SS :: Volume #12

#1177: Draws back the beast tide

If the Nirvana talent of phoenix clan most makes the human dread that Soul Race minute of soul talent then most makes the human have a headache, hits runs, moreover runs separately, is really keeps the human from starting. 如果说凤族的涅槃天赋最让人忌惮,那魂族的分魂天赋便是最让人头疼的,打不过就跑,而且还分头跑,实在是让人无从下手。 Sees only Sol body to split in an instant, changes to several groups of black fog escapes to run away, with previous time when Nine Flowers City simply exactly the same, but previous Lu Xuan and the others have eaten this to owe, these time naturally also already expected that Sol's method, has left behind Sol's hope, was pinned by the people on Bing Ling. 只见索尔身体刹那间分裂,化作十几团黑雾逸散而逃,与上次在九华城之时简直一模一样,不过上一次陆轩等人已经吃过这个亏了,这一次自然也是早就预料到了索尔的这个手段,留下索尔的希望,被众人寄托在了冰灵身上。 Bing Ling also early is prepared, sees Sol to run away, uses the law to decide instantaneously, scolds lightly: Phoenix locks the Chinese parasol tree!” 冰灵也是早有准备,一看到索尔逃窜,瞬间施展法决,一声轻叱:“凤锁梧桐!” In a flash, trim space by the Bing Ling thorough blockade. To block the space, only has to be skilled in the Dao of Space powerhouse to achieve, initially Lu Xuan in Place of Seal level meeting Dong Ruyi of Illusion God Sect, then excels at the Dao of Space powerhouse, under her blockade, A'Li is unable to use the void shuttle to flee, suffered a loss. 一瞬间,整片空间被冰灵彻底的封锁起来。想要封锁空间,唯有精通空间之道的强者才能够做到,当初陆轩封印之地层遇到的幻神宗董如怡,便是擅长空间之道的强者,在她的封锁下,阿狸根本无法利用虚空穿梭逃离,吃了个大亏。 The Bing Ling strength naturally not have the several fold compared with that Dong Ruyi, has her to block the space, only Sol divides the soul the strength, is unable to break, ten thousand years ago reason that Bing Ling can surround Sol, is the move that relies on. 冰灵的实力自然要比那董如怡强上无数倍,有她封锁空间,单凭索尔分魂的力量,根本无法破开,万年前冰灵之所以能将索尔困住,也是凭借的这一招。 In Lu Xuan and the others prepared various show magical powers Sol's minute of soul catches the whole lot in a dragnet, making one that they are unexpected appear, the form that sees only Sol the edge appears in the space ties unexpectedly instantaneously, together Soul Strength hitting maliciously in settling above, the complete complete blockade, unexpectedly is stiffly had been made a gap by Sol! 就在陆轩等人准备各展神通将索尔的分魂一网打尽之时,令他们始料未及的一幕出现了,只见索尔的身影竟然瞬间在空间结界的边缘出现,一道魂力狠狠的打在了结界之上,本来完整无缺的封锁,竟是硬生生的被索尔打出了一个缺口! Ten thousand years ago has eaten your owing, you think that I will also make same mistakes over again?” Sol makes noise mean: Since you cannot retain me today, that I will certainly in the future your Celestial Sword Continent noisy earth-shaking! The next time, you cannot such good luck!” “万年前就吃过你的亏,你以为我还会重蹈覆辙吗?”索尔阴狠出声:“既然今日你们没能留住我,那日后我必将你们天剑大陆闹个天翻地覆!下一次,你们就不会这么好运了!” The voice falls, Sol changes to one group of black fog fast vanishes does not see, making the people pursue it to be inferior. 话音一落,索尔化作一团黑雾飞快的消失不见,令众人追之不及。 How can like this?” Lu Xuan surprise looked that asked to Bing Ling. “怎么会这样?”陆轩诧异的看向冰灵问道。 The Bing Ling facial color is somewhat pale, personal appearance creakies, said in a low voice: Sol already expected my method, the technique of just minute of soul was his camouflage, in fact advocated the soul still, I blocked the space on, then seized the chance to break through the blockade to escape. If my strength has not damaged, even if his main soul is unable to break through the blockade absolutely, but now, is really the strength falls short.” 冰灵的面色有些苍白,身形摇摇欲坠,低声道:“索尔早就料到了我的手段,刚刚的分魂之术不过是他的障眼法,事实上主魂仍在,就等我封锁空间,然后趁机打破封锁逃逸。