CSG :: Volume #21

#2075: Resists Divine Item ( 1 )

big brother, you... you helped us.” At this moment, the Xiao Man sound conveyed from behind, sees only her to awake to transfer from the stupor, is enduring ache, bit a little white tooth to stand from the ground slowly, that bright eye, is having several points worry about color is looking at all around. 大哥哥,你...你又帮了我们。”就在这时,小蛮的声音从后面传来,只见她已经从昏迷中醒转了过来,正忍着身上的疼痛,咬着一口小白牙从地上慢慢的站了起来,那双明亮的眼睛,正带着几分担忧之色的望着四周。 Since she was protected by a mysterious strength, express that the injury on Xiao Man receiving also restores, has restored almost now, therefore present she, already and does not have any obstructed greatly. 自从她被一股神秘力量保护之后,小蛮身上所受的伤势也恢复的特别快,如今已经恢复的七七八八了,因此现在的她,已经并没有什么大碍了。 Xiao Man, you are all right.” A Zi Yun arrow step arrives at side Xiao Man, filled was concerned and worried, subconscious extended both hands to hug to Xiao Man, but is unable to touch the Xiao Man body, could not be seen by a naked eye, even was even Spiritual Consciousness the mysterious strength that was hard to induce preventing. 小蛮,你没事吧。”紫韵一个箭步来到小蛮身边,充满了关切和担忧,下意识的就伸出双手抱向小蛮,但根本就无法触碰到小蛮的身躯,被一股肉眼看不见,甚至是连神识都难以感应的神秘力量给阻挡住了。 But Xiao Man, has not known to happen at own matter obviously, she is looking at all around enough over a hundred God King Realm powerhouse, desperate gradual spreads in the heart. 小蛮,显然还并不知晓发生在自己身上的事,她望着四周足足上百名神王境强者,一股绝望逐渐的在心中蔓延。 Zi Yun Big Sister, were we difficult to escape die.” Xiao Man said in a low voice, the face puttying like the earth, the mood is very low, at once the vision looks to the Jian Chen back, said: big brother, you walk quickly, do not manage us.” 紫韵姐姐,我们是不是难逃一死了。”小蛮低声说道,面灰如土,情绪很低落,旋即目光看向剑尘的背影,道:“大哥哥,你快走吧,不要管我们了。” Xiao Man, do not worry, you have received in Azure Sea Divine Palace now the asylum of this stretch of the world, here no one can injure to you, even if Big Sister dies, you will definitely not have the least bit danger. Xiao Man, if Big Sister died here, after that you must understand that looked after own well.” Zi Yun said, now the situation is not very optimistic, even if there is Jian Chen here, she has not grasped own to live. 小蛮,你不要担心,你现在已经受到沧海神宫内这片天地的庇护,在这里没有任何人能伤的到你,就算是姐姐死,你也绝对不会有半点危险。小蛮,如果姐姐死在了这里,那以后你一定要懂得好好照顾自己。”紫韵说道,现在形势很不乐观,即便是有剑尘在这里,她也没有把握自己能够活下来。 Does not want, I do not want Big Sister dead, Big Sister had received so many grievance for Xiao Man, Xiao Man will be will not make Big Sister have the matter absolutely, even if Xiao Man will die, cannot make Big Sister encounter any danger absolutely.” Xiao Man eye average tears, face earnest saying. “不要,我不要姐姐死,姐姐为了小蛮已经受了这么多的委屈,小蛮是绝对不会让姐姐有事的,就算是小蛮死,也绝对不能让姐姐遇到任何一点危险。”小蛮眼中流着泪水,一脸认真的说道。 Their two people, although does not have the least bit blood relationship, but the depth of sentiment, has actually exceeded kissing/betrothal of bloodlines. 她们两人,虽说没有半点血缘关系,但是感情之深,却早已超越了血脉之亲。 Because when facing real life and death crisis, even some blood brothers of liking brothers, will perhaps make to abandon the kinship, discards the relatives and friends, alone behavior of escape. But Xiao Man and Zi Yun two people will actually not make such matter. 因为在面临着真正的生死危机时,即便是一些情同手足的亲兄弟,或许都会做出抛弃亲情,舍弃亲友,独自逃命的行为。而小蛮紫韵两人却不会做出这样的事情来。 Jian Chen is then looking at Zi Yun and Xiao Man, among expression flashes through a hesitant color, but clenches teeth finally, took Huan Zhen Tower. Huan Zhen Tower at first in the Jian Chen hand, merely fist size, when but Huan Zhen Tower falls in the ground, has actually turned into ten zhang (3.33 m). 剑尘回头望着紫韵小蛮,神色间闪过一丝犹豫之色,但最终一咬牙,将还真塔拿了出来。还真塔最初在剑尘手中,仅仅不过拳头大小,但当还真塔落在地面上时,却已经变成十丈大小。 Who said that you will die here, you two go in quickly, if wins next time, perhaps your also life force / vitality, if continues to delay, perhaps that really fell into the hopeless situation.” Jian Chen shouted to Zi Yun and Xiao Man lowly. “谁说你们会死在这里,你们两个赶快进去,若是争取一下时间,或许你们还有一线生机,如果继续拖延下去,那恐怕就真的陷入绝境了。”