TGR :: Volume #14

#1397: Martial Ancestor bucket of corpse emperors

Chapter 1387 第1387章 The great sound resounds through the sidereal revolution, prolonged does not rest, but under that residual sound, vast Thunder Sea came from void from out of the blue, in its above, that [say / way] great silhouette also appeared beside this Lower Planes. 宏大之声响彻周天,经久不歇,而在那余音之下,浩瀚雷海虚无中破空而来,在其之上,那道伟岸身影也是出现在了这下位面之外。 Sees only that silhouette, grasps Thunder Emperor Scepter, above scepter glittering dazzling lightning, each wisp of dazzling lightning glittering, will bring thunderous of vibration world, he wears the purplish black long gown, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, stands on Thunder Sea, the appearance is firm and resolute and calm, deep pool ting Yue Zhi, just likes is the contain infinite prestige. 只见那道身影,手持雷帝权杖,权杖之上闪烁雷光,每一缕雷光闪烁,都将会带来震动天地的雷鸣,他身披紫黑长袍,负手而立,站在雷海上,面目坚毅而沉稳,渊渟岳峙,犹如是蕴含无穷之威。 When this silhouette appears, that is built on black corpse day fiendish person complexion outside plane also slightly changes, at once the look sinks, sound gloomy [say / way]: Has not thought that will meet Martial Ancestor unexpectedly here...” 当这道身影出现时,那立于位面之外的黑尸天魔王面色也是微微一变,旋即眼神一沉,声音阴沉的道:“没想到竟然会在这里碰见武祖...” Martial Realm guards the Great Thousand World border, contacts quite deeply with Foreign Fiends, but Martial Ancestor naturally also has fought with many Foreign Fiends peak powerhouses, therefore its prestige, even if in Foreign Fiends, extremely resounding. 武境镇守大千世界边境,与域外邪族接触颇深,而武祖自然也与不少域外邪族的巅峰强者交过手,所以其威名,即便是在域外邪族中,都是极为的响亮。 Unexpectedly is Martial Ancestor?!” “竟然是武祖?!” In that Lower Planes, White Dragon Sovereign is shocks incomparably looks at that to present silhouette beyond world, stems from the Lower Planes person regarding their these, Martial Ancestor is almost legendary existence, he has never thought that some day able sees right in front of one portrait unexpectedly. 在那下位面中,白龙至尊则是震撼无比的望着那出现在世界之外的身影,对于他们这些出自下位面的人而言,武祖几乎是传奇般的存在,他从未想过,竟然有朝一日能够面见真容。 White Dragon Sovereign sighed one, at once looks to nearby Mu Chen, deeply feels [say / way] that gasped in admiration: Has not thought that herd little elder brother Human Pulse(contacts) such, is actually able invites including Martial Ancestor this grade of character.” 白龙至尊感叹一声,旋即看向一旁的牧尘,深感叹服的道:“没想到牧小哥人脉如此之强,竟然连武祖这等人物都是能够请来。” Even if no wonder formerly were sees a Heavenly Demon Emperor to arrive, Mu Chen has not revealed many startled color as before, originally in the hand was also keeping this grade of method, this quite made White Dragon Sovereign sigh that in the past that youth, as if also made a name in this Great Thousand World now... 难怪先前即便是见到一位天魔帝降临,牧尘依旧没有露出多少惊慌之色,原来手中还留着这等手段,这让得白龙至尊颇为感叹,当年那个少年,如今似乎也是在这大千世界中成了气候... Regarding the sigh of White Dragon Sovereign, Mu Chen only smiles, then raises the head to look to that Beyond the Heaven, this a Heavenly Demon Emperor, Saint Level Heavenly Sovereign, the today meet, feared that must have a excellent good play. 对于白龙至尊的感叹,牧尘只是一笑,然后仰首望向那天外,这一位天魔帝,一位圣品天至尊,今日相遇,怕是要有一场精彩好戏了。 Beyond the world, Martial Ancestor that profound inobservable eye looks first to this Lower Planes, by its energy, only induces slightly, then what was knows in this Lower Planes to have, immediately the eye pupil deep place, has wipes the lightly cold brightness to pass over gently and swiftly. 世界之外,武祖那深邃不可测的眼目先是看向这座下位面,以其之能,只是稍稍感应,便是知晓这下位面中发生了何事,当即眼眸深处,有着一抹淡淡寒光掠过。 