若我实力未损,哪怕是他的主魂也是绝对无法打破封锁的,不过如今,实在是力有不逮。” Damn, has not thought that the human calculates is inferior to the day to calculate, falls short.” Lu Xuan has wielded under fist bitterly, appears is not quite willingly. “该死,没想到人算不如天算,还是功亏一篑。”陆轩恨恨的挥了下拳头,显得颇不甘心。 This use such big weaponry \; first, to help 9 Dragons Dynasty repels the beast tide, two then to thoroughly leave behind Sol, but the latter is the main goal, has not thought that in the end is as futile as carrying water in a bamboo basket. 这次动用这么大的阵仗,一是为了帮助九龙皇朝击退兽潮,二便是为了彻底留下索尔,而后者才是最主要的目的,没想到到头来还是竹篮打水一场空。 This time cannot seize Sol, when waits for next time him to appear again, possibly such as he will say really general, Celestial Sword Continent noisy earth-shaking. 这一次没能擒下索尔,等下一次他再出现之时,可能会真的如他所说一般,将天剑大陆闹个天翻地覆。 Things have gotten to this point, said that anything is also useless, let alone your Bing Ling senior sister has also made contribution, can only say the destiny so.” Ye Wuhen patted the shoulder of Lu Xuan to say. “事已至此,说什么也没用,何况你冰灵师姐也尽力了,只能说天命如此了。”叶无痕拍了拍陆轩的肩膀道。 Lu Xuan grows the one breath, drops out some negative mood, for the time being does not go to think it, looked that said to condition unsatisfactory Bing Ling: senior sister, you returns to Phoenix Blood Sword the first training, these time had been lucky has you to get rid, otherwise wants to attend to Sol really not to be easy, how as for the things to do after death, we to need further consideration again.” 陆轩长出一口气,抛下一些负面情绪,暂且不去想它,看向状态不佳的冰灵道:“师姐,你先回凤血剑中修养吧,这一次多亏了有你出手,否则想要料理索尔还真不容易,至于后事如何,我们再从长计议。” Bing Ling nods, to a on Lu Xuan item of ecliptic: You also leave were too worried, although cannot take Sol, making him have the opportunity of staging a comeback, but also has actually won a lot of time to you, not necessarily was a misdemeanor, perhaps the next time, then sufficiently coped with him depending on your.” 冰灵点点头,对上陆轩的目光道:“你也别太担心,虽然没能拿下索尔,让他有了卷土重来的机会,但却也给你争取了不少的时间,未必是一件坏事,说不定下一次,凭你一人便足以对付他了。” Lu Xuan innermost feelings forced smile, but has not actually revealed that he had not found to enter the Transcendent Realm road to the present, Ye Tian to knot that Celestial Sword Continent leaves behind, is not only together the protective umbrella, is shackles. 陆轩内心苦笑,不过却没有表露出来,他到现在都还没找到进入超凡之境的路,叶天天剑大陆留下的结界,既是一道保护伞,同时也是一把枷锁。 Bing Ling spoke is returns to Profound Ice Phoenix Blood Sword, but Ling Jin came from the strength of people also dissipated, just forcefully had displayed a wave of Demon Senior strength, now she appears somewhat is also mentally and physically exhausted, is a not too big nor too small repercussions, but generally speaking, her income is considerably large, is no one has the opportunity to experience the next boundary strength ahead of time, this will break through to her in the future has the important subsidiarity, perhaps, she has the opportunity to go against Ye Tian is tying the strength to break through to the Demon Senior boundary forcefully. 冰灵说完话便是回到玄冰凤血剑中去了,而凌瑾来自于众人的力量也已经消散,刚刚强行发挥了一波魔尊的实力,如今她也显得有些心力交瘁,算是个不大不小的后遗症,不过总体来说,她的收益还是相当大的,不是谁都有机会能提前体验到下一个境界的力量,这对她日后的突破有着至关重要的辅助作用,说不定,她有机会顶着叶天结界的力量强行突破至魔尊境界。 The war ended, the people appear some dispiriteds, just fought all people to try. Especially Lu Xuan, the mood is somewhat low and deep, the result that after all this fights calculates not good. 大战结束,众人都显得有些萎靡,刚刚一战所有人都已经尽了全力。尤其是陆轩,情绪更是有些低沉,毕竟这一战的结果算不上好。 He looked toward, under the direction of Xia Zhengwen, the 9 Dragons Dynasty officers is powerful, in addition, was absorbed by the deterrent of Bing Ling, as well as departure of large quantities of flight Monster Beast, the before strength of beast tide is inferior, now started to retreat in defeat again and again, fell into a confusion, their thorough hurries back to 100,000 mountains is only the time issue. 