PDG :: Volume #8

#773: Besieging

Thunder Calamity Longsword drops from the clouds, not firm Sword Intent carries the strength of wild heavenly thunder Earth's magnetic field to cut maliciously toward Red Mage King. 雷劫长剑从天而降,无坚剑意携带着狂暴的天雷地磁之力朝着红巫王狠狠斩去。 However most cuts open the world myriad things facing this sword, Red Mage King does not have any hesitant and fear, when directly a chest fist rumbled. 但是面对这最切开天下万物的一剑,红巫王却是没有任何犹豫和害怕,直接当胸一拳轰了出去。 During fierce space shake, the fist of Thunder Calamity and Red Mage King hits maliciously in together, but cut open the world myriad things Thunder Calamity actually to cut the spot of wrist|skill from the Red Mage King fist surface sufficiently at this moment, had a successor weak feeling. 剧烈的空间震荡之中,雷劫红巫王的拳头狠狠撞击在一起,但足以切开天下万物的雷劫此刻却只是从红巫王的拳面斩到了手腕的部位,就有了一种后继无力的感觉。 The Red Mage King body density was too high, almost cuts open the energy that one inch space must consume every is to cut open other Divine Level powerhouse tens of thousands of time of energies. 红巫王的身体密度太高了,几乎每切开一寸的空间所要消耗成的能量都是切开其他神级强者成千上万倍的能量。 Another side, Abyss Longsword is carrying infinite gravity, has delimited the space directly, penetrates the Adam shroud, just like a Star equally direct hit in the chest of Alexander. 另一边,深渊长剑携带着无穷引力,直接划过空间,穿透亚当裹尸布,宛如一颗星辰一样直接撞击在了亚历山大的胸口。 It seems just like Abyss Longsword of illusory image same non- stress, but these hits, then hits Alexander again and again to back up, the whole body exudes crashing that ka scratches ka scratches, Dharma Body of whole person was broken several cracks. 看上去宛如幻影一样不受力的深渊长剑,只是这一下撞击,便打得亚历山大连连倒退,浑身发出咔擦咔擦的碎裂声,整个人的法体被破开了数道裂纹。 But is roared by Black Mage King one that trillion sword light cover, flushed the fetter of sword light, the next quarter whole person is the ball same rises to be big probably, the whole person as if restored 25 years old to be the same instantaneously, the muscle was the marble is probably same, imposing manner from top to bottom raised successively, just like was Sun in horizon, one will turn into Sun of midday from the sunrise next time, to the person one type at the height of power, the raging fire boiled the feeling of oil. 而被亿万剑光笼罩的黑巫王一身怒吼,已经冲开了剑光的束缚,下一刻整个人好像是充气球一样涨大起来,整个人瞬间似乎恢复到了25岁一样,肌肉好像是大理石一样,浑身上下的气势更是节节拔高,宛如是地平线上的太阳,一下次从日出变成了午日的太阳,给人一种如日中天,烈火烹油的感觉。 In an instant flash, the Fang Xingjian successive uses three swords, compels to draw back Red Mage King, broke Alexander Dharma Body, compels Black Mage King unable to hide the strength again. 刹那间的一瞬间,方星剑连出三剑,逼退红巫王,破了亚历山大法体,也逼得黑巫王不能再隐藏实力。 But next quarter, is three swords near spatial cutting under. 但下一刻,又是三剑临空斩下。 The Abyss Longsword spirit same electricity has shot at the chest of Alexander once more, in wild with rage Martial Intent, Alexander, no matter injury, erupts once more, the Adam shroud in has wrapped entire Abyss Longsword instantaneously. 深渊长剑幽灵一样再次电射向了亚历山大的胸口,狂怒的武道意志之中,亚历山大不管身上的伤势,再次爆发,亚当裹尸布在瞬间将整个深渊长剑包裹了起来。 But is useless, basic successive one second extremely cannot prevent, Abyss has passed through the shroud, pierced overlapping Martial Intent, penetrated turned the dual defenses of hell and counter world, cut once more on the body of Alexander. 但没有用,根本连万分之一秒都没能阻止,深渊已经穿过了裹尸布,洞穿了层层叠叠的武道意志,穿透了翻地狱、逆人间的双重防御,再次一头斩在了亚历山大的身上。 