SS :: Volume #12

#1183: In the world does not have northern Prajnya again

This young married woman hear that, in the eye flashes through a color with amazement immediately, regarding forgetful person, even is the majority of Anping City person, possibly only knows Anping Concubine, does not know Anping King. But she, since comes this desire to poison Su Ye, will not have to investigate, how could not to know that Anping King is the what kind character? 这少妇闻言,眼中顿时闪过一丝骇然之色,对于许多健忘的人来说,甚至是大部分安平城的人来说,可能都只知安平王妃,不知安平王。可她既然来此欲要毒害苏叶,又怎么会没有调查过,岂能不知道安平王是何等人物? Shaking the head that however her still does not believe said: Is impossible! Anping King was already missing, disappears without a trace, do not want to pretend to be him to frighten me.” 不过她犹自不相信的摇头道:“不可能!安平王早已失踪,不知去向,你可别想冒充他来吓唬我。” Lu Xuan cloudy and cold smiles, bent down, stares at her saying: I do not have the thoughts to frighten you, you are not worth me frightening, I give you again an opportunity, you are willing to say me to you a happiness, if you do not want, I can only search for your soul.” 陆轩阴冷一笑,俯下身来,盯着她道:“我没心思吓唬你,你也不值得我吓唬,我再给你一次机会,你愿意说我就给你个痛快,你若不愿意,那我就只能来搜一搜你的魂魄了。” Then, Lu Xuan opens the five fingers, buckled in the head of this young married woman, started to use Soul Technique , extracted her soul slowly. 说罢,陆轩张开五指,扣在了这少妇的头上,已经开始动用魂术,缓缓抽取她的魂魄。 This young married woman also wanted the obstinate argumentative dying brace, but when Lu Xuan Soul Strength invades her head, when starts her soul faint trace pulls out, compared with being cut to pieces must come the fierce pain sore feeling immediately to enter the innermost soul! 这少妇原本还欲嘴硬死撑,可当陆轩魂力侵入她的头颅,开始将她的魂魄一丝丝抽离之时,一阵比千刀万剐还要来得剧烈的痛疼感顿时直入灵魂深处! Where she tastes is extracted the soul stiffly the taste, the pain of human body can depend upon the tenacious will to resist sorely, but this pain is actually the direct role in the soul, she simply does not have any ability of resistance. 她哪里尝过被人硬生生抽取魂魄的滋味,肉体的痛疼尚可以依靠坚韧的意志来抵抗,但这种痛苦却是直接作用在魂魄上的,她根本没有任何抵抗的能力。 „!!” This young married woman hurts everywhere sways back and forth, both hands hold hand unceasing pulling of Lu Xuan, going all out wants to open the Lu Xuan evil clutches, but how Lu Xuan can make her work loose, instead increased the Soul Strength intensity. “啊!啊!啊”这少妇疼得满地打滚,双手抓住陆轩的手不断的拉扯,拼命的想要睁开陆轩的魔爪,但陆轩怎能让她挣脱,反而更加的加大了魂力的强度。 One intermittent miserable makes noise howlingly, hears the other people somewhat rending feeling, cannot bear turn the head including nearby Aunt Zhang. 一阵阵的惨嚎出声,听得旁人都有些撕心裂肺之感,连一旁的张大娘都忍不住转过头去。 „The prince forgives, I said! I said!” This young married woman cannot support finally again, the sound of begging for mercy distorted. “王爷饶命,我说!我说!”这少妇终于再也撑不住,求饶的声音都已经变形了。 Sees her to beg for mercy, Lu Xuan then loosens the hand, the sinking sound shouts to clear the way: Said that do not challenge my patience again!” 见她求饶,陆轩这才松开手,沉声喝道:“说,不要再挑战我的耐心!” Young married woman face whiten, rapidly is panting for breath, after having gotten back one's composure, nearly [say / way] of prostration: I am the Fish Dragon Gang person.” 少妇脸色苍白,急速的喘息着,回过神后,近乎虚脱的道:“我是鱼龙帮的人。” Lu Xuan hear that knits the brows slightly, turns the head to look that said to Xia Cao: Xia Cao, how long did she enter palace?” 陆轩闻言微微皱眉,转头看向夏草道:“夏草,她进入王府多久了?” Xia Cao had recalled slightly after one next, replied: Roughly was three months.” 