他往下方看了一下,在夏正文的指挥下,九龙皇朝将士气势如虹,再加上之前被冰灵的威慑所摄,以及大批飞行妖兽的离去,兽潮的实力远不如前,如今已经开始节节败退,陷入了一片混乱之中,将它们彻底的赶回100000大山只是时间问题。 However Lu Xuan in the heart the frame of mind is depressed now, was worrying that does not have the place to vent, he did not mind that speeds up this progress, missing and this, Lu Xuan raises the Dust Covered Sword instantaneous incarnation is becoming a deicide, broke in the beast tide directly, he must make these Monster Beast know that no matter who stirs up in behind, starts the beast tide to have the dead end! Only then little darling returns to 100,000 mountains to go to live, there is the place that they should stay. 不过陆轩如今心中心气郁结,正愁没地方发泄,他不介意加快一下这个进度,思念及此,陆轩提着蒙尘剑瞬间化身成一个杀神,径直冲入了兽潮之中,他要让这些妖兽知道,不管是谁在后面煽动,发动兽潮都只有死路一条!只有乖乖的回到100000大山去才能够活下来,那里才是它们应该呆的地方。 Three days of time, flashes. 三天时间,一晃而过。 The main force of beast tide, in then already by Nine Flowers Alliance and Central State allied armies repels with the same day that Sol fights, reason that said that is the Central State allied armies , because Seven Evils Church and South Bo Ruo temple also strives not to be small in this fight. 兽潮的主力,在与索尔大战的当日便已经被九华盟中州联军击退,之所以说是中州联军,是因为七煞教南波若寺在这场战斗中也出力不小。 However although beast moist main force was repelled, but also some scattered wavelet Monster Beast wreak havoc in Central State as before, but could not become any climate, the Central State three big influences start to send out the subordinate strength cleaning up peripheral region, reason that the beast tide the strong bowel movement is lies in their sticking together, once lost the numerical advantage, at is not stricting enforcement of orders and bans the match of humanity cultivator. 不过兽潮主力虽然被击退,但依旧还有一些零零散散的小波妖兽中州肆虐,不过已经成不了什么气候了,中州三大势力都开始派出下属力量清理周边区域,兽潮之所以强大便是在于它们的抱团,一旦失去了数量优势,根本不是令行禁止的人类武者的对手。 After the beast tide cleaned up similarly, Lu Xuan and the others then left Yan Hui City, with has the Seven Evils Church head three ghosts that they travelled together, as for South Bo Ruo several eminent monks, but after visiting Ye Wuhen then departed, South Bo Ruo admitted the North Bo Ruo strength, but also needed the time consumption, does not dare to be outside dull. 在兽潮清理得差不多了之后,陆轩等人便是离开了雁回城,与他们同行的还有七煞教的首脑三煞,至于南波若的几名高僧,只是在拜会了叶无痕之后便已经离去,南波若接纳了北波若的力量,还需要时间消耗,不敢在外多呆。 Evil Demon Ouyang Cheng thrusts out face to follow as before by Ye Wenjun, although before saying, he to help Hu Menglan and Gu Tianying asked favor, refusing Ye Wenjun to receive him to work as the opportunity of recording a name disciple, but Lu Xuan has not investigated Hu Menglan and the others afterward the past actions, made Ouyang Cheng see a hope. 魔煞欧阳城依旧是腆着脸跟在叶文俊旁边,虽然说之前他为了帮胡梦兰古天鹰求情,拒绝了叶文俊收他当记名弟子的机会,但事后陆轩并未追究胡梦兰等人当年的所作所为,也让欧阳城看到了一丝希望。 Ye Wenjun to Ouyang Cheng naturally is neither cold nor hot, actually he whether can become the Ye Wenjun recording a name disciple, looked at his good fortune. 叶文俊欧阳城自然是不冷不热,他究竟是否能成为叶文俊的记名弟子,就看他的造化了。 Lu Xuan has not participated in Xia Xi is the Nine Flowers Alliance preparation reception gives a welcoming dinner and glee feast, but rode Blue Sky Boat to arrive at Dong Tai City, this is called the Anping City place by more people now.( Not 陆轩没有参加夏羲九华盟准备的接风洗尘兼庆功宴,而是独自一人乘坐碧落舟来到了东泰城,这个如今被更多人称为安平城的地方。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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