MHE :: Volume #19

#1807: Strange calm

That side Xu Fufu gathered round the weapon frame to transfer several, a face was awkward. Moves this? With motionless! Tries that? Also with motionless. To finally, him in most edge, finally found the long gun|spear that a white wax wooden rod has made. This is not heavy, he can take. 那边的许浮浮围着兵器架转了几圈,一脸为难。活动一下这个?拿不动!试试那个?也拿不动。到最后,他在最边缘,终于找到了一把白蜡木杆制成的长枪。这个没有那么重,他可以拿动了。 Takes down this long gun|spear from weapon, Xu Fufu still thought aloud in that: One inch length one inch does, have this in the hand, if I can not do it , who can?” 从兵器架上取下这杆长枪,许浮浮自己还在那自言自语:“一寸长一寸强,有这个在手,舍我其谁?” Saying, but could also not help suspend one to think that very graceful movement, then, quickly was running, went out of very far Chu Mo to pursue with Miao Yiniang toward already. 说着,还情不自禁摆了一个自认为很帅的动作,然后,才快步跑着,朝着已经走出挺远的楚墨妙一娘追了上去。 And other wait for me!” “等等我!” Chu Mo walks is very calm, he in the steps, has used Pangu Movement Technique subconsciously. 楚墨走的很从容,他在步伐间,下意识的使用了盘古身法 Really, can still use! 果然,依然可以用! Naturally, but did not have a past that 1 trillion li (0.5km) invincible might. 当然,只是远没有了过去那种一步1000000000000里的神威。 Chu Mo does not have many not to adapt, after all he rose from here in the past. He is very clear, a point cultivates to not have, including person who cultivator is not, how should fight, can quicker system enemy. 楚墨也没有多少不适应,毕竟他当年就是从这里崛起的。他很清楚,一个一点修为都没有,连修士都算不上的人,应该如何打架,才能更快的制敌。 For example, kicks to explode the Xia Jie fruit, is his inherent one talent. 比如说,踢爆夏杰的蛋蛋,就是他与生俱来的一种天赋。 General's Residence is too not big, in Yellow Flame City of this inch of lang and gold, can have this kind of mansion in such place, absolutely is a symbol of status. Compared with the peripheral these constructions, appeared very poor. Nearby these mansions, not is very big, but also seems is very lordly. 将军府不算太大,在这寸土寸金的炎黄城中,能在这样的地方有这样一座府邸,绝对是一种身份地位的象征。但跟周边的那些建筑比起来,就显得很寒酸了。旁边的那些府邸,不但都很大,而且看上去都十分气派。 To this matter, Chu Mo could see through on already in years past very much, nowadays, after having been through repeatedly Vicissitudes, will not pay more attention, will not care. 对这件事,楚墨昔年就已经很看得开,现如今,在历经沧海桑田之后,更是不会去关注,更不会放在心上。 His face calm opening front gate. 他一脸从容的打开院门。 Outside, this moment already gathered a troop person. 外面,此刻已经聚集了一大群人。 Has these guards in Prince Xia Jing your family place, some lives here, relates a good family people with Fan Wudi. 亲王夏京府上的那些卫兵,也有一些住在这里,跟樊无敌关系不错的家族中人。 Grandfather Fan Wudi goes to war in the front, they cannot look helplessly the Fan Wudi grandson was humiliated. But the Xia Jing background was too big, even if the housing merit here expensive, some headaches. Even somewhat blamed Chu Mo in the heart, whom offended not to be good, is bent on having to provoke Xia Jing? Moreover, but also his son kicking court eunuch. This pierced day simply. 老爷子樊无敌在前线打仗,他们不能眼睁睁看着樊无敌的孙子被人欺凌。只不过夏京的来头实在太大了,纵然是居住在这里的勋贵们,也都有些头疼。甚至在心中有些责怪楚墨,得罪谁不好,偏要去招惹夏京?而且,还将他的儿子给踢成了太监。