PDG :: Volume #8

#778: Respective preparation

In the imperial palace, Alexander had been wrapped by the overlapping Adam shroud from top to bottom. 皇宫之内,亚历山大浑身上下都被层层叠叠的亚当裹尸布所包裹了起来。 In the shroud, the Martial Intent strength spreads toward the micro-scale unceasingly, they cross Material Particle, crosses the nano, to cross the flying rice, to cross the picometre, wells up toward that time and space end. 裹尸布内,武道意志的力量朝着微观尺度不断蔓延,他们越过物质颗粒,越过纳米、越过飞米、越过皮米,朝着那时间与空间的尽头涌去。 Alexander has attacked Divine Level, naturally knows and contacts existence of excessively microcosm, but he is not always deep regarding the microcosm research, does not understand the relation of the microcosm and macrocosm very much. 亚历山大冲击过神级,自然知道并接触过微观世界的存在,只不过他对于微观世界一向研究不深,也并不是很理解微观世界与宏观世界的联系。 Is just like him to resist gravity, actually does not know that changes the exchange of gravity. 就好比他能对抗引力,却不知道改变引力子的交换。 But now, underwent the guidance of Black Mage King, his cultivating for is ten thousand li in a day, the innumerable world mysteries were unveiled the veil of 1st stratum level in his front. 而现在,经过了黑巫王的教导,他的修为可谓是一日千里,无数的世界奥妙在他的面前被揭开了一层层的面纱。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” I think that Divine Level to my this situation, is the interference of pursue time and space.” “我本以为,神级到了我这个地步,就是追求时间和空间的干涉。” But for a long time, I have not progressed, originally has been short of the step of microcosm.” “但这么长时间来,我都没有进步,原来是少了微观世界的这一步。” „To cut into the principle of space and time truly, must understand the microcosm.” “想要真正切入空间和时间的原理,就必须了解微观世界。” Genuine powerhouse fight, strength affects in the square inches, the place of dust particle.” “真正的强者战斗,力量都作用于方寸之间,微尘之地。” Thinks of here, the Adam shroud reduces fiercely, carries Alexander I to concentrate the contraction, has stepped into a enlarged world. 想到这里,亚当裹尸布猛地缩小,携带着亚历山大本人一路浓缩收缩,踏入了一个被放大的世界。 Material Particle that in those days only then can scan with Martial Intent, at this moment each seemed the mountain range equally is huge. 往日只有用武道意志才能扫描到的物质颗粒,这一刻每一个都好似山脉一样巨大。 Has this foundation, the help of Adam shroud, I another day surely step into Divine Level 6th layer.” “有此基础,还有亚当裹尸布的帮助,我他日必定踏入神级六重。” The Alexander body reduces under the contraction of Adam shroud unceasingly, the whole person goes toward the Space-Time end leap. 亚历山大的身躯在亚当裹尸布的收缩下不断缩小,整个人朝着时空尽头飞跃而去。 The time and space as if gradually lost the significance in this moment. 时间、空间在这一刻似乎都逐渐失去了意义。 Fang Xingjian, you just wait, next time meet, I will give you greatly pleasantly surprised one!” 方星剑,你等着吧,下一次见面,我会给你一个大惊喜的!” ...... …… The imperial capital below has 30 kilometers underground deep place fully, at this moment has the innumerable purple insects to drill. 帝都下方足有30公里的地下深处,此刻却是有无数的紫色虫子在钻来钻去。 These insects smallest has the ox head size, biggest surmounts the elephant, in their mouths secretes the corrosive mucilage unceasingly, after any stone probably is been same by the mucilage covers , the instantaneous soft silt, then the two corner/horn shovels of head, resembled the iron autumn same to shovel the stone gently unceasingly, has pouched in the belly. 这些虫子最小的都有牛头大小,最大的则是超越大象,他们的嘴中不断分泌出腐蚀性的粘液,任何土石被粘液覆盖以后都瞬间软的好像泥沙一样,然后头上的两个角轻轻一铲,就好像铁秋一样不断将土石铲了出来,吞进了肚子里。 