CSG :: Volume #21

#2082: Fights to the last drop of blood

And, afterward these Peerless Generation God King also brought a news, was not only 10-layer space many people knows 9-layer space presented a little girl who was sheltered by the world, even 11 th space powerhouse received the message. 并且,后来的这些绝代神王也带来了一则消息,不仅仅是第十层空间的许多人知道了第九层空间出现了一名受天地庇护的小女孩,甚至就连第十一层空间强者都收到了消息。 Now this news, is transmitting toward 12-layer space. 如今这消息,正朝着第十二层空间传递着。 In brief, existence about Xiao Man, has caused a stir in entire Azure Sea Divine Palace now. 总之,关于小蛮的存在,如今已经轰动整个沧海神宫 Some are quite common, strength not prominent God King, regarded as important Jian Chen Great Primal Beginning Realm inheritance, as well as numerous God level heavenly material treasure of wonder drug garden. 一些较为寻常,实力并不如何突出的神王,看重了剑尘身上的混元始境传承,以及神药园的众多神级天材地宝 As for these Peerless Generation God King, will then target Xiao Man in abundance. Xiao Man can receive this side world to shelter, making here all Peerless Generation God King, in the heart think, drew all sorts of possible conclusions. 至于那些绝代神王,则是纷纷将目标对准了小蛮小蛮能受到这方天地庇护,让这里的所有绝代神王,心中都是浮想联翩,得出了种种可能的结论。 But Jian Chen and Kai Ya two people, under the pursuit of numerous God King, finally success fled 9-layer space, returned Azure Sea Divine Palace 8-layer. 剑尘凯亚两人,在众多神王的追击之下,终于成功的逃离了第九层空间,重新回到了沧海神宫八层 8-layer space, is an incomparably giant volcano world, the under foot is the red sea that continuous endless volcanic clusters and fiery red lavas form, sends out the terrifying the high temperature. 八层空间,是一片无比巨大的火山世界,脚下是一片连绵无尽的火山群和火红的熔岩形成的红色海洋,散发出恐怖的高温。 These lavas the terrifying of temperature, can easily dissolves best-quality Saint Item, even some grade not high Divine Item, in this lava could not insist that too for a long time, is very fearful. 这些熔岩的温度之恐怖,能轻易的将极品圣器溶解,即便是一些品级不高的神器,在这熔岩之中也坚持不了太长时间,十分可怕。 But in this lava, the black stone that the sizes vary, just like islands to float generally in the lava sea, all year long not, will never submerge, has withstood the terrifying high temperature that the lava is bringing. 而在这熔岩之中,有一块块大小不一的黑石,就犹如一座座岛屿一般漂浮在熔岩海洋之中,终年不化,也永不沉没,一直承受着熔岩带来的恐怖高温。 These black stones, all are God level Item Refining material —— Roasting Flame Black Gold, and God level high-grade, very precious, once stirred up countless people greedy, but actually includes Peerless Generation God King, no one can take away, even if scrap Roasting Flame Black Gold. 这些黑石,皆是神级炼器材料——炙炎黑金,并且还是神级上品,非常的珍贵,曾惹得无数人为之眼馋,但是却包括绝代神王在内,没有任何人能收走哪怕是一小块炙炎黑金 At present, our only escape routes, are this lava sea.” Jian Chen suspended in the midair, is staring in the piece of lava of under foot, expression is dignified. “目前,我们唯一的退路,就是这片熔岩海洋。”剑尘悬浮在半空中,盯着脚下的这片熔岩之中,神色凝重。 This piece of lava is very terrifying, has to burn to extinguish the prestige of the world, his Chaos Body in the 11 th strata time, he is not even able to be close to this lava sea, can only stay in the upper air is looking from afar. 这片熔岩很恐怖,拥有焚灭天地之威,他的混沌之体在第十一层时,他甚至都无法接近这片熔岩海洋,只能停留在高空远远望着。 