夏草微微回想了一下之后答道:“约莫是三个多月了。” Lu Xuan nods gently, looks to few traditional woman ethics: It seems like you want dead.” 陆轩轻轻点头,重新看向少妇道:“看来你是真的想死了。” Before Lu Xuan sect Juan who examines, Fish Dragon Gang establishes insufficient half a month, but this young married woman has ambushed is three months, also possibly is the Fish Dragon Gang person? 根据陆轩之前查看的宗卷,鱼龙帮才成立不足半月,而这少妇已经潜伏了是三个月之久,又怎么可能是鱼龙帮的人? Saw with own eyes that Lu Xuan these time as if really must pull out her soul, this young married woman shakes the head again and again, argued fast: „The prince appeases anger, I have not deceived you absolutely, I really am the Fish Dragon Gang person, actually before Fish Dragon Gang was established, North Bo Ruo has sent for this ambushing, I then am in that group of people, in fact present Fish Dragon Gang, was initially North Bo Ruo that group of people established.” 眼见陆轩这一次似乎真的要抽她的魂了,这少妇连连摇头,快速辩解道:“王爷息怒,我绝对没骗您,我真的是鱼龙帮的人,其实早在鱼龙帮成立之前,北波若就已经派人来此潜伏了,我便是那一批人之中的,事实上现在的鱼龙帮,就是当初北波若那批人建立起来的。” Listened to her such explanation, Lu Xuan then to stop the movement, her view, as if had certain confidence level, moreover in the findings with sect volume was consistent, in Fish Dragon Gang indeed many North Bo Ruo ran away. 听了她这么一番解释,陆轩这才停下了动作,她的这个说法,似乎还是有一定的可信度的,而且与宗卷上的调查结果一致,鱼龙帮中的确有不少北波若逃窜过来的。 Lu Xuan closed one's eyes to reorganize mentality, opened the mouth to say slowly: Says, I who you know can forgive you not dead temporarily.” 陆轩闭上眼整理了一下思路,缓缓开口道:“把你知道的都说出来,我能暂时饶你不死。” Since knew the Lu Xuan terroristic means that this young married woman where also dares to conceal, thing 1510 confession that will immediately know. 既然知道了陆轩的恐怖手段,这少妇哪里还敢隐瞒,当即将自己知道的东西都1510的交代了出来。 This young married woman knows also many, simultaneously she is also one of North Bo Ruo that batch of advance backbones. Originally North Bo Ruo has been incorrigibly wicked to 9 Dragons Dynasty, sends the original intention that they come is to control Su Ye secretly, achieves them to be quietly to control the Anping City goal. 这少妇知道的还不少,同时她也算是北波若那批先遣者中的骨干之一。原来北波若九龙皇朝一直贼心不死,派他们过来的本意是想要暗地里控制苏叶,达到他们悄无声息控制安平城的目的。 Has not actually thought that plans unable to keep up with the change, they the layout in Anping City have not been able to complete, then has encountered the beast tide attack, the North Bo Ruo casualty is serious, death that the major high levels die, missing missing. 却没想到计划赶不上变化,他们在安平城中的布局还没能完成,便遭遇了兽潮来袭,北波若死伤惨重,各大高层死的死,失踪的失踪。 A while ago a North Bo Ruo high level escaped from beast tide by luck, arrived at Anping City, saw with own eyes that now North Bo Ruo is on the verge of death, then the decision staked everything on a single throw of the dice, killed by poison Su Ye directly, controlled Anping City forcefully, and used this as the basis, reconstructed North Bo Ruo. 前段时间一名北波若的高层侥幸从兽潮手底下逃生,来到了安平城,眼见如今北波若危在旦夕,便决定孤注一掷,直接毒杀苏叶,强行掌控安平城,并以此为据点,重建北波若 But the establishment of Fish Dragon Gang, is they want to control the Anping City prelude, wants to resist the Anping City garrison troops and 9 Dragons Dynasty, is only their these North Bo Ruo the remnants to be completely insufficient, therefore gathers the powerhouse who each place runs away to come, but Su Ye is tenderhearted, has admitted the city many refugees, happen to gives the soil that Fish Dragon Gang multiplied. 鱼龙帮的成立,便是他们欲要掌控安平城的前奏,想要对抗安平城的守军及九龙皇朝,单凭他们这些北波若的残兵完全不够,所以才招揽各个地方逃窜而来的强者,而偏偏苏叶心软,将不少流民都放进了城,正好给了鱼龙帮滋生的土壤。 