这简直就是捅破了天。 Although reputation of Xia Jie in Yellow Flame City continuously not much, but playboys thing, the merit expensive family of any top does not lack actually. This thing looks like the attractive behind dark side, is almost one existence of unavoidably. 虽然夏杰炎黄城中的名声一直就不怎么样,不过纨绔子弟这东西,其实任何一家顶级的勋贵家族都不缺少。这东西就像是光鲜背后的阴暗面,几乎是不可避免的一种存在。 Which family|home also few good-for-nothing unfilial juniors? 谁家还没几个不成器的不肖子弟呢? Facing the threatening own Prince's Mansion guard, this nearby merit expensive , can only going of as much as possible keep off them outside. Then sends for informing Grandfather Fan Wudi urgently, hopes that he can come back to mediate this matter personally. But in fact, these people on the scene, do not have the hope. 面对来势汹汹的亲王府卫兵,这附近的勋贵们,也都只能尽量的去把他们挡在外面。然后派人加急通知老爷子樊无敌,希望他能亲自回来斡旋这件事情。但事实上,在场的这些人,都不怎么抱希望。 Although Fan Wudi is a real power general, but he can compete with under Xia Jing this one person, ten thousand people of above crown princes? 樊无敌虽然是一名实权将军,可他怎么敌得过夏京这种一人之下,万人之上的亲王? This matter, the best result, should be Chu Mo is exiled... at the same time must use lifetime time, guards retaliation from own Prince's Mansion. 这件事,最好的结果,应该就是楚墨被流放…同时还得用一生的时间,去防备来自亲王府的报复。 No matter what, at present this has closed first very says again! 不管怎样,先挺过眼前这一关再说吧! In the will of the people are thinking with the family that in Fan Wudi is on good terms, then sighed in the heart. 一些跟樊无敌交好的家族中人心里面想着,然后都在心中叹息。 At this moment, the General's Residence front door that shuts tightly, was opened. 就在这时,紧闭的将军府大门,被打开了。 Then, the Chu Mo form, walked from inside slowly. Outside all people, see that face immature youth, is carrying a blade, face calm standing in the General's Residence entrance. All somewhat was shocked. 然后,楚墨的身影,从里面缓缓走了出来。外面的所有人,看见那一脸稚嫩的少年,拎着一把刀,一脸从容的站在将军府的门口。全都有些被震撼到了。 After this is not desperate, that type sacrifices all going all out, is not the young warm-blooded that foolhardiness. 这不是绝望之后那种豁出一切的拼命,也不是年少热血那种匹夫之勇。 This is a pure tranquility, that tranquility, is bringing a tranquility of endless ice-cold. 这就是一种单纯的平静,那种平静,是带着一种无尽冰冷的平静。 As if stands erect in god of summit of this mortal world, the tranquil bird's eye view his subject is the same. 仿佛一尊屹立在这尘世之巅的神祇,平静的俯瞰着他的臣民一样。 How can like this?” All people were shocked. “怎么会这样?”所有人都惊呆了。 They do not have the means to understand that actually that in this youth eyes is tranquil came from what kind of confidence and energy. 他们没有办法理解这个少年眼中的那份平静究竟来自于一种怎样的信心和底气。 At this time, face anxious Miao Yiniang and Xu Fufu panted ran from inside, on the face all was having then the color of renouncing, stood side Chu Mo. 这时候,一脸紧张的妙一娘许浮浮气喘吁吁的从里面跑出来,然后脸上全都带着决绝之色,站在楚墨身边。 Their appearances, let many person all inexplicable relaxing on the scene. 他们的出现,让在场的不少人全都莫名的松了一口气。 That feeling, is discovered likely one or in the world. The pressure that because the tranquility of Chu Mo, brings to them was really too big. Now saw Miao Yiniang and Xu Fufu, in their hearts that intense feeling reduced finally, but cannot completely thorough elimination fall. 