DD :: Volume #3

#205: Running away

These two Sea Race Late Stage Spirit Apostle cultivator, is bad luck. 这两名海族灵徒后期修炼者,也算是倒霉之极。 originally they not only cultivates the Sea Race unique secret technique respectively, and is also good at collaborating the technique, even if bumps into strength to be by far they to exist also protects oneself to have. 原本他二人不但各修有海族特有秘术,并且还擅长联手之术,就算碰上实力远胜他们存在也自保有余的。 But bumps into can urge Flying Head and White Bone Scorpion Liu Ming. 但偏偏碰上能够驱使飞颅白骨蝎柳鸣 First both itself respectively has the strange attack method, strength almost still above general Great Perfection Late Stage Spirit Apostle, in addition also has Han Li to eye covetously in side. 前两者本身就各拥有诡异攻击手段,实力几乎还在一般大圆满后期灵徒之上,外加还有韩立在旁边虎视眈眈着。 This almost quite in having three fierce Great Perfection Spirit Apostle, at the same time besieges to them. 这几乎就相当于有三个厉害之极的大圆满灵徒,同时对他们二人围攻。 Moreover two people have not admitted in Liu Ming the eye from the beginning, technique of the beginning is to collaborate to emit except for the protection, behind separates by Flying Head and Bone Scorpion, and was pressed in the short time is hitting crazily, trades other methods to oppose the enemy radically without enough time again. 而且二人一开始并没有将柳鸣放进眼中,除了一开始的防护之术是联手放出的,后面则被飞颅骨蝎分开,并在短短时间内被压着狂打,根本来不及再换其他手段对敌。 So under the situation, they again Liu Ming stresses the accurate opportunity with Jade Shadow Needle are sneak attacked, how can also not perish on the body defeat in a minute. 如此情形下,他们再被柳鸣抓准时机的用碧影针偷袭,又怎能不片刻间就身败而亡的。 The Liu Ming vision after two people of corpse lower half green fish tails looked at one, then the brow wrinkles talked to oneself: 柳鸣目光往二人尸体下半部青色鱼尾望了一眼后,则眉头皱起的自语了一句: Can be Sea Race unexpectedly? Then troubled to be really big!” “竟然会是海族?这下麻烦可真大了!” Although in his mouth so was saying, actually the personal appearance moves arrives by two corpses, bent down searched on the two, finally not only the silver shell, blue small flag and two green cosh shapes receives, but also has discovered two leather bag and several medicine bottles, a dark not well-known round bead. 他口中虽然这般说着,却身形一动的走到两具尸体旁边,俯下身子的在二者身上搜索了一遍,结果不但将银色贝壳,蓝色小旗和两根青色短棒状一收而起,还找出了两只皮袋和数个药瓶,一颗黑乎乎不知名圆珠。 Liu Ming selects several medicine bottles, turns on the cover smells respectively under the nose gently, immediately three bottles will take to open, remaining two bottles of gripping devices in returned to side Hu Chunniang. 柳鸣将几只药瓶挑出来,分别打开盖子的在鼻下轻轻一嗅,立刻将其中三瓶一拿而开,将剩下两瓶一抓手中的回到了胡春娘身旁。 This time young woman, still remained unconscious in light screen, and breathed and formerly compared weakly several points. 这时的少妇,仍然在光幕中昏迷不醒,并且呼吸和先前相比更虚弱了几分。 In Liu Ming heart one cold, personal appearance moves, does not have any entry of impediment to the light screen. 柳鸣心中一凛,身形一动,就没有任何阻挡的进入到光幕中。 wrist shakes, cold light flashes! 手腕一抖,寒光一闪 He scratched two cuns (2.5cm) opening with dagger on this female wrist, immediately inside black blood first-class. 他就用短剑在此女手腕上划出了两个寸许的口子,顿时里面黑血一流而出。 Liu Ming carved from two medicine bottles has poured yellow red two different Medicine Pill respectively, pinched, but after being broken, separately sprinkled in the wound, then the eye did not wink stared is not putting. 柳鸣则刻从两只药瓶中各自倒出了一黄一红两枚不同丹药,一捏而碎后,就分别洒在了伤口上,然后眼也不眨的盯着不放。 Finally after the moment, by wound that yellow color medicinal powder covers, the black blood still slowly flowed out, does not have the slight change. But by black blood that red medicinal powder covers, is gradually bright red, in the at the same time blood the unusual smell rapidly is also light. 结果片刻后,被黄色药粉盖住的伤口,黑血仍然缓缓流出,没有丝毫的变化。而被红色药粉覆盖的黑血,则渐渐鲜红起来,同时血中异味也迅速淡薄下来。 Liu Ming sees this great happiness, immediately pulls out talisman from the body, after on young woman wrist pats, immediately two wounds in the pale light greenish blue light heal. 