RTW :: Volume #6

#524: Blood night

In the hall boiling gets up immediately, wooden table threw off in the place, puts the dishes of cooked food to send out the resounding, soup drips everywhere following the stone slab slit is. 大厅里顿时沸腾起来,木桌被掀翻在地,盛放着菜肴的碗碟发出噼里啪啦的脆响,汤汁顺着石板缝隙淌得到处都是。 Sits two son first such near distance witness life and death preying side Duke, draws a sword to keep off compared with big Kohl before the father, posture actually stiff incomparable, completely does not have that in the ordinary day has trained to be carefree and content \; But 17-year-old Rance simply shrank behind the chair. 坐在公爵身边的两位儿子还是第一次这么近距离地目睹生死搏杀,较大的科尔拔剑挡在父亲面前,姿势却僵硬无比,全然没了平日里训练的那份悠然自得\;而17岁的兰斯则干脆缩到了椅子背后。 Calvin sighed secretly, if did not have Edith, perhaps these two do not appear so could not have withstood, but compared to Pearl of the Northern Lands, perhaps this disparity was then big in the extreme, including them to accept fate in light of this, lost the courage of chase. 卡尔文暗地里叹了口气,如果没有伊蒂丝,这两人或许还不会显得如此不堪,但一比起北地明珠,这个差距便大得无以复加,或许连他们自己都已就此认命,失去了追赶的勇气。 Duke looked to the banquet hall center, eldest daughter stared at Ed Hawse, most powerhouse in field. 公爵望向宴会厅中央,长女已经盯上了艾德.霍斯,场中的最强者。 She is holds one bottle of ales to pound first to the opposite party, forcing him to rotate the body, then jumps, jumps onto a long wooden table, occupies a commanding position to wield a sword to cut toward him, the fast movement is similar to the snowy area linsang. The Ed hasty standard keeps off, sword edge hands over the striking place to jump projects the ignition light. 她先是操起一瓶麦酒砸向对方,迫使他回转身子,接着纵身而起,跃上一条长木桌,居高临下朝他挥剑斩去,迅捷的动作如同雪地灵猫。艾德仓促格挡,剑刃交击处迸射出点点火光。 Counts breaths, Edith has wielded 56 swords, dingdong the sound continually becomes one string, likely is the footsteps that the god of death approaches, but Ed instead erupts the astonishing imposing manner in the crisis moment, will all attack to melt. They play inextricably involved regarding the long table, the surroundings had in several Hawse Family Knight the sword to drop down, but he not only has not flinched, instead fiercely competes and successfully competes. 数息之间,伊蒂丝已经挥出了56剑,叮叮当当的声音连成一串,像是死神逼近的脚步,而艾德在危机关头反而爆发出惊人的气势,悉数将攻击化解。两人围绕着长桌打得难解难分,周围已有数名霍斯家骑士中剑倒下,可他不仅没有退缩,反而越战越勇。 Calvin cannot help but is worried. 卡尔文不由得担心起来。 Edith formerly crosses a war, the stained bloodstain on armor is the certificate, even if has not been injured, the physical strength inevitably has also consumed much, in addition the female is in the weak trend in strength inborn, such dogfight gets down to be obviously disadvantageous to her. 伊蒂丝先前已经过一场大战,盔甲上的斑斑血迹就是证明,哪怕没有受伤,体力也必然消耗了不少,加上女性在力量方面天生处于弱势,这样缠斗下去对她显然不利。 But on the Edith face could not see that fears intent. 伊蒂丝脸上看不到一丝惧意。 Her look closely is staring at the opposite party, the bright pupil is similar to the asterism of twinkle, each fencing can see sweat that her tips of the hair raises. Although the strength gradually is weaken, she still chooses with the airtight attack suppresses the match. 她的眼神紧紧盯着对方,明亮的眸子如同闪烁的星芒,每一次击剑都能看到她发梢扬起的汗水。尽管力道逐渐减弱,她依然选择用密不透风的攻击压制对手。 Ed as if also noted this, he bellowed, put together the mutually wounded potential to lift the sword instead to pull up, Pearl of the Northern Lands is not willing to bring in new blood by the blood obviously, removes the sword to return to keep off. The strength disparity appears the result finally, the Edith long sword is shaken, the body loses balanced, from a long-range point of view the table upturns to fall! 