Fish Dragon Gang on the Lu Xuan face is having a brutal smiling face, slowly read these three characters, making this young married woman have the feeling of being afraid. 鱼龙帮陆轩脸上带着一丝残酷的笑容,缓缓的念出这三个字,令这少妇有种不寒而栗的感觉。 He looks again to few traditional woman ethics: You should know that deceives my consequence.” 他再一次看向少妇道:“你应该知道,骗我的后果。” The young married women kowtow again and again: Servants do not dare to deceive the prince absolutely, only asked the prince to give the servants an opportunity of redeeming oneself through good works, a bountiful servants life.” 少妇连连磕头:“奴婢绝对不敢欺瞒王爷,只求王爷给奴婢一个戴罪立功的机会,饶奴婢一命。” Lu Xuan stands up, cannot set otherwise, said to Xia Cao: Called Long Ming, making them bring her.” 陆轩站起身来,不可置否,对夏草说道:“将龙铭叫过来,让他们把她带下去。” Xia Cao hurries away accordingly, when are not many Long Ming is the half step rushes, saw that Lu Xuan is cups one hand in the other across the chest to apologize: young alliance lord makes reparations, the subordinate noses inconsiderately, nearly endangers the madame.” 夏草应声匆匆而去,不多时龙铭便是快步赶到,一见到陆轩便是拱手请罪道:“少盟主赎罪,属下查探不周,险些危及夫人。” Lu Xuan shakes the head gently: Does not close your matter, you just now come for several days, the backyard matter you not to contact. First leads her, perhaps also uses.” 陆轩轻轻摇头:“不关你的事,你才刚来几天,后院的事情你也没有接触。先把她带下去,说不定还有用。” Although the Long Ming strength far inferior Lu Xuan, but on Anping City this mu three points of ground, actually was also powerhouse, this young married woman wants to play any pattern in his hand, that was absolutely impossible. 龙铭实力虽然远不及陆轩,但在安平城这一亩三分地上,却也是实打实的强者了,这少妇想在他手上玩什么花样,那是绝对不可能的。 When the young married woman was brought still in the unceasing plea Lu Xuan forgiveness, sees Lu Xuan to be aloof, Long Ming dislikes bothersomely, a neat blade, the entire world was immediately peaceful. 那少妇被带下去时还在不断的恳求陆轩饶恕,见陆轩无动于衷,龙铭嫌烦,干脆利落的一手刀,顿时整个世界都安静了。 Has not thought that this Fish Dragon Gang unexpectedly is a North Bo Ruo camouflage, I also think gave shelter to some North Bo Ruo people.” Su Ye knits the brows to say. “没想到这鱼龙帮竟然是北波若的一道障眼法,我本来还以为只是收留了一些北波若的人而已。”苏叶皱眉道。 Before Lu Xuan sweeps, treats the callousness of that young married woman, puts out a hand to smooth the Su Ye wrinkle, said with a smile: Do not knit the brows, knits the brows is unattractive.” 陆轩一扫之前对待那少妇的冷酷,伸手抚平苏叶的皱纹,微笑道:“别皱眉,皱眉就不好看了。” Su Ye sees a Lu Xuan relaxed appearance, but cannot help but said: Do not be serious, camel of skinny is big, although North Bo Ruo but actually, but since now remaining a Fish Dragon Gang such branch, perhaps the majority of survivors will have caught up, in addition they have gathered many cultivator at ease, we come hardly was not necessarily able to ask for well, saw by me, this matter should better report the royal government first, your majesty will definitely not sit by and do nothing.” 苏叶陆轩一副轻松的模样,不由得无奈道:“你可别不当回事,瘦死的骆驼比马大,北波若虽然倒了,但如今既然还剩下了鱼龙帮这么一个分部,说不定大部分幸存者都会赶来,再加上他们招揽了不少闲散武者,我们来硬的未必能讨得了好,以我见,此事最好先上报朝廷,陛下肯定不会坐视不理。” Lu Xuan smiles: Wife, has husband, how this matter can make you worry. Before was you faces directly plot, today makes me come for you to keep out wind and rain.” 陆轩莞尔:“娘子,有夫君在,这种事情怎么能让你操心。以前都是你独自一人直面阴谋,今日就让我来为你遮风挡雨。” Then, the smiling face on Lu Xuan face hidden goes, looks into the distance to the distant place: Today, I must make in world not have North Bo Ruo again.”( ~^~) 说罢,陆轩脸上的笑容隐去,眺向远方:“今日,我要让世上再无北波若。”(~^~)
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