PDG :: Volume #8

#779: Holy See interferes

Snort, can my method can it be that you imagine?” Azure Mountain True Monarch said lightly: „ Last night I and a Fang Xingjian imperial capital war, repelled him, was worrying that he does not dare to fight with me, if he dares to come that to be best. “哼,我的手段又岂是你们能想象?”青山真君淡淡道:“昨天夜里我和方星剑帝都一战,将他击退,正愁他不敢和我交手,他要是敢来那就最好。 Moreover I, since must help your, naturally possibly does not restore your cultivating is. ” 而且我既然要帮你们一把,自然不可能只是恢复你们的修为。” During the speeches, exceptionally, incomparably profound Martial Art sends out together mysteriously from Azure Mountain True Monarch Martial Intent, integrated has presented in their mind. 说话间,一道玄奥异常,无比精深的武学青山真君武道意志之中散发出来,融入了在场两人的脑海之中。 This is my homemade peerless martial arts, four certainly, two tyrants, extinguish. After your Cultivation, naturally had the capital that and Fang Xingjian contended with.” “这乃是我自创的绝世武道,四绝,二霸,一灭。你们修炼之后,自然有了和方星剑抗衡的资本。” Before these four, two tyrants, extinguish certainly are Azure Mountain True Monarch, exchanges the peerless martial arts that from the system, he had once given Tian Yi four certainly and two tyrants, can short contending Fang Xingjian. 这四绝、二霸、一灭便是青山真君之前从系统中兑换出来的绝世武道,他曾经交给了天一四绝和二霸,能够短暂的抗衡方星剑 But now extinguishes continually has also taught two imperial princes, this move is directly by the macroscopic technique influence microcosm, a boxing leaves, the micro particle fluctuation collides to explode mutually, during the energy decays annihilates all, each boxing leaves to play the might of positron artillery. 而现在连一灭也教给了两位皇子,这一招乃是直接以宏观手法影响微观世界,一拳击出,微观粒子波动相互碰撞爆炸,在能量衰变之中湮灭一切,每一拳击出都发挥出阳电子炮的威力。 Was equal to that a fist displayed 100 times of 1000 times of strengths, so long as the skill continually promoted, more micro particles and fluctuated are affected, the might of this Fist Arts was also higher, even can promote unlimitedly. 等于是一拳发挥出了100倍1000倍的力量,而只要技巧不断提升,越多的微观粒子和波动被影响,这门拳法的威力也就更高,甚至可以无限制地提升了。 This may be called the martial arts of ultimate destruction, can restrain the Fang Xingjian actinic body, now Azure Mountain True Monarch to revenge, has taught two imperial princes completely. 这堪称终极的毁灭之武道,更是可以克制方星剑的光化身躯,现在青山真君为了报仇,也全部教给了两位皇子。 If this, were still insufficient. 而如果这样,仍旧不够。 Looks has closed the eye, perceives through meditation the Martial Art two imperial princes, the Azure Mountain True Monarch cold sound track: These two waste really useful? They had been defeated these many times by Fang Xingjian, I looked that I have promoted the strength for them, cannot help.” 看着已经闭上眼睛,参悟武学的两名皇子,青山真君冷声道:“这两个废物真的有用?他们被方星剑击败了这么多次,我看就算我为他们提升了实力,也帮不上什么忙。” With a chuckle, Witch of Chaos Lamia same floated just like a azure smoke, in the arc of visibility that only then Azure Mountain True Monarch can see said: „ These two by the God's favored one who time line selects, unified the immeasurable destiny lead. 伴随着一声轻笑,混乱魔女拉米亚宛如一阵青烟一样漂浮了出来,在只有青山真君能够看到的视界之中说道:“这两人都是被时间线选中的天之骄子,凝聚了无量气运的主角。 Fang Xingjian repeatedly defeats them, actually also forces their destiny to a limit, their next battle, is last war, is not they dies, is Fang Xingjian dies, definitely will erupt the unprecedented strong destiny. 方星剑屡次击败他们,却也将他们的气运逼迫到一种极限,他们下一次交战,便是最后一战,不是他们死,就是方星剑死,也必然会爆发出前所未有的浓烈气运。 For example present...... ” 比如现在……” During the speeches, in the sky blossoms in radiant splendor, sprinkles with the intermittent hymn oratorio. 说话之间,天空之中大放光明,伴随着阵阵圣歌圣乐洒落下来。 