艾德似乎也注意到了这点,他大吼一声,拼着两败俱伤之势举剑反撩,北地明珠显然不愿意以血换血,撤剑回挡。力量差距终于显现出结果,伊蒂丝的长剑被生生震开,身体失去平衡,从长桌上翻落下来! The heart of Duke mentioned throat instantaneously, damn! Helps her-- quickly 公爵的心瞬间提到了嗓子眼,“该死的!快去帮帮她—— But even if the recent guard, was hard to stretch out aids-- to occur too quickly. 但即使是最近的侍卫,也难以伸出援手——一切都发生得太快了。 After Edith falls to the ground, not as soon as possible its, but was even cut has cut off the long tables of feet, this time Ed Hawse the jumping up long table, both hands was holding up high, wants to strike the life of result match with rudely cutting, has not noted completely, the place that the former dropped happen to was at the long table edge. 伊蒂丝落地后并未尽快其身,而是一记平砍斩断了长桌桌脚,此时的艾德.霍斯正跳上长桌,双手高高举起,想用一记势大力沉的斩击结果对手的性命,完全没有注意到,前者跌落的地方正好处在长桌边缘。 Made Calvin dumbfounded one appear, lost a table of foot to make Knight lose thoroughly has balanced--, if were only the tabletop tilts, perhaps he can also rebound with ease, but at that moment his strength of whole body centralized above arm, the both feet was similar to Nail decides on the tabletop, the body leans forward, standard dividing cut the movement! Sees only the Ed whole person to gnaw mud the posture to fall down by the dog, the head layer on layer/heavily hits on the floor, the depressed sound including him to hear clear. 卡尔文目瞪口呆的一幕出现了,失去一脚的桌子让骑士彻底失去了平衡——如果只是桌面倾覆,他或许还能轻松跳开,但偏偏那一刻他全身的力量都集中在了手臂之上,双脚如同钉子般定在桌面上,身躯前倾,正是标准的劈斩动作!只见艾德整个人以狗啃泥的姿势栽倒下来,脑袋重重撞在地板上,沉闷的响声连他都听得一清二楚。 Will not have opportunity of rotation again. 不会再有回转的机会了。 Edith jumps up the back of Ed, pulls out the dagger from the waist, dug in the neck neck of Ed directly, turns along with both hands, the Knight body is similar to the stroke twitches. 伊蒂丝跳上艾德的后背,从腰间掏出匕首,径直扎入了艾德的颈脖,随着双手一扭,骑士的身躯如同中风般抽搐起来。 This is...... Coincidence? 这是……巧合? No...... Duke realized, he fell into the trap under Edith arrange/cloth in that moment of jumping up long table. From the beginning was occupied the high place to project on to recapture the high place by the match, making in his bottom of heart see the hope of turning defeat into victory, but the superiority that strength competions saved made him regard the violent force attack branched out the optimal path-- match more and more weak resistance of victory and defeat to encourage the Ed confidence, therefore struck to display the limit the strength finally completely, if according to the normal competion, Edith possibly has not kept certainly off this to strike. 不……公爵意识到,他在跳上长桌的那一刻就已经落入了伊蒂丝布下的陷阱。从一开始被对手占据高处打到夺回高处,让他心底里看到了反败为胜的希望,而一次次力道比拼所积攒的优势则让他把猛力攻击当成了分出胜负的最佳途径——对手越来越弱的抵抗助长了艾德的信心,所以最后一击完全是将力量发挥到了极限,如果按照正常的比拼来说,伊蒂丝绝没可能挡下这一击。 But this also made him lose the adjustment balanced opportunity thoroughly. 可这也令他彻底失去了调整平衡的机会。 In the face of three times of in Ji population disparity, the resistances of two noble cannot insist too for a long time, after half quarter, in the banquet hall is once more peaceful. The furnace fire calmly was still burning, in liquor water that but flows recklessly were many stock bloody flavor. 在三倍于己的人数差距面前,两家贵族的抵抗并未能坚持太久,半刻钟后,宴会厅里再次安静下来。炉火仍在静静燃烧,只是肆意流淌的酒水之中多了股血腥的味道。 Duke goes down the seat of honor, looks all around, but small noble lowered the head, nobody dares to look at each other with him. 公爵走下主座,环顾四周,而小贵族们纷纷低下了头,无人敢和他对视。 