenance! 饶是大家都是盘古苗裔,敖昊等龙族战士也不由得为人族突然爆发出来的这股可怕的力量耸然动容! Similarly look big change also has to stand the emperor in temporary palace is grand, he listens attentively to the cheers that innumerable ants subjects are exuding in all directions dull, feels void that is just liking the Tsunami generally Ben Yong invisible great strength, he felt that his throne seems creakying! 同样神色大变的还有站在行宫中的帝勖,他呆呆的倾听着四面八方无数‘蝼蚁子民’发出的欢呼声,感受着虚空中那犹如海啸一般奔涌的无形巨力,他感到自己的宝座似乎都在摇摇欲坠! This crowd of damn inexpensive, they how dare so? Without my order, how dare do they cheer? How dare to laugh heartily? How dare don't they cheer to me? How dare didn't they laugh heartily for me?” Emperor grand hysteria is roaring: What do they want to make? Do they want to revolt? Do they dare? They oppose me? They are certainly opposing me!” “这群该死的贱种,他们怎敢如此?没有我的命令,他们怎敢欢呼?怎敢欢笑?他们怎敢不对我欢呼?他们怎敢不是为了我而欢笑?”帝勖歇斯底里的怒吼着:“他们想要做什么?他们想要造反么?他们怎么敢?他们是反对我么?他们一定是在反对我!” In the hand a [gold/metal] thorn, kneels one in the maidservant of ground fiercely conveniently assassinates at the scene, the emperor shouted to clear the way grand fierce: Passes on me to order, to convene the soldiers and horses that is willing to obey me to order, eliminates all rebels my person! Which clan regardless of they come, family background which clan and tribe, whether Saint empress does not obey my, massacres completely! Regardless of all -ages, massacres completely!” 手中金戈猛地一刺,随手将身边一名跪在地上的侍女刺死当场,帝勖厉声喝道:“传我命令,召集所有愿意服从我命令的兵马,消灭所有悖逆我的人!无论他们出身哪个氏族,出身哪个部族,是否圣皇后裔不服从我的,全部杀掉!不论男女老幼,全部杀掉!” In the temporary palace secret room, several Daoist sit cross-legged to sit, they heard emperor's grand order, slightly has not actually stopped his meaning.( To be continued.) 行宫密室中,十几位道人盘膝而坐,他们听到了帝勖的命令,却丝毫没有制止他的意思。(未完待续。)
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