IGE :: Volume #11

#1033: The hand grasps emperor

The fight is opening instantaneously. 战斗在瞬间开启。 Has not waited for Demon Race expert to respond that Ye Qingyu has gotten rid. 还未等妖族强者们反应过来,叶青羽已经出手。 Sword light like snow. 剑光如雪。 His personal appearance twinkle, cut into the crowd instantaneously. 他身形闪烁,瞬间就切入到了人群之中。 Keeps off me dead.” “挡我者死。” Ye Qingyu quick march: Irrelevant avoidance.” 叶青羽疾进:“无关者退避。” Scene immediately chaos. 场面顿时大乱。 expert of other races, see this, retrocedes in abundance subconsciously. 其他种族的强者,看到这一幕,纷纷下意识地后退。 Although they were also enraged by the Ye Qingyu so strong stance, but actually does not mean that they will choose and Demon Race immediately side-by-side encircle kill Ye Qingyu at least not when the Ye Qingyu imposing manner is most abundant resists directly, at least also wants, when Demon Race consumed certain degree Ye Qingyu yuan qi, imposing manner and spirit, will beat severely don't hit a person when he's down. 他们虽然也被叶青羽如此强势的姿态激怒,但却并不意味着他们会在第一时间选择和妖族肩并肩围杀叶青羽至少不会在叶青羽气势最盛的时候正面对抗,起码也要等到妖族叶青羽元气、气势、精神都消耗到了一定的程度,才会痛打落水狗。 The crowd avoids instantaneously as if by prior agreement. 人群瞬间不约而同地避开。 Numerous expert of Demon Race headquarters reveal in crowd. 妖族总部的众多强者在人群中显露出来。 The Ye Qingyu sword glow, has aimed at forefront Demon Race expert. 叶青羽的剑芒,已经指向了最前面的一个妖族强者 Kills!” “杀!” This Demon Race expert shouts out, the monster strength erupts, whole body 56 brilliance pasts, simultaneously has stimulated to movement 56 Saint Instrument, he status in Demon Race headquarters is not low, today early is prepared, the Saint Instrument stimulation of movement erupts certainly the strong strength, renouncing that very he displays, has detonated two directly, then non- retrocedes generally, does not dare to meet Ye Qingyu hardly strikes directly. 这位妖族强者大喝,妖力爆发,浑身56道光华流转,同时催动了56件圣器,他在妖族总部之中的地位也不低,今天来更是早有准备,圣器催动爆发出绝强之力,他表现的很决绝,直接引爆了其中的两件,然后非一般地后退,不敢硬接叶青羽的正面一击。 Might that Saint Instrument explodes, is fearful? 圣器爆炸的威力,何等可怕? However, useless. 然而,没用。 ! 咻! Sword light Flashed. 剑光一闪而过。 His head flew, fearful sword intent twisted to break to pieces all vitalities of his within the body instantaneously. 他的头颅飞了起来,可怕的剑意瞬间就绞碎了他体内的一切生机。 Picture that the instance that person's head shoots up to the sky, in his pupil seal shoots finally, was Ye Qingyu the destruction energy aperture that exploded from Saint Instrument has put on directly, looked like across gust, that destroyed 45 Great Saint explosion strengths sufficiently instantaneously, basic has not harassed including Ye Qingyu hair. 人头冲天而起的瞬间,他瞳孔之中最后印射出来的画面,是叶青羽直接从圣器爆炸的毁灭能量光圈之中穿了过来,就像是穿过一阵风,那足以瞬间毁灭45尊大圣的爆炸力量,根本连叶青羽发丝都没有扰乱。 How possible......” “怎么可能啊……” His unwilling heart is thinking, then lost the final consciousness. 他不甘心地想着,然后就失去了最后的意识。 A Ye Qingyu sword goes well, is not forgiving, the personal appearance enters again, the sword light just likes nine days of Milky Way volumes falls, the instantaneous everywhere cold glow remaining more than hundred Demon Race expert, covered in which directly. 叶青羽一剑得手,更不留情,身形再进,剑光犹如九天银河卷落,瞬间漫天寒芒直接将剩下百多名的妖族强者,都笼罩起了其中。 Puff puff! 噗噗噗! Blood light splash. 血光飞溅。 