剑尘对着紫韵小蛮低喝道。 Jian Chen, do not do were not studious, you also look do not clear the form, today you are not possible to carry off this little girl absolutely.” Mister Shu has not begun eagerly, stands opposite of Jian Chen calm saying. 剑尘,你还是不要做无用功了,你难道还看不清场中的形式吗,今日你是绝对不可能将这小女孩带走的。”书先生没有急于动手,站在剑尘对面气定神闲的说道。 Jian Chen, we to this little girl have no interest, Great Primal Beginning Realm inheriting us not to want, heavenly material treasure that so long as you obtain the wonder drug garden in takes to share with the brothers, our several brothers withdraw immediately.” In the crowd, there is a God King powerhouse opens the mouth. 剑尘,我们对这小女孩没兴趣,混元始境传承我们也不要,你只要将神药园内得到的天材地宝拿出来与兄弟们共享,我们几兄弟立即退出。”人群中,有神王强者开口。 Hehe, some little girl indeed secrets, but I also had self-knowledge, knows that no matter what secret, was not we can participate, made these Peerless Generation God King compete, I was only interested in the inheritance of Great Primal Beginning Realm......” “嘿嘿,那小女孩的确有一些秘密,但我也有自知之明,知道那不管是什么秘密,都不是我们所能参与进去的,还是让那些绝代神王去竞争吧,我只对混元始境的传承感兴趣......” Jian Chen, you left were too naive, is it possible that you think that with tattered small tower, can take away inadequately them......” 剑尘,你别太天真了,莫非你以为凭着一座破破烂烂的小塔,就能将她们带走不成......” All around God King sends out to sneer. 四周的神王纷纷发出冷笑。 And at this time, two person's shadows hold up to come from the distant place wind spreading electricity, respectively is one old one few. 并且在这时,又有两道人影从远处风驰电擎而来,分别为一老一少。 Sees the arrival of this two people, the pupil of Jian Chen to shrink, these two people of he is not strange, one of them God Lord tablet's first Mo Cheng. 看见这两人的到来,剑尘的瞳孔一缩,这二人他并不陌生,其中一人正是主神碑第一的莫城 Mo Cheng in God Lord Realm, Jian Chen has not cared him now as before, but follows in Mo Cheng old man, is not be ignored. 莫城如今依旧在主神境,剑尘并没有将他放在心上,只是跟随在莫城身边的老者,却是不可小视。 Jian Chen could not attend to with Mister Shu haggled over, his moved sideways to arrive at side Zi Yun, rashly held the shoulder of Zi Yun, threw into her Huan Zhen Tower, is also shouting to clear the way to Xiao Man lowly: Be not gawking, goes in quickly.” 剑尘也顾不得与书先生计较了,他一个闪身来到紫韵身边,不由分说的就抓住紫韵的肩膀,将她扔进了还真塔中,然后又对着小蛮低喝道:“别愣着,快进去。” Xiao Man saw Zi Yun to enter in Huan Zhen Tower, has not naturally hesitated, rushes over toward Huan Zhen Tower fast, when she just about to strides in the Huan Zhen Tower front door, protected her mysterious strength to appear, formed an invisible barrier to prevent before the Xiao Man body, how making Xiao Man such as discuss unable to enter Huan Zhen Tower. 小蛮紫韵都进入了还真塔中,自然也是没有丝毫迟疑,快速朝着还真塔冲了过去,只是在她刚要跨入还真塔的大门时,护住她的那股神秘力量出现了,形成了一道无形的屏障阻挡在小蛮身前,让小蛮如论如何也进不了还真塔 „The little girl, because of should with some Azure Sea Divine Palace connections, the Azure Sea Divine Palace strength protect her. That tower, seemingly broken incomparable, but is very in fact uncommon, if the old man has not guessed that wrong, that tower because of this/should can isolate the Azure Sea Divine Palace strength, otherwise, the Azure Sea Divine Palace strength was impossible to prevent the little girl to enter in this tower, because the little girl has entered in the tower, the Azure Sea Divine Palace strength lost the function.” Follows fiery in Mo Cheng Goshawk pair of old eyes is staring at Xiao Man, at once careful is sizing up that tower, reveals the color of thinking. “那小女孩,因该与沧海神宫有些关联,沧海神宫的力量在保护她。还有那座塔,看似残破无比,但实际上却很不凡,如果老夫没猜错的话,那座塔因该可以隔绝沧海神宫的力量,否则的话,沧海神宫的力量也不可能阻止小女孩进入这座塔中了,因为那小女孩已进入塔中,沧海神宫的力量就失去了作用。”跟随在莫城身边的苍鹰一双老眼炯炯有神的盯着小蛮,旋即又仔仔细细的打量着那座塔,露出思索之色。 