Martial Ancestor same from Lower Planes, therefore very clear these Foreign Fiends regarding the Lower Planes life, are actually a fearful nightmare, in the past in his Lower Planes, to cut demon, even even/including Qiqi are the shed life help one another, so finally just now eliminates the demon. 武祖同样是来自下位面,所以非常清楚这些域外邪族对于下位面的生灵来说,究竟是一种何等可怕的噩梦,当年在他的那座下位面中,为了斩魔,甚至连其妻都是舍命相助,如此最终方才除魔而成。 Because of this all sorts, is causes Martial Ancestor to that Foreign Fiends most hatred, now looks seems the story repeats, that changes in both eyes of Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, has the mighty waves to surge. 因为这种种,也是导致武祖对那域外邪族最为的痛恨,如今瞧得仿佛又是故事重演,那转向黑尸天魔帝的双目中,已是有着波澜涌动。 Your this Corpse Demon, does not hide in your Foreign Fiends, but also dares to run up to my Great Thousand World Lower Planes to act unruly!” Martial Ancestor ices the cold voice sound reverberation, suddenly, beyond the entire world, has millions and millions of thunderbolts to thunder, shocks the sidereal revolution. “你这尸魔,不躲在你域外邪族中,还敢跑到我大千世界下位面来撒野!”武祖冷声音回荡,一时间,整个世界之外,都是有着亿万道雷霆轰鸣,震撼周天。 That Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor although to Martial Ancestor wariness, but after all the good and evil is also long of clan, hears the word of Martial Ancestor, cannot help but gets angry smiles extremely. 黑尸天魔帝虽然武祖忌惮,但毕竟好歹也是一族之长,听得武祖之言,也是不由得怒极而笑。 although his only this sovereign / True Body palm, but present Martial Ancestor obviously also only together Avatar, therefore this Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor does not fear but actually, opposite party although prestige remoteness, but his Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, not necessarily is any easy target. 虽然只是本尊一只手掌所化,但眼前的武祖显然也只是一道化身,所以这黑尸天魔帝倒也并不惧,对方虽说威名远扬,但他黑尸天魔帝,也不见得就是什么软柿子 Martial Ancestor, this liao kills my son, this Blood Fiend Tribe nearly slaughter completely, your today, if hands over this person, this king from may depart.” Mu Chen in Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor finger distant direction Lower Planes, cold voice said. 武祖,此獠杀吾儿,更将这血邪族险些屠尽,你今日若是将此人交出,本座自可离去。”黑尸天魔帝手指遥遥的指向下位面之中的牧尘,冷声说道。 Martial Ancestor hearing this, looked actually to direction that Mu Chen is, lightly smiled, unexpectedly is the [say / way] of somewhat appreciation: If so, that actually does very well.” 武祖闻言,倒是看向牧尘所在的方向,淡笑一声,竟是有些欣赏的道:“若是如此的话,那倒是做得很好。” Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor hearing this, the facial skin has shaken, dense [say / way]: It seems like Martial Ancestor today, was does not want to be friendly.” 黑尸天魔帝闻言,脸皮都是抖了一下,森然道:“看来武祖今日,是真不想善了了。” Martial Ancestor sprinkles however smiles, said: Who can be friendly with you? today your this avatar I was actually receive.” 武祖洒然一笑,道:“谁要与你善了?今日你这分身我却是收定了。” Snort, this king actually does not believe that depending on your Spiritual Energy Avatar, can together my what?” Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor ridiculed one, knew unable to discuss gathers together, immediately did not hesitate, the sleeve robe wielded, time rich Corpse Qi blocked the sky. “哼,本座却是不信,凭你一道灵力化身,能奈我何?”黑尸天魔帝讥讽一声,知晓无法谈拢,当即再不犹豫,袖袍一挥,顿时间浓郁尸气遮天蔽日。 Roar! 吼! Suddenly, obstructs the day in Corpse Qi, spreads the sound of roaring, sees only several hundred skeleton corpse beast violently shoots, above each skeleton corpse beast, has the extremely powerful fluctuation to send out. 忽然间,遮天的尸气中,传出咆哮之声,只见得数百头骸骨尸兽暴射而出,每一头骸骨尸兽之上,都是有着极为强悍的波动散发出来。 