In the Azure Mountain True Monarch surprised vision, even some innumerable rays just like having the life, turned into the small light people of winged unexpectedly, dances in the air in the sky, under falls the luminous spot, is having the incomparable sacred aura. 青山真君惊讶的目光之中,甚至有无数光线宛如拥有了生命,竟然变成了一个个长着翅膀的小光人,飞舞在天空之中,掉落下大片大片的光点,带着无比的神圣气息。 A Azure Mountain True Monarch cold snort|hum sound track: Big ostentation.” 青山真君冷哼一声道:“好大的排场。” The next quarter, has dropped from the clouds by the person who the white light covers from top to bottom, the foot pedal is void, just like treading above invisible steps, the place visited is the elves of innumerable light, the light rain, the hymn, the oratorio arrives, as if entire world is singing him, extolled him. 下一刻,一个浑身上下都被白光覆盖的人已经从天而降,脚踏虚空,宛如踏在无形的阶梯之上,所过之处更是无数光之精灵,光雨,圣歌,圣乐降临,似乎整个天地都在传唱他,赞颂他。 Azure Mountain True Monarch said lightly: Church person? Son of God? Dharma King?” 青山真君淡淡道:“教廷的人?圣子?还是法王?” Witch of Chaos has smiled: This is one of the Church present three big giants, has governed the leader of day of punishing, uncommon Son of God.” 混乱魔女笑了起来:“这是教廷现在的三大巨头之一,掌管了天罚的领袖,不凡圣子。” In Azure Mountain True Monarch heart secret passage: Uncommon Son of God in Church three Son of God?’ 青山真君心中暗道:‘教廷三大圣子之中的不凡圣子么?’ Sees only that uncommon Son of God to be covered by the rich ray from top to bottom, the whole person takeoffs one inch float, as if disdains in contacts with the earth, his vision has swept two imperial princes and Azure Mountain True Monarch, in both eyes cannot see slightly motionless, just like is the present three people have not distinguished with the world anybody. 只见那不凡圣子浑身上下都被浓郁的光芒笼罩,整个人离地一寸漂浮,似乎不屑于和大地进行接触,他的目光扫过两位皇子和青山真君,双眼之中看不出丝毫不动,宛如是眼前的三人和天下任何人都没有区别。 But he from beginning to end, only spoke a few words. 而他从头到尾,也只说了一句话。 Fang Xingjian, Thou must kill it.” 方星剑,汝必杀之。” Spoke these words, void has golden rune/symbol writing to glitter, changes into golden rune/symbol Dai, on the scene has surrounded the past toward three people. 说完这句话,虚空中有一道道金色的符文闪烁起来,化为一条条金色的符带,朝着在场三人包围了过去。 Do not move.” Witch of Chaos Lamia has prevented the revolt of Azure Mountain True Monarch: He is using the white magic to help you add holds the strength.” “别动。”混乱魔女拉米亚阻止了青山真君的反抗:“他在用白魔法帮你们加持实力。” „Does in addition hold the strength?” Azure Mountain True Monarch looks the color of not being feeling well: He is very crazy.” “加持实力?”青山真君面露不爽之色:“他很狂啊。” Witch of Chaos explained: „ It is not proud, but will not exchange. This person for pursued the God of Truth strength, when ten years old from poking both eyes, 12 years old broke the ear, 15 years old have captured the tongue, at age 18, he requested Dharma King his sense of smell and sense of touch also seal. 混乱魔女解释道:“不是骄傲,而是不会交流。此人为了追求真理之神的力量,十岁时自戳双目,12岁弄破了耳朵,15岁拔掉了舌头,18岁的时候,他请求法王将他的嗅觉和触觉也封印了。 But he such does, is only in order to existence of better induction God of Truth. 而他这么做,只是为了能够更好的感应真理之神的存在。 This is a thorough lunatic, he during one year the person with the time that exchanges, can calculate with the second. 这是一个彻彻底底的疯子,他一年之中和人交流的时间,可以用秒来计算。 Before vibrated the air manufacture sound to speak a few words, is his limit. ” 之前震动空气制造声音说一句话,已经是他的极限了。” Hears the experience of this uncommon Son of God, Azure Mountain True Monarch cannot bear the heart jump, although he did not acknowledge, but he is a lunatic. 听到这不凡圣子的经历,青山真君也忍不住心头一跳,虽然他自己不承认,但他自己就已经是个疯子了。 However was this uncommon Son of God more insane than him far more than ten times? Without the sense of hearing vision sense of smell sense of touch sense of taste, in situation that five feelings all lose, this person actually can also Cultivation, be able to fight, what willpower is this? 