柳鸣见此大喜,当即从身上掏出一张符箓,往少妇手腕上一拍后,顿时两道伤口就在淡淡青光中愈合起来。 at the same time, dodges , then has poured red Medicine Pill from medicine bottle again, has forced in the female spigot directly, making him swallow. 同一时间,一闪则从药瓶中再倒出了一颗红色丹药,直接塞进了女子口中,让其吞下。 A after free time of result tea, Hu Chunniang breathing finally steady, on the at the same time lip the pitch-black color as if also a little abated. 结果一盏茶的工夫后,胡春娘的呼吸声终于平稳了下来,同时嘴唇上乌黑之色似乎也有一点消退了。 Liu Ming has then felt relieved. 柳鸣这才放心了下来。 He receives the medicine bottle immediately, turns around to go out of the light screen, raises single-handed, one group of fireballs project, immediately changed into the flying ash the handsome male corpse. 他当即将药瓶一收而起,又转身走出光幕,单手一扬,一团火球射出,立刻将英俊男子尸体化为了飞灰。 When he wants also similarly to process again the diminutive male corpse with similar method, in the suddenly brain the miraculous glow one presently has actually remembered anything. 但等他再想用同样手段将矮小男子尸体也同样处理掉时,却忽然脑中灵光一现的想起了什么。 Liu Ming pulls out dagger from the sleeve immediately, cold light flashes, has cut on fish tail of diminutive male half corpse. 柳鸣当即从袖中将短剑一抽而出,寒光一闪,就将矮小男子半边尸体的上鱼尾斩了下来。 Then he several steps goes forward, fishes out disposable Storage Talisman from the bosom, to the fish tail in a flash, changed into a white light it has inhaled in talisman. 接着他几步上前,从怀中摸出一张一次性的储物符,冲着鱼尾一晃,就化为一道白光的将其吸入了符箓中。 Completes all these, it a expression loosen, another again raises, a fireball departs changed into the flying ash the surplus corpses. 做完这一切,其才神色一松,另一手再一扬,一颗火球飞出的将剩余尸体化为了飞灰。 But his turns around, again walks toward the shiting, the suddenly complexion changes, suddenly transferred some direction of outside toward bamboo forest to look at one, in the surface appeared color of the accident. 但他一个转身,再向石亭走去的时候,忽然脸色一变,蓦然转首朝竹林外某个方向望了一眼,面上现出一丝意外之色来。 Came the gang unexpectedly, here also directly soars evidently. What's all this about, on don't tell me Hu Chunniang was fudged.” “竟然又来了一伙人,看样子还直奔这边来的。这是怎么回事,难道胡春娘身上被人动了手脚。” After Liu Ming muttered one, no longer had slightly a hesitant personal appearance fuzziness, one appeared side young woman, a at the same time finger flushed void. 柳鸣喃喃一声后,不再有丝毫犹豫的身形一个模糊,就一下出现在了少妇身边,同时一根手指冲虚空一点。 Disappearing trace that immediately on this female that matter light screen dodges. 顿时此女身上那层光幕一闪的不见了踪影。 Liu Ming bends down to grasp young woman, and pulls out yellow talisman to come from the body, the color of surface high quality meat pain dodges, but after presently, suddenly on one toward oneself pats to go to this talisman. 柳鸣俯身将少妇一把抱住,就又从身上掏出一张黄色符箓来,面上肉痛之色一闪而现后,就将此符箓猛然往自己身上一拍而去。 , talisman explodes to open, dense and numerous yellow rune crazily well up, instantaneously all wrapped in which Liu Ming and young woman. “噗”的一声,符箓爆裂而开,密密麻麻的黄色符文从中狂涌而出,瞬间将柳鸣少妇全都包裹进了其中。 His again one hand formed hand-seals, under after foot a yellow light flashes, is holding in the Hu Chunniang breathless submerging soil unexpectedly the disappearing trace. 他再单手一掐诀,足下黄光一闪后,竟然抱着胡春娘无声息的没入泥土中不见了踪影。 This is he spends about thousand Spirit Stones purchases Earth Escape Talisman. 这正是他花费近千灵石购置的一枚遁地符 Although this talisman effect is not long, making people in underground unable to move is too quick, at the same time also has many other flaws, but uses in actually does not lose one type the excellent method that at this moment avoids the enemy to trace. 虽然此符箓效果不长,让人在地下也无法行动太快,同时还有其他诸多缺陷,但用在此刻却不失一种躲避敌人追踪的绝佳手段。 But sneaks in Liu Ming underground, under the one layer yellow color light screen wraps, is holding young woman slowly when underground goes through, in bamboo forest actually one of the golden puppy from outside throws to enter, after it exudes several cries, has seven eight Daoist shades connect sway along with it following. 