DD :: Volume #12

#1136: Profound fish remote antiquity

Hears the sound of footsteps, gaining ground that grey clothes youth expression moves looked, has looked at each other with the Liu Ming's vision. 听见脚步声,灰衣青年神色一动的抬头看了过来,和柳鸣的目光对视了一下。 Liu Ming intuition suffocates aura to press to come, terrifying feeling that an entire body hemp, unexpectedly held up day huge beast observes closely. 柳鸣直觉一股窒息气息一压而来,整个身躯一麻,竟有一种被擎天巨兽盯住的恐怖感觉。 Profound Opening Supreme Being!” In his heart is startled. 通玄大能!”他心中一惊。 The present grey clothes youth, gives the immeasurably deep feeling that he one type is unable to resist, he only in Azure Spirit, Dark King Bi You and other true Profound Opening has feeling excessively similar experience. 眼前的灰衣青年,给他一种根本无法抵挡的深不可测感觉,他只在青灵,幽王碧幽等真正通玄存在身上感受过类似的体验。 Above a his Spirit Sea black and white True Core micro revolution, the magical power revolution whole body, will recovered normally. 他灵海上方的黑白真丹微一运转,法力运转周身,身体才堪堪恢复了正常。 In grey clothes youth eyes rays of light dodges, the vision sized up Liu Ming up and down. 灰衣青年眼中光芒微闪,目光上下打量起了柳鸣 Stood notes the facial expression of grey clothes youth in nearby Heavenly Spear Daoist, looked to Liu Ming, in the eye flashed through a color looking pensive. 站在一旁的天戈真人注意到了灰衣青年的神情,又看向了柳鸣,眼中闪过一丝若有所思之色。 disciple, pays a visit Sect Leader.” Liu Ming returned to normal the mood, this both hands arch, was saluting to the Heavenly Spear Daoist direction. 弟子,拜见掌门。”柳鸣平复了一下心境,这才双手一拱,对着天戈真人方向施了一礼。 Hehe, is really Junior Brother Liu you, I said that you will not have the matter! Well, your already True Core Intermediate Stage!” Heavenly Spear Daoist has not spoken, nearby Jin Tianci already looks the happy color. 嘿嘿,果然是柳师弟你,我就说你不会有事的!咦,你已经真丹中期了!”天戈真人还没有说话,一旁的金天赐已经面露喜色道。 Senior Brother Jin, disappears for a long time.” Liu Ming transferred to look at Jin Tianci one, good a ritual said. 金师兄,许久不见了。”柳鸣转首看了金天赐一眼,也行了一礼道。 Martial Nephew Liu, you not only form Golden Core in such a short time, but can also enter step Intermediate Stage, fully may can be called in my Grand Purity Sect history is the having god-given wisdom rare talent. Good? Does not need to be overly courteous.” Heavenly Spear Daoist also shows a faint smile, has saying of profound meaning greatly. 柳师侄,你在如此短时间内不仅结成金丹,还能进阶中期,在我太清门历史上也足可称得上是天纵奇才了。好了,?不必多礼了。”天戈真人也微微一笑,大有深意的说道。 „ The Sect Leader erroneous approved, I... „ Liu Ming hearing this has stood the body, will again say anything. 掌门谬赞了,我…“柳鸣闻言站直了身体,正要再开口说些什么。 Grey clothes youth suddenly lifts the arm, is separating spatially toward Liu Ming grasps. 灰衣青年忽然抬起手臂,朝柳鸣所在隔空一抓。 Void presents black white two bright glow instantaneously. Under and interweaves, concentrates a zhang (3.33 m) this big palm of black and white interaction. Has patted toward Liu Ming slowly. 虚空中瞬间出现一黑一白两道亮芒。并一个交织之下,凝成一个黑白相间的丈许大手掌。朝着柳鸣缓缓拍了过来。 giant palm being near body, Liu Ming already had not felt that the boundless spirit pressure heads on together. The breath obstructs immediately, the whole body blood nearly stagnates. 巨掌尚未临身,柳鸣已经感到一道磅礴的灵压扑面而来。呼吸顿时为之一窒,浑身血液近乎停滞。 