GDN :: Volume #5

#456: Han Lang VS three items of Bai Gui!

The combustion life, forever is the soldier strongest must kill the technique, but, this type final crazy will thoroughly also ruin the soldier precious life. 燃烧生命,永远是战士最强的必杀技,但同时,这种最后的疯狂也会彻底葬送掉战士宝贵的生命。 Han Lang was always a man of optimism, the death is not his pursue, but, optimistic Han Lang was also a genuine soldier, when the matter developed to with combustion life violent way be able to recall, Han Lang will do without hesitation. 韩浪一向是个乐观的人,死亡并不是他的追求,但同时,乐观的韩浪也是一个真正的战士,当事情发展到必须用燃烧生命这种极端的方式才能挽回,韩浪会毫不犹豫去做。 For him, oneself died, enemy is actually living, is absolutely the unacceptable result. 对他来说,自己死了,敌人却活着,是绝对不能接受的结果。 The Han Lang final bottom line perishes together, his tenacious believing, enemy type of thing, must be killed, if do not have the ability to kill the enemy, that must also draw in the hell him, fronts the back to oneself, except for this, Han Lang does not accept any other results. 韩浪最后的底线就是同归于尽,他固执的认为,敌人这种东西,就是要被杀死的,如果自己没有能力杀死敌人,那就要把他也拖进地狱里,给自己垫背,除此以外,韩浪不接受任何其他结局。 That bottle of golden liquids are the golden family deep pool alone blood, because the deep pool has the contour of humanity alone, simultaneously is actually comes by the beast clan spore evolution, Han Lang is unable to divide the outcome that is clear he to drink is the beast blood or the person blood. 那一瓶金色的液体是黄金家族渊独的鲜血,由于渊独具备人类的外形,同时却是由兽族孢子进化而来,韩浪无法分清楚他喝下的究竟是兽血还是人血。 But Han Lang does not care, according to him the understanding to entire universe, the force system always repels one another, is in sharp opposition. 韩浪不在乎,根据他对整个宇宙的理解,力量体系总是生生相克,针锋相对的。 Only the dark strength can suppress the dark strength, likewise, Han Lang wants coming from three items of Bai Gui of golden family kills, needs also to have the strength of golden family. 只有黑暗的力量才能压制黑暗的力量,同理,韩浪想把来自黄金家族的三目白鬼弄死,就需要自己也具备黄金家族的力量。 This was the fourth energy that Han Lang took, source energy that the red blood relationship had, dark strength that the dark blood relationship had, moderates plant energy that the intelligence department of botany had, in addition the golden bloodline of beast clan. 这是韩浪摄入的第四种能量了,红色血统具备的源力,黑暗血统具备的黑暗力量,灵性植物系拥有的温和派植物能量,再加上兽族的黄金血脉。 In the universe could not find compared with Han Lang energy system more complex existence again, could not find compared with a Han Lang crazier fellow. 宇宙里再也找不到比韩浪能量体系更复杂的存在,也找不到给比韩浪更疯狂的家伙。 Before the dark strength and source energy coexisted are understandable, because these two blood relationships came from a human clan, but the plant strength was the most temperate strength, therefore can also coexist in Han Lang within the body. 之前黑暗力量和源力并存是可以理解的,因为这两种血统都来自人类一族,而植物力量是最温和的力量,所以也能够在韩浪的体内并存。 But the beast clan gold bloodline are different, that is the energy system that and human two big blood relationships repel one another, they will pester in Han Lang within the body mutually, the attack, according to the theory, does not need the Han Lang combustion life actually, only the incompatible energy at the battle in his within the body, sufficiently kills him. 但兽族黄金血脉不同,那是和人类两大血统相克的能量体系,他们在韩浪的体内会互相纠缠,攻击,按照理论来说,其实不需要韩浪燃烧生命,单是不兼容能量在他体内的交战,就足以杀死他。 