Hundreds of thousands of purple insects unceasingly in this underground opening cutting tunnel , the insects of some palm of the hand sizes, on the sharp knife blade with mouth gnaw the food opened cutting tunnel unceasingly, above quarter dense and numerous rune/symbol writing. 数十万的紫色虫子不断在这地下开凿隧道,又有一些巴掌大小的虫子,不断用嘴巴上的利刃啃食被开凿后的隧道,在上面刻下了密密麻麻的符文。 These rune/symbol writing send out purple rays, reveals the incomparable mysterious aura. 这些符文散发出一道道紫色的光芒,显露出无比的神秘气息。 Purple Mage King is nearly stark naked same stands in tunnel, the body has approved a purple long gown casually, she is stepping on the lively footsteps, is inspecting this underground huge project. 紫巫王近乎赤身裸体一样站在隧道之中,身上随便批了一件紫色的长袍,她踩着轻快的脚步,巡视着这地下的庞大工程。 Lilia stands in her, asked: „Are you are doing?” 莉莉娅站在她的身后,问道:“你这是在干什么?” Purple Mage King said with a smile: Arranges formation.” 紫巫王笑道:“布置法阵。” „Does Evil God arrive at formation of ceremony?” Lilia knits the brows: „The Evil God strength is how terrifying, after you are not worried about Evil God to arrive, nobody may make, when the time comes life Tu Tan, social collapse?” 邪神降临仪式的法阵?”莉莉娅皱眉道:“邪神的力量何其恐怖,你们就不担心邪神降临之后,无人可制,到时候生灵涂炭,社会崩溃么?” Purple Mage King smiled saying: Relax, will not have this matter. Moreover don't you like Fang Xingjian? This formation, can the achievement you and Fang Xingjian.” 紫巫王笑了笑说道:“放心吧,不会发生这种事情的。而且你不是喜欢方星剑么?这法阵,能够成就你和方星剑。” What?” Lilia has gawked staring, during looks at present that vast tunnel and above rune/symbol writing, the whole person falls into was silent. “什么?”莉莉娅愣了愣,看着眼前那一望无际隧道和上面的符文,整个人陷入了沉默之中。 Ha.” Purple Mage King has smiled: Fang Xingjian does not have the sentiment, that is bestowed his sentiment by this. After this, you are the good combinations, falls in love forever, inherits my purple-robed lineage/vein the Confucian orthodoxy, forever will hold the strength of love.” “哈哈哈哈哈。”紫巫王笑了起来:“方星剑没有感情,那就由本座来赐他感情。从此之后,你们便是天作之合,相爱永远,继承我紫袍一脉的道统,永掌爱之力量。” ...... …… North in a in state remote mountain, crown prince is wooden and vertical, this moment whole person seems lends a dispirited aura, where also had past making a great show of one's talents, dominated the world. 中州北方的一处深山之中,大皇子木然而立,他此刻整个人看上去都散发出一种颓废的气息,哪里还有过去的锋芒毕露,称霸天地。 Even his cultivating at this moment to also restore second job transition 2 Level 5, although he still had the boundary of Divine Level powerhouse, has Immemorial Hell Dao, a resources of Crick imperial family 200 years of inheritance and accumulation, but he does not dare to be used to restore his strength. 甚至他此刻的修为也不过恢复了二转25级,虽然他仍旧拥有神级强者的境界,拥有太古地狱道,克里克皇室200年传承和积累的资源,但是他根本不敢用来恢复自己的力量。 Thinks Sword Technique that Fang Xingjian that mysteriously appears and disappears, that unstoppable sword light, the crown prince pupil deep place then reveals color of the fear. 一想到方星剑那神出鬼没的剑术,那无可抵挡的剑光,大皇子的瞳孔深处便露出一丝恐惧之色。 When the crown prince waiting, in nearby trees transmits the sound suddenly, then in the crown prince surprised vision, 5th Prince walked slowly. 就在大皇子等待的时候,一旁的树木中突然传来声响,然后在大皇子惊讶的目光之中,五皇子缓缓走了出来。 5th Prince initial Martial Intent weakened just like mortal, even thoroughly was destroyed including the mortal body, at this moment seems compared with crown prince might as well, but restored 19 levels of strengths, was the day leaves with his past performance simply badly. 