那种感觉,像是发现自己还是在人间。因为楚墨的这种平静,给他们带来的压力实在是太大了。现在看见了妙一娘许浮浮,他们心中那种紧张感终于减轻了很多,但还是没能完全彻底的消除掉。 Therefore suddenly, the General's Residence entrance, is quiet, nobody spoke, all people all look at Chu Mo. 所以一时间,将军府的门口,都静悄悄的,没有人说话,所有人全都看着楚墨 Rushed to side Chu Mo, wanted to say anything's Miao Yiniang and Xu Fufu, under the suppression of this atmosphere, a few words could not say. That anxiety in heart, absolutely does not have, because Chu Mo reduces calm, on the contrary became more intense. 原本冲到楚墨身边,想要说点什么的妙一娘许浮浮,在这种气氛的压制之下,也一句话都说不出了。心中的那种紧张,完全没有因为楚墨的淡定而减少,反倒变得更加强烈了。 Chu Mo is carrying the blade, has not gone to look at side anxious Miao Yiniang and Xu Fufu. His calm looks at that crowd of own Prince's Mansion guard, then looked at these to come out to maintain his person, nodded to them gently, said: You go back, will turn head I to see Crown Prince Xia.” 楚墨拎着刀,没有去看身边紧张的妙一娘许浮浮。他一脸平静的看着那群亲王府的卫兵,然后又看了一眼那些出来想要维护他的人,冲着他们轻轻点了点头,说道:“你们都回去吧,回头我自己会去见夏亲王。” „...” Almost all people, all a face speechless looks at Chu Mo. “…”几乎所有人,全都一脸无语的看着楚墨 especially wants to lend a hand Chu Mo these people, feels intense shock, looks at the Chu Mo look, the live image is looks that a monster is the same. 尤其是想要帮衬楚墨的这些人,更是感受到强烈的震撼,看着楚墨的眼神,活像是看着一个怪物一样。 Young Master Chu, does your this word take seriously?” Own Prince's Mansion satellite TV leader pupil light chilly looks at Chu Mo, in the vision, has filled carefully examining. His some there is nothing to be done believe such child's words. 楚公子,你此言当真?”一名亲王府的卫视首领眸光清冷的看着楚墨,目光中,充满了审视。他有些没办法相信这样一个孩子的话。 Goes back, I spoke naturally turn out as said. You are own Prince's Mansion guards, handles this matter in this Yellow Flame City blatantly, is unattractive. To the image of Crown Prince Xia Jing, does not have any advantage. The big summer must speak law of the land eventually, but is not your family disciplines.” Chu Mo said. “回去吧,我说话自然算话。你们身为亲王府的卫兵,公然在这炎黄城里面做这种事情,也并不好看。对夏京亲王的形象,也没有任何好处。大夏终究还是要讲国法的,而不是你们的家法。”楚墨说道。 What does your child understand? Talking nonsense that also dares to rodomontade here?” Side that guard leader, is a vice- leader, he is tall and powerfully built, the skin is swarthy. In the foreheads, is bringing thick baleful aura. The intently watch of coldly Chu Mo, in look has been filling disdaining. “你一个小孩子懂得什么?也敢在这里大言不惭的胡说八道?”那名卫兵首领身旁,是一个副首领,他身材魁梧,皮肤黝黑。眉宇间,带着一股浓浓的煞气冷冷的逼视着楚墨,眼神中充满了不屑。 Obviously, in his opinion, this youth is supporting by hard and stubborn effort purely. 显然,在他看来,这个少年纯粹就是在硬撑着。 Before coming, their early already in detail has inquired about Chu Mo all. 来之前,他们早已经详细打探过关于楚墨的一切。 His Grandfather Fan Wudi, in the armed forces a real power general, said that in Da Xia Country, person who is also has the status to have the status. Only not excessively compares with whom , compared with the emperor's relatives of Xia Jing this top, missed were too many. 