This Azure Sea Divine Palace is high-grade Divine Item, although without Item Spirit, but also very powerful, actually that tower is what rank, the Azure Sea Divine Palace strength is not even able to infiltrate unexpectedly.” Mo Cheng surprised saying. “这沧海神宫可是一件上品神器,尽管没有器灵,但也是非常的强大,那座塔究竟是什么等级,竟然连沧海神宫的力量都无法渗透。”莫城一脸惊讶的说道。 That tower, at least is also Divine Item, because only then with is Divine Item, regardless of the Rank height, can isolate the Azure Sea Divine Palace strength to infiltrate.” Goshawk said. “那座塔,至少也是一件神器,因为只有同为神器,无论品阶高低,都能隔绝沧海神宫的力量渗透。”苍鹰说道。 Another side, Jian Chen sees Xiao Man unable to enter Huan Zhen Tower, in the eye the fine glow flashes immediately, cold snort, controls to be the Huan Zhen Tower strength immediately. 另一边,剑尘小蛮无法进入还真塔,眼中精芒顿时一闪,一声冷哼,立即控制属于还真塔的力量。 Huan Zhen Tower has been built up by Jian Chen to 5-layer now, he to Huan Zhen Tower, has been able to achieve the control of initial-stage, including utilizing a faint trace is the Huan Zhen Tower strength. 还真塔如今已经被剑尘炼化到第五层,他对还真塔,已经可以做到初步的控制了,包括运用一丝丝属于还真塔的力量。 Strength that this belongs to Huan Zhen Tower, although is very weak, when used to oppose the enemy, will not play the heaven defying effect, but sometimes, can actually display the effect. 这一丝属于还真塔的力量,尽管很微弱,若是用来对敌的话,也不会起到逆天的效果来,但是在某些时候,却是能发挥出奇效。 Sees only under the control of Jian Chen, the strength that this belongs to Huan Zhen Tower fills the air immediately, entire Huan Zhen Tower that made sent out light golden rays of light, region that any rays of light covered, as if became a stretch of the world, just like forming an independent world. 只见在剑尘的控制之下,这一丝属于还真塔的力量顿时弥漫出来,令的整座还真塔都散发出淡淡的金色光芒,凡是光芒笼罩的区域,似乎都自成一片天地,宛如形成了一处独立的世界。 When this golden brilliance covers the Xiao Man body, around the Xiao Man body mysterious strength was isolated immediately, without the hindrance of this mysterious strength, Xiao Man strided in Huan Zhen Tower all of a sudden. 当这层金色的光辉将小蛮的身躯笼罩时,小蛮身体周围的神秘力量顿时被隔绝开来,没有这股神秘力量的阻碍,小蛮一下子就跨入了还真塔中。 Meanwhile, Nirvana Immortal Venerable kept the Huan Zhen Tower above seal to start to regain consciousness in the past, proliferates all sword marks on Huan Zhen Tower to start to shine, starts to suppress the Huan Zhen Tower strength, the strength that that short two time of breath, Jian Chen transfers belongs to Huan Zhen Tower, is then given the suppression by the seal that Nirvana Immortal Venerable leaves behind stubbornly. 与此同时,寂灭仙尊当年留在还真塔上面的封印开始苏醒,遍布在还真塔上面的所有剑痕都开始发光,开始压制还真塔的力量,短短不过两个呼吸的时间,剑尘调动的那一丝属于还真塔的力量,便被寂灭仙尊留下的封印给压制的死死的。 Shortly, during the rays of light dissipation that Huan Zhen Tower sends out, belongs to again is ordinary. 顷刻间,还真塔散发出的光芒消散,再次归于平凡之中。 Jian Chen wields, took back Huan Zhen Tower by quickest speed, greeted Kai Ya, grazed to go with Kai Ya two people like lightning. 剑尘手一挥,以最快的速度收回了还真塔,招呼一声凯亚,与凯亚两人闪电般飞掠而去。 At present this form, is not wonderful to them, obviously is not suitable to deal with Ninth Prince and the others, if continues to stay, making many Peerless Generation God King collect, that will be more difficult to deal with. 眼下这个形式,对他们非常不妙,显然不适合对付九皇子等人,若是继续停留,让更多的绝代神王汇集过来,那将更难对付。 Jian Chen, you think that you can also walk?” On the Mister Shu face shows the temperate smile, Divine Item Heavenly Ghost Black Wind Fan has appeared in his hands, gently during instigation, sun and moon does not have the light, gloomy, source strength becomes the unusual disorder, fearful black wind appears suddenly, sends out the prestige of destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth to go toward the Jian Chen volume seat. 剑尘,你以为你还走得掉吗?”书先生脸上露出温和的笑容,神器天煞黑风扇已经出现在他手中,轻轻煽动间,日月无光,天昏地暗,本源之力都变得异常紊乱,一股可怕的黑风骤然出现,一路散发出毁天灭地之威朝着剑尘卷席而去。 Divine Item!” All around, numerous God King send out to call out in alarm, vision solidify on that folding fan in Mister Shu hand, reveals the panic-stricken color. 神器!”四周,众多神王纷纷发出惊呼,一个个目光都凝固在书先生手中的那柄折扇上,露出惊骇之色。
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