These skeleton corpse beasts are build up by that Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor obviously carefully, fleshly body is powerful, especially that lead(er) several heads, even if were Spirit Level Heavenly Sovereign met, will be at a loss. 这些骸骨尸兽显然是由那黑尸天魔帝精心炼化而成,肉身强悍无匹,特别是那领首数头,即便是灵品天至尊遇见了,也都会束手无策。 Martial Ancestor treadons Thunder Sea, his look does not fluctuate looks at that to come the corpse beast group that in the hand Thunder Scepter stamps gently, Thunder Scepter then shoots up to the sky, vast dazzling lightning, wreaking havoc horizon. 武祖脚踏雷海,他眼神毫无波动的望着那呼啸而来的尸兽群,手中雷杖轻轻一跺,雷杖便是冲天而起,浩瀚雷光,肆虐天际。 dazzling lightning howls, saw only that handle Thunder Emperor Scepter to change into a thunder big dragon directly, that big dragon occupied void, the naked eye could not see end, the thunder that the whole body filled, was transforming all sorts of colors unceasingly, each thunder seemed having the strength of destruction. 雷光呼啸间,只见得那柄雷帝权杖直接是化为了一头雷霆巨龙,那头巨龙盘踞虚空,肉眼看不见尽头,周身弥漫的雷霆,不断的转化着种种色彩,每一道雷霆仿佛都是具备着毁灭之力。 Mu Chen looks at that thunder big dragon, the look slightly is congealing, look serious, in his sensation, this thunder big dragon extremely uncommon, moreover does not seem the dying thing, instead is having the intelligence, just likes true Lightning Dragon. 牧尘望着那雷霆巨龙,眼神则是微微一凝,神色凝重,在他的感知中,这头雷霆巨龙极为的不凡,而且看上去并非是死物,反而具备着灵性,犹如真正的雷龙 Perhaps the prestige of this Lightning Dragon, was he met, not necessarily able occupied many winning sides. 这头雷龙之威,恐怕就算是他遇见了,都是不见得能够占得多少上风。 Roar! 吼! In Mu Chen is astonished, that thunder big dragon look up to the sky roared, dragon's mouth, just liked changes into the black hole, millions and millions of thunderbolts violently shoots, just liked thunder chains same, was pierces directly void, these corpse beast all windings. 牧尘惊异间,那雷霆巨龙仰天咆哮,龙嘴一张,犹如是化为黑洞,亿万道雷霆暴射而出,犹如雷霆锁链一般,直接是洞穿虚空,将那些尸兽尽数的缠绕。 Crash-bang. 哗啦啦。 Thunder chains shakes, pours to shoot to go, is tying up these corpse beasts, finally has dropped in thunder big dragon that great mouth all... 雷霆锁链一震,倒射而去,便是捆缚着那些尸兽,最后尽数的落进了雷霆巨龙那巨嘴之中... Swallows these corpse beasts, that thunder big dragon has hit a belch, has patted the abdomen well satisfied, this once again changes into dazzling lightning to fall, turns into that handle Thunder Emperor Scepter in the hand of Martial Ancestor. 吞掉这些尸兽,那雷霆巨龙似是打了一个嗝,心满意足的拍了拍腹部,这才再度化为雷光落下,在武祖的手中变成那柄雷帝权杖 That Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor sees this, is actually complexion sinks, in his these corpse beasts contain extremely overbearing Corpse Demon Poison, even if Heavenly Sovereign is corroded with other Demon Emperor, will change into the corpse, when formerly was swallowed by that Lightning Dragon goes, his able felt that has a extreme staunch wild strength, melted these Corpse Demon Poison all building up. 黑尸天魔帝见到这一幕,却是面色微沉,他这些尸兽之中蕴含着极为霸道的尸魔毒,即便是天至尊与其他魔帝被侵蚀,都将会化为尸身,但先前被那雷龙吞噬而去时,他能够感觉到有着一股极端刚烈狂暴的力量,将那些尸魔毒尽数的炼化了。 Obviously, this method, already by Martial Ancestor easily broke. 显然,他这番手段,已经被武祖轻易的破去了。 Since you left to incur, that following, met my one move to try, if can receive, no matter what today then you went.” Martial Ancestor looks to Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, pale sound said. “既然你出招了,那接下来,就接我一招试试,若是能接下,今日便任你而去。”武祖望向黑尸天魔帝,淡声说道。 Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” The Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor anger smiles to make noise, he is also side Heavenly Demon Emperor, now is repeatedly is actually despised by this Martial Ancestor, how not to make him be burning with anger. 