With the aid of faith of last surviving, Han Lang rushed, drops out three sharp double-edged swords that the finger wipes in the mark of moon/month gently, with being lost in thought bow feathers, actually does not plan to begin to put the arrow, but is the preparation with the aid of the intensity of feathers. 借助最后一丝残存的信念,韩浪冲了上去,将那把三尖两刃刀抛下,手指在月之痕中轻轻一抹,拿出了神弓飞羽,却并不打算开工放箭,而是准备借助飞羽的强度。 This is one type strength that surpasses the limit, soul strength, source energy, dark strength, plant strength, the strength of golden family, the strength of combustion life. 这是一种超越极限的力量,魂力,源力,黑暗力量,植物力量,黄金家族的力量,燃烧生命的力量。 All these strengths have been manifested on Han Lang completely, many color rays have surrounded him thoroughly, is outspoken, Han Lang uses all that oneself have been able to use. 所有这些力量全部在韩浪身上得到体现,多种颜色的光芒将他彻底包围了,毫无保留,韩浪动用了自己所能动用的一切。 Imposing manner astonishing degree is unable to describe with language, after all this is the combustion of soldier life, is the Han Lang limit. 气势的惊人程度无法用语言来描述,毕竟这是战士生命的燃烧,是韩浪的极限。 Facing such astonishing Han Lang, three items of Bai Gui remains unmoved, in fact he also and black egg is equally proud, the black egg does not believe one will lose, three items of white ghosts do not believe similarly. 面对这样惊人的韩浪,三目白鬼不为所动,事实上他也和黑蛋一样骄傲,黑蛋不相信自己会输,三目白鬼同样不信。 Ka ~ 咔~ The third eye on three items of Bai Gui head opened suddenly. 三目白鬼脑袋上的第三只眼突然睁开了。 The strange eye that the gene mutation accomplishes is not unnecessary, but manifestation of final strength. 基因突变造就的这只奇怪眼睛可不是多余的,而是最终力量的体现。 Opened the third eye is similar to Han Lang has released the soul strength, has burnt the life, the only difference is three items of Bai Gui will not die, the energy enhancement of third eye bring can control, not like Han Lang in combustion life, once opened, Han Lang did not know the result. 打开第三只眼就如同韩浪释放了魂力,燃烧了生命,唯一的区别就是三目白鬼不会死,第三只眼带来的能量增强是可以控制的,不像韩浪在燃烧生命,一旦开启,连韩浪自己也不知道结果。 The strength of strength and third eye of life, the final showdown must start finally! 生命的力量和第三只眼的力量,最终的对决终于要开始了! Black egg, Yuan Yuan, all anxious to not having additional situation, even if always the cold blood black egg, thought own heart soon jumped from the chest. 黑蛋,圆圆,全都紧张到无以附加的地步,即便是向来冷血的黑蛋,也觉得自己心脏快要从胸口跳出来了。 Sometimes is this, only then to loses finally, you understand that to you most important outcome is anything. 有些时候就是这样,只有到最后失去的时候,你才会明白对你最重要的究竟是什么。 No!!! 不!!! The black egg shouted crazily. 黑蛋疯狂大喊。 What a pity, the Han Lang will not change because of others' idea, his speed is getting more and more fast, the ray that the body emits is getting more and more eye-catching. 可惜,韩浪的意志并不会因为别人的想法而改变,他的速度越来越快,身上放射出的光芒越来越夺目。 Bang ~ 轰~ When both sides are away from are less than ten meters, the three items of Bai Gui third eyes start finally, projects the black light from his strange eye, explodes to shoot, fires into Han Lang! 在双方距离不到十米的时候,三目白鬼的第三只眼终于发动,从他那奇怪的眼睛里射出黑色的光,爆射而出,冲向韩浪 Actually is this what ability? Energy index high? Lethality strong? 这究竟是什么能力?能量指数有多高?杀伤力有多强? These issues were unimportant. 这些问题已经不重要了。 What is only important, in this peak showdown, who can say with a smile the last minute. 