Now, even if his Chaos Body reaches to 12-layer, similarly does not have the full assurance to be able with flesh body to resist the prestige of this lava. 如今,即便他混沌之体臻至第十二层,同样也没有十足的把握能用肉身抵抗这熔岩之威。 Enters in the tower quickly, this tower, because of this/should can guarantee us in the lava safe and sound.” Jian Chen puts out Huan Zhen Tower immediately, Huan Zhen Tower increases under his control suddenly, suspended in the upper air, that leaf of broken tower entrance has opened, urged Kai Ya. “快进塔中,这座塔,因该能保我们在熔岩之中安然无恙。”剑尘立即拿出还真塔,还真塔在他的控制之下骤然变大,悬浮在高空中,那扇残破的塔门已经打开,催促凯亚 Kai Ya knows the time press, is without hesitation, immediately wants to enter in the tower. However at this moment, a terrifying fluctuation of energy transmits from behind, sees only a giant long stick to extend from the distant place lives to come, have several long of ten miles, having a fearful strength to pound to Jian Chen. 凯亚知道时间紧迫,毫不迟疑,立即想要进入塔中。然而就在这时,一股恐怖的能量波动从身后传来,只见一根巨大的长棍从远方延生而来,足足有数十里之长,带着一股可怕的力量砸向剑尘 Peerless Generation God King has pursued 8-layer from 9-layer space, without hesitation acts to Jian Chen. 一名绝代神王已经从第九层空间追到了第八层,毫不犹豫的对剑尘出手。 Divine Item!” Jian Chen complexion changes, in an instant identifies this long stick, similarly is Divine Item. 神器!”剑尘脸色微变,刹那间就辨认出这长棍,同样是一件神器 And, person who because has Divine Item is Peerless Generation God King in the true sense, the might that therefore this Divine Item plays, must by far strong Mister Shu. 且,由于持有神器的人是一名真正意义上的绝代神王,因此这件神器所发挥的威力,要远远强过书先生 Jian Chen expression is dignified, within the body Chaos Force revolves, in the hand the long sword punctures suddenly, resists this stick. 剑尘神色凝重,体内混沌之力运转,手中长剑猛然刺出,抵挡这一棍。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound, the Jian Chen body trembles fiercely, the strength that the long stick contains imagines compared with him even more powerful, at this moment he only felt that the entire right arm of own passed out, a powerful strength following the arm transmission comes, to proliferate his whole body, making him feel like the bone of whole body to be broken. 一声巨响,剑尘身躯剧烈一颤,长棍所蕴含的力量比他想象中的还要强大,此刻他只感觉自己的整条右臂都失去了知觉,一股绝强的力量更是顺着手臂传递而来,扩散他全身,让他感觉似乎全身的骨头都要被震碎。 Suddenly, wipes azure sword light to come air-splitting, a flying sword drags the long azure tail flame to shoot at Kai Ya. 骤然,一抹青色剑光破空而来,一柄飞剑拖着长长的青色尾焰射向凯亚 After this sword light, is five powerful attacks follows closely but, attacks respectively to Jian Chen and Kai Ya two people. 自这道剑光之后,又是五道强大的攻击紧随而至,分别攻向剑尘凯亚二人。 That seven Peerless Generation God King had pursued from 9-layer space, making a move of being relentless. 那七名绝代神王已经从第九层空间追了下来,毫不留情的出手。 After their seven people, is a group of strength God King, at this moment, they scatter in all directions, will assume surrounding certainly Jian Chen and Kai Ya two people encircles. 在他们七人之后,则是一大群实力不等的神王,此刻,他们四散开来,呈包围之势将剑尘凯亚两人团团围住。 Jian Chen complexion becomes incomparably stern, these Peerless Generation God King make a move, the might was really strong, several people jointly, even if he had Chaos Body, still needs to evade the point temporarily, among them also some people had Divine Item let alone. 