Is expert of three Demon Race headquarters spits blood to fly upside down instantaneously, the body breaks is two sections, was twisted broken by fearful sword intent, shortly will have won the vitality, could not live shortly. 瞬间又是三尊妖族总部的强者吐血倒飞出去,身躯断为两截,被可怕的剑意绞碎,顷刻间就夺走了生机,眼看着活不了了。 Draws back!” “退!” Damn, formation, lineup!” “该死,阵法,布阵!” „, Has killed him not at any cost.” “不惜代价,杀了他。” Demon Race expert crazily roared, suddenly is thrown into confusion, they are the great people of keeping aloof, any walks in Tong Tian City, will cause existence that focuses attention on, now these many people strongly in the same place, actually crazily are attacked by a Ye Qingyu person, this keeps them from enduring. 妖族强者都疯狂地吼叫了起来,一时间手忙脚乱,他们都是高高在上的大人物,其中任何一个走在通天城之中,都是会引起瞩目的存在,如今这么多人集中在一起,却被叶青羽一个人疯狂地攻击,这让他们无法忍受。 Various magical instrument treasure foundations. 各种神器宝物都基础。 Various marvelous ability mystiques stimulate to movement. 各种神功秘法都催动。 The spookiness is billowing. 妖气滚滚。 Demon Yuan surges. 妖元激荡。 In a twinkling in the entire mourning hall, rushes is just liking essence monster strength Ocean, if is not has the ice crystal rune formation in addition to hold the protection, only feared is at this time, the entire mourning hall was destroyed. 霎时间整个灵堂之中,都澎湃着犹如实质的妖力汪洋,若非是有着冰晶符文阵法加持守护,只怕是这个时候,整个灵堂都被摧毁了。 expert of other clans, are postponed again and again. 其他各族的强者,都是一推再推。 At this time, no one wants to be involved in immediately. 这个时候,谁也不想立刻就卷入进去。 Even if Europe is limitless and Wei not gets sick and the others, retrocedes immediately. 即便是欧无极和魏无病等人,也在第一时间后退。 They wait for is this, lets Ye Qingyu and Demon Race attacks brutally, hits badly beaten, when the time comes is best mutually wounded, then can reap profits. So long as Ye Qingyu and Demon Race have torn to pieces the face thoroughly, even if he appears today here Demon Race expert kills certainly, in the future also surely will become the entire Demon Race enemy, with Demon Race Undead/Immortal continuous, Ye Qingyu again is unable to mount the position of Human Race instigation with the person who Demon Race has cannot dispel the hatred, will be is impossible becomes the Human Race leader, otherwise, that will turn into two races the wars. 他们等待的就是这一幕,让叶青羽妖族大打出手,打个头破血流,到时候最好两败俱伤,然后就可以坐收渔翁之利。只要叶青羽妖族彻底撕破了脸,哪怕是他把今日出现在这里的妖族强者都杀绝,日后也必定会成为整个妖族的敌人,和妖族不死不休,叶青羽就再也无法登上人族主使之位了一个与妖族有着不可化解仇恨的人,是不可能成为人族领袖的,否则,那将变成两个种族的战争。 Wei not getting sick wear a look of the smile of not easy detection, is shaking the scarlet feather fan. 魏无病面带着不易察觉的微笑,摇动着赤羽扇。 In the European limitless surface the incomparably anxious appearance, pretentiously opens the mouth to persuade 1-2 once for a while, but in the innermost feelings is also incomparably excited excited. 欧无极表面上无比焦急的样子,时不时还装模作样地开口劝说一两句,但内心里也是无比兴奋激动。 That magnificent brocade clothes young people under the protections of several expert, are eager to try, look in the fight mourning halls, some are impatient, said: Snort, it seems like does not need me to get rid, this waste, by Demon Race surrounding...... He does not match me to get rid.” 那华丽锦衣年轻人在身边十几位强者的守护之下,跃跃欲试,看着灵堂中间的战斗,有些不耐烦,道:“哼,看来不需要我出手,这个废物,被妖族给困住了……他根本不配我出手。” Bang! 轰! Fights in the circle, terrifying strength circulation. 战圈中,恐怖的力量流转。 