唯一重要的是,这场巅峰对决中,谁能够笑道最后一刻。 Puff gives a tongue-lashing ~ 噗呲~ The ray collision that Han Lang and three items of white ghosts simultaneously release, the dissipation, crashes like everywhere stars, the ray intensity has camouflaged the entire world. 韩浪和三目白鬼同时释放出的光芒碰撞,消散,就像漫天繁星坠落,光芒的强度遮蔽了整个世界。 When extinguishes to the ray, Yuan Yuan saw the golden blood, is flowing from three items of Bai Gui head, crash-bang drop on the ground. 待到光芒熄灭的时候,圆圆看到了金色的血液,正在从三目白鬼的脑袋里流淌出来,哗啦啦滴在地上。 The Han Lang feathers bow, inserted three items of Bai Gui head, from his place of third eye existence, inserts stiffly! 韩浪的飞羽弓,插进了三目白鬼的脑袋,从他第三只眼存在的地方,硬生生插进去的! Master! You succeeded! You succeeded!” Yuan Yuan excited shouting. “主人!你成功了!你成功了!”圆圆激动的大喊。 What a pity, Han Lang had not replied. 可惜,韩浪却没有回答。 Puff passes ~ 噗通~ Han Lang closes one's eyes, drops down, in this mutually wounded peak showdown, Han Lang has killed three items of Bai Gui successfully, but he, fell into the endless abyss. 韩浪闭起眼睛,倒下,在这场两败俱伤的巅峰对决中,韩浪成功杀死了三目白鬼,但他自己,也落入了无尽的深渊。 Before he drops down last movement, opens moon/month of mark, emits continuously by the black egg that he protects, now, the black egg was safe ... 在他倒下前最后一个动作,是打开月之痕,放出一直被他保护的黑蛋,现在,黑蛋已经安全了... ...... ...... ~ 嗷~ The black egg falls down like going crazy on Han Lang, he never thought one will take so seriously a humanity, according to the truth, is doomed to stand summit existence of like him since birth in world, should not have the sentiment, that is all upper dog common fetters. 黑蛋像发疯一样扑倒在韩浪身上,他从未觉得自己会如此重视一个人类,按照道理来说,像他这样生来就注定要站在世界之巅的存在,是不应该有感情的,那是所有成功者共同的羁绊。 But the fact actually showed that reason that all truth exist, for was broken. 可事实却证明,一切道理之所以存在,就是为了被打破。 Even if the proud black egg , the heart, that heart will also beat because of the laughter , anger , sorrow and happiness. 即便是骄傲的黑蛋,也有一颗心脏,那颗心脏也会因为喜怒哀乐而跳动。 The sentiment, is black egg existence irresistibly, humanity because of having the sentiment is great, these sing a lot of years of ballad, literature that can never obliterate, is because has poured into the intense emotion. 感情,是一种黑蛋无法抵抗的存在,人类因为拥有感情而伟大,那些传唱千百年的歌谣,永远不会磨灭的文学,无一不是因为其中灌注了强烈的情感。 Although actually the black egg has not understood his pain at this moment to come from where, but he did not hope Han Lang dead, rather with own life, trades the Han Lang life! 黑蛋虽然还不懂他此刻的痛苦究竟来自于哪里,但他绝不希望韩浪死去,宁愿用自己的命,去换韩浪的命! How regardless of the black egg and Yuan Yuan shouted that sways, Han Lang has not opened the eye, the sensation keen black egg realizes that the Han Lang life is withering away fast, this makes him fall into the violent pain, he was unable to accept not to have the Han Lang day now. 无论黑蛋和圆圆怎么喊,怎么摇晃,韩浪还是没有睁开眼睛,感知敏锐的黑蛋察觉到,韩浪的生命正在快速消亡,这让他陷入极端的痛苦,他现在已经无法接受没有韩浪的日子了。 Was only a pity, his clear too late ... 只可惜,他明白的太晚... The black egg goes crazy results in seeks, destroys three items of Bai Gui head, has pulled out his brain region. 黑蛋发疯似得寻找,打碎三目白鬼的脑袋,将他的脑域掏了出来。 Afterward he found the third eye that three items of Bai Gui was hit to fly, does not extinguish the crystal general third eye not to be destroyed by Han Lang, when the Han Lang force pierces his head, the third eye was hit to fly. 