ED :: Volume #23

#2203: Killing

Li Qiye smiled, said: „The world is big, do I also from the way, Dao Lineage, not worth of mentioning, want to extinguish and have what difficulty? don't said that is Ten Thousand Lineage World Dao Lineage, even if Immortal Lineage World Dao Lineage, I want to extinguish it, there is what difficulty!” 李七夜笑了一下,说道:“天下再大,我也是来自去路,道统而已,何足为道,欲灭之又有何难?莫说是万统界道统,就算是仙统界道统,我欲灭之,又有何难!” Li Qiye such words make Yang Ming Xu Tuo their these Old Ancestor be speechless, this said rampantly, stood in this Ten Thousand Lineage World, said that must extinguish Immortal Lineage World Dao Lineage, this said without the slightest exaggeration, this was the disobedient matter. 李七夜这样的话让阳明须陀他们这些老祖都无话可说,这样的话说得太嚣张了,站在这万统界,开口说要灭仙统界道统,这毫不夸张地说,这是忤逆之事。 If, this passed to Immortal Lineage World, really has some important people to be earnest, the invincible generation arrives, that is can let any Dao Lineage inheritance for the matter that it shivers fully. 如果说,这样的话传到了仙统界,真的有某一个大人物要较真的话,无敌之辈降临,那是足可以让任何一个道统传承都为之颤抖的事情。 Therefore, Li Qiye such words saying, no one is willing to take up, that feared that they did not approve in the heart regarding Li Qiye this blustering words, thinks radically Li Qiye was extremely arrogant ignorant, but they are not willing to discuss, once after all involved Immortal Lineage World, they became discrete. 所以,李七夜这样的话一说出来,没有人愿意去接腔了,那怕他们对于李七夜这种口出狂言的话语在心里面根本就不认同,根本就认为李七夜是狂妄无知,但他们都不愿意去谈论,毕竟一旦涉及到仙统界,他们都变得谨慎。 Clang-- a resonate sound, in an instant, the cold glow that the Li Qiye words fall presently, the thorn to the Li Qiye's throat, sneak attacked Li Qiye for the first time all of a sudden instantaneously, wants to give Li Qiye to strike fatally. “铛——”的一声响起,就在李七夜话一落下的刹那之间,寒芒乍现,一下子刺向了李七夜的喉咙,瞬间偷袭了李七夜,欲给李七夜致命一击。 Bang a resonate sound, this suddenly for the first time present cold glow and realizing, cannot pierce the Li Qiye's throat, this suddenly sneak attack strikes very fatally, the speed is much faster . Moreover the point is extremely sharp, but still cannot escape the Li Qiye's palm, the Li Qiye finger grips the cold glow that punctured instantaneously. “砰”的一声响起,这突然乍现的寒芒并未能如愿,未能刺穿李七夜的喉咙,这突然偷袭的一击十分的致命,速度快得无与伦比,而且锋芒极锐,但依然逃不过李七夜的手掌心,李七夜手指瞬间夹住了刺来的寒芒。 But gripped in an instant, this together was cold the glow to vanish all of a sudden, seemed like escapes all of a sudden, whose without seeing was take action, no one saw this is what type sudden killing. 但就在被夹住的刹那之间,这一道寒芒又一下子消失了,似乎是一下子逃脱,没有看到是谁出手,没有人看到这是怎么样的突然袭杀。 The person who as if this hides from the hidden place is quite extraordinary, can come Wu Ying (shadowless) not to have the trace, especially can still achieve this point in this Mad Court Dao Lineage domain, is really extraordinary. 似乎这个躲于暗处的人极为了不得,可以来无影去无踪,特别是在这狂庭道统的地盘上依然能做到这一点,实在是了不起。 interesting.” Li Qiye smiled, calmly stood there, is waiting for opposite party take action. 有点意思。”李七夜笑了一下,静静地站在了那里,等待着对方出手 Suddenly some people killed Li Qiye, Yang Ming Xu Tuo they also turned very quiet, they can certainly hope that this hid in person in secret can kill Li Qiye to succeed. 突然有人袭杀李七夜,阳明须陀他们也不由屏住了呼吸,他们当然能希望这躲于暗中的人能袭杀李七夜成功。 Clang-- a resonate sound, the cold glow presently, with the posture of instantaneous thorn certain kill to the Li Qiye vest, the cold glow appeared in Li Qiye again for the first time at this moment behind, under extremely fast certain kill, quickly to letting the person cannot respond, lets in the will of the people absolutely terrified. “铛——”的一声响起,寒芒再一次乍现,以绝杀之姿瞬间刺向了李七夜背心,这一刻寒芒是在李七夜身后出现,在极速绝杀之下,快到让人反应不过来,让人心里面毛骨悚然。 