The assorted monster strength is turbulent, strange brilliance glitters, almost submerged the personal appearance of battle. 各色妖力汹涌,奇异的光华闪烁,几乎淹没了交战者的身形。 From time to time has the sword optical scintillation, along with it blood splash sputtering. 时而有剑光闪烁,随之血花溅射。 Then has the Demon Race expert personal appearance to fly to fall, hits in the ground, changes to the corpse. 然后就有妖族强者的身形飞跌出来,撞在地面,化作尸体。 Also is dozens rests time, Demon Race expert corpse that in the ground died in battle, already more than 30 ice-cold corpses, such occupies, making other major races become flushed, Ye Qingyu strength is really tyrannical, in such short time cuts to kill more than 30 Demon Race headquarters expert, might be considered as is terrorist. 也不过是数十息的时间而已,地面上战死的妖族强者尸体,已经30多具冰冷的尸体,这样的占据,让其他各大种族都勃然变色,叶青羽实力真的是强横,这么短的时间里斩杀30多尊妖族总部强者,堪称是恐怖。 Does not know that Demon Race can support? 不知道妖族能不能撑下来? Unknowingly , the ideas of many person changed, had not realized including them that they started to worry about the Demon Race headquarters in silent, but like, does not think the Ye Qingyu act from the beginning extremely in crazy. 不知不觉之中,很多人的想法已经改变,连他们自己都没有意识到,他们已经在无声无息之中开始担忧妖族总部,而不是像一开始那样,觉得叶青羽的行径太过于疯狂。 Lineup...... The day monster builds up god Killing Array!” “布阵……天妖炼神杀阵!” Has caused to send out shouts out at slightly Demon Race headquarters second. 一直在略阵的妖族总部第二副使发出了大喝 Today to this's Demon Race headquarters expert, led by him, Demon Race is enabling not to come, Demon Race thinks roughly sends out such lineup, is enough attached great importance to Ye Qingyu, let alone is not a Demon Race headquarters influence wants to remove Ye Qingyu today, in the mourning hall, is the Ye Qingyu enemies, but has not thought that the aspect will evolve hence, if Ye Qingyu is inferior from the beginning or is the power balance, that other race headquarters influences definitely will hit a person when he is down, but now...... Before Demon Race has not compelled Ye Qingyu all cards in a hand, other races will not have gotten rid approximately blindly, after all the Ye Qingyu present performance was really too terrifying, needs to consider the consequence. 今日到此的妖族总部强者,以他为首,妖族正使并没有来,大致上妖族认为派出这样的阵容,已经是足够对叶青羽重视了,何况今日并非是妖族总部一个势力想要除掉叶青羽,灵堂之中,都是叶青羽的敌人,但是没有想到,局面会演化至此,如果一开始叶青羽就处于劣势或者是均势,那其他种族总部势力肯定会落井下石,但现在嘛……在妖族没有将叶青羽的所有底牌都逼出来之前,其他种族大致是不会盲目出手了,毕竟叶青羽如今的表现实在是太恐怖了,需要考虑后果。 Brushes! 刷刷刷刷! Demon Race expert form twinkle. 妖族强者身影闪烁。 Dozens Demon Race expert rushed calmly, has tied down Ye Qingyu. 数十名妖族强者视死如归地冲上去,缠住了叶青羽 But other 20 Demon Race expert retroceded, is separated from the battlefield, simultaneously has roared, by the strange position position, simultaneously was reciting some ancient incantation, has stimulated to movement some mystique, the treacherous strength surged from their statures, look at them to offer a sacrifice to a group brilliance, floated from the cerebellum, just liked this life stars fluctuates generally. 而其他20名妖族强者则后退,脱离了战场,齐齐怒吼一声,以奇异的位置站位,同时吟唱着某种古老的咒语,催动了某种秘法,诡谲的力量从他们的身躯之中涌动出来,就看他们祭出了一团光华,从后脑之上漂浮了起来,犹如本命星辰一般浮动。 Emperor Qi continuously pasted to fill the air in void. 一缕缕的帝气在虚空之中流转弥漫了开来。 Well? Is Emperor Treasure?” “咦?