但是这个不凡圣子比他还疯了何止十倍?没有听觉视觉嗅觉触觉味觉,五感全失去的情况下,此人竟然还能够修炼,能够战斗,这到底是什么样的意志力 Only thinks that Azure Mountain True Monarch feels somewhat terroristly. 光是想想,青山真君就感觉到有些恐怖。 Nearby Witch of Chaos sighed: Concentration because of this, he can obtain the present great achievement.” 一旁的混乱魔女却已经叹息道:“正因为如此的专注力,他才能获得现在的巨大成就。” In Truth Church, he grasps truth God Technique, or spoken lines magic largest people.” 真理教廷之中,他是掌握真理神术,或者说白魔法数量最多的人。” ...... …… Three days later, south in an imperial capital small town. 三天后,帝都南方的一座小镇内。 Charlotte somewhat is bored to death sits on avenue, looks at the crowded merchant, the peasant household, Knights, on the face reveals one, but color: Cannot find unexpectedly, after that two are Dharma King the final ceremony starts, dares to come at the speed of light?” 夏洛特有些百无聊赖地坐在大街上,看着人来人往的商人,农户,骑士,脸上露出一丝无奈之色:“竟然一直没能找到,难道那两位法王都是最后仪式开始以后才以光速敢过来?” This, must keep avatar, or under notified, how otherwise possibly to obtain such accurate news?” “就算这样,总要留个分身,或是手下报信吧,不然怎么可能得到这么准的消息?” However after the moment, on his face has shown the self-confident smiling face: After is the Divine Level powerhouse, could not find their situations I early to have the expectation. The matter that but I handled for these days, should also bring to their attention.” 不过片刻后,他的脸上又露出了自信的笑容:“不过毕竟是神级强者,找不到他们的情况我早有预料。但我这几天做的事情,应该也引起了他们的注意了吧。” Originally for these days he, although had not found the clues of Dharma King, actually depends upon is getting up the experience of first, has left behind the secret mark of Truth Church in the small town, to draw out the opposite party. 原来这几天他虽然没有找到法王们的蛛丝马迹,却是依靠着上一世的经验,在小镇之中留下了真理教廷的秘密标记,就是为了引出对方。 On in the memory of first, he has encountered chasing down of opposite party, regarding Truth Church all sorts of mark ciphers, was very familiar. 上一世的记忆之中,他可是一直遭到对方的追杀,对于真理教廷的种种标记暗号,也是非常熟悉了。 When he is thinking, suddenly felt that at present one black, Charlotte lost the consciousness thoroughly. 就在他这么想着的时候,突然感觉到眼前一黑,夏洛特已经彻底失去了意识。 When he wakes, the whole person sat in a small black room, middle-aged man surface such as the cold frost visits him, said: Where do you know these ciphers and marks?” 当他醒过来的时候,整个人已经坐在一件小黑屋里,一名中年男子面如寒霜地看着他,说道:“你是哪里知道那些暗号和标记的?” Charlotte smiled: Empire emperor Alexander, he is preparing Evil God to arrive at the ceremony, do this you know?” 夏洛特笑了笑:“帝国皇帝亚历山大,他在准备邪神降临仪式,这点你们知道吧?” The middle-aged man facial color changes, asked: Who are you?” 中年男子面色一变,问道:“你是谁?” My master is Fang Xingjian, we want to contact you, prevents the occurrence of ceremony together.” “我的师傅是方星剑,我们想要联络你们,一起阻止仪式的发生。” Fang Xingjian? Is Fang Xingjian that and Alexander makes no distinction between victory and defeat?” A middle-aged man brow wrinkle said. 方星剑?就是那个和亚历山大不分胜负的方星剑?”中年男子眉头一皱说道。 Meanwhile in his heart considers: ` The Church civil strife, was worrying now does not have too many strengths to prevent here ceremony. But if that Fang Xingjian like the hearsay, can resist Alexander, can lighten a burden to us actually. 同时他心中思量起来:‘如今教廷内乱,正愁没有太多力量可以阻止这边的仪式。但如果那个方星剑真的像传闻之中一样,可以对抗亚历山大的话,倒是可以给我们减轻一个负担。 As the matter stands, I can also extract hands and feet to resist the Mage Association person fully. ’ 这样一来,我也能抽出手脚全力对抗巫师协会的人。’ --------------------------- --------------------------- Welcome pays attention to micro letter public number bear shepherd, renews various people to suppose the portrait non-periodically, the work is related, beyond 欢迎关注微信公众号‘熊狼狗’,不定期更新各种人设画像,作品相关,番外
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