剑尘脸色变得无比严峻,这些绝代神王出手,威力实在是太强了,数人联手之下,即便是他有混沌之体,也需要暂避锋芒,更何况他们当中还有人持有神器 But at present, he is draws back does not have to draw back, evades not to be possible to evade, but, before only has Huan Zhen Tower transfers to the body, resists these attacks. 但眼下,他是退无可退,避无可避,无奈之下,唯有将还真塔移到身前,抵挡这些攻击。 Bang! 轰! In a deafening bellow, the attack from several Peerless Generation God King falls in abundance on Huan Zhen Tower, the fearful energy storm makes below lava seethe, making the surrounding many volcanos erupt at the scene. 在一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,来自数位绝代神王的攻击纷纷落在还真塔上,可怕的能量风暴让下方的熔岩都翻腾不已,让周围不少火山都当场喷发。 Huan Zhen Tower suspended stands one's ground steadfastly in the upper air, has not rocked slightly, these Peerless Generation God King make a move, the might is very indeed fearful, but the distance shakes Huan Zhen Tower, but also difference really far. 还真塔悬浮在高空中岿然不动,没有晃动丝毫,这几名绝代神王出手,威力的确很可怕,但距离撼动还真塔,还差之甚远。 Goes in quickly!” Jian Chen shouted in a low voice, the situation is critical at present, he directly crude holds the shoulder of Kai Ya, threw into Kai Ya Huan Zhen Tower. “快进去!”剑尘一声低喝,眼下形势危急,他直接粗暴的抓住凯亚的肩膀,将凯亚扔进了还真塔中。 But at this moment, that seven Peerless Generation God Lord have approached in abundance, the potential of surrounding sieges Jian Chen, sends out vastly such as the terrifying imposing manner of sea every people, imposing manner direct impact Yunxiao, is very powerful. 而此刻,那七名绝代主神已经纷纷临近,以包围之势围困剑尘,每一人身上都散发出浩瀚如海的恐怖气势,气势直冲云霄,十分强大。 Jian Chen, we want that little girl, hands over that little girl, our not to make things difficult for you.” In seven people, a female opens the mouth, the sound is chilly, in the tone has the unquestionable dignity. 剑尘,我们只要那小女孩,交出那名小女孩,我们不为难你。”七人中,一名女子开口,声音清冷,语气中带着不容置疑的威严。 Their seven people, are maintaining certain distance from Jian Chen, is alerting in the heart, filled was vigilant the meaning, obviously is guarding against Jian Chen Profound Sword Qi. 他们七人,距离剑尘都保持着一定的距离,一个个都在心中戒备着,都充满了警惕之意,显然在防备着剑尘玄剑气 However these seven people are not a heart, is not a small group, when that female spoke, wore black clothed, facial features callous man, then did not wait for Jian Chen to reply, stood, in several li (0.5 km) foreign ship began a black iron rod, the iron rod rose suddenly to the ten miles length suddenly, is sending out the prestige of Divine Item, brings to hit toward Jian Chen that the vast and boundless fluctuation of energy was relentless. 不过这七人也并非一条心,不是属于一个小团体,在那名女子说话时,其中一名身穿黑衣,面容冷酷的男子,则是根本不等剑尘回答,站在数里之外轮动手中的一根黑色铁棍,铁棍骤然暴涨至十里长短,散发着神器之威,带着浩瀚而磅礴的能量波动毫不留情的朝着剑尘打去。 „My Bai Clan clansman was killed by this person in the wonder drug garden, regardless of this person whether hands over that little girl, he must die.” That master holds black clothed man cold voice of iron rod saying that murderous intention reveals completely. “我白氏家族的一名族人在神药园中被此人所杀,无论此人是否交出那名小女孩,他都必须要死。”那名手持铁棍的黑衣男子冷声说道,杀机毕露。 In the Jian Chen eye the cold glow flashes, without using Huan Zhen Tower resists this stick, he used second Profound Sword Qi without hesitation. 