随后他又找到三目白鬼被打飞的第三只眼,不灭晶体一般的第三只眼并没有被韩浪摧毁,只是在韩浪强力洞穿他脑袋的时候,第三只眼被撞击飞了出去。 Looks Han Lang that both eyes have shut tightly, looked at brain region and third eye in hand, the black egg exudes one to call out suddenly, the entire body starts to rise suddenly! 看了看双目紧闭的韩浪,又看了看手里的脑域和第三只眼,黑蛋突然发出一声暴喝,整个身体开始暴涨! Master, you opens eyes, has a look at the black egg, he ... He changes quite strange ... Yuan Yuan sways Han Lang to say to him. “主人,你睁开眼,看看黑蛋,他...他变的好奇怪啊...”圆圆摇晃着韩浪对他说道。 Melts the dragon, the black egg fat small physique is not his true body, but his true body is a Black dragon. 化龙,黑蛋胖胖的小身板并不是他的真身,而他的真身是一条黑龙。 The wings launches roughly three meters, compares in these fables jumbo same Dragon Clan , the black egg is a small fellow, but changes may not only then the head of black egg, more important is his imposing manners and both eyes. 双翼展开约莫三米,相比那些传说中巨无霸一样的龙族,黑蛋还是个小个子,但变化的可不仅仅只有黑蛋的个头,更重要是他的气势和双眼。 Longwei. 龙威。 In a legend Elite-level biology Dragon Clan inherent dignity, when the coordinated process carries the dignity beyond comparison to present the time, the world changes color, the myriad things submit! 一种传说中顶级生物龙族与生俱来的威严,当一条龙携着自己无以伦比的威严出现时候,天地变色,万物屈服! Golden double pupil. 黄金双瞳。 The body of trumpet Black dragon, has the both eyes of golden big dragon, the black egg is not a simple fellow, in the Dragon Clan genealogy simply does not have this kind of strange species, can simultaneously have evil is abyss Black dragon and sacred is the characteristics of golden big dragon. 小号黑龙的身体,却有着黄金巨龙的双眼,黑蛋绝不是一个简单的家伙,龙族的家谱里根本没有这样一个奇怪的物种,能够同时具备邪恶系深渊黑龙和神圣系黄金巨龙的特征。 He like the devil and angel marriage, no wonder only has seen the black egg true body, the protection female monster of cherry, after looking at black egg one trembled, serious warning Han Lang, forever forever never enrage the black egg. 他就像魔鬼与天使的结合体,怪不得唯一见过黑蛋真身,洛樱的守护女妖,会在看了黑蛋一眼之后瑟瑟发抖,严重警告韩浪,永远永远永远不要触怒黑蛋。 Bones of the dead sharp claws. 白骨利爪。 The symbolic characteristics of Mystery Descent bone dragon, in the legend the bone dragon is the body of eternal not extinguishing, even if the body withers away, the bones of the dead still do not extinguish, thousand years later, but can also grow the mortal body, melts the characteristics of bone dragon to be contained similarly in the life of black egg. 神秘系化骨龙的标志性特征,传说中化骨龙是永恒不灭之躯,哪怕身体消亡,白骨依然不灭,历经千年后,还可以重新生长出肉身,化骨龙的特征同样被包含在黑蛋的生命里。 Invites the wrath of the emperor scarlet-red. 赤红逆鳞。 The destruction is the symbol of scarlet dragon, most is good at destroying the scarlet dragon that as Dragon Clan, can use the fire of own hell, destroys a galaxy instantaneously! Black egg back that row of strange scarlet-red inviting the wrath of the emperor, without doubt destroys the symbol of scarlet dragon. 毁灭系赤龙的标志,作为龙族里最擅长摧毁的赤龙,可以用自己的地狱之火,瞬间毁灭一个星系!黑蛋后背那一排奇怪的赤红逆鳞,无疑是毁灭赤龙的标志。 The evil department, the sacred department, destroys the department, Mystery Descent ... 邪恶系,神圣系,毁灭系,神秘系... It is not able to imagine, the small black egg simultaneously has four big Dragon Clan characteristics unexpectedly! 