是帝器?” Can't? Have the Demon Race headquarters used Emperor Treasure unexpectedly?” “不会吧?妖族总部竟然动用了帝器?” Sensation to the faint trace Emperor Treasure instance continuously, various clan expert facial colors dignified. 感知到丝丝缕缕的帝器的瞬间,各族强者的面色都凝重了起来。 Demon Race had left several Martial Dao Emperor, the foundation is solid, in the legend, the Demon Race headquarters actually have Emperor Treasure to exist. 妖族曾经出过数位武道皇帝,底蕴深厚,传说之中,妖族总部其实是有帝器存在的。 But this strategic most precious object, the significance of deterrent are more with the significance of actual combat, generally easily will not use, one is because stimulates to movement the Emperor Treasure consumption to be too big, stimulates to movement handle Emperor Artifact completely, attracts the adult to do Great Saint sufficiently instantaneously, is not good to control, two are Emperor Treasure involves the race destiny, the relations too makes no mistake greatly, many times, even if Demon Race is enabling also it is not necessarily true that to have the right use. 但这种战略性的至宝,威慑的意义更多与实战的意义,一般都不会轻易动用,一则是因为催动帝器消耗太大,完全催动一柄帝兵,足以瞬间将一尊大圣吸成人干,不好掌控,二则是帝器涉及到种族气运,关系太大不容有失,许多时候,就算是妖族正使也未见得有权利动用。 Faint trace Emperor Qi continuously fills the air. 丝丝缕缕的帝气弥漫。 20 heterochrosis brilliance, float in these 20 Demon Race expert top of the heads, just likes 20 big star generally high and low ups and downs, is containing the strength of universe stars, has blocked surrounding void, resembled has separated this piece of space and entire world, 20 arrived at destruction killing intent, toward most the Ye Qingyu position strangled to death. 20道异色光华,悬浮在了这20尊妖族强者的头顶,犹如20颗大星一般上下沉浮,蕴含着宇宙星辰的力量,封锁了周围的虚空,似是将这一片空间与整个世界都割裂了开来,20到毁灭般的杀意,朝着最中间叶青羽的位置绞杀。 „It is not right, is not Emperor Artifact...... is false Emperor Artifact, but there is Emperor Qi.” “不对,不是帝兵……是伪帝兵,但有帝气。” False Emperor Artifact is also the most precious object, kills the Ye Qingyu foot.” “伪帝兵亦是至宝,杀叶青羽足矣。” Demon Race really moved the big qualification.” 妖族果然是动了大本钱啊。” Various clan expert in mourning hall are superior, experienced, therefore quick distinguishes, that is not Emperor Artifact, but is 20 false Emperor Artifact, it is estimated that is long time visits Wen Yang by true Emperor Artifact, has had the Emperor Artifact aura, therefore has Emperor Qi, the inside story that this also general influence can not hold a candle, false Emperor Artifact may also flicker to cut Great Saint. 灵堂中的各族强者都是上位者,见多识广,因此很快就辨别出来,那不是帝兵,而是20件伪帝兵,估计是长时间拜访在真正的帝兵旁边温养,沾染了帝兵的气息,因此藏有帝气,这也是一般势力望尘莫及的底蕴了,伪帝兵亦可瞬斩大圣 20 false Emperor Artifact are uneven, this aspect, Century is rare. 20件伪帝兵齐出,这种局面,百年罕见。 Demon Race has used the enormous inside story, it can be said that has the completely safe preparation. 妖族真的是动用了极大的底蕴,可以说是有着万全的准备。 Sees this, the magnificent brocade clothes young people shake the head, said: He He, he ended...... Does not need me to get rid, he died, this was the fate of idiot, individual was strength again useful? After all comes humblly poor and lowly, did not understand that the true super influence the inside story, attempted to go against heaven's will, died also well, did not need me to get rid, otherwise, has killed him, simply was dirty my hand.” 