Void in as if transmitted Bang a bang, the Alexander chest probably glass fragments breaks to pieces a bulk equally, the whole person complexion one white, retroceded one step. 虚空之中似乎传来砰的一声巨响,亚历山大的胸口好像碎玻璃一样碎掉了一大块,整个人脸色一白,后退了一步。 Scoundrel! Stop!” “混账!住手!” Black Mage King roars White Bone Longsword that held to strike conveniently, the sword blade actually resembles the ray same to crush, next quarter many sword light covered his body. 黑巫王怒吼一声随手抓住了击来的白骨长剑,剑身却好像光芒一样粉碎,下一刻更多的剑光笼罩他的身体。 However the Black Mage King human body was stopped temporarily, beyond that the incarnation actually could not prevent, this incarnation wiped the shadow to be the same probably, passed through layer upon layer Sword Intent directly, a speed of light fist has stroked on Abyss Longsword, must prevent Fang Xingjian to attack Alexander. 不过黑巫王的肉体暂时被阻拦,那身外化身却根本阻挡不了,这化身好像是一抹阴影一样,直接穿过了层层剑意,光速一拳击打在了深渊长剑上,要阻止方星剑攻击亚历山大 But through space transmission Abyss Longsword, the quality is outside 0 bodies the incarnation, might as well interfere mutually, can only look at their interpenetration opposite party, Fang Xingjian the sword cuts once more in the chest of Alexander. 但不论是通过空间传递的深渊长剑,还是质量为0的身外化身,都无妨相互干涉,只能看着他们相互穿透对方,方星剑的这一剑再次斩在亚历山大的胸口。 Void has the bell same form to resound once more, intermittent detritus falls from the body of Alexander with the crack, he stuffy snort|hum, on the face flashed through a paleness, the whole person retroceded one step. 虚空中再次有大钟一样的身影响起,一阵阵碎屑伴随着裂纹从亚历山大的身上掉落下来,他闷哼一声,脸上闪过一阵惨白,整个人又后退了一步。 Roar! 吼! Red Mage King was also angry, three people besiege, unceasingly caused heavy losses to Alexander by Fang Xingjian unexpectedly, in this demon the demon, how in the beast the beast can also endure patiently, rises suddenly from him with scarlet red Martial Intent, a Red Mage King palm racket, has grasped toward the body of Fang Xingjian fiercely. 红巫王也愤怒了,三人围攻,竟然还被方星剑不断重创亚历山大,这头魔中之魔,兽中之兽如何还能忍耐,伴随着赤红色的武道意志从他身上暴涨出来,红巫王手掌一拍,朝着方星剑的身体猛地抓了过去。 His whole person no longer manages the attack of Thunder Calamity radically, sword marks have exploded from him, was actually depended own ultra density body to keep off by him hardly. 他整个人根本不再管雷劫的攻击,一道道剑痕从他身上爆了出来,却被他仗着自己的超密度身体硬挡了下来。 At the same time, as his hand grasps, in the entire world as if becomes dim. 同一时间,随着他的这一只手抓出,整个天地间似乎变得一片昏暗。 The world captures greatly! 天地大擒拿! Red Mage King that this getting rid, no longer before is, such depends mortal body element qualitative to get rid at will, but started to display the martial arts, this one after the other, then revealed difference of Yun Ni the destructive power. 这一下出手的红巫王,不再是之前那样仗着肉身素质的随意出手,而是开始施展武道了,这一前一后,便显露出了云泥之别的破坏力。 A move of world captures greatly, the palm of Red Mage King collapses just like Star, takes own high-density body as the actor's opening words, erupted unequalled gravity, as if must attract in his palm all between world, then ground, crush. 一招天地大擒拿,红巫王的手掌宛如星辰坍塌,以自己的高密度身躯为引子,爆发出了无与伦比的引力,似乎要将天地间的一切都吸引到他的手掌之中,然后磨碎、碾压。 In the Fang Xingjian front, the entire world and he as if simultaneously was grasped into the palm of Red Mage King, all geomancy fires the future must be suppressed the smashing in the past entirely. 方星剑的面前,整个天地和他似乎都被一起抓入了红巫王的手掌之中,一切风水地火过去未来都要被统统剿成粉碎。 Usually in Red Mage King, once displays this move, even if the Divine Level 1st layer 2nd layer powerhouse must be extinguished by his one move kills, even opposite party mortal body Dharma Body will buy to swallow by him, increases his body density again. 