He complexion changes immediately immediately, must revolve whole body magical power to resist, near the ear broadcasts together the unquestionable sound suddenly. 他当即面色当即大变,就要运转全身法力抵挡,耳边突然传来一道不容置疑的声音。 Do not use any magical power, only receives this move by the strength of your fleshy body.” “不要动用任何法力,只以你的肉身之力接下这招。” After Liu Ming heart thought racing, clenches teeth fiercely, low roaring sound, in the body resounds a series of physique exploding sound, the whole body muscle bursts out the ballooning to get up instantaneously. Has supported clothes high, the body rose instantaneously in a big way about half. 柳鸣心中念头急转后,猛地一咬牙,低喝一声,身体之中响起一连串筋骨爆鸣,浑身的肌肉瞬间迸发鼓胀起来。将身上的衣服高高撑了起来,身躯瞬间涨大了近半。 Drinks!” “喝!” It aspirates the sound, a fist bombardment, welcomed to grasp black and white giant palm to the top of the head. 其吐气开声,一拳轰击而出,迎向了头顶抓来了黑白巨掌 Bang a bang! “砰”的一声巨响! Void reappeared fiercely big piece of wave ripples, the air ripple that surging, went toward all around at lightning speed spread. 虚空中猛地浮现出了一大片水波般的涟漪,一圈圈激荡的空气波纹,朝着四周飞快扩散而去。 Even if the present main hall, during this strikes, trembled fiercely, is good restrictions is innumerable in the palace. All around wall house beam is only superficial a golden light exudes, then restores such as beginning. 即使是眼前的这座大殿,在这一击之中,也猛地震颤了一下,好在殿内禁制数不胜数。四周墙壁房梁只是表面金光一泛,便恢复如初了。 Liu Ming under the reaction of strength of this surging, the body has flown upside down directly, until body numerous collisions when a back wall. Reluctantly stopped. 柳鸣在这股激荡之力的反作用下,身体直接倒飞了出去,直到身体重重的撞在了背后的一面墙壁时。才勉强停了下来。 Even if so, on his face also flood dark red, only has thought the throat mouth one sweetly. A blood upwells, almost then must spurt. In the surface has revealed panic-stricken inexplicable expression. 纵然如此,他脸上也泛起了一片殷红,只觉嗓口一甜。一口鲜血上涌,差点便要喷了出来。面上露出了惊骇莫名的神色 He since was passed through the lineage/vein by nine Thunder Suti, Heavenly Monster, these years painstaking cultivation Dark Bone Secret Art. Tyrannical of body, already far far exceed same rank refining up the Body Cultivator gentleman. 他自从被九雷塑体、天妖贯脉以来,这些年苦修冥骨诀。身体之强横,已经远超过了同等级的炼体修士。 The result grey clothes youth superficial racket, he was almost stroked the severe wound gently. 结果这名灰衣青年轻描淡写的轻轻一拍,他就差点被一击打成重伤。 The grey clothes youth sees this, on face actually reappeared a smiling face and has put down the arm slowly. 灰衣青年见此,脸上却浮现出了一丝笑容并缓缓放下了手臂。 Xuan Yu remote antiquity, this...” Heavenly Spear Daoist looked to the grey clothes youth, the some hesitation appearance... 玄鱼太上,这…”天戈真人看向了灰衣青年,有些迟疑的模样… On the Jin Tianci face actually flashes through color of the pondering. 金天赐脸上却闪过一丝玩味之色。 magical power within Liu Ming's body revolved fast several, the chest stuffy feeling dissipated immediately. In the ear hears the Heavenly Spear Daoist words, in the heart immediately some suddenly. 柳鸣体内法力快速的运转了几圈,胸闷的感觉顿时消散了很多。耳中听到天戈真人的话语,心中当即有些恍然。 He in the Grand Purity Sect time, although is not long, but in the gate several Profound Opening Supreme Being given names know one or two 他在太清门时间虽然不长,但门中几名通玄大能的名号还是知道一二 Grand Purity Sect four Profound Opening Supreme Being, rectifying names is on Xuan Yu the person, is don't tell me at present this youth of undistinguished appearance? 