看到这一幕,华丽锦衣年轻人摇头,道:“呵呵,他完了……不用我出手,他死定了,这就是蠢货的下场,个人实力再强有什么用?毕竟出身低贱寒微,不懂得真正超级势力的底蕴,妄图逆天,死了也好,不用我出手,否则,杀了他,简直是脏了我的手。” He is very rampant, on the face is having the taking pleasure in others'misfortunes expression. 他很嚣张,脸上带着幸灾乐祸的表情。 expert unemotionally, a few words did not say. 身边的强者们都面无表情,一句话也不说。 On the European limitless face, does not flash through a happy expression on own initiative. 欧无极的脸上,不自觉地闪过一丝喜色。 The corners of the mouth that Wei not gets sick, are holding a faint trace mock, does not know that is thinking anything. 魏无病的嘴角,却是噙着一丝丝讥诮,也不知道在想些什么。 Uncle Lin, the brother he......” Ren Xingyan looks timidly that incomparably is worried about Ye Qingyu, although he young, but also knows the quality, knows that Ye Qingyu is a good person, the situation in field makes him worry. “林伯伯,大哥哥他……”任星言怯生生地看着,无比担心叶青羽,他虽然年幼,但也知道好坏,知道叶青羽是好人,场中的情况让他担忧。 Uncle Lin has not spoken, the heart already had also hung. 林伯没有说话,心也早就悬了起来。 He cannot help but looks to Lu Wei. 他不由得看向身边的卢伟。 This young people are follow Sir Ye to come together, should be able to look at anything. 这个年轻人是跟随叶大人一起来的,应该能够看出来些什么吧。 As if was induces Uncle Lin's vision, the Lu Wei light tunnel: Does not need to be worried that he is just is accompanying these idiots to play, it is estimated that also wants to draw out more people, otherwise...... He He.” 似乎是感应到了林伯的目光,卢伟淡淡地道:“不用担心,他只不过是在陪这些蠢货玩玩而已,估计还想要引出更多的人,否则……呵呵。” At this time 这时 Ha Ha, this is your Demon Race inside story, has 20 false Emperor Artifact? Also thinks that will have Emperor Artifact to appear, disappointed me. „ Ye Qingyu the sound of laughing gets up: „ That stops.” “哈哈,这就是你妖族的底蕴,只有20件伪帝兵?还以为会有帝兵出现,太让我失望了。“叶青羽的大笑之声响起:“那就到此为止吧。” The silver radiant sword light does in a big way suddenly. 银色的璀璨剑光骤然大作。 Sword light fuses overlapping, changes to piece by piece the white light screen, in an instant, in the mourning hall white are only boundless, the eyes of all people absent-minded lose one's sight to be the same instantaneously, cannot see anything outside that white, only has Divine Sense to be able the sensation, how only thinks that Sword Qi not bone-chilling cold, but is containing one supreme strength, Flashed, has seized completely the souls of all people ordinary. 道道剑光层层叠叠地融合,化作片片白色光幕,刹那之间,灵堂之中唯余白色茫茫,所有人的眼睛瞬间失神失明一样,看不到那白色之外的任何东西,唯有神识可以感知,只觉得那剑气并不如何凛冽,但却蕴含着一种至高无上的力量,一闪而过,夺尽了所有人的魂魄一般。 Ping...... 砰砰砰…… Has any thing shatter sound/noise to resound. 有什么东西破碎的声音响起。 Has made a sound instantaneously continuously 20 times. 瞬间连续响了20次。 Then is Demon Race second causes roars incomparably panic-strickenly. 然后是妖族第二副使的无比惊骇地怒吼。 When people visual recovery normal time, sees only everywhere the corpse, the false Emperor Artifact fragment, 20 false Emperor Artifact with 20 Demon Race expert, changed to the remnant broken skeleton, the shop in the ground, is centered on Ye Qingyu that grasping the double sword sets up, the Demon Race expert corpse 360 degrees outward exhibit, just likes the flowers of death bones of the dead blood is in full bloom are the same, frightening, alarmed. 等到众人的视觉恢复正常的时候,只见满地尸体,还有伪帝兵的碎片,20件伪帝兵和20个妖族强者,都已经化作了残碎的尸骸,铺在了地面上,以手持双剑而立的叶青羽为中心,妖族强者的尸身360度朝外陈列,犹如怒放的死亡白骨鲜血的花朵一样,令人心惊,触目惊心。 