黑尸天魔帝怒笑出声,他好歹也是一方天魔帝,如今却是屡次被这武祖蔑视,如何不让得他怒火中烧。 this king today must have a look actually, actually your Martial Ancestor has what qualifications, dares so to speak to this king!” 本座今日倒是要看看,你武祖究竟有何资格,敢对本座如此说话!” However, the surface loses the anger of Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor to smile, Martial Ancestor actually does not pay attention, his intention moves, sees only its behind the head suddenly round halo appearance slowly. 然而,面丢着黑尸天魔帝的怒笑,武祖却是并不理会,他心念一动,只见得其脑后忽有一轮光晕缓缓的出现。 halo becomes ring-like, above has eight colors, existence of distinguishing right from wrong, revolving slowly. 光晕成环形,其上有八种颜色,泾渭分明的存在着,缓缓的旋转。 ! 咻! Eight Colored Light Rings violently shoots, rises suddenly against the wind, changes into several thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge in a flash, includes the world, but that Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, is in ring of light center. 八色光环暴射而出,迎风暴涨,转瞬化为数万丈庞大,囊括天地,而那黑尸天魔帝,则是处于光环中央 Snort!” “哼!” Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor coldly snorted makes noise, sees only above his body, glittering rich Corpse Qi, the next quarter, is having a little bit black corpse water to drop suddenly from his body. 黑尸天魔帝冷哼出声,只见他身躯之上,闪烁着浓郁尸气,下一刻,忽有一滴滴的黑色尸水从他的身体上滴落下来。 These black corpse water, named Absolute Evil Corpse Liquid, viscous, but stench, as if fills the air/Qi of death extermination unable was describing, these corpse water, a only drop, if fell into Lower Planes, perhaps the entire plane millions and millions life, will be changed into the skeleton. 那些黑色尸水,名为极恶尸水,粘稠而腥臭,其中仿佛是弥漫着一种无法形容的死亡灭绝之气,这些尸水,只是一滴,若是落入下位面中,恐怕整个位面亿万生灵,都将会被化为尸骸。 Goes!” “去!” He counts on the fingers a ball, that a little bit black corpse water violently shoots, changes into a small brook to project, that brook seems like does not have the momentum, may work as its go over, even this piece of void space is lending the deathly stillness aura continually. 他屈指一弹,那一滴滴黑色尸水暴射而出,化为一股小小溪流射出,那溪流看似没有声势,可当其过处,甚至连这片虚无空间都是散发着死寂的气息。 That corpse Shuixi class pollution in society, hit finally directly above that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Eight Colored Light Rings. 那尸水溪流污染世间,最后直接是撞在了那万丈八色光环之上。 Absolute Evil Corpse Liquid, is having the energy of contamination, any Spiritual Energy with its one moves, was not only met the death qi invasion, will also affect this sovereign / True Body fleshly body, making the this sovereign / True Body vitality be eliminated, changed into the skeleton directly, under such wicked water, no matter your own vitality were much tenacious, was the unable lives. 极恶尸水,拥有着污秽之能,任何灵力与其一碰触,不仅被会死气侵染,甚至还会波及本尊肉身,令得本尊生机被剥夺,直接化为尸骸,在此等恶水之下,不管你自身生机多顽强,都是无法活命。 Therefore, when that Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor looks at the corpse gutter on that Eight Colored Light Rings, immediately reveals wipes cold and gloomy smiling, this Martial Ancestor is no doubt tyrannical, but is extremely proud, but today, this pride, is his flaw. 所以,当那黑尸天魔帝瞧得尸水落在那八色光环上时,顿时露出一抹森冷之笑,这武祖固然强横,但却太过自傲,而今日,这份自傲,就是他的破绽。 Scoff! 嗤! The corpse water and Eight Colored Light Rings contact, immediately starts to invade on, tries to erupt that terrifying the strength of corroded contamination. 尸水与八色光环接触,顿时开始侵染而上,试图爆发那种恐怖的侵蚀污秽之力。 Bang! 轰! However, in this flash, did not have what sound Eight Colored Light Rings to erupt radiant brilliance suddenly, above sees only suddenly present eight Spiritual Light, the thunder, dark, cold ice... 