Bang a resonate sound, facing such certain kill, Li Qiye does not return, is only bent the finger and shoot, then shook the sneak attack of this certain kill all of a sudden. “砰”的一声响起,面对这样的绝杀,李七夜连头都不回,只是曲指一弹而已,便一下子震开了这绝杀的偷袭。 Comes out to me.” Li Qiye smiled, big hand to grasped void, heard bang, same rippled just like the wave void, was penetrated by Li Qiye instantaneously, crushed enemy the place of hiding instantaneously. “给我出来。”李七夜笑了一下,大手向虚空抓去,听到“砰”的一声,虚空宛如水波一样荡漾,瞬间被李七夜击穿,把敌人的藏匿之地瞬间击碎。 When Li Qiye penetrates void, only hears buzz a resonate sound, there presented a person's shadow, that is a female, graceful, but this is only the glance, appearing vanished instantaneously all of a sudden, does not know where hid. 就在李七夜击穿虚空的时候,只听到“嗡”的一声响起,那里出现了一个人影,那是一个女子,袅娜多姿,但这只是惊鸿一瞥,在出现的瞬间又一下子消失了,不知道是躲在了哪里去了。 Also real interesting, non- space principle, is not Supreme Secret Technique, non- by treasure, nothing but is strange grass that takes advantage.” looks at this shadow vanishes all of a sudden, Li Qiye is not surprised, but said lightly with a smile. “还真有点意思,非空间法则,也非无上秘术,更非是凭借宝物,所依仗的无非是一株奇草而已。”看着这个影子一下子消失,李七夜也不惊讶,只是淡淡地笑着说道。 Li Qiye spoke thoughtlessly pointed out frankly behind this mystery, this gate Yang Ming Xu Tuo their these Old Ancestor were startled immediately, because they know what take action sneak attack was, they also know the person who take action sneak attack what kind of skill had and treasure. 李七夜随口就道破了这背后的玄妙,这顿时门阳明须陀他们这些老祖大吃一惊,因为他们知道出手偷袭的是谁,他们也知道出手偷袭的人有怎么样的本事和宝物 Now Li Qiye optional can say, how this does not make them be startled. 现在李七夜随意一口就能说出来,这怎么不让他们大吃一惊呢。 Bing'er, walks quickly, you are not his opponent, returns to Martial Court quickly, to Old Ancestor report.” In this time locked in Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor that came from Zhu Xiang Martial Court big shout, warned immediately this hides in person in secret. 冰儿,快走,你不是他的对手,快回武庭,向诸位老祖汇报情况。”在这个时候被锁住的诸位老祖中,有一位出身于朱襄武庭老祖立即大叫一声,警告这躲于暗中的人。 Since came, that gave up any idea of that left.” Li Qiye said with a smile: Person who my Li Qiye wants to catch, allows her to run away.” “既然来了,那就休想离开了。”李七夜笑着说道:“我李七夜想抓的人,又焉容得她逃走。” The words fall, Li Qiye opened Fate Palace, buzz a resonate sound, Highest Beginning Tree appears, rinsing a resonate sound, Highest Beginning Tree rinsed all of a sudden, all turn over to original, the space is also good, time, when Highest Beginning Tree brushes, all belong to the originally. 话一落下,李七夜打开了命宫,“嗡”的一声响起,太初树浮现,“涮”的一声响起,太初树一下子涮了过去,一切都归原,空间也好,时光也罢,就在太初树一刷而过的时候,一切都归于原本。 When all belong to the originally, that hid in person in secret exposed instantaneously, that feared that strange grass that she depended on was extremely heaven defying, but under Highest Beginning Tree, hid nowhere, exposed the whereabouts all of a sudden , in Highest Beginning Tree turns over to original, she can hide nowhere, wants to change a place to hide is not good. 就在一切归于原本的时候,那个躲于暗中的人瞬间暴露了,那怕她所倚仗的那株奇草是极为逆天,但在太初树之下,都无处遁形,一下子暴露了行踪,而且在太初树的归原之下,她无处可以遁形,想换个地方躲一躲都不行。 Walks-- to see exposes all of a sudden, Zhu Xiang Martial Court Old Ancestor yelled that said. “走——”看到一下子暴露,朱襄武庭老祖大叫地说道。 The female who this exposed the whereabouts is also startled, until now no one can break her hiding, today unexpectedly by Li Qiye such easily broke, she also responded is extremely quick, in this glances, she raised the body, wanted to escape to go, wants to escape from Emperor Courtyard. 这个暴露了行踪的女子也不由大吃一惊,一直以来没有人能破她的这种遁形,今天竟然被李七夜如此的轻易破了,她也反应极快,就在这惊鸿一瞥之间,她扬身而起,欲远逃而去,欲逃出皇庭 „To walk, late.” Li Qiye said with a smile, in this extremely fast, his big hand suppression under. “想走,迟了。”