太清门四位通玄大能,其中一个正名为玄鱼上人,难道就是眼前这名其貌不扬的青年? Relax, I slightly tested a moment ago. This is a spirit heart pill, can help you therapy, but also the effects of some strong body and spirit, accept!” The soot clothes youth shows a faint smile saying that counts on the fingers a ball, red light shoots together toward Liu Ming. “放心,我刚才只是略微测试一下。这是一颗灵心丹,能够助你疗伤,还有些强健体魄的功效,收下吧!”灰灰衣青年微微一笑道,屈指一弹,一道红光向着柳鸣射去。 Liu Ming puts out a hand to catch hurriedly, is actually light red Medicine Pill, sends out the spooky delicate fragrance. 柳鸣急忙伸手接住,却是一颗淡红色的丹药,散发出幽幽的清香。 He expresses one's thanks one immediately respectfully. 他当即恭恭敬敬的称谢一声。 Did not need to look for others again, this baby was good.” The grey clothes youth actually no longer pays attention to anything to Liu Ming, instead transfers first looks at Heavenly Spear Daoist, said lightly, then selfish floating left the main hall. “不用再找别人了,这个娃娃就不错。”灰衣青年却不再对柳鸣理睬什么,反而转首看着天戈真人,淡淡说了一句,接着自顾自的飘然离开了大殿。 Sees off remote antiquity “恭送太上” Jin Tianci and [gold/metal] Daoist bows to see off hurriedly. 金天赐和金戈真人急忙躬身相送。 Heavenly Spear Sect Leader, is it possible that a moment ago this Senior was of Xuan Yu Elder Profound Opening remote antiquities?” After Liu Ming and other grey robe youth leave, received Medicine Pill, before having arrived at Heavenly Spear Daoist and Jin Tianci body, asked one in a soft voice. 天戈掌门,刚才这位前辈莫非就是通玄太上之一的玄鱼长老?”柳鸣等灰袍青年离开后,将丹药收了起来,走到了天戈真人金天赐身前,轻声问了一句。 Good that Junior Brother Liu guesses.” Jin Tianci looked at Heavenly Spear Daoist one, saying that Hehe smiles. 柳师弟猜的不错。”金天赐看了天戈真人一眼,嘿嘿一笑的说道。 You do not need to be offended, the Xuan Yu remote antiquity just got rid to probe your fleshy body intensity, and well-meant, the reason, I will tell you slowly.” Heavenly Spear Daoist smiled, said. “你不必介怀,玄鱼太上刚刚只是出手试探一下你的肉身强度,并没有恶意,其中缘由,我会慢慢告诉你的。”天戈真人笑了一笑,说道。 Also looks at Sect Leader to dispel doubt one or two.” Liu Ming saying with deep veneration. “还望掌门解惑一二。”柳鸣肃然的说道。 Nearby related Sect presents the Boring Insect Race incident, was needless saying that thinks your also already knew. From returned to the information that disciple of sect locates comes recently one after another, now situation of Continent each region is generally similar. My Grand Purity Sect is Four Supreme Sects, to these Boring Insect Race, in addition has no alternative, from this can imagine situation of other places... If whatever again it develops, let alone the Sect foundation does not guarantee, perhaps sooner or later will bring the total destruction to entire Continent.” The Heavenly Spear Daoist vision concentrates, somewhat heavy saying. “有关宗门附近出现螟族一事,不用多说想你也已经知道了。从最近陆续返宗的弟子处得来的信息来看,如今大陆各个地域的情况大抵相仿。我太清门身为四大太宗,对这些螟族尚且无可奈何,由此便可想象其他地方的情况了…且若是再任由其发展下去,别说宗门根基不保,恐怕迟早会给整个大陆带来灭顶之灾。”天戈真人目光一凝,有些沉重的说道。 Present situation, disciple indeed knows that flies.” Liu Ming's eyebrows wrinkles should say. “现在的情况,弟子的确知道一些飞。”柳鸣眉头一皱的应道。 