In the mourning hall, can stand Demon Race expert, but also less than 50. 灵堂之中,能够站着的妖族强者,还不足50位。 Other, died under that pair of Ice Sword. 其他的,都陨落在了那一对冰剑之下。 Some people started the shivering leg to be soft. 已经有人开始颤抖腿软。 Such picture, who can think. 这样的画面,谁能想到。 If the time flows backwards, in the mourning hall only feared that will have half form to obey Ye Qingyu warning from the beginning, leaves directly, will not stay here absolutely again, why this in society can some people be so strong, Ye Qingyu six months ago was Saint, now? This Battle Strength, has he stepped into the Quasi-Emperor boundary to be inadequate? 如果时光倒流,灵堂之中只怕是会有一半身影听从叶青羽一开始的警告,直接离开,绝对不会再留在这里,为什么这世间能够有人这么强,叶青羽半年之前才不过是一尊圣者啊,现在呢?这种战力,难道他已经踏入了准帝境不成? At once, the declining of needle mourning hall may hear. 一时之间,灵堂之中落针可闻。 Also can fight?” “还要战吗?” The Ye Qingyu facial color looked causes fainily to Demon Race second. 叶青羽面色淡漠地看向妖族第二副使。 After being Puyang falls from the sky, Demon Race is in all races, jumps da happiest, the Demon Race headquarters meddles the matter of Human Race headquarters opportunistically, on a broad scale has launched to the suppression of Human Race, most typical in secret props up the European limitless stratagem to seize the Human Race headquarters the position that causes, and to encircle the excuse of Lin Yutang remnant, during the arrest struck to kill many Human Race white robe god to protect the elite talent, weakened the Human Race strength...... 自任濮阳陨落之后,妖族是所有种族之中,蹦跶的最欢的一个,妖族总部见缝插针地插手人族总部的事情,在大范围内展开了对人族的打压,最典型的就是暗中扶植欧无极谋夺人族总部正使的位置,且以围剿林语堂余孽的借口,缉捕击杀了不少人族白袍神卫之中的菁英天才,借此削弱人族的力量…… The content that these, are Dragon Guida the monster gives in the books that record. 这些,都是龙龟大妖所给的卷册里面记载的内容。 Also is Ye Qingyu during the dark green Yunshan village fights the trend of seeing. 也是叶青羽在苍云山庄一战之中看到的趋势。 Therefore, he must find the opportunity to find the excuse today actually, kills greatly, perhaps rubs in Demon Race arrogance Demon Race have the good monster, but appears in without a doubt today being these in Puyang mourning hall, actually absolutely should kill, is War Hawk in Demon Race headquarters, most is hostile toward Human Race, kills several just right. 所以,他今日其实就是要找机会找借口,大杀一番,搓一搓妖族的气焰妖族之中或许有好妖,但毫无疑问今天出现在任濮阳灵堂之中的这些,却绝对都该杀,是妖族总部之中的鹰派,最是仇视人族,多杀几个正好。 Demon Race second causes to clench jaws, has not spoken. 妖族第二副使咬牙切齿,却没有说话。 He does not dare to speak. 他不敢说话。 He thinks that the absolutely safe bureau, was broken. 他以为万无一失的局,已经被破掉了。 Moreover this time Ye Qingyu, seems like consumed many, as before still have ample force. 而且此时的叶青羽,看起来并未被消耗多少,依旧犹有余力。 Fights again, today enters Demon Race headquarters expert in mourning hall, only feared that wanted the buckle here. 再战下去,今日进入灵堂之中的妖族总部强者,只怕是都要折损在这里了。 Ye Qingyu smiled. 叶青羽笑了。 I said that Demon Race meddles the matter of my Human Race interior at will, must to me a confession, you think that I am being insane crack a joke insanely, always thought one keep aloof, does not care...... He He, should understand now?” The Ye Qingyu imposing manner was threatening, points to remaining Demon Race expert, the powerful to the extreme tunnel: Now I am those words, thinks well how should confess to me, I give you time, must continue to fight, is, you choose, but, reminded again, this was your final opportunities...... Should this time you be able to face up to the present situation well?” “我说了,妖族随意插手我人族内部之事,要给我一个交代,你们以为我是在失心疯开玩笑,总觉得自己高高在上,不放在心上……呵呵,现在该懂了吧?”