李七夜笑着说道,在这极速之间,他大手镇压而下。 Broken-- this female sees the big hand suppression to come, Battle Halberd in hand such as the startled dragon, dragon roar in heaven, the Battle Halberd turnover cold light, is wanting a halberd to puncture Vault of Heaven, pierces Li Qiye's big hand. “破——”这个女子见大手镇压而来,手中的战戟如惊龙,龙啸于天,战戟吞吐着寒光,欲一戟刺破天穹,刺穿李七夜的大手 But at this time Li Qiye is Dao Source adds the body, has Mad Ancestor strength, even if True Emperor is arriving also only then the suppressed share, is unable to resist with it. 但此时李七夜乃是道源加身,拥有着狂祖力量,就算是真帝到来也只有被镇压的份,根本就无法与之对抗。 Bang a resonate sound, Battle Halberd cannot pierce Li Qiye's big hand, in an instant was patted by the Li Qiye's big palm, falls all of a sudden falls in the place. “砰”的一声响起,战戟未能刺穿李七夜的大手,刹那之间被李七夜的大掌拍了下来,一下子摔落于地。 When she has not crawled, clang, clang and clang the iron chain sound resounds, the First Ancestor principle in this electrical spark light locks all of a sudden closely her whole body, making her want to move difficultly. 在她还没有爬起来的时候,就“铛、铛、铛”的铁链声音响起,在这石火电光之间始祖法则一下子就把她全身锁得紧紧的,让她想动弹都难。 This female is also struggling very stubbornly, but does not help matters, like such that Li Qiye said that only if they can be able to throw off Dao Source powerful, otherwise, not possible to work loose from the First Ancestor principle. 这个女子也是十分的倔强挣扎着,但无济于事,就像李七夜所说的那样,除非他们能强大到可以掀翻道源了,否则的话,根本就不可能从始祖法则中挣脱。 little girl is stubborn.” After locking in this female, Li Qiye said with a smile. 小丫头蛮倔强的。”锁住了这个女子之后,李七夜笑吟吟地说道。 Sees only this locked in female child long/grows very young, moreover very attractive, her beautiful appearance beauty comes that compared with Wang Han and Chu Qingling is only stronger not weaker. 只见这个被锁住的女子长得很年轻,而且是十分的漂亮,她的美貌姿色比起王涵楚青凌来那是只强不弱 At present this female pair of phoenix eye of bright, just like the sky cold star is ordinary, the willow eyebrows like the sword, seem gallant, although she has not worn the armor, wears a tight robe, but actually appears her to be simply agile, shows completely her perfect stature. 眼前这个女子一双凤目明亮,宛如是天空的寒星一般,柳眉如剑,显得英气逼人,虽然她并未身穿铠甲,穿着一身紧袍,但却显得她干脆利索,同时也把她那完美的身材完全展现出来。 The slender waist round buttocks, that is takes in everything at a glance, especially at this time the principle ties up her the time, stands out her pair of plentiful tall and straight jade peaks. 蜂腰圆臀,那是一览无余,特别是此时法则捆绑住她的时候,更是把她那一对丰硕挺拔的玉峰凸现出来。 The present female is the beautiful appearance beautiful woman and stature is moving, but appealing vision is actually not her beautiful appearance or the stature, but is breath that all at once on her sends out, this aura is swift and fierce, especially her hand grasps Battle Halberd time, is fighting intent is soaring, is one can go on an expedition the battlefield heroic woman war just like her momentarily, or described her-- Martial Goddess in more suitable words and expressions! 眼前的女子可谓是美貌倾城、身材动人,但吸引人目光的却不是她美貌或身材,而是她身上散发出来的一股气息,这股气息凌厉逼人,特别是她手握战戟的时候,更是一股战意高昂,宛如她就是一尊随时都可以征战沙场的女将战,或者用更适合的词语来形容她——女武神 Sees the female to fall into the Li Qiye's hand, locked in Old Ancestor sighed gently, their only hopes did not have, this their allied armies team, it may be said that was annihilated. 看到女子落入李七夜的手中,被锁住的诸位老祖都不由轻轻地叹息一声,他们唯一的希望都没了,这一次他们的联军队伍,可谓是全军覆没。 Is long is but actually attractive.” Li Qiye looked at this locked in female, said with a smile: I am lacking a girl of warm bed probably.” “长得倒蛮漂亮的。”