Now already has many disciple to perish in these Boring Insect Race hands, after several Profound Opening Elder of this gate discussed that formulated one to wipe out nearby Ten Thousand Spirits Mountains the plan of Bore Insect. However important missions, are need cultivation base not to be high, but strength of very tyrannical disciple fleshy body goes to carry out.” Heavenly Spear Daoist tranquil saying. “现在已经有不少弟子殒命在这些螟族手中,本门的几位通玄长老商议之后,制定了一个全歼万灵山脉附近螟虫的计划。不过这其中有一个重要任务,便是需要一名修为不高,但是肉身之力非常强横的弟子前去执行。”天戈真人平静的说道。 The Liu Ming hearing this complexion slightly changes, has guessed correctly several points regarding Heavenly Spear Daoist following words already. 柳鸣闻言脸色微微一变,对于天戈真人接下来的话语已经猜到了几分。 originally chose several to cultivate Body Refining Technique good Secret Personal Disciple in my Sect already, we were discussing this matter with the Xuan Yu remote antiquity. However, the Xuan Yu remote antiquity just then settled on you, therefore this duty, it seems like belonged to you.” The inserting tastes of Jin Tianci chuckle. 原本本宗已经挑选出了几位修炼体术不错的秘传弟子,我们正在和玄鱼太上商议此事。不过,玄鱼太上刚刚一眼便看中了你,所以此任务,看来非你莫属了。”金天赐轻笑的插口道。 Liu Ming hearing this, has naturally revealed expression of forced smile. 柳鸣闻言,自然露出了苦笑的神色 Since Xuan Yu Elder told that disciple naturally does not dare to decline, but does not know that concrete is what duty?” “既然玄鱼长老吩咐,弟子自然不敢推辞的,只是不知具体是何任务?” Martial Nephew Liu is willing to comply with this matter, that is good. However this plan is important, only then to implementation time can tell you detail, and you go back to prepare, shortly after plan formally will start, when the time comes, I can explain all with you.” Heavenly Spear Daoist sees Liu Ming to comply, was quite happy. 柳师侄肯答应此事,那是再好不过。不过这个计划事关重大,只有到实施的时候才能告诉你细节,你且回去准备一下,计划不久后就将正式启动,到时候,我自会和你说明一切。”天戈真人柳鸣答应下来,也颇为高兴。 Liu Ming hearing this has hesitated, finally nodded. 柳鸣闻言迟疑了一下,最终还是点了点头。 Martial Nephew Liu this time comes, is to apply becomes Secret Personal Disciple, this duty, is regarded as your Secret Personal Disciple smelting trial. So long as can successfully complete this task, Secret Personal Disciple absolutely cannot be inescapable . Moreover, will have when the time comes also other generous recompenses.” Heavenly Spear Daoist deep looked at Liu Ming one, supplements to say. 柳师侄此番前来,是想要申请成为秘传弟子吧,此次任务,便当做是你秘传弟子的试炼吧。只要能顺利完成这个任务,一个秘传弟子是绝对跑不了的,而且,到时候还会有其他的重赏。”天戈真人深深的看了柳鸣一眼,又补充说道。 many thanks Sect Leader, disciple completes the task surely fully.” In the Liu Ming eye flashes through a happy expression, cups one hand in the other across the chest a ritual. 多谢掌门,弟子必定全力完成任务。”柳鸣眼中闪过一丝喜色,拱手一礼。 Heavenly Spear Daoist nodded, on the face also shows a smiling face. 天戈真人点了点头,脸上也露出一丝笑容。 Then, Liu Ming has not treated, quick said goodbye two people to leave the main hall. 接下来,柳鸣也没有多待,很快就告辞二人离开了大殿。 Waited for Liu Ming's figure to leave the main hall, in the palace only remaining Heavenly Spear Daoist and Jin Tianci two people. 柳鸣的身影离开了大殿,殿中只剩下了天戈真人金天赐两个人。 You thought that Martial Nephew Liu can complete this time task?” Heavenly Spear Daoist start to talk suddenly said. “你觉得柳师侄能够完成这次的任务吗?”天戈真人忽的开口说道。 What's wrong, Heavenly Spear hasn't Senior Brother believed the Xuan Yu Elder vision?” Saying that Jin Tianci shows a faint smile. “怎么,天戈师兄还不相信玄鱼长老的眼光?”