剑尘眼中寒芒一闪,没有动用还真塔抵挡这一棍,他毫不犹豫的使用了第二道玄剑气 Second Profound Sword Qi just a appearance, then changed into one bunch of dazzling white rays of light, sends out earth-shaking terrifying sword intent, to exceed the lightning speed to directly soar this black clothed man to go. 第二道玄剑气刚一出现,便化为一束刺目的白色光芒,一路散发出惊天动地的恐怖剑意,以超越闪电的速度直奔这名黑衣男子而去。 Profound Sword Qi, these Peerless Generation God King reveal to dread the color, even if Profound Sword Qi does not aim at them, but does not dare to treat it lightly, maintained several li (0.5 km) with Jian Chen from, at this moment in abundance cannot help but withdrew again a distance. 玄剑气一出,这几名绝代神王则是纷纷露出忌惮之色,即便玄剑气不是指向他们,但也不敢掉以轻心,原本就与剑尘保持数里距离,此刻纷纷不由自主的再次退后了一段距离。 Has experienced Goshawk of Profound Sword Qi might with own eyes, is dreading, flashes, in an instant withdraws to hundred li (0.5 km) beyond. 亲眼见识过玄剑气威力的苍鹰,则是更加的忌惮,一闪之间,刹那间退后到百里之外。 Grasps the black clothed man of iron rod, the pupil also shrinks suddenly, hit to the Jian Chen Divine Item level iron rod, changes the path instantaneously, wants to strike the powder Profound Sword Qi, simultaneously figure suddenly retreat. 手持铁棍的黑衣男子,瞳孔也是猛然一缩,原本打向剑尘神器级铁棍,也是瞬间改变轨迹,想要将玄剑气击散,同时身形暴退 However, Profound Sword Qi speed was really quick, broke through the space distance completely, even among their both were separated by several li (0.5 km) from, but in front of Profound Sword Qi, was still close, completely there is no distance, the iron rod in his hand, made to return to base radically without enough time. 然而,玄剑气速度实在是太快了,完全突破了空间的距离,即便他们两者之间相隔数里距离,但在玄剑气面前,也是近在咫尺,完全没有任何距离可言,他手中的铁棍,根本就来不及做出回防。 Among the electric light flint, Battle Armor appears from the black clothed man, covers his whole body. 电光火石之间,一件战甲黑衣男子身上浮现而出,将他全身笼罩。 This is best-quality defense Saint Item Battle Armor, wants by this defense Profound Sword Qi. 这是一件极品防御圣器战甲,想要以此防御玄剑气 Profound Sword Qi is actually not common sword qi, this is old master homemade Sword Art of Purple-Azure Sword Spirits, is God level peak Sword Art, seizes the mystery of the world, adds on the vigor to condense by Sword Dao Principle, attacking the method is unusual, it disregards best-quality defense Saint Item directly, puts from Battle Armor of black clothed man, stabbed his Primordial Spirit. 只是玄剑气却并非寻常的剑气,此乃紫青剑灵的老主人自创的剑诀,乃是神级巅峰剑诀,夺天地之奥妙,是以剑道法则加上精气神凝聚而成,攻击手段非同一般,它直接无视极品防御圣器,从黑衣男子的战甲中一穿而过,刺中了他的元神 —— grasps the emanation pitiful yell that the black clothed man of iron rod can not help, Primordial Spirit in the heavy losses that flash suffering is inconceivable, withstood the soul by the tear great pain, the body is dropped from the upper air. “啊——”手持铁棍的黑衣男子情不自禁的发出惨叫,元神在一瞬间遭受难以想象的重创,承受着灵魂被撕裂般的巨大痛楚,身躯从高空中跌落了下去。 When the black clothed man will soon fall into below lava, immediately Bai Clan God King flew from the rear area, caught his body. 黑衣男子即将跌入下方的熔岩之中时,立即有一名白氏家族神王从后方飞了上来,接住了他的身躯。 Good fearful secret skill!” Surroundings, besides Goshawk, another five Peerless Generation God King has a lingering fear in abundance, Profound Sword Qi, imagines them is more fearful. “好可怕的秘法!”周围,除了苍鹰之外,另外五名绝代神王纷纷心有余悸,玄剑气,比他们想象中的还要可怕。
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