无法想象,小小的黑蛋居然同时具备四大龙族的特征! Perhaps the black egg always appears by the image of fat boy, is a camouflage, to cover the indecipherable mystical status? 或许黑蛋总是以胖小子的形象出现,是一种伪装,为了掩盖自己无法解释的神秘身份? The black egg lowered the head, the dragon tooth reveals completely, is leaving behind under to three items of Bai Gui the quantity high pulse energy body, deeply inspired. 黑蛋低下头,龙牙毕露,对着三目白鬼遗留下的量大能量体,深深吸了一口气。 ~ 唰~ The energy, the innumerable energy entered black egg within the body like air, fast-flow. 能量,数不清的能量像空气一样进入了黑蛋的体内,快速流动。 The strange eye withers rapidly, brain region of loading energy also withered. 奇怪的眼睛迅速枯萎,装载能量的脑域也枯萎了。 On the black egg glows the eye-catching light, activates strength that ancient times Dragon Clan has been insufferably arrogant. 黑蛋身上焕发出夺目的光,激活了远古龙族不可一世的力量。 Bang ~ 轰~ Black egg of being insufferably arrogant in a hurry was actually busy at flying, threw to Han Lang side reckless, in his golden eye did not have the dignity, only then urgent hope. 不可一世的黑蛋却匆匆忙飞了起来,不顾一切扑到韩浪身边,他那双金色眼睛里没有威严,只有迫切的渴望。 He does not want to make Han Lang such die, for this reason, he is willing to put down is in itself the Dragon Clan dignity, bets own all! 他不想让韩浪就这么死掉,为此,他愿意放下自己身为龙族的尊严,赌上自己的一切! Becoming in the universe the strongest biology? 成为宇宙里最强的生物? This goal suddenly changes was not so important, supposed that Han Lang died, even if turns strongly, nobody and black egg share, finally he like all proud Dragon Clan, the eternal life in lonely, died in lonely. 这个目标忽然间变的不那么重要了,假设韩浪死了,就算变成最强,也没人和黑蛋分享,最终他还是会像所有骄傲的龙族一样,在孤独中永生,或者,在孤独中死去。 Black egg since birth the first time, low oneself arrogant head, with his alone angle, aims at the Han Lang forehead. 黑蛋有生以来第一次,低下了自己高傲的头颅,用他的独角,对准韩浪的眉心。 The energy is releasing, not having black egg of energy also dead, but he actually again can give Han Lang the precious dragon in vain, is willing, has no complain and regret. 能量在释放,没有能量的黑蛋自己也会死,但他却再把珍贵的龙能白白送给韩浪,心甘情愿,无怨无悔。 This conquers, from ancient to present, nobody can conquer the coordinated process, even if the dragon of most crest rides a clan, most is also and big dragon signing contract, in the unique method, forcing Dragon Clan to become their fight partners, that is all. 这就是征服,从古至今,没人能够征服一条龙,哪怕最顶峰的龙骑一族,最多也就是和巨龙签订契约,以自己独特的手段,强迫龙族成为他们的战斗伙伴,仅此而已。 But today Han Lang, he conquers is not the body of black egg, is his heart. 韩浪,他今天征服的不是黑蛋的躯体,是他的心。 Dragon energy, this standing in all energy most crests, even compared with a soul strength more formidable energy, sent in Han Lang, in within the body of ordinary humanity, can be what kind of finally, nobody can predict that because such matter before Han Lang, has never occurred. 龙能,这种站在所有能量最顶峰,甚至比魂力更加强大的能量,被送入了韩浪,一个普通人类的体内,结果会是怎样,无人可以预测,因为这样的事情在韩浪之前,从未发生过。 The present situation is, red source energy, dark strength, plant strength, the strength of beast clan golden color bloodline, soul strength, in addition dragon energy, all these strange, has the difference of heaven and earth energy, the gathering!( To be continued.) 现在的情况是,红色源力,黑暗力量,植物力量,兽族金色血脉的力量,魂力,再加上龙能,所有这些奇怪的,有着天壤之别的能量,汇聚!(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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