金天赐微微一笑的说道。 „It is not true, but this time duty, indefinite factor too much, does not depend on strength then to complete only.” Heavenly Spear Daoist shook the head, as if also saying of some worries. “并非如此,不过这次的任务,不确定的因素太多,并非单靠实力便能够完成的。”天戈真人摇了摇头,似乎还有些担心的说道。 Hehe, I am actually confident to Junior Brother Liu, before no matter Heavenly Sect Assembly or Upper Realm Ruins, Junior Brother Liu can face calmly, it may be said that has the stratagem bravely, this time duty, perhaps not compared with he more appropriate candidate.” Saying that Jin Tianci laughs. 嘿嘿,我倒是对柳师弟信心十足,以前不管是天门会还是上界废墟,柳师弟都能从容面对,可谓是有勇有谋,这次的任务,恐怕是没有比他更合适的人选了。”金天赐哈哈一笑的说道。 Hope so.” Heavenly Spear Daoist silent moment, sighed to say. “希望如此吧。”天戈真人沉默了片刻,叹了口气说道。 ... After Liu Ming returned to Forgotten Dark Peak, Yin Jiuling also summoned his one time immediately, inquired matter of the related Secret Personal Disciple smelting trial, Liu Ming naturally has not concealed, at the matter that on Main Peak has, 1510 and Yin Jiuling said. 柳鸣回到了落幽峰后,阴九灵立刻又召见了他一次,询问了一番有关秘传弟子试炼之事,柳鸣对此自然没有隐瞒,将在主峰上发生的事情,1510的和阴九灵说了一遍。 He wants to inquire to Yin Jiuling this duty, but Yin Jiuling as if not know the circumstances of the matter. 本来他是想向阴九灵打听一下这个任务,不过阴九灵似乎也对此也并不知情。 Under is unable to think, Liu Ming must wait half a month later, inquired to Heavenly Spear Daoist. 无法可想之下,柳鸣只得等半个月之后,向天戈真人询问了。 After Yin Jiuling also chatted one, Liu Ming then returns to own Immortal Dwelling . 阴九灵又闲谈了一阵后,柳鸣便返回到了自己的洞府 Along with one rumble the sound, the Immortal Dwelling front door opens slowly. 随着一阵隆隆声响,洞府大门缓缓打开。 Liu Ming looks at the present scene, in the heart cannot help but somewhat is sobbing. 柳鸣望着眼前的情景,心中不禁有些唏嘘。 When inside all and he leaves fraction has not changed, is only in the Immortal Dwelling ground, fell the one layer dust, appears somewhat desolate. 里面的一切和他离开时分毫未变,只是洞府的地面上,落了一层灰尘,显得有些落寞。 Liu Ming transferred in various Immortal Dwelling places, after carefully has cleaned, entered secret room, sat cross-legged to sit, calmly maintained mental tranquility. 柳鸣洞府各处转了一圈,仔细打扫了一遍后,才走进了密室,盘膝坐了下来,静静养神起来。 His rushes about to hurry along, battled one after several other times, truly felt that somewhat damaged Origin Qi, must recuperate well. 他这一路奔波赶路,又接连数次激战,确实感到有些损伤元气了,必须好好调养一番。 After several days dates, Liu Ming is in the Immortal Dwelling secret room sitting in meditation training. suddenly white sound transmission talisman from outside lasing, but, hit on restrictions outside secret room, and exuded the buzz buzz making noise sound. 数日后,柳鸣正在洞府密室打坐修养。忽然一道白色传音符箓从外激射而至,撞在了密室外的禁制上,并发出嗡嗡的作响声。 His eye opens the eyes, wielded single-handed, issues together the black light cling white talisman, caught in the hand, made an effort to grasp, pinched a disruption at the scene. 他眼睛一睁,单手一挥,发出一道黑光卷住了白色符箓,抓到了手中,用力一抓,当场捏个碎裂。 Fast comes the main shrine.” A dignified words sound passed on, is the Heavenly Spear Daoist sound.( To be continued...) R1292 “速速前来主殿。”一个略带威严的话语声传了出来,正是天戈真人的声音。(未完待续…)R1292
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