叶青羽气势逼人,直指剩下的妖族强者,强势到了极点地道:“现在我还是那句话,好好想一想,该如何给我交代,我给你们时间,要继续战,还是和,你们选择,不过,再提醒一下,这是你们最后的机会了……这一次你们应该可以好好正视一下眼前的局势了吧?” Demon Race second causes to frown, but is speechless as before. 妖族第二副使横眉,但依旧无话可说。 This matter, indeed is Demon Race is in the wrong. 这件事情,的确是妖族理亏。 Ye Qingyu is not oneself. 叶青羽也不为己甚。 He put aside lost Demon Race of fighting spirit, the vision fell on the body of magnificent brocade clothes young people. 他撇开了已经丧失了斗志的妖族,目光落在了华丽锦衣年轻人的身上。 Come, didn't you already want to get rid?” During Ye Qingyu will fight this young people to say actually a moment ago the words, hear clearly, despises the tunnel: Come, I to the opportunity that you get rid, making you die is resigned...... No matter what background I you behind have, is who is protecting you, before depending on you , the shame and lets that several words of mister, you must die today.” “来吧,你不是早就想要出手了吗?”叶青羽其实将刚才战斗之中这年轻人说过的话,都听得清清楚楚,鄙夷地道:“来吧,我给你出手的机会,让你死的甘心……我不管你身后有什么样的背景,是谁在护着你,就凭你之前辱及任先生的那几句话,你今天都必须死。” He compels in big strides toward the young people. 他大踏步地朝着年轻人逼过去。 Your Excellency, halts.” Side a young people guard, the look proceeds intense one step, the internal combustion engine circulation of Great Saint peak, shouted to clear the way: You should not provoke Young Master, he is Human Race, the bloodlines is also sacred, the status is honored, you cannot stir up, fast draws back.” 阁下,止步。”年轻人身边的一位护卫,神色紧张地往前一步,大圣巅峰的气机流转,喝道:“你不该招惹少主,他也是人族,血脉神圣,地位尊贵,你惹不起,速速退下。” Several other guards, protects this young people hastily. 其他几名护卫,也连忙将这年轻人保护在其中。 The fight they watched a moment ago, Demon Race such false Emperor Artifact formation was broken in instant, making them realize savage of Ye Qingyu, the name of Ice Sword Slaughter God Mad Demon Ye lived up to reputation, therefore does not think that the young people had to defeat the Ye Qingyu possibility. 刚才的战斗他们都看在眼里,妖族那样的伪帝兵阵法都在一念之间被破掉,让他们都意识到了叶青羽的凶残,冰剑杀神叶狂魔之名名不虚传,所以并不认为年轻人有战胜叶青羽的可能。 Boils to me, will I fear him?” The young people are similar to was enraged lions, said: In my hand, holds Emperor Treasure, can the crush his 10,000, he he, this type of trash, dares to be rampant in my front, I must make him regret to arrive at this world...... Boils to me, my teacher makes you protect me, is not disobeys my...... Go away!” “给我滚开,我会怕他?”年轻人如同被激怒了的雄狮,道:“我手中,握有帝器,可以碾压他10000遍,呵呵,这种垃圾,也敢在我的面前嚣张,我要让他后悔来到这个世界……都给我滚开,我师尊让你们来保护我,不是来违逆我的……滚开!” He is rampant. 他嚣张无比。 ----------- ----------- The daily second chapter, wants to write as far as possible much, this chapter 4500, and last night big chapter added that was equal to three. 每天的第二章,都想要尽量多写点,这章4500,算起来和昨晚的大章加起来,等于是三更了。 Thank Mars to pursue the love and years 814907, Chen fruit wines, Davidguhuan and meat to clamp the dish, aj0011 and Jiang Hu variant dragon big supporting. 感谢火星追爱情、岁月814907、陈果子酒、Davidguhuan、肉夹菜、aj0011、江湖侠龙诸位大大的捧场。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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