Lesta Earl and Hawse Earl intention plots a rebellion King Wimbledon, had been punished, now you have an opportunity of choice, takes orders in ground these two corpses, is to the new King potency?” 利斯塔伯爵霍斯伯爵意图谋反温布顿国王,已经遭到制裁,现在你们有一个选择的机会,是听命于地上这两具尸体,还是向新国王效力?” This time answer is uniform, cannot hear other static again. 这次的回答整齐划一,再也听不到其他杂音。 ...... …… „Was this good?” In the study room, Calvin has scratched the bloodstain on daughter frontal eminence with the handkerchief, Roland Wimbledon will Your Majesty admit us?” “这样就好了?”书房中,卡尔文用手帕擦了擦女儿额角上的血迹,“罗兰.温布顿陛下会接纳我们吧?” You were still saying that he for rebel King yesterday,” Edith teased, such quickly decided professed allegiance to him?” “您昨天还在称他为叛王呢,”伊蒂丝打趣道,“这么快就决定向他称臣了?” This is not you said that” Duke stared her one eyes, hits in any case might as well as soon as possible surrenders, if cannot win others' trust in Your Majesty, we must become the noble public enemies!” “这不是你说的么,”公爵瞪了她一眼,“反正打不过还不如尽早投降,要是不能取信于陛下,我们就要成为贵族的公敌了!” Does not pass through the arbitration court trial, executes two big noble directly, this broke the basic bottom line of noble battle. If not Greycastle nearly two years of flames of war keeps pouring, each region feudal lord traded, had Timothy to set the example in addition, he does not dare absolutely according to such under extreme methods that Edith said. 不经仲裁庭审判,直接处死两名大贵族,这已经打破了贵族交战的基本底线。如果不是灰堡近两年战火频传,各地领主换了一茬又一茬,加上有提费科做榜样,他绝对不敢按伊蒂丝说的那样下死手。 I do not know.” “我不知道。” What...... What?” The heart and liver of Duke trembles, almost falls the ground the handkerchief, „don't you know?” “什……什么?”公爵的心肝一颤,差点把手帕掉地上,“你不知道?” Yes, we can only display the sincerity with every effort, but decided finally Northern Lands destiny, was still Fourth Prince oneself, this point do not make a mistake, father.” Edith said careless, he still might send out oneself trusted subordinate to take over control of Northern Lands, your title may also be pared one section, this is not worth the surprised matter. I only know, if not make the attempt, the Kant family does not have the opportunity to say, compared with the destruction of being doomed, currently we at least may also continue.” “是啊,我们只能尽力去展现诚意,但最终决定北地命运的,仍然是四王子本人,这一点您可不要搞错了,父亲。”伊蒂丝漫不经心地说道,“他仍有可能派出自己的亲信接管北地,您的爵位也有可能被削去一截,这并不是什么值得惊讶的事情。我只知道,如果不做尝试,康德家族就毫无机会可言,比起注定的覆灭,现在我们至少还有可能延续下去。” Calvin has gawked depressed for a long time, sits on the chair, he knows that the daughter said right, but such answer still makes him be hard to accept. 卡尔文愣了许久,才闷闷不乐的一屁股坐在椅子上,他知道女儿说得没错,但这样的回答依然让他难以接受。 He does not want to lose the position of Duke. 他不想失去公爵之位。 Edith has smiled suddenly, other being discouraged father, you must make use early tomorrow morning the pursuit, regains two Earl mansions and fief. Also, this matter will turn into any appearance finally, to a great extent must depend on hiring oneself to display the big ability.” Her paused, sincerity is the admission ticket that we negotiated, but result that the ability can decide to negotiate.” 伊蒂丝忽然笑了起来,“别灰心父亲,明天一早您还得趁势追击,去收复两位伯爵的府邸和封地呢。再说,这个事情最终会变成什么样子,很大程度上还得取决于投靠者能表现出多大的能耐。”她顿了顿,“诚意是我们谈判的门票,而能耐才能决定谈判的结果。” Calvin knits the brows saying that your meaning is......” 卡尔文皱眉道,“你的意思是……” I will escort these two heads to go to Kingdom Capital, the father,” she smiles, please let me hold the post of your envoy.” “我会护送这两颗头颅前往王都,父亲,”她嫣然一笑,“请让我来担任您的使者吧。”
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