李七夜看了一眼这个被锁住的女子,笑着说道:“我好像正缺一个暖床的丫头。” Bah-- this female is the imposing manner is also arrogant, coldly said: Must kill to hack, as you like then!” “呸——”这个女子也是气势凌人,冷冷地说道:“要杀要剐,随你的便!” Pours somewhat the arrogance.” Li Qiye said with a smile: You must know, even if iron person, once falls into my hand, if I really must suffer him, that soon, share that also only then begs for mercy.” “倒有几分傲气。”李七夜笑吟吟地说道:“你要知道,就算是铁打的人,一旦落入我的手中,如果我真的要折磨他的话,那用不了多久,也只有求饶的份。” Li Qiye such words make many Old Ancestor complexions change immediately, their these old bones have not really feared are suffered, if such Little Miss falls into the Li Qiye hand, that all did not say. 李七夜这样的话顿时让不少老祖脸色一变,他们这些老骨头还真的不怕被折磨,但是万一个这么一个小姑娘落入李七夜手中,那一切都不好说了。 You say how should suffer you to be good?” Li Qiye touches the chin, said with a smile. “你们说一说,该怎么样折磨你们才好呢?”李七夜摸了摸下巴,笑吟吟地说道。 This senior certainly is the ancestor who Li Qian Fellow Daoist said.” In this dangers, Fu Niu Bright Ancestor acts busily, holds the fist in the other hand to Li Qiye, seems respectful. “这位前辈一定是李谦道友所说的先祖。”就在这危难之间,伏牛明祖忙是出面,向李七夜抱拳,显得恭敬。 Person who Fu Niu Bright Ancestor in this campaign does not only have take action, this he is witnesses of both sides time. 在这一场战役之中伏牛明祖是唯一没有出手的人,这一次他算是双方的见证者。 After Li Qiye suppressed Yang Ming Xu Tuo their these Old Ancestor, Fu Niu Bright Ancestor and Li Qian made a brief exchange, because Fu Niu Bright Ancestor has the graciousness to Mad Court Dao Lineage, therefore about the Li Qiye's matter, Li Qian has not concealed. 李七夜镇压了阳明须陀他们这些老祖之后,伏牛明祖李谦作了个简短的交流,因为伏牛明祖狂庭道统有恩,所以关于李七夜的事情,李谦也并没有隐瞒。 Has the matter?” Li Qiye smiles, looked at Fu Niu Bright Ancestor one, said. “有事吗?”李七夜笑了笑,看了伏牛明祖一眼,说道。 Ancestor, as the saying goes, enemy changed/easy Jie not easy knot.” Fu Niu Bright Ancestor said busily: I also exchanged with Li Qian Fellow Daoist a moment ago, knew the chief criminal who this disturbance was Crazy Blood Three Gods, the ancestor also stills this disturbance, Crazy Blood Three Gods also died a tragic death in the ancestor hand, put downMad Demon Blood Devourerremnants......” “先祖,俗话说得好,冤家易解不易结。”伏牛明祖忙是说道:“刚才我也与李谦道友交流了一番,得知这次风波的罪魁祸首乃是狂血三神,先祖也平定了这一次风波,狂血三神也惨死在先祖手中,扫平了’狂魔血噬’的余孽……” „...... This time disturbance, was ended. Although said that various Dao Lineage allied armies capture Emperor Courtyard to have improper, but this disturbance also because of Crazy Blood Three Gods, has also misunderstood. Since the misunderstanding has untied, both sides lose to seriously. Our what does Xi continue the matter that is Crazy Blood Three Gods their such remnants handles to pay the price again?” “……这一次的风波,也算是到此结束。虽然说诸道统联军攻入皇庭是有所不妥,但此次风波也是因狂血三神而起,其中也有所误会。既然误会已经解开,双方损失皆为惨重。我们大家何惜再继续为狂血三神他们这样的余孽所作的事情付出代价呢?” „......, if considers for the general situation, considers for own Dao Lineage, for everyone's safety, this disturbance, our arms rich silk how? Our Fu Niu Dao Lineage volunteers services, is willing to continue to mediate this conflict. In the past various Dao Lineage are also willing to achieve with Mad Court Dao Lineage discusses the association, these can continue to carry out the past agreement time again?” “……若是诸位为了大局着想,为了自己道统着想,也是为了大家的安危,这一次风波,我们干戈化玉帛如何?我们伏牛道统毛遂自荐,愿继续调停这一次冲突。当年诸道统也愿意与狂庭道统达成议协,这一次又何尝不能再继续执行当年的协议呢?” Fu Niu Bright Ancestor this words are it can be said that reasonable, he also for Mad Court Dao Lineage and many Dao Lineage lived in peace together to make very great effort. 伏牛明祖这一话可以说是通情达理,他也是为狂庭道统和诸多道统的和平相处作出了很大的努力。 Hears Fu Niu Bright Ancestor such words, locked in Yang Ming Xu Tuo they are not visited me by you, I look at your. 听到伏牛明祖这样的话,被锁住的阳明须陀他们不由你看我,我看你的。
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