不过,也就是在这一霎那,一直没有什么动静的八色光环猛然爆发出璀璨光华,只见其上忽现八种灵光,雷霆,黑暗,寒冰... Eight Spiritual Light, each type, is representing different attribute Spiritual Energy, they are intrepid, but actually does not resist, each other melts, finally above Eight Colored Light Rings, has the gorgeous flame ascension. 八种灵光,每一种,都是代表着不同属性的灵力,它们强悍无匹,但却毫不抗拒,彼此相融,最后八色光环之上,有着绚丽的火焰升腾而起。 That flame extremely wonderful, seems like is the fire, but has the cold ice to reappear, thunder glittering... 那火焰极为的神妙,看似是火,但却有着寒冰浮现,雷霆闪烁... Mu Chen sees this, is actually a sigh that cannot bear, in hearsay Great Thousand World, Spiritual Energy attribute most people, are Martial Ancestor, now looks like, this word fruit indeed not empty. 牧尘见到这一幕,却是忍不住的一声感叹,传闻大千世界中,灵力属性最多之人,便是武祖,如今看来,此言果真是不虚。 But this wonderful fire turnover, then embezzles that Absolute Evil Corpse Liquid unexpectedly, the flame combustion, the corpse water changed into the lightly smog to go. 而这神妙之火一个吞吐,竟然便是将那极恶尸水吞没,火苗燃烧,尸水就已化为淡淡的烟雾而去。 Below Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor complexion the drastic change, the dark feeling is not wonderful immediately, power of this fire, as if has to extinguish the strength of demon. 下方的黑尸天魔帝面色顿时剧变,暗感不妙,此火的威能,似乎有着灭魔之力。 However, but also does not need he to have more ideas, that eight color hot links contract suddenly, formerly flickered, obviously is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), but next one instant, was actually the direct encirclement beside Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor body, the contraction, must tie up it rapidly. 不过,还不待他有更多的想法,那八色火环猛然收缩,先前一瞬,明明还是万丈大小,可下一瞬时,却是直接环绕在了黑尸天魔帝身躯之外,急速收缩,要将其捆住。 Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor sees that the eye pupil shrinks, body inflates suddenly, the intention breaks it. 黑尸天魔帝见状,眼瞳一缩,身躯陡然膨胀,意图将其震碎。 Scoff! 嗤! But also in this time, eight color hot links fell above his body, the next flash, his body was suddenly stiff, the fires of eight color invaded his body inside, changed into the hot person it in a flash, flaming burnt. 但也就是在此时,八色火环落在了他的身体之上,下一瞬间,他的身体陡然僵硬,八色之火侵入到了他的身体之内,转瞬就将其化为火人,熊熊燃烧起来。 ! 啊! That flame obviously is terrifying extremely, even if Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor is unable prevents, the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound spreads, the time of short counting breaths, then sees only that Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor body is melts, finally changed into a black withered palm. 那火焰显然是极其的恐怖,即便是黑尸天魔帝都是无法阻挡,凄厉的惨叫声传出,短短不过数息的时间,只见得那黑尸天魔帝身躯便是融化下来,最后化为了一只黑色的干枯手掌。 Bang. 砰。 Eight color hot links shake, that palm, then changes into the powder, scatters in that void... 八色火环一震,那一只手掌,便是化为化为粉末,在那虚无中飘散开来... ... ... ( Martial Ancestor came... 武祖现身了... Happen to I today had issued on my public prestige the military moves the universe soap opera Lin Dong deciding makeup photo, everybody may has a look. 正好我今天在我的公众威信上面发布了武动乾坤电视剧林动的定妆照,大家可以去看看。 Moreover over the two days I will again also look for a time to move beyond universe Ice Spirit Clan the sixth chapter to write the military, there, actually everybody can experience to our Martial Ancestor is the what kind power and prestige, when the time comes will issue on the prestige ~ 另外这两天我也会再找个时间把武动乾坤冰灵族番外第六章写出来,在那里,大家会见识到咱们的武祖究竟是何等的威风,到时候会发布在威信上面~ ps: The words of public prestige, everybody opens the prestigious search giant silkworm potato then.) ps:公众威信的话,大家打开威信搜索天蚕土豆即可。) ...( To be continued.) ...(未完待续。)
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