而就在柳鸣潜入地下,在一层黄色光幕包裹下,抱着少妇徐徐在地下穿行的时候,竹林中却有一条金色小犬从外面一扑而入,随之发出几声叫声后,就有七八道人影接连晃动的随之尾随而来。 Qiu Longzi and his several trusted subordinate subordinates. 正是丘龙子和其几名亲信手下。 At this time, golden puppy in shiting originally young woman lying down place. After having run around in circles several, another throwing of flashing sets up two people to submerge the underground place to Han, stretches out the claw after having dug up nearby soil several next, lifted to Qiu Longzi and the others the dog's bark several. 这时候,金色小犬在石亭原先少妇躺下地方。团团转了数圈后又一个闪动的扑到韩立二人没入地下之处,伸出爪子的扒了附近泥土几下后,就抬首冲着丘龙子等人犬吠了几声。 What's the matter, thousand li(500 km) dog don't tell me pursued loses.” cultivator sees this, asking that some surprise come. “怎么回事,千里犬难道追丢了。”一名修炼者见此,有些诧异来的问道。 Great distance dog nose, generally under the situation certainly does not have this possibility keenly. Looks at the appearance of thousand li(500 km) dog, probably that two people have been detained a while first here, afterward aura vanishes in the soil. It seems like these two people from underground left.” The action of Qiu Longzi as if very familiar golden color puppy, but looked at two eyes, is very decisive replied., “千里犬鼻子灵敏之极,一般情形下绝无此可能的。看千里犬的样子,好像那二人先在这里滞留了一会儿,随后气息就在泥土中消失掉的。看来这二人是从地下走掉了。”丘龙子似乎十分熟悉金色小犬的举动,只是看了两眼,就是十分果断的回道。, From underground walked. These two are also skilled in Earth Escape Technique !” Another cultivator hearing this, was startled. “从地下走了。这两人还精通土遁之术!”另外一名修炼者闻言,则吃了一惊。 Snort, why is skilled in Earth Escape Technique , so long as Earth Escape Talisman can also achieve this matter. It seems like that we were waiting first. I do not believe that they can continuously with the law of earth escaping escapes Xuan Capital to go directly. So long as they one from underground comes out, the thousand li(500 km) dog once more will discover their.” Qiu Longzi actually confident saying. “哼,何必精通土遁之术,只要一张土遁符也就能做到此事了。看来,我们只有先等着了。我就不信,他们能一直用土遁之法的直接遁出玄京去。只要他二人一从地下出来,千里犬就会再次发现他们的。”丘龙子却胸有成竹的说道。 „The word of Boss Qiu is rational, several of us here wait. Well, looks at this place appearance, as if the two have also hit with who, but should quick end the fight.” Wears the white robe middle-aged man, first nods, but after the vision good to sweep nearby ground, saying that another shouted lightly. 丘老大之言有理,我们几个就在这里等候一下吧。咦,看此地样子,似乎那两人还和什么人还打了一场,不过应该很快就结束战斗。”一名身穿白袍的中年男子,先是点点头,但目光好一扫附近地面后,又一声轻呼的说道。 Other person of hearing this, this discovers in nearby ground somewhat to be indeed disorderly, many bumpy places. 其他人闻言,这才发现附近地面上的确有些凌乱,还有许多坑坑洼洼地方。 And nearby some mental power strong people, slightly sweep along with it Divine Sense void, induced the remaining Spiritual Qi fluctuation, same nod. 其中有些精神力较强之人,随之神念略一扫附近虚空,也就感应到了残余的灵气波动,也同样的点了点头。 In the Qiu Longzi vision in the nearby ground sweeps, but, actually single-handed void grasps, immediately a thing from the Turkish and Chinese lasing, after dodges passes, arrived in its control. 丘龙子目光在附近地面上一扫而过后,却单手虚空一抓,当即一物从土中激射而出,一闪即逝后,就到了其手心中。 Impressively is a light azure scale! 赫然是一枚淡青色鳞片! This Gold Spirit Guest big Commander, but sizes up in the hand scale two eyes, again puts smells , the complexion that the nose under gently suddenly changes. 这位金灵客卿统领,只是打量手中鳞片两眼,再往鼻下一放的轻轻一嗅后,脸色就蓦然一变起来。 „Can Qiu Boss, what discover?” Immediately in his trusted subordinate a person, saw this situation, cannot help but asked one. “邱老大,可发现了什么?”当即其亲信中一人,见此情形,不禁问了一句。 Anything, has not been critical thing. I am only suddenly remember, what conflicts with these two is front sends out several other teams of people who?” Qiu Longzi the scale seems like optional toward the sleeve in puts, in an instant expression such as beginning replied. “没什么,不是什么紧要东西。我只是忽然想起来,和这两人冲突的是不是前面派出的其他几队中人?”