平日里红巫王一旦施展此招,就算是神级一重二重的强者也要被他一招灭杀,甚至对方的肉身法体都会被他吸纳吞噬,再次增加他的身体密度。 But facing Red Mage King the strikes, Fang Xingjian is actually cold snort|hum one, whatever this move of world captures greatly, the whole person changed into the luminous spot to be inhaled in the palm of Red Mage King instantaneously together. 而面对红巫王的这一击,方星剑却是冷哼一声,任由这一招天地大擒拿,整个人瞬间化为一道光点被吸入了红巫王的手掌之中。 But the next quarter, with a luminous spot of disruption, Fang Xingjian appeared in the original position again, Red Mage King the twisted Fang Xingjian, actually still cannot injure to actinic Fang Xingjian truly. 但下一刻,伴随着一阵碎裂的光点,方星剑已经再次出现在了原来的位置,红巫王的这一手扭曲了方星剑,却仍旧没能真正伤害到光化的方星剑 But another side Abyss sword under the operation of Fang Xingjian, has cut the third sword. 而另一边的深渊剑在方星剑的操纵之下,已经斩下了第三剑。 Looks to drop from the clouds, meets no resistance, Abyss Longsword that regardless of any method is unable to resist, in the Alexander vision finally has also revealed a panic-stricken color. 看着从天而降,如入无人之境,不论什么手段都无法抵挡的深渊长剑,亚历山大的目光之中也终于露出了一丝惊恐之色。 The overlapping Adam shroud disregarded time to wrap Alexander directly, the package that completed instantaneously has protected from top to bottom Alexander, traces, writing and design carried the mysterious hell aura to twist on the shroud unceasingly. 层层叠叠的亚当裹尸布直接无视时间地包裹住了亚历山大,瞬间完成的包裹将亚历山大浑身上下都保护了起来,一道道纹路、文字、图案携带着神秘的地狱气息在裹尸布上不断扭曲。 Like this all-around defense is Alexander is hard to break through. 这样的全方位防御就算是亚历山大自己都难以攻破。 But actually was still in the space, facing taking the space carried on the dissemination for the medium the sword of Enters Void, resembled the smog to be the same, was crossed, again selected in the chest of Alexander. 但却仍旧处在空间之中,面对以空间为介质进行传播的入虚之剑,就好像烟雾一样,被横穿而过,再一次点在了亚历山大的胸口。 Bang crack, the Adam shroud disperses loudly, the chest of Alexander left transparent large hole, the whole person has drawn back continually three steps, the crack of chest sends out toward other body high and low spots. 砰的一声炸响,亚当裹尸布轰然散开,亚历山大的胸口已经多出了一个透明的大洞,整个人连退三步,胸口的裂纹朝着身体上下的其他部位散发出去。 I go against your lung.” “我顶你个肺啊。” Sees this Black Mage King, finally violent anger. 看到这一幕的黑巫王,终于暴怒。 If by the world person is known their four people collaborate, but also was cut to kill Alexander by Fang Xingjian, he do not exit to mix. 如果被天下人知道他们四人联手,还被方星剑斩杀亚历山大,那他也不要出去混了。 The next quarter, black Martial Intent was similar to mighty currents same has been found in the entire golden main hall. 下一刻,黑色的武道意志如同一股股洪流一样遍布了整个黄金大殿。 He turned up, with the ordinary method, do not hit the place of his dust particle.” “他变成光了,别用普通手段,打他微尘之地。” Hears Black Mage King the raises, on the remaining several people of faces reveals color of the bright becoming aware. 听到黑巫王的这番提点,剩下几人的脸上都露出一丝明悟之色。 Meanwhile, outside Black Mage King and his body the incarnation one after the other arrived at the Fang Xingjian side, a fist foot has stroked ordinary. 与此同时,黑巫王和他的身外化身已经一前一后来到了方星剑的身旁,一拳一脚平平凡凡地击打了出来。 But facing this fist foot, Fang Xingjian looks the surprised color finally, directs. 而面对这一拳一脚,方星剑终于面露惊讶之色,一指点出。 The fist refers to the collision, with ka scratched one, on the finger of Fang Xingjian split a slit. 拳指碰撞,伴随着咔擦一声,方星剑的手指上裂开了一道缝隙。
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