爷爷樊无敌,军中一名实权将军,说起来,在大夏国中,也算是有身份有地位的人了。只不过分跟谁比,跟夏京这种顶级的皇亲国戚比起来,就差了太多。 As for Chu Mo, but is an orphan of Fan Wudi adoption, from infancy to maturity, has not left Yellow Flame City. As for strength... brat can, what strength have? 至于楚墨,不过是樊无敌收养的一个孤儿,从小到大,就没怎么离开过炎黄城。至于实力…一个小屁孩子,能有什么实力 Therefore, a such youth, how even if makes to be again strange and unusual action, actually cannot frighten them. 所以,这样的一个少年,就算做出再怎么诡异和反常的举动,其实也是吓不到他们的。 Vice- leader coldly of this guard looks at Chu Mo: Knows the limitation, hurriedly is without a fight, you have annoyed the huge disaster, now you can achieve the matter only, is honest follows us. Thus, you can be short by a crime. I very admire your Grandfather, therefore, don't want to makes this matter extremely ugly.” 这名卫兵的副首领冷冷看着楚墨:“识相的,赶紧束手就擒,你惹了天大的祸事,现在你唯一能够做到事情,就是老老实实的跟我们走。这样,你能少遭一点罪。我挺佩服你爷爷的,所以,不想让这件事太过难看。” Chu Mo sighed gently, then said: Words that I just spoke, haven't you listened clearly?” 楚墨轻轻叹了口气,然后说道:“我刚刚说的话,你没听清楚?” Dissolute! What thing are you?” An own Prince's Mansion guard cannot bear, fires into Chu Mo directly. As one veteran of having fought many battles draws back from the battlefield, he even continually looked that has not looked in a Chu Mo hand that blade. Like this fires into Chu Mo directly, wants like carrying a chicken bastard, Chu Mo directly just before leaving and that's the end! “放肆!你算个什么东西?”一名亲王府的卫兵忍不住,直接冲向楚墨。作为一名从战场上退下来的身经百战的老兵,他甚至连看都没有多看一眼楚墨手中那把刀。直接就这样冲向楚墨,想要像拎着一个小鸡崽子一样,把楚墨直接临走就是了! What idle talk spoke in this? Where so many issues? 在这说什么废话啊?哪有那么多的问题? Miao Yiniang figure dodges, appears in front of Chu Mo, wants to block this person for Chu Mo. 妙一娘身形一闪,出现在楚墨前面,想要替楚墨挡住这人。 In the Xu Fufu heart fills to dread, but actually still a face brave forwarded several steps, arrived at the Chu Mo side, stood with Chu Mo shoulder to shoulder together. Looks at that crowd of own Prince's Mansion guard, scolds to say loudly: „Do you want to do? In the eye also had the law of the land? Your own Prince's Mansion person, can already handle affairs on behalf of the country?” 许浮浮心中充满畏惧,但却依然一脸勇敢的向前走了几步,来到楚墨的身边,跟楚墨并肩站在一起。看着那群亲王府的卫兵,大声呵斥道:“你们想干什么?眼里还有没有国法了?难道你们亲王府的人,已经可以代表国家行事了吗?” That side own Prince's Mansion guards and two leaders all recognize Xu Fufu, if his Grandfather Xu Zhongliang here, they will possibly dread three points, but Xu Fufu, a child, they do not pay attention. Therefore, facing calling to account of Xu Fufu, they disregarded directly. 那边的亲王府卫兵和两个首领全都认得许浮浮,要是他爷爷许忠良在这里,他们可能会畏惧三分,但许浮浮,一个小孩子罢了,他们根本不放在眼里。所以,面对许浮浮的责问,他们直接无视了。 In the heart of Chu Mo feels very warm, two at first most intimate friends, no matter, where no matter, never has changed to him. 楚墨的心中感到很温暖,两个最初最亲近的朋友,不管在什么时候,不管在什么地方,对他都从未变过。 No matter this is real first, so long as I in one day, certainly will still make you well! 不管这是不是真实的一世,但只要我还在一天,就一定会让你们变得更好! Chu Mo is thinking in the heart, then puts out a hand, is holding the hand of Miao Yiniang gently, pulls back oneself her behind. 