丘龙子将鳞片看似随意的往袖中一放,转眼间神色如初的回道 Should not. Must really be our people, already should send the signal to request reinforcements, how possibly lane so lives does not see the person to refuse stubbornly to see the corpse the appearance.” Saying that another cultivator, smiles. “应该不是吧。要真是我们的人,早就应该放出信号求援了,怎可能弄的这般生不见人死不见尸的样子。”另外一名修炼者,一笑的说道。 Um, hope so. These two rush to palace is not the ordinary people, otherwise impossible under so many people besiege, but can also escape from outside Imperial Palace. Turns head to stop up their time, brothers spunk up, certainly may not have the heart of looking down upon.” Qiu Longzi expression concentrates reminded oneself subordinate. “嗯,希望如此吧。这两名闯宫者都不是一般之人,否则也不可能在这般多人围攻下,还能逃出皇宫外的。回头堵住他们时候,诸位兄弟都打起精神来,一定不可心存小视之心的。”丘龙子神色一凝的提醒自己属下。 Boss felt relieved that we are different from these waste, will not make the same mistake.” “老大放心,我们和那些废物不同,决不会犯同样的错误。” Yes, Boss Qiu! Turns head to see the words of these two, I and others rubbish, first uses that to wrap Fallen Soul Flag, was stranded them in said again.” “是啊,丘老大!回头一见这两人的话,我等也不要废话,先动用那套落魂旗,将他们困在里面再说。” Immediately Qiu Longzi these trusted subordinate hearing this, talked at once chatted. 丘龙子这几名亲信闻言,当即七嘴八舌的说笑起来。 Qiu Longzi nods, arrives at shiting, sat down in a stone block place rests first. 丘龙子点点头,就走到石亭处,在一个石墩处坐下先休息了。 ...... …… At this time, Liu Ming already in leaving a bamboo forest 78 li (0.5km) underground place, stimulated to movement strength of talisman going through of slowly, while single-handed black light sparkled kept trying to find out anything in the young woman concave-convex body. 这时,柳鸣已经在离竹林78里地下之处,正一边催动符箓之力的慢慢穿行,一边单手黑光闪闪的在少妇凹凸身躯上不停摸索着什么。 after a long time, he palm stops talked to oneself: 半晌之后,他才手掌一停的自语了一句: Strange, his body like did not get down anything to trace the mark. So mentioned, should be behind pursues the person to have any special method, can lock Hu Chunniang. In this case, but somewhat troubled.” “奇怪,其身上并不像被下了什么追踪标记。这般说来,应该是后面追来之人有什么特殊手段,能够锁定胡春娘了。这样的话,可就有些麻烦了。” In his mouth was saying, on face full is the color of hesitation, some little time, shook the head and muttered one. 他口中说着,脸上满是沉吟之色,好一会儿后,才摇了摇头的又喃喃一声。 Ok, only then refusing to abandon hope medicine.” “算了,也只有死马当活马医医了。” From the sleeve pulls out porcelain bottle that several sizes vary along with it one of the Liu Ming, turns on the cover and on young woman one in abundance toward it sprinkles. 随之柳鸣从袖中一下掏出数个大小不一的瓷瓶,纷纷打开盖子的往其和少妇身上一泼。 In a result jar departs the a white sheet toner end, actually departs transparent limpid liquids, the last jar actually emits black smog of irritating the nose. 结果一个瓶子中飞出一片白色粉末,一个却飞出一片透明清澈液体,最后一个瓶子却冒出一股刺鼻的黑色烟雾。 Three in an instant submerges Liu Ming and in the young woman body, disappeared without a trace. 三者都转眼间没入柳鸣少妇身躯中,消失的无影无踪 After completing all these, Liu Ming a expression slightly loosen. 做完这一切后,柳鸣神色微微一松。 When he continued to go through more than ten li (0.5km) forward, the body surface yellow color light screen started to flash after being weak, immediately no longer hesitant formed one-handed seals, held young woman to clash to go to. 等他继续向前穿行了十余里,体表黄色光幕开始闪动的微弱起来后,当即不再犹豫的单手掐诀,就抱着少妇向上一冲而去。 After a yellow light flashes, Liu Ming brought young woman to appear in street corner. 黄光一闪后,柳鸣就带着少妇出现在了一个街道角落处。 At this time the weather was jet black, on the entire street extremely quiet, simply did not have any person's shadow. 这时候天色漆黑,整条街道上都静悄悄的,根本没有任何人影。 Liu Ming all around has sized up two eyes, determined after nearby does not have what ambush, again pulls out two stealth symbols, separately and on young woman a racket toward oneself, transforms almost pale , if not see phantom, dashed in the Immortal Dawn Mountain direction. RS 柳鸣四下打量了两眼,确定附近真没有什么埋伏后,就再掏出两张隐身符,分别往自己和少妇身上一拍,就幻化成几乎淡若不见虚影,往仙霞山方向飞奔而去了。RS
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