五皇子当初的武道意志被消弱的宛如凡人,甚至连肉身都被彻底摧毁,此刻看上去比大皇子还不如,只不过恢复到了19级的战力,和他过去的表现简直是天差地别。 Sees crown prince that presents at present, a 5th Prince brow wrinkle, said: Big brother is very idle, such late also came out to take a walk?” 看到眼前出现的大皇子,五皇子眉头一皱,说道:“大哥很闲啊,这么晚了还出来散步?” crown prince cold snort|hum, said: Is short to me puts on airs, you are also the war casualty shout?” 大皇子冷哼一声,说道:“少给我装模作样,你也是殇喊来的吧?” When their at daggers drawn, Azure Mountain True Monarch appears slowly, sees their first few words, asked: „Do you want to revenge to Fang Xingjian?” 就在两人剑拔弩张的时候,青山真君缓缓浮现,看到两人的第一句话,就是问道:“你们想不想向方星剑报仇?” The crown prince vision dodges, has not spoken, 5th Prince first said: Naturally thinks that what means Azure Mountain True Monarch can have?” 大皇子目光一闪,没有说话,五皇子却是抢先说道:“当然想,青山真君可有什么办法?” The corners of the mouth of Azure Mountain True Monarch turn upwards slightly, some next quarter then innumerable chaos air currents sweep across to come, two meter dust particle start, has wrapped three people completely. 青山真君的嘴角微微翘起,下一刻便有无数混沌气流席卷而来,两仪微尘阵发动,将三人全部包裹了进去。 I then help you to restore to cultivate today am, after three day, encircles together kills Fang Xingjian.” “我今天便助你们恢复修为,三日之后,共同围杀方星剑。” During the speeches, in palm had warheads to fly from him, each warhead emergence, erupted the fierce ray and flame, powerful invisible strengths erupted, as if can strangle all vitalities directly. 说话间,从他得掌心中有一颗颗弹头飞了出来,每一颗弹头一出现,就爆发出剧烈的光芒和火焰,还有一股股强悍的无形力量爆发出来,似乎是能直接扼杀一切生命力。 The shock-wave of that flame formation, almost can compare favorably with the Divine Level 1st layer powerhouse strikes. 还有那火焰形成的冲击波,几乎可以媲美神级一重强者的一击。 The destructive power of that terror sees two imperial princes both are fearful and apprehensive. 那恐怖的破坏力看得两位皇子都是一阵心惊肉跳。 In their mind has to appear a thought. 两人的脑海中不得不浮现出一个念头。 When did in world have such terrifying weapon?’ ‘世间什么时候有了这么恐怖的武器?’ But with the warhead detonations, four periphery chaos air currents has surrounded quickly, all light and thermal absorbances. 但伴随着一个个弹头爆炸,四周围的混沌气流很快就围拢了上去,将所有的光和热吸收了起来。 You, although the strength all loses, but boundary still, today me with this vestige in 3000 nuclear warheads that comes, helping you and others restore the strength, repairs the Divine Level boundary.” “你们虽然力量全失,但境界仍在,今天我就用这遗迹之中的来的3000枚核弹头,帮助你等恢复实力,重修到神级境界。” Then sees under two meter dust particle, the nuclear warheads of eruptions were obliterated the pure energy directly, then wells up rapidly toward two emperor's sons' bodies. 便看到两仪微尘阵之下,一颗颗爆发的核弹头直接被磨灭成纯净的能量,然后朝着两位皇子的身体之中飞速涌去。 „Is this?” “这是?” My strength is recovering.” “我的力量在恢复。” Feels the inexhaustible strength to emerge own body, cultivates to promote step by step with steady steps, even starts toward the goal sprint of Divine Level, on their faces has revealed the pleasantly surprised color. 感受着无穷无尽的力量涌入自己的身躯,修为一步步稳步提升,甚至开始朝着神级的目标冲刺,两人的脸上都露出了惊喜之色。 However crown prince responded quickly, said: You such do, did not fear that brings in Fang Xingjian? Moreover we restored the original strength, is not his match.” 不过大皇子很快反应了过来,说道:“你这么做,就不怕引来方星剑么?而且就算我们恢复了原来的实力,也不是他的对手。”
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