楚墨在心中想着,然后伸出手,轻轻拉着妙一娘的手,把她拉回到自己身后。 The hand of Miao Yiniang is somewhat cold, even some shivering slightly. But she actually firmly stands there, don't want to makes Chu Mo pull back her. 妙一娘的手有些冷,甚至有些微微的颤抖。但她却坚定的站在那里,不想楚墨把她拉回来。 In her opinion, wants to injure Chu Mo, only if were treading her corpse first in the past, otherwise, no one want to cross him, carried off Chu Mo. 在她看来,想要伤害楚墨,除非先踏着她的尸体过去,不然的话,谁都别想越过他,把楚墨带走。 No one is good! 谁都不行! Her stubbornness, had not changed actually. 她的倔强,其实一直就没有改变过。 Chu Mo shows a faint smile, in the hand has caused a skillful vigor, draws Miao Yiniang to his directly goes. Then is carrying the blade, forwarded several steps, arrived at that to fire into front of his guard. 楚墨微微一笑,手上使了一个巧劲儿,直接将妙一娘拉到他的身后去。然后拎着刀,向前走了几步,来到那个冲向他的卫兵面前。 You, from battlefield? Has fought many battles? Until now, this murderous aura also maintained the condition of most being full. Thinks, usually , haven't you been short are own Prince's Mansion make the deal that murder murders?” On Chu Mo that immature face, is having the light smile. “你,是从战场上下来的吧?身经百战?到如今,这一身杀气都还保持着最充盈的状态。想必,平日里,你也没少为亲王府做那杀人害命的勾当吧?”楚墨那张稚嫩的脸上,带着淡淡的微笑。 This guard looks at Chu Mo, at the scene feelings of creepy feeling, this boy... How such monstruous talent? He is the grandson of general, can see one from the battlefield, have fought many battles murderous aura not to be strange. But he saw own present frequently is still killing people? 这名卫兵看着楚墨,当场就有一种头皮发麻的感觉,这个小子…怎么这么妖孽?他是将军的孙子,能看出自己从战场上下来,身经百战一身杀气并不奇怪。可他到底是怎么看出自己现在还在经常杀人的? However then, anger then disperses from his heart, he is looking angrily at Chu Mo, sneers saying: What's wrong, do you also want dead?” 不过接着,一股怒火便从他心中散出,他怒视着楚墨,冷笑道:“怎么,你也想死?” Chu Mo has smiled immediately, looks that this guard said: I can feel from your aura, three days ago, you had just killed an innocent life, your such person, keeps in this world, was one damages seriously. Really was a pity that had gone to battlefield, to formidable soldier that the big summer has bled, now actually has become others loyal dog. You die.” 楚墨顿时笑了,看着这名卫兵道:“我从你身上的气场能感受出来,三天前,你刚刚害死了一条无辜的生命,你这样的人,留在这世上,也当真是一个祸害了。真是可惜,曾经上过战场,给大夏流过血的一名强大士兵,如今却成了别人一条忠犬。你去死吧。” Chu Mo was saying, has brandished the blade in hand directly. 楚墨说着,直接抡起了手中的这把刀。 The renewal delivers. 更新送到。 Moreover said a matter, tomorrow 7 : 00 pm, will read the article group to hold Forbes original literature wind and cloud list the presentation ceremony. Read the above live transmission in qq, 7 : 00 pm starts. at the same time starts from 7 : 00 pm to Acquired 7 : 00 pm, murders the day blade edge to limit to exempt for day in qq reading. Everybody do not miss. Welcome to the live transmission, can see me to mount the stage to receive an award.( To be continued.). 另外说件事,明天晚上七点,阅文集团将举行福布斯原创文学风云榜的颁奖典礼。在qq阅读上面直播,晚上七点开始。同时从明晚七点开始到后天晚上七点,弑天刃将在qq阅